Influence of Drying Techniques on Some Properties of Nonfat Dried Milk

Influence of Drying Techniques on Some Properties of Nonfat Dried Milk

Influence of Drying Techniques on Some Properties of Nonfat Dried Milk A. TAMSMA, A. KONTSON, and M. J. PALLANSCH Dairy Products Laboratory, Eastern ...

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Influence of Drying Techniques on Some Properties of Nonfat Dried Milk A. TAMSMA, A. KONTSON, and M. J. PALLANSCH

Dairy Products Laboratory, Eastern Utilization Research and Development Division, USDA, Washington, D. C. Abstract

method or' injecting gas into liquids before spray drying had already been applied to the dehydration hi' wheys (12) and milks (2, 11), and had led us to study intensively the relationships between powder structure and properties. Our paper reports the results of such investigations as they relate to the improvement of the reeonatitution properties of nonfat dried milk ( N I ) ) l ) by variation of drying technique. Also presented are additional methods to spray dry foamed milk concentrates without modifying conventional spray-dLwing equipment.

Tile bulk density, particle density, sinkability, and dispersibility of nonfat dried milk was varied by vaeumu shelf &Ting', instantizing, and foam-spray-drying techniques. Good sinking and dispersing properties were obtained only by vacuum shelf drying, instantizing conventional spraydried material and foam-spray-drying with low levels of C0~ or N~ incorporated into the concentrate prior to drying. All spraydried powders having instant action were at least partially aggregated. The bulk density of these aggregated materials was relatively low. Incorporation of low levels of C0~ into the concentrates was done hy direet injection of the liquefied gas under pressure, decomposition of ammonium earbonate, and addition of CO,., gas immediately ahead of the high pressm'e pump. High bulk density products having good sinking and dispersing properties were obtained by adding detergents to the concentrate and spray &Ting under conditions which produced in-dryer particle aggregation.

Methods and Materials

Improved control of the bulk density, particle size, and color of spray-dried coffee and tea by regulation of the amount and type of gas in the feed of a conventional spray dryer was claimed by Reich and Johnston in 1957 (18). Slightly later, Coulter and Pyne (7. 17) denmnstrated that a similar method could he used to improve the reeonstitution characteristics of whole and skimmilk powders. They noted that the foamed nonfat dry milk (NDM), though superior to conventional spray-dried materials, did not reconstitute as easily as commercial powders instantized by rewetting, agglomerating, and redrying spray-dried particles. They also noted that the physical structure of foam-dried particles could be influenced by the type of gas used in the process, but believed this observation was not advantageous because of limitations of pilot plant equipment. Equipment limitations were overcome by the invention of Hanrahan et al. (10). This novel Received for publication February 20, 1967.

,qkimmilk foams were dried under vacuum, usi~:~' nlinor modifications of the method of Sinnamon eL al. (20). Variation in bulk density of the powder was achieved by changing the ammmt of nitrogen mixed into the concentrate bef,~re drying, thus em~trolling the height of the puff. Spray-dried foams of skimmilk were produced hy high pressure gas injection using methods described by tIanrahan et al. (11). The 2.T4-m Swenson dD'er used was ordinarily equipped with a t.02-mm spray nozzle and set to utilize 197.6 m 3 of 132 C air per rain during dryb~g'. Feed rates to this dryer were determined by measuring the weight loss of the feed supply tank per rain. A Corblin diaphragm pmnp (Amm'iean Instrument Co., Silver Spring, Md.) was used to inject liquid COs into the system when this material was used. A setup more adequately engineered to use liquefied gases with larger dryers has been described by Selman and Ham'ahau (19). ,~imilar spray-dried foams were produced by bleeding small, measured quantities of CO_~ or X._, o,~s into the concentrate immediately ahead of the high pressure pump. The gas from a high pressure tank was reduced to 4.1 atm and fed through a flow meter into the line connecting a small low pressure (3.4 arm) centrifugal pump to the high pressure pmnp used for atomization. A variable speed drive on the i Reference to certain products or companies not imply an endorsement by the Department

other~ ~mt mentioned. 1055

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high pressure pump allowed the maintmaance of constant feed rate after gas incorporation. The decomposition of caxbonates was also used to produce CO~ in the concentrates to develop foam structure during spray drying. This was done by mechanically metering solutions of carbonate under investigation into the milk coneentrate immediately ahead of the lfigh pressure pump. Particles of NDM were instantized or agglomerated on laboratory scale by placing the powder sample in a chamber and reducing the pressure over the powder to I ram. Pressure in the chamber was then increased to 20 mm by rapid introduction of water vapor. Immediately, the wet aggregates were redried by again reducing the pressure over the powder bed to 1 mm and heating. The dried aggregates were broken through a 13-mesh screen before fm'ther analysis. Bulk density of the powder was cah.ulated from the measured volmne occupied by a lightly tapped 10-g sample of milk powder. Approximate particle density was measured with ~ variation of the 3[anus-Ashworth method, in which decalin was used as the displaced medium (5). Sinkability of the powders was determined according to Bullock and Winder's method (6), and solubility index according to A D M I procedure (1). Dispersibility of the powders was determined by the modification of Stone's procedure described by Kontson et al. (14). Particle size distribution in the powders was determined by meehanieally shaking a 150-g sample through a staek of U. S. Standard graded screens (Fisher Scientific Co., Silver Springs, ~ld.) and weighing the anmunt retained by eaeh screen size. Moisture in the powders was measured by toluene eodistillation, as described by Bidwell and Sterling (16). All skimmilk used was made by separating fresh whole milk obtained from herds maintained at the Agricultural Research Center, Beltsville,

