Improving your writing. Part one. 2F, 1T

Improving your writing. Part one. 2F, 1T

121A G e o m e c h a n i c s A b s t ra c t s General refer~ces for use by lawyers. ~ e increase in length of this third edition of the book is due...

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G e o m e c h a n i c s A b s t ra c t s


refer~ces for use by lawyers. ~ e increase in length of this third edition of the book is due to the inclusion of a detailed commentary on the new 5th edition of the I.C.E. forms-the first such ccame~tary to be published. The treatment of nominated sub-contracting and insurance is also expanded, end a new chapter has been added on 'Tendermanship and Claimsmanship'. There is a useful key summsrising the 4th end 5th I.C.E. editions and the rights and duties of the engineer and contractor under them.


Companies,institutes and laboratories

1199 DALLAIRE,G Improving your writlng.Part one.2F, iT. CIV. ENGNG,ASCE.V~5,N1, J~N.1975, P60- 63. This is the first in a series of articles aimed at i~roring writing techniques used in preparing a variety of types of material. This article focuses on writing magazine articles, but the principles discussed apply equally to letters,memos,englneerlng reports and proposals.

REPORT The research end technical reports of the C~ment and Concrete Assoc iation, 1954-1971. C~4ENT AND CONCRETE ASSOC.SIOUGH, GB.N42.999,1972. Detailed s ~ i e s of all the Association's Research Reports end Technical reports are provided. A supplement gives an catalogue updated to the end of 1972.


1200 DAIIAIRE, G Improving your writing.Part two.hF,Refs. CIV. ENGNG,ASCE,V45, N4, APR .1975, P80- 85 • This article emphasizes the need for the clear, simple yet forceful expression of ideas in technical writing.

Contracts and specifications 120! KENDRON, AJ UNIV. ILLINOIS, URBANA, USA ORIARD, I]L WOODWARD- I/INDGRE~, OAKIAND, CALIF .USA Specifications for controlled blasting in civil engineering projects. Ccmference.9F,iT,18R. PROC.IST N.AM~.RAPID EXCAV.TUNNELLING CoNF.CHICAGO, JUNE 1972, AIME,1972, P1585-1609. The technical aspects end currant state of the art in controlled blasting are reviewed. Guidelines are set forth and suggestions are made on how to incorporate these ideas into the specifications so that the desired results will be achieved.

Books See also abstracts: 1202,1218,1275,1303,1340,1341,1343,1347. 1204. PICARD,~ UNIV.UTAH, SALT LAKE CITY,USA Grit and clay.Textbook.Refs. ELSEVI~ SC I oPUBL. C0 .VI, 1975,258P. The main body of the volume comprises the author's reviews of books covering various aspects of geology, especislly ancient sedimentary deposits, carbonate sedlmen_ tology, sand end sandstone, ores in sediments, and petrology. Geological studies of the Earth as well as the Moon and Mars are reviewed. 1205 STAUFF~, T Guidebook to the occupance and use of underground space in the Greater Kansas City area.16F,2T, ShR. DH~T.GEOL.GEOGR.UNIV.MISSOURI KANSAS CITY, USA, GEOGRAPH. PUBL.N1,1972,56P.

1206 FUMAGALLI, E 1202 Statical end geomechanical models.Textbook.145F. A B R A H A ~ N , MW SPRING~-V~G,WI~ AND N.Y.1973,182P. Engineering law and the I.C.E. contracts .Third qhis work presents an account of the more advanced techedition. Textbook. niques of static structural modelling, both within the APPL. SCI.PUBL.LTD.BARKING, ESSEX,GB .1975,428P. elastic range and up to failure, of particular interest First published in 1965, this book is a st~dard work on to practical civil engineers. The three introductory the law and practice of civil engineering contracts, with chapters set out the principles of mechanical similitude, special referance to the Institution of Civil Engineers the criteria for choosing model materials and the propcontract forms. Those forms, sponsored by the three boderties of suitable materials, methods of preparing the ies representing the industry, are now used for a ~ s t all materials, loading systems, measuring techniques and civil engineering work in Great Britain, and similar forma equipment. The next three chapters describe and connent are used for ~mch work in other countries. The book proon a series of exsmples of experimental models, giving vides Dot only a detailed comm~atary on these forms and details of the criteria used in designing, constructing the Association of Consulting Engineers forms of service and testing the models, of the results of the investigaagreements, but also through that come~tsry a general tions, end of the significance of the results. The final explanation of construction law. The emphasis is on pracchapter examines the criteria for model"l~g methods used tical guidance for engineers, contractors end technical to investigate the equilibrium of rock masses with refarbitrators. The difficult questions of legal interpreerence to the abutments of dams sad the stability of tation that arise in the adazlnistration of construction slopes and underground excavations. contracts are dealt with fully, with supporting case