Improving ready biodegradability testing of fatty amine derivatives

Improving ready biodegradability testing of fatty amine derivatives

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Chemosphere 73 (2008) 506–510

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Chemosphere j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w . e l s e v i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / ch e m o s p h e r e

Improving ready biodegradability testing of fatty amine derivatives C.G. van Ginkel a,*, C. Gancet b, M. Hirschen c, M. Galobardes d, Ph. Lemaire e, J. Rosenblom f a

Akzo Nobel Tech­nol­ogy and Engi­neer­ing, P.O. Box 5136, 6802 EC Arn­hem, Neth­er­lands ARK­EMA, P.O. Box 34, Lacq, 64170 Art­ix, France c Cla­ri­ant Prod­ukte (Deu­tsch­land) GmbH, 65926 Frank­furt am Main, Ger­many d Kao Chem­i­cals Europe S.L. Puig dels Tu­dons 10, 08210 Bar­ce­lona, Spain e Total Flu­ides, 51 Espla­nade de gen­eral de Gau­lle, La defense 10, 92907 Paris, France f Akzo Nobel Sur­fac­tants AB, S-444 85 Sten­ungs­und, Swe­den b

a r t i c l e

i n f o

Article history: Received 13 March 2008 Received in revised form 11 June 2008 Accepted 12 June 2008 Available online 31 July 2008  Key­words: OECD ready bio­de­grad­abil­ity tests Fatty amine deriv­a­tives Tox­ic­ity Bio­avail­abil­ity

a b s t r a c t This study assesses the bio­deg­ra­da­tion potential of a num­ber of fatty amine deriv­a­tives in tests fol­low­ ing the OECD guide­lines for ready bio­de­grad­abil­ity. A num­ber of meth­ods are used to reduce tox­ic­ity and improve the bio­avail­abil­ity of the fatty amine deriv­a­tives in these tests. Alkyl-1,3-dia­mi­no­pro­panes and oc­ta­de­cylt­rim­e­thy­lam­mo­ni­um chlo­ride are toxic to micro­or­gan­isms at con­cen­tra­tions used in OECD ready bio­de­grad­abil­ity tests. The con­cen­tra­tion of these fatty amine deriv­a­tives in the aque­ous phase can be reduced by react­ing humic, or ligno­sul­phon­ic acids with the deriv­a­tives or through the addi­tion of sil­ica gel to the test bot­tles. Using these non-bio­de­grad­able sub­stances, ready bio­de­grad­abil­ity test results were obtained with tal­low-1,3-diami­no­pro­pane and oc­ta­de­cylt­rim­e­thy­lam­mo­ni­um chlo­ride. Dem­ on­stra­tion of the ready bio­de­grad­abil­ity of the water-insol­u­ble diocta­dec­yl­amine under the pre­scribed stan­dard con­di­tions is almost impos­si­ble due to the lim­ited bio­avail­abil­ity of this com­pound. How­ever, ready bio­de­grad­abil­ity results were achieved by using very low ini­tial test sub­stance con­cen­tra­tions and by intro­duc­ing an organic phase. The con­tents of the bot­tles used to assess the bio­de­grad­abil­ity of diocta­ dec­yl­amine were always mixed. False neg­a­tive bio­de­grad­abil­ity results obtained with the fatty amine deriv­a­tives stud­ied are the result of toxic effects and/or lim­ited bio­avail­abil­ity. The aids inves­ti­gated there­ fore improve ready bio­de­grad­abil­ity test­ing. © 2008 Else­vier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Intro­duc­tion Numer­ous stud­ies have shown that the most impor­tant pro­cess reduc­ing envi­ron­men­tal con­cen­tra­tions of organic chem­i­cals is bio­deg­ra­da­tion. Bio­deg­ra­da­tion is med­i­ated by micro­or­gan­isms par­tic­i­pat­ing in the recy­cling of ele­ments such as car­bon, nitro­gen and sul­phur. When deg­ra­da­tion of man-made chem­i­cals does not occur, accu­mu­la­tion must per­force take place. This insight resulted in the devel­op­ment of bio­de­grad­abil­ity tests for reg­u­la­tory pur­ poses. Of the tests devel­oped the ready bio­de­grad­abil­ity tests, designed to pro­vide lim­ited oppor­tu­nity for bio­deg­ra­da­tion to occur, are the most widely used. Organic com­pounds pass­ing these tests are assumed to bio­de­grade rap­idly and com­pletely in all aer­ o­bic eco­sys­tems and bio­log­i­cal treat­ment plants. A neg­a­tive result in a ready bio­de­grad­abil­ity test does not dem­on­strate that the com­pound is per­sis­tent in the envi­ron­ment. Rather, such a result means that estab­lish­ing (ready) bio­de­grad­abil­ity will require more com­pre­hen­sive test­ing.

