Index to volume III

Index to volume III

INDEX TO VOLUME III 750 ISI)li;S lhl1gs-~~ollt sodium Dugnitl, I) JMry, J. F. TIalls, 243’ Danielopolu, n., “47” Da\-ison, IT:>1 M., am1 ‘I’l1or...

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ISI)li;S lhl1gs-~~ollt sodium Dugnitl,

I) JMry, J. F. TIalls, 243’ Danielopolu, n., “47” Da\-ison, IT:>1 M., am1 ‘I’l1orongl1111;111. .T. C.’ 9 74cj* Iklll:l~c~, A., anIl dl? f;rwdt, .4.. Z-l-4” Derick, Clifford T,., TIitc~brock, !‘. lI., and S\\-ift. IT. F.. 621” i41”

Diphtheria, circulatory heart after, lR(l




Bolliger, A., and Smith, F. J., 124, I)rake, E. EL, 560 ~rpsser, f-Inns, ant1 Bluprtz, ‘I’b(~kl:t, 744” Drugs, antirheumatic, &‘ccts of, on the arthritis an11 immnnc body re741’ action in serum dlse:lse, hnrium chloride in ventricular stand

‘(1 salicylnte, effects 011 Ilrlm:trl rlcctrocnrdiogr:lm, 180 J. B., and Brnmwell, J. C’rigllton, 742”

Snphir, and

R destruction of sillwluricular 20s node, Ralli, Elaine P., Katz, Louis El., and Cheer, H~>~o-H:LJ~ 739* Rei(1, William I>., rind Itenang, F. L., 497* Rrsniration. influence of nil\-sicnl trxinink, 190” I ’ Rheumntic fever. bacterial nllergv .” to, 6?1* ’ I~:\c~~uJJI,

JlOJJheJJlO~~tiC streptococci, pin iJJ, 681”


c+Ywts of tonsillrctwn~, 6l!l* epiilrmiology of, 133* heart block, after digitalis, 196 r,ronnosis :tnd treatment of, 31 &uXies in pathology of, 506” value of electrocardiogram, 497” Rheumntism. acute in rhildhood. 744” detection ‘and supervision of iA chilqlren, 504”

o., Cooprr,





R. w.. 37.5”




Stone, Ct. T., and Vanznnt, F. R., 373” st,rauss , Marjorie L., and Riclmrd, Dickinson W. Jr. 7::9” Strauss, Sidney, and Meye:,, J., 335

s Strickland-(:oorlall, M. B., 243” Swift, Homer F., 6~9 and Hitclleock, C. H., 621” Dcrick, C. L., and Hitchcock, I,., (is’1 d , * 731’ S~llllilis of tllc l~wrt, 746”

C. II.

V Vanzant

Franris R. , and Stone, (‘. T., ‘373” Pnrous pressuw, in cardiac drvompcnsn tion 1“5* -. VCllOllS ,,ress(nrr, as a guide to wnesection in congwtiw llenrt fnilure. 37-T” Viko, I,. E.; liri Vocational trainiue, in c:ir~li:lv cI:Isscs.



Yomiting, reflex from heart, 123’ ron Glnhn, William C., and T’appcw hrimrr, A. M., i500”

‘1 Txhycurdia, paroxysm:~l in a boy, 3G8 paroxysmal ventricular recognition, 177 supraventricular, 319 ventricular, quinidine in coronary thrombosis complicated bv, 2.53 ventricular, showing bidirection:G electrocardiograms, assoc,i:rtcd wit11 digitalis therapy, 723 rent,ricular, paroxysmal rllythmic alteration in direction of cornplexes, 45-l Taylor, Ruth E., 244” Thoroughman, J. C., and Davison, Hal. M., 746” Thrombosis,’ coronary, quinidine in, 353 coronary, of right and left vessel, differential diagnosis, 746” coronnrg, tllorncie pain persisting nftPr, 748” Tllrombus, hall in left auricle, 6??* Thrombus in heart, 107 Todd, A. T., Clarke, K. If., Coombs, C. F., and Hndlield, G., 372* Tonsillectomy, effect of, on rheumatic fever, 619” Tuberculosis, pulmonary, rlectrocnrdiographic studies, 499*

White, Whitr,

Paul Paul

D., 499*, I)., and

742” Killins,


and I :;b%* R E7 422 and $urra&, ‘W.’ S.,‘b46 and Jones, T. Duckett, 190 and Mudd, Reelev G., 1 and Palmer, R. 6.. 454 and Sprague, Howvxrd IS., :u1d Kllrtz. 0. w., 77 Wiggrrs, Carl J., 118”, 119” Wiggers, Carl J., and Katz, Louis S., 117” Willius, Frederick A., 139, P3U, 742” Walter J.. Wilson, .T. A., and >ferk, IlO++ Wintcrherg, Hch., and Wenckobncll, K. F 627” \1:olfertll, ?%arles C., 499*, 70F