"INDEPENDENT-PAIR" PROPERTY OF CONDENSED COHERENT FERMION PAIRS AND DERIVATION OF THE IBM QUADRUPOLE OPERATOR Takaharu OTSUKA Japan A tomie Energy Research Institute, Tokai, Ibaraki 319-11, Japan and Theoretical Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamo& NM 87545, USA Received 27 September 1983
It is shown that condensed coherent fermion pairs have a property that each pair can be treated as if it is independent of the other pairs. Utilizing this property, the S and D pairs in deformed nuclei are shown to carry the major fraction of the quadrupole moment. A new fermion-boson mapping method is proposed based on this property. The IBM quadrupole operator is derived microscopically.
bility of the IBM to deformed nuclei has been questioned partly due to discrepancies between the phenomenological quadrupole operator and the microscopic one obtained by a previous method [10,11]. The present result provides the first microscopic justification for this IBM operator in deformed nuclei. The ground state band of the deformed nucleus is described by the intrinsic state [12], which is well approximated by a condensate state of the Cooper pair in the deformed single-particle orbits [ 13]. This Cooper pair is denoted hereafter as the A pair created by the A t operator. The amplitudes in A t are determined, for instance, by the BCS calculations in the deformed orbits. The intrinsic state ~b of an N-pair system is written as ~b cc (At)NI0> [6]. The A t operator is rewritten as A t = Z j x j A t (J), where x j denote amplitudes, and A t (J) is obtained by projecting from A t onto an angular momentum J (see ref. [6]). The operatorsA t(J) are denoted by S t, Dt and G t for J = 0, 2 and 4, respectively [6] ; A t = x0 St + x2D~ + x4G~ + ....
It has been shown [ 6 - 9 ] that the S - D probability, 2 2 x0 + x2, is more than 85% in deformed nuclei with the deformation parameter 6 ~ 0.30 and the pairing gap A ~ 1.0 MeV. For an N-pair system (2N = the number of valence nucleons), however, one has to consider the N t h power of A t :
The pure S - D component in eq. (2) becomes less and less dominant for larger N and fixed xy's. This could be a serious problem for large N. It is then of great interest to see whether this fact is relevant to physical observables or not. As an example, I would like to consider the intrinsic quadrupole moment Qin (of the ground band), which is written as Qin = (AN[ Q01 AN> with IAN> being the normalized intrinsic state, and Qo being the m = 0 component of the one-body quadrupole operator (}m. I begin with considering a schematic example in order to make discussions as transparent as possible. This example is the purely aligned limit where the normal phase appears as the solution of the BCS calculation. In this limit, At is given by uniform v-factors below the Fermi level and vanishing v-factors above it [6]. In order to calculate Qin, we first evaluate an unnormalized matrix element, <01ANQ0(At)NI 0>, which is the overlap between state, (At)NI 0>, and state, O0(mt)NI0> =N(AI001A>(A? + 2?)(At)N-110>. (3) Here, the l~t operator is introduced as, [00, At] = (At + Zt), with orthogonality <01ANt 10> = 0. In the aligned limit, one can easily obtain = 0, and then, <01ANQ(A~)NI 0> = N<01NV(At)NI 0>. (4) In other words, 1~i"appears in eq. (3) as a consequence of the commutator [0., At], while it has no effect on Qin due to the complete cancellation among various terms in £t. Since the quantity in eq. (4) has to be normalized by the norm (01AN(At)NI 0>, one finally obtains a simple relation, ain = .