* Cor­re­spond­ing author. Tel.: +31 26 3662634; fax: +31 26 3662528. E-mail address: kees.van­gin­kel@ak­zo­no­ (C.G. van Ginkel) . 0045-6535/$ - see front matter © 2008 Else­vier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2008.06.037

The Orga­ni­za­tion for Eco­nomic Coop­er­a­tion and Devel­op­ment (OECD) has pub­lished guide­lines for ready bio­de­grad­abil­ity tests such as the Sturm test, the MITI test and the Closed Bot­tle test. Ready bio­de­grad­abil­ity tests assess growth-linked bio­deg­ra­da­tion under aer­o­bic con­di­tions because the test sub­stance is added as sole car­bon and energy source. The use of car­bon diox­ide for­ma­ tion and oxy­gen deple­tion as mea­sures neces­si­tates the use of high ini­tial test sub­stance con­cen­tra­tions. For poorly water-sol­u­ble and toxic sub­stances, these spec­i­fied high test sub­stance con­cen­tra­ tions are con­tro­ver­sial because the test results are an unre­li­able pre­dic­tor of the envi­ron­men­tal fate of sub­stances pres­ent in the lg l¡1 range. An ini­tial con­cen­tra­tion as low as 0.5 mg/l of the test sub­stances can be applied in the Closed Bot­tle test, which is very low com­pared to the ini­tial con­cen­tra­tions used in other ready bio­ de­grad­abil­ity tests. The Closed Bot­tle test is there­fore con­sid­ered the most prom­is­ing test for toxic and poorly water-sol­u­ble com­ pounds. Fatty amine deriv­a­tives are an impor­tant class of anthro­po­ genic organic com­pounds con­tain­ing both hydro­pho­bic and pos­ i­tively charged hydro­philic moi­e­ties. The hydro­pho­bic group is gen­er­ally a hydro­car­bon chain of 10–20 car­bon atoms strongly affect­ing the water-sol­u­bil­ity and tox­ic­ity. The appar­ent non bio­de­ grad­abil­ity of fatty amine deriv­a­tives caused by the tox­ic­ity of the

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test ­ sub­stance was noted first by Dean-Ray­mond and Alex­an­der (1977). Reduc­tion of the tox­ic­ity of fatty amine deriv­a­tives in ready bio­de­grad­abil­ity tests has been achieved through the addi­tion of lin­ear al­kylbenzenesulph­o­nates, and sil­ica gel (Lar­son, 1983; van Gin­kel, 1995). The bio­deg­ra­da­tion of fatty amine deriv­a­tives may also be restricted by their lim­ited bio­avail­abil­ity, which is asso­ ci­ated with the hydro­pho­bic nature of long alkyl chains and the positive charge. Espe­cially fatty amine deriv­a­tives with long alkyl chains tend to strongly adsorb, thus becom­ing poorly avail­able for micro­or­gan­isms gen­er­ally located in the water phase (van Gin­kel et al., 2003). Use of inert ca­ri­ers and emul­si­fi­ers was pro­posed to solve prob­lems encoun­tered in assess­ing the ready bio­de­grad­abil­ ity of poorly water-sol­u­ble sub­stances (Ge­ri­ke, 1984; Hand­ley et al., 2002). Ef­roy­son and Alex­an­der (1991) used an organic phase to improve the bio­avail­abil­ity in bio­de­grad­abil­ity stud­ies. The pres­ ent inves­ti­ga­tion was deemed nec­es­sary in the light of con­flict­ing results obtained with fatty amine deriv­a­tives (Swisher, 1987). A jus­ ti­fi­able out­come of ready bio­de­grad­abil­ity tests requires improve­ ment of the meth­od­ol­ogy. To this end, this paper describes the chal­lenges pre­sented by ready bio­de­grad­abil­ity test­ing of diocta­dec­yl­amine, oc­ta­de­cylt­rim­ e­thy­lam­mo­ni­um salt, and alkyl-1,3-dia­mi­no­pro­panes. In addi­tion, infor­ma­tion on the bio­avail­abil­ity in tests, and pos­si­ble inhib­i­tory effects have been obtained by chem­i­cal anal­y­ses and tox­ic­ity tests, respec­tively. 2. Mate­ri­als and meth­ods


