Index to volume 17

Index to volume 17

Index to Volume 17 2. Articles by Title "Can Fiscal Spending Be Contractionary When Interest Rates Have SupplySide Effects?" Anthony Myatt and Willia...

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Index to Volume 17

2. Articles by Title "Can Fiscal Spending Be Contractionary When Interest Rates Have SupplySide Effects?" Anthony Myatt and William M. Scarth. 2: 289-301. "Capital Complementarity, Time-to-Build, and the Persistence of Investment Starts.'" Michael R. Montgomery. 2: 187-205. "The Case for a 'Productivity Norm': Comment on Dowd." George Selgin. 4: 733--40. "Consumption, External Assets and the Real Interest Rate." Glenn Otto and Graham M. Voss. 3: 471-94. "Credibility Effects of Price Controls in Disinflation Programs." PierreRichard Ag6nor. 1: 161-71. "A Cross-Industry Examination of the Lucas Misperceptions Model." Magda Kandi] and Jeffrey G. Woods. 1: 55-76. "Deflating the Productivity Norm." Kevin Dowd. 4: 717-32. "Do Shifts in Federal Reserve Policy Regimes Explain Interest Rate Anomalies?" Edward N. Gamber and David R. Hakes. 2: 227-40. "The Effect of Macroeconomic Variables on Economic Growth Rates: A Cross-Country Study." Charles B. Garrison and Feng-Yao Lee. 2: 303-17. "Equilibrium Policy with Dynamically Naive Agents." Michael B. Loewy. 2: 319-31. "The Fisher Effect: Reprise." Rolando F. Pel~ez. 2: 333-46. "Growth and Finance: An Intertemporal Model." Toichiro Asada and Willi Semmler. 4: 623-49. "Growth with Imported Capital Goods, Limited Export Demand and Foreign Debt." Thomas Ziesemer. 1: 31-53. "High Inflation Rates and the Long-Run Money Demand Function: Evidence from Cointegration Tests." Taufiq Choudhry. 1: 77-91. "Ignorance May Be Optimal? Some Welfare Implications of Rational Versus Non-Rational Expectations." James M. Holmes, Michael R. Dowd and David C. Black. 3: 377-86. "Inflation and the Asymmetric Effects of Money on Output Fluctuations." Wooheon Rhee and Robert Rich. 4: 683-702. "Inflation and Money Growth under the International Gold Standard, 18501913." Lee A. Craig, Douglas Fisher and Theresa A. Spencer. 2: 207-26. "Inflation and the Real Price of Equities: Theory with Some Empirical Evidence." Marcelo Bianconi. 3: 495-514. "Inflation, Human Capital Accumulation and Long-Run Growth." Paul Pecorino. 31 533-42. "'Inflation, Reserve Requirements, and Real Interest Rates with Direct and Indirect Loan Markets." George Davis and Mark Toma. 3: 515-31. "The Information Content of the Yield Curve in Australia." Costas I. Karfakis and Demetrios M. Moschos. 1: 93-109. 747

Index to Volume 17

"Intertemporal Substitution in War and Peace: Evidence from the United Kingdom, 1830-1990." Hendrik P. van Dalen. 3: 447-69. "The Liquidity Effect: Identifying Short-Run Interest Rate Dynamics Using Long-Run Restrictions." William D. Lastrapes and George Selgin. 3: 387-403. "Long-Run Relations among the G-5 and G-7 Equity Markets: Evidence on the Plaza and Louvre Accords." Lori L. Leachman and Bill Francis. 4: 551-77. "A Markov Switchin~ Model for the Hungarian Price Stabilization Plan of 1924." Selahattin Imrohoro~lu. 2: 347-55. "Monetary Policy as a Decision-Making Hierarchy: The Case of Taiwan." Chung-Hua Shen and David R. Hakes. 2: 357-68. "Monetary Policy and Macroeconomic Equilibrium in an Oligopolistic Economy." D. Damania and Jakob B. Madsen. 4: 651-65. "On Equilibrium Credit Rationing and Interest Rates." Jo Anna Gray and Ying Wu. 3: 405-20. "Optimal Management of International Reserves." Chulho Jung. 4: 601-21. "Optimal Seigniorage Versus Interest Rate Smoothing." Richard T. Froyen and Roger N. Waud. 1:111-29. "Price Cyclicality in the Natural-Rate Nominal Demand Shock Model." Thomas E. Hall. 2: 257-72. "Public and Private Investment: Are There Causal Linkages?" S. J. Erenburg and Mark E. Wohar. 1: 1-30. "The Quantity Theory of Money and Its Long-Run Implications." Bakhtiar Moazzami and Kanhaya L. Gupta. 4: 667-82. "A Simple Economy with Human Capital: Transitional Dynamics, Technology Shocks, and Fiscal Policies.'" Miquel Faig. 3: 421-46. "A Statistical Note on Possible Institutional Regimes in Budget Policy." Win. Stewart Mounts, Jr. and Clifford Sowell. 1: 149-60. "The Sung and Ming Paper Monies: Currency Competition and Currency Bubbles." Chau-nan Chen, Pin-tsun Chang and Shikuan Chen. 2: 273-88. "Symmetry Restrictions and the Semblance of Neutrality in Exchange Rate Models." Michael D. Goldberg. 4: 579-99. "Testing Aggregate Neutrality with Heterogeneous Sectors." Stuart Landon. 1: 131-48. "Trends Versus Cycles: Asymmetric Preferences and Heterogeneous Individual Responses." James Pemberton. 2: 241-55. "Vintage Capital Accumulation: Endogenous Growth Conditions." L.R. de Mello, Jr. 4: 703-16.