Historia Mathematica 32 (2005) 519 www.elsevier.com/locate/yhmat
Index of authors of articles and reviews in volume 32 Beside each author is given the beginning of his/her article or review (indicated by r)
Alkhateeb, Haitham M., 400 Belanger, Jay, 76 Bellhouse, David, 180 Berggren, J.L., 426 Blay, Michel, 362r Del Centina, Andrea, 60 De Young, Gregg, 129 Donahye, William H., 237r Garber, Daniel, 360r Gluchoff, Alan, 312 Grattan-Guinness, I., 1, 366r, 489r, 487r Hughes, Barnabas, 97r Keller, Agathe, 275 Kerr-Lawson, Angus, 303 Lawvere, F. William, 100r Nastasi, Pietro, 203 Oaks, Jeffrey A., 400
0315-0860/2005 Published by Elsevier Inc. doi:10.1016/S0315-0860(05)00094-7
Parshall, Karen, 397 Porter, T.M., 99r Romano, Antonella, 239r Rusnock, Paul, 303 Saito, Ken, 481r Sandifer, Edward, 94r Schubring, Gert, 363r Sepkoski, David, 33 Sørensen, Henrik Kragh, 453 Stedall, Jackie, 492r Stein, Dorothy, 76 Tazzioli, Rossana, 203 Thiele, Rüdiger, 271 Van Brummelen, Glen, 358r, 426 Wilson, Curtis, 485r Xu, Yibao, 4