2.4. Closed Bot­tle test The Closed Bot­tle test was per­formed accord­ing to the Test Guide­lines (OECD, 1992). The nutri­ent medium of the Closed Bot­ tle test con­tained per litre of deion­ized water: 8.5 mg KH2PO4, 21.75 mg K2HPO4, 33.4 mg Na2HPO4 · 2H2O, 22.5 mg MgSO4 · 7H2O, 27.5 mg CaCl2, 0.25 mg FeCl3 · 6H2O. Ammo­nium chlo­ride was omit­ ted from the medium to pre­vent nitri­fi­ca­tion. The acti­vated sludge was always diluted to 2 mg DW (dry weight) l¡1 in the closed bot­ tles. The tests were per­formed in 0.3 l BOD (bio­log­i­cal oxy­gen demand) bot­tles with glass stop­pers. Use was made of three bot­ tles con­tain­ing only inoc­u­lum, and three bot­tles con­tain­ing the test sub­stance and inoc­u­lum. The ini­tial test sub­stance con­cen­tra­ tions in the bot­tles were 2.0, or 0.5 mg l¡1. The bot­tles con­tain­ing a mag­netic bar were closed and incu­bated in the dark on mag­netic stir­rer plates (150 rpm). The bio­deg­ra­da­tion was mea­sured by mon­i­tor­ing the course of the oxy­gen decrease in the bot­tles with a spe­cial fun­nel. This fun­nel fit­ted exactly in the BOD bot­tle. Sub­se­quently the oxy­ gen elec­trode was inserted in the BOD bot­tle to mea­sure the oxy­gen con­cen­tra­tion. The medium dis­si­pated by the elec­trode was col­lected in the fun­nel. After with­drawal of the oxy­gen elec­ trode, the col­lected medium flowed back into the BOD bot­tle, fol­lowed by removal of the fun­nel and clos­ing of the BOD bot­tle (van Gin­kel and Stroo, 1992). Con­trols with humic acid, ligno­sul­ phon­ic acid, or sil­ica gel but with­out test sub­stance were always included.

2.1. Mate­ri­als 2.5. Meth­ods to reduce tox­ic­ity in the bio­de­grad­abil­ity tests Diocta­dec­yl­amine (CAS No. 112-99-2), oc­ta­de­cylt­rim­e­thy­lam­ mo­ni­um chlo­ride (CAS No. 112-03-8) and sil­i­cone oil AR 20 were pur­chased from Fluka Che­mi­ka, Buc­hs, Swit­zer­land. The alkyl1,3-dia­mi­no­pro­panes used were pro­vided by Akzo Nobel Sur­fac­ tants, Sten­ungs­und, Swe­den and CECA, Paris, France. The purity of the alkyl-1,3-dia­mi­no­pro­panes was deter­mined to be >95%. ­Ligno­sul­phon­ic acid, sodium salt and humic acid, sodium salt were pur­chased from Sigma–Aldrich, Zwijndrecht, Neth­er­lands. The pol­yalk­oxy­late al­kyl­phe­nol (Ag­nique BP NP 1530) was obtained from Cog­nis Corp. Cinci­nat­ti Oh, US. Sil­ica Gel 100 (0.2–05 mm) was obtained from Merck, Darms­tadt, Ger­many. Deion­ized water ­con­tain­ing no more than 0.01 mg l¡1 Cu was prepared in a water puri­fi­ca­tion sys­tem. 2.2. Acti­vated sludge Acti­vated sludge was col­lected from aer­a­tion tanks of a waste­ wa­ter treat­ment plant located in Du­i­ven, Neth­er­lands and Abi­dos 64, France. These plants treat waste­wa­ter of which >80% is from domes­tic sources. The acti­vated sludge was col­lected one week prior to the ini­ti­a­tion of the tests, and pre­con­di­tioned through con­ tin­u­ous aer­a­tion dur­ing this period to allow min­i­mi­za­tion of the endog­e­nous res­pi­ra­tion (van Gin­kel and Stroo, 1992). 2.3. Tox­ic­ity tests Tox­ic­ity tests were per­formed with either Vib­rio fisc­her­i (Mi­cro­tox®) or with acti­vated sludge. Acute tox­ic­ity to V. fisc­her­i was ­deter­mined accord­ing to the EN ISO 11348-3 (1998) stan­dard using a Micr­o­bics M500 lumi­nes­cence ana­lyzer. Tests to deter­mine inhi­bi­tion of the res­pi­ra­tion of acti­vated sludge were car­ried out accord­ing to EN ISO 8192 (1986). The medium used con­tained the fol­low­ing ingre­di­ents per 1 litre of deion­ized water: 16 g pep­ tone, 11 g beef extract, 3 g urea, 0.7 g NaCl, 0.4 g CaCl2 · 2H2O, 0.2 g MgSO4 · 7H2O, 2.8 g K2HPO4. Oxy­gen con­sump­tion of the sludge was mon­i­tored elec­tro­chem­i­cally.