Maryland. Chemicals used were all reagent grade. Tween 60 and 80, Atmos 300, and Span 80, commercial detergents, were from the Atlas Chemical Industries, Inc., Chemical Division, Wilnfington, Delaware. Samples of commercial instantized NDM were purchased at a local supermarket. Results

Table I presents a r~sum~ of the principal types of NDM studied and some of their physical properties. From this table it can be seen that both good sinking and dispersing properties J. D A I R Y SCIEN01~ ~V'OL. 50, NO. 7

were observed only with commercially instantized powder, vacumn shelf dried powder, conventionally spray-dried powder aggregated by wetting and redrying on laboratory scale, eonvcnticmally spray-dried powders containing surfactants, and foam-spray-dried powders made from concentrates containing low levels of CO~. From a closer examination of powders dried by foaming with small amounts of CO~ and N,_,, it was noted that high sinkabitity and dispersibility values were found together only with those powders that had undergone particle aggregation in the dryer. High moisture content in the powder tended to favor this aggregation. At low levels of CO~ incorporation into the eoneentrate prior to drying, the degree of in-dryer aggregation and dispersibility characteristie.s of the powder could be w~ricd by eontr~llb~ production conditions, as illustrated in Table 2. Here the decomposition of NH,HCO~ was used to supply the gas. Microscopic examination of the various particle size fractions listed in Table 2 showed that particle aggregation was responsible for increased sinkability. Aggregation usually increased particle size; however, at higher spray pressure particle size decreased. This resulted in a decrease in the size of the aggregates formed din'Jug drying. During this work, some question arose as to the relationship between the solubility of the gas in the concentrate and the dispersibility of the powders. Since our high pressure gas injeetion apparatus would not permit the aeeurate metering of small quantities of N, into the concentrate, a comparative study was made by mixing small quantities of the gases under eonsideration into the concentrate, at low pressure, directly ahead of the high pressure pump. Resuits obtained are presented in Table 3. Discussion

Wben (hTing skimmilk with a conventional pressure atomizing spray dryer, the operator nmst select methodology whieh gives a product most suitable for the projected end use, since it is apparent that, as yet, no product can be made from unmodified skinmfilk which will have high bulk density, excellent sinking properties, and complete dispersibility. The general idea, presented by H a r p e r et al. (13), that good dispersibility would not be found in high bulk density dried milk products, was further confirmed by the observations reported. It may be that the protein destabilizing effeet of high concentrations of phosphate reported by Fox et al. (8) is operative during the reeonsti-







Effect of drying technique oil properties of skimlnilk powder Powder properties Sanlple 110.


10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Drsing technique employed Commercial instantized Vacuum shelf dried--high puff Vacuum shelf dried--low ]puff Conventional spray-dried" Conventional spray-dried--lab scale steanl aggregated Foam-spray-dried-X: injeetion 1.87 liters/kg cone Foam-spray-dried phls steam aggregation, Xe injection 1.87 ]iters/kg cone Foam-spray-dried plus .1% Tween 80 in cone N_- injection 1.87 liters/kg cone Conventional spray-dried plus .1% Tween 80 in cone Conventional spray-dried plus .1% Tween 6(3 in cone Conventional spray-dried I)lus .1% Atmos 30(I in cone Conventional spray-dried plus .1% Span 80 hi cone Foam-spray-dried-liquld ('O~u injection, 1.24 liters/kg cone Foam-spray-dried-liqui d ('0._. injection, 5.04 liters/kg cone Foam-spray-dried-liquid CO~ injection, 12.82 llters/kg cone Foam-spray-dried XH~HCO:~ in feed equivalent to .12 liters CO._,/kg cone ~' Foam-spray-dried NH,HCO~ in feed equivalent to .25 liters COs/kg cone ~ Foam-spray-dried XH~H('O.~ in feed equiwtlent to .56 liters C O._,/kg cone ~

I3ulk dens.

Part. dens.







.34 .17 .29 .65

1.34 1.35 1.41 1.20

98 95 91 82

97 100 98 82

























































" All spray drying in this table done by using 42-45% T.S. in feed, 1.02-ram nozzle, 132 C drying air temperature, and atomizing pressure of 102 arm. b All COs expressed in terms of stan,lard volume of gas in concentrates. Calculation based on volume CO~ (expressed in terms of standard temperature and pressure) released on decomposition of bicarbonate. Volunle of -N-H3 liberated is not included in the figure. t u t i o n of h i g h b u l k density p r o d u c t s and can lead to a decrease in thch" dispersibility. The bulk density of s p r a y - d r i e d X D 3 I can easily be decreased by use of foam s p r a y dlwing to the p o i n t where high dispersibility values are obtained, tIowever, as the bulk density of the p o w d e r decreases because of particle density decrease due to gas e n t r a p m e n t , a p o i n t is reached where the particles tend to float on the s u r f a c e of w a t e r a n d sinkability is drastically reduced. Foam-spray-dried ND3I products p r o d u c e d by i n j e c t i n g relatively large a m o u n t s of gas all float. Those f o a m - s p r a y - d r i e d p r o d ucts t h a t sink like i n s t a n t i z e d conventional s p r a y - d r i e d p r o d u c t s are all p a r t i a l l y aggre-

gated. Since it was noted t h a t the sinking p r o p erties of those powders were lost on mechanically b r e a k i n g u p the a g g r e g a t e s by g r i n d i n g , it is believed t h a t f o a m - s p r a y - d r i e d ND3I p a r tieles c o n t a i n i n g small a m o u n t s of gas m u s t also be a g g r e g a t e d to have good sinking p r o p erties. Our d r y e r a p p a r e n t l y produces sufficient