Each bot­tle con­tained 2 g of sil­ica gel to reduce the tox­ic­ity to the micro­or­gan­isms. Addi­tion of sil­ica gel made agi­ta­tion of the con­tents of the bot­tles prob­lem­atic because the rota­tion of the stir­ rer bars was com­pli­cated. Both humic acid and ligno­sul­phon­ic acid were added at a con­cen­tra­tion of 2 mg l¡1 in the bot­tles. 2.6. Meth­ods to enhance bio­avail­abil­ity of water-insol­u­ble com­pounds Accu­rate admin­is­tra­tion at con­cen­tra­tions rang­ing from 0.5 to 2.0 (stan­dard) mg l¡1 in the bot­tles was accom­plished by first dis­solv­ing diocta­dec­yl­amine in dichlo­ro­meth­ane. The test sub­ stance in dichlo­ro­meth­ane (approx­i­mately 10 ml) was directly added to bot­tles. The sol­vent was allowed to evap­o­rate by plac­ ing the bot­tles on a roller bank in a ven­ti­lated hood for 24 h to obtain an even dis­tri­bu­tion of the test sub­stance on the walls of the bot­tles. Sus­pen­sions of diocta­dec­yl­amine were obtained by add­ing 0.1 g of the test sub­stance and 0.1, 0.25, or 0.5 g of pol­yalk­oxy­late al­kyl­phe­nol in 20 ml of deion­ized water. These mix­tures were ul­tra­ son­i­fied for 20 min at 200 W using a Vibra cell ultra­sonic pro­ces­ sor (Son­ics Vibra Cell New­town, CT USA) giv­ing sus­pen­sions. The sus­pen­sions were diluted in min­eral salts medium con­tain­ing acti­ vated sludge to give a test sub­stance con­cen­tra­tion of 2.0 mg l¡1 in the bot­tles. Diocta­dec­yl­amine was also dis­solved in sil­i­cone oil AR 20 at a con­cen­tra­tion of 0.2 g l¡1. Oil-in-water emul­sions were prepared by mix­ing 10 ml of the sil­i­cone oil and 10 ml of water con­tain­ ing 1.0 g l¡1 of the pol­yalk­oxy­late al­kyl­phe­nol. An emul­sion was obtained by mag­net­i­cally stir­ring the water and oil mix­ture in a bea­ker glass for 10 min at 600 rpm. This emul­sion was made up to a litre with min­eral salts medium con­tain­ing acti­vated sludge. This pro­ce­dure results in a sil­i­cone oil con­cen­tra­tion of 1.0% and a pol­ yalk­oxy­late al­kyl­phe­nol con­cen­tra­tion of 10 mg l¡1 in the bot­tles. The test sub­stance con­cen­tra­tion was 2.0 mg l¡1.


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2.7. Anal­y­ses A blade ten­si­om­e­ter (Kru­ess K9 ten­si­om­e­ter) was used to mea­ sure the sur­face ten­sion of a series of alkyl-1,3-di­amine­pro­panes con­cen­tra­tions. Dilu­tions from 0.4 to 100 mg l¡1 were prepared from a 1 g l¡1 mother solu­tion in C.4-E medium. To assess the adsorp­tion of sil­ica gel, 100 ml of each dilu­tion was added to closed flasks con­tain­ing var­i­ous amounts of sil­ica. Flasks were then stirred over­night on roller devices and mea­sure­ments were car­ried out the fol­low­ing day. The dis­solved oxy­gen con­cen­tra­tions were deter­mined elec­tro­ chem­i­cally using an oxy­gen elec­trode (WTW Tri­ox­mat­ic EO 200) and meter (WTW OXI 530) (Rets­ch, Och­ten, Neth­er­lands). The pH was mea­sured using a Knick 765 cal­i­mat­ic pH meter (Elek­tron­i­ sche Mess­ger­ate GmbH, Ber­lin, Ger­many). The tem­per­a­ture was mea­sured and recorded with a ther­mo­cou­ple con­nected to a data log­ger. The dry weight (DW) of the inoc­u­lum was deter­mined by fil­ter­ing 50 ml of the acti­vated sludge over a pre­weighed 12 lm Schlei­cher and Schu­ell fil­ter. This fil­ter was dried for 1.5 h at 104 °C and weighed after cool­ing. DW was cal­cu­lated by sub­tract­ing the weight of the fil­ters and by divid­ing this dif­fer­ence by the fil­tered vol­ume. 3. Results and dis­cus­sion 3.1. Tox­ic­ity It is fairly obvi­ous that there may be prob­lems assess­ing the bio­de­grad­abil­ity of chem­i­cals that are toxic to micro­or­gan­isms in ready bio­de­grad­abil­ity tests. Their bio­deg­ra­da­tion potential will depend on the con­cen­tra­tion the test sub­stance and the sus­cep­ti­bil­ ity of the com­pe­tent micro­or­gan­isms. Most fatty amine deriv­a­tives are toxic to micro­or­gan­isms and the mech­a­nism of tox­ic­ity is most likely mem­brane dis­rup­tion. It is impos­si­ble to assess the inhi­bi­tion of micro­or­gan­isms capa­ ble of degrad­ing the fatty amine deriv­a­tives pres­ent in the inoc­ u­lum of ready bio­de­grad­abil­ity tests. Nev­er­the­less, the effect of fatty amine deriv­a­tives on micro­bial activ­ity was inves­ti­gated in a num­ber of tox­ic­ity tests to deter­mine the pos­si­ble influ­ence on the bio­deg­ra­da­tion at con­cen­tra­tions applied in ready bio­de­grad­ abil­ity tests. In the acti­vated sludge res­pi­ra­tion test, the EC50-3h of coco-1,3-diami­no­pro­pane was 3.0 mg l¡1. For tal­low-1,3-diami­no­ pro­pane, an EC50 value of 6.0 mg l¡1 was mea­sured. EC50 (15 min) lumi­nes­cence inhi­bi­tion val­ues of 3.0 mg l¡1 were deter­mined for both tal­low-1,3-diami­no­pro­pane, and coco-1,3-diami­no­pro­pane. Finally, the effects of coco-1,3-diami­no­pro­pane, and tal­low-1,3diami­no­pro­pane were assessed by mea­sur­ing the oxy­gen con­ sump­tion of the acti­vated sludge used as inoc­u­lum in the Closed Bot­tle test for one week at var­i­ous con­cen­tra­tions of the test sub­ stance. With tal­low-1,3-diami­no­pro­pane, inhi­bi­tion of the endog­e­ nous res­pi­ra­tion was detected at all con­cen­tra­tions tested (Fig. 1). Coco-1,3-ami­no­pro­pane was less toxic to acti­vated sludge. Higher oxy­gen con­sump­tion was detected at coco-1,3-diami­no­pro­pane con­cen­tra­tions of 0.5 and 1.0 dem­on­strat­ing accli­ma­ti­za­tion of the sludge to coco-1,3-diami­no­pro­pane within one week. At the high­est con­cen­tra­tions tested, i.e. 4.0 and 8.0 mg l¡1, inhi­bi­tion of the res­pi­ra­tion was still found after one week (data not shown). All these results indi­cate that toxic effects result­ing in reduced bio­ deg­ra­da­tion of the alkyl-1,3-dia­mi­no­pro­panes can­not be excluded espe­cially in ready bio­de­grad­abil­ity tests using high ini­tial test sub­ stance con­cen­tra­tions. The pres­ence of sil­ica gel, humic acid and ligno­sul­phon­ic acid may pre­vent inhi­bi­tion of the micro­bial activ­ity of the acti­vated sludge used as inoc­u­lum. Addi­tion of these sub­stances may result in adsorp­tion of the test sub­stance on the sil­ica gel or in the for­ ma­tion of non-toxic com­plexes. The influ­ence of the addi­tion of

Fig. 1. Oxy­gen con­sump­tion by acti­vated sludge in bot­tles in the absence (j) and in pres­ence of 0.5 (h), 2.0 (d) and 8.0 (s) mg l¡1 tal­low-1,3-diami­no­pro­pane. Each point rep­re­sents the mean (±SD) of three rep­li­cates.

sil­ica gel on the con­cen­tra­tion of coco-1,3-diami­no­pro­pane was mea­sured through the sur­face ten­sion. This sim­ple ana­lyt­i­cal method not requir­ing extrac­tion was cho­sen because it reflects the aque­ous (bio­avail­able) frac­tion. At a nom­i­nal con­cen­tra­tion of 10 mg l¡1 coco-1,3-diami­no­pro­pane, addi­tion of 0.22 g l¡1 of sil­ ica gel resulted in a coco-1,3-diami­no­pro­pane con­cen­tra­tion of 2.0 mg/l. A decrease in con­cen­tra­tion from 10 to below 1 mg l¡1 was found in the pres­ence of 6.7 g l¡1 of sil­ica gel (Fig. 2). Com­pa­ ra­ble results were obtained with humic and ligno­sul­phon­ic acids and other alkyl-1,3-dia­mi­no­pro­panes. These results dem­on­strate that a decrease of the con­cen­tra­tion of tal­low-1,3-diami­no­pro­pane to a non-toxic level through the addi­tion of sil­ica gel, humic and ligno­sul­phon­ic acids can be achieved. Indeed, addi­tional oxy­gen con­sump­tion was noted in the pres­ ence of tal­low-1,3-diami­no­pro­pane after one week in the pres­ ence of sil­ica gel and after two weeks in the pres­ence humic and ligno­sul­phon­ic acids, which cor­re­sponded to bio­deg­ra­da­tion per­ cent­ages of approx­i­mately 20. After 28 days >60% bio­deg­ra­da­tion was achieved with sil­ica gel. The results obtained with humic and

Fig. 2. Sur­face ten­sion of coco-1,3-diami­no­pro­pane solu­tions in the pres­ence of 2.2 (j) and 6.7 (e) g l¡1 of sil­ica gel and with­out sil­ica gel (h).

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Fig. 3. Bio­deg­ra­da­tion of oc­ta­de­cylt­rim­e­thy­lam­mo­ni­um chlo­ride in the Closed Bot­ tle tests with­out addi­tions (j) and with 2 g sil­ica per bot­tle (h), 2.0 mg l¡1 ligno­sul­ phon­ic acid (s) and 2.0 mg l¡1 humic acid (d).

l­ igno­sul­phon­ic acids were lower. Addi­tion of these acids might make the test sub­stance less bio­avail­able. Oc­ta­de­cylt­rim­e­thy­lam­mo­ni­um chlo­ride is also toxic to micro­ or­gan­isms (data not shown). Bio­deg­ra­da­tion of oc­ta­de­cylt­rim­e­ thy­lam­mo­ni­um chlo­ride was, as a result of this tox­ic­ity, was not observed in the Sturm test (Lar­son, 1983). Bio­deg­ra­da­tion was also not achieved in a stan­dard Closed Bot­tle test (Fig. 3). Oc­ta­de­cylt­ rim­e­thy­lam­mo­ni­um chlo­ride was there­fore also tested in the pres­ ence of sil­ica gel, ligno­sul­phon­ic acid and humic acid. Fig. 3 shows that sil­ica gel is the best aid avail­able to reduce the inhib­i­tory effects of oc­ta­de­cylt­rim­e­thy­lam­mo­ni­um chlo­ride. Positive results with hex­ade­cylt­rim­e­thy­lam­mo­ni­um chlo­ride were also obtained with the help of sil­ica gel by nine out of ten lab­o­ra­to­ries (Painter et al., 2003). The mean bio­deg­ra­da­tion of hex­ade­cylt­rim­e­thy­lam­ mo­ni­um chlo­ride found in Car­bon Diox­ide Head­space tests car­ried out by these lab­o­ra­to­ries was 75%. 3.2. Bio­avail­abil­ity Whereas the deg­ra­da­tion of water-sol­u­ble com­pounds can be deter­mined in any of the ready bio­de­grad­abil­ity tests, meth­ods for test­ing poorly water-sol­u­ble com­pounds are lim­ited. The BO­DIS test has been pre­sented as a pos­si­bil­ity (Ge­ri­ke, 1984; ISO 14593, 2005). How­ever, the intro­duc­tion of a gas phase in the test ves­sel of the BO­DIS test requires higher ini­tial test sub­stance con­cen­tra­tions com­pared to the Closed Bot­tle test. The Closed Bot­tle test allows ini­ tial test sub­stance con­cen­tra­tions as low as 0.5 mg l¡1, at which con­ cen­tra­tion a dis­tinc­tion between the back­ground res­pi­ra­tion and oxy­gen con­sump­tion in the pres­ence of the test sub­stance is still pos­si­ble. Mix­ing the con­tent of test flasks is impor­tant to increase the mass trans­fer of an poorly water-sol­u­ble sub­stance to the com­ pe­tent micro­or­gan­isms. This is eas­ily achieved in the Closed Bot­ tle test with the use of mag­netic stir­rer bars. In the Closed Bot­tle test, water-insol­u­ble test sub­stances are usu­ally applied with­out tak­ing into account pos­si­ble unequal dis­tri­bu­tion of the test sub­ stance on the wall of the bot­tle. A more even dis­tri­bu­tion of the test sub­stance on the walls of the bot­tles can be achieved by using a roller bank. Using the poorly water-sol­u­ble diocta­dec­yl­amine, lin­ear curves were obtained in the Closed Bot­tle test (Fig. 4). Lim­ited bio­avail­ abil­ity is expected to result in lin­ear instead of log­a­rith­mic bio­ deg­ra­da­tion curves. In gen­eral it has been reported that the mass


Fig. 4. Per­cent­age of bio­deg­ra­da­tion of diocta­dec­yl­amine ver­sus time in Closed Bot­tle tests. The ini­tial diocta­dec­yl­amine con­cen­tra­tions were 2 mg l¡1 (j,h) and 0.5 mg l¡1 (d). Closed leg­ends indi­cate mix­ing of the con­tent of the bot­tles.

trans­fer rate of poorly water-sol­u­ble organic com­pounds into the aque­ous phase is the rate-lim­it­ing step in their deg­ra­da­tion (Stucki and Alex­an­der, 1987; Alex­an­der, 1994). Meth­ods improv­ing the bio­ avail­abil­ity are there­fore essen­tial for the assess­ment of the bio­de­ grad­abil­ity. Mix­ing of the con­tent of the closed bot­tles enhanced the bio­de­grad­abil­ity of diocta­dec­yl­amine through increased mass trans­fer. Bio­deg­ra­da­tion per­cent­ages of 22 at day 28 and 65 at day 84 were achieved. In the stan­dard Closed Bot­tle test (with­out mix­ ing), 8%, 33%, and 61% bio­deg­ra­da­tion were reached at day 28, 84 and 140, respec­tively (Fig. 4). Mix­ing is a nor­mal phe­nom­e­non in both aquatic envi­ron­ments and the techn­o­sphere and there­fore a legit­i­mate improve­ment of the test pro­ce­dure. Lim­i­ta­tion of the bio­de­grad­abil­ity may be reduced fur­ther by decreas­ing the ini­tial test sub­stance con­cen­tra­tion. The bio­de­grad­abil­ity was there­fore also tested at 0.5 mg l¡1 of diocta­dec­yl­amine. Accu­rate assess­ment of the bio­de­grad­abil­ity of diocta­dec­yl­amine in a Closed Bot­tle test is still pos­si­ble at con­cen­tra­tions below 2.0 mg l¡1 by e.g. increas­ ing the num­ber of rep­li­cates. The mean oxy­gen con­cen­tra­tions and stan­dard devi­a­tions in six con­trol bot­tles and six bot­tles with 0.5 mg l¡1 diocta­dec­yl­amine at day 28 were 7.82 ± 0.15 and 6.53 ± 0.15. The observed dif­fer­ence of the mean val­ues assessed with t-sta­tis­tics was sig­nif­i­cantly dif­fer­ent at the 99% con­fi­dence level. Using the dif­fer­ence, 63% bio­deg­ra­da­tion was achieved at day 28 (Fig. 4). A con­cen­tra­tion of 0.5 mg l¡1 is still sev­eral orders of mag­ni­tude higher than the lev­els pre­dicted to occur in the envi­ ron­ment and waste­wa­ter treat­ment plants. The bio­avail­abil­ity of diocta­dec­yl­amine may be improved using an organic phase and/or sur­fac­tants. These sur­fac­tants should be non-toxic, be able to enhance sol­u­bi­li­za­tion of the test sub­stance and pref­er­a­bly be non-bio­de­grad­able. In nature micro­bial growth on water-insol­u­ble organic com­pounds as for instance hydro­car­ bons, is often accom­pa­nied by the appear­ance of bio­surf­ac­tants. Addi­tion of sur­fac­tants to increase the bio­deg­ra­da­tion in ready bio­ de­grad­abil­ity tests can there­fore be regarded as a nat­u­ral phe­nom­e­ non. Pol­yalk­oxy­late al­kyl­phe­nols are known for their recal­ci­trance. How­ever, lim­ited deg­ra­da­tion of the pol­yalk­oxy­late al­kyl­phe­nol used was found. The use of this sur­fac­tant should there­fore be lim­ ited to 10 mg l¡1 in the bot­tles result­ing in only minor addi­tional oxy­gen con­sump­tion. A “sus­pen­sion” of diocta­dec­yl­amine and the pol­yalk­oxy­late al­kyl­phe­nol could be prepared. Admin­is­tra­tion of diocta­dec­yl­amine as “sus­pen­sion” did not result in bio­deg­ra­da­tion of diocta­dec­yl­amine. Both increased and decreased ­bio­deg­ra­da­tion


C.G. van Gin­kel et al. / Chemosphere 73 (2008) 506–510

alkyl-1,3-dia­mi­no­pro­panes. Meth­ods to increase the bio­avail­abil­ ity of the poorly water-sol­u­ble diocta­dec­yl­amine are also effec­tive. The con­tra­dic­tory results obtained are inev­i­ta­ble due to the var­ied inter­ac­tions between the fatty amine deriv­a­tives and (in)organic sub­stances and the dif­fer­ent prop­er­ties of the fatty amine deriv­a­ tives. Con­flict­ing results in ready bio­de­grad­abil­ity tests are always treated by only con­sid­er­ing positive results as valid. Mix­ing the con­tents of the bot­tles, low con­cen­tra­tions of the test sub­stance and use of aids such as sur­fac­tants prob­a­bly results in con­di­tions mim­ic­ing the envi­ron­ment bet­ter than the con­di­tions in a stan­ dard ready bio­de­grad­abil­ity test. The meth­ods described there­fore improve bio­de­grad­abil­ity test­ing. Acknowl­edge­ment Finan­cial sup­port for the research described in this paper has been pro­vided by APAG. Ref­er­ences ¡1

Fig. 5. Bio­deg­ra­da­tion of diocta­dec­yl­amine (2.0 mg l ) in Closed Bot­tle test with sil­ i­cone oil as a sec­ond phase. The bio­deg­ra­da­tion was tested in the absence (j) and pres­ence of 10 mg l¡1 of pol­yalk­oxy­late al­kyl­phe­nol (h). Addi­tion of pol­yalk­oxy­late al­kyl­phe­nol resulted in the for­ma­tion of an emul­sion.

in the pres­ence of sur­fac­tants have been reported (Vol­ker­ing et al., 1998). The sol­vent used as organic phase has to be non-toxic and nonbio­de­grad­able. Sil­i­cone oil is not bio­de­grad­able nor does it con­tain bio­de­grad­able impu­ri­ties. The intro­duc­tion of sil­i­cone oil as an organic phase resulted in a ready bio­de­grad­abil­ity result i.e. 65% at day 28. Use of sil­i­cone oil there­fore not only enabled an accu­rate admin­is­tra­tion of the test sub­stance but also enhanced the bio­avail­ abil­ity of the test sub­stance. The den­sity of the sil­i­cone oil used was slightly higher than the den­sity of water, which could result in loss of the oil with test sub­stance from the bot­tles dur­ing clo­sure. Sil­i­cone oil attached to the elec­trode could also lead to an unin­ tended loss of the test sub­stance from the bot­tles. The use of sil­i­ cone oil there­fore required spe­cial mea­sures such as agi­ta­tion of the con­tent of the bot­tles dur­ing clo­sure and the pos­si­bil­ity to sac­ ri­fice bot­tles. Addi­tion of the pol­yalk­oxy­late al­kyl­phe­nol resulted in for­ma­tion of a oil-in-water emul­sion. A ready bio­de­grad­abil­ity result was also achieved with this emul­sion (Fig. 5). Increased bio­ avail­abil­ity through the intro­duc­tion of an organic phase has also been observed in other bio­deg­ra­da­tion stud­ies (Ef­roy­son and Alex­ an­der, 1991; As­con-Cab­re­ra and Le­bea­ult, 1993). 4. Con­clu­sions Dem­on­stra­tion of the ready bio­de­grad­abil­ity of fatty amine deriv­a­tives is often impos­si­ble because these sub­stances inhibit growth of micro­or­gan­isms. Use of ligno­sul­phon­ic acid and humic acid and espe­cially sil­ica gel over­come dif­fi­cul­ties in dem­on­strat­ing the ready bio­de­grad­abil­ity of alkyl­tri­meth­yl­am­mo­nium salts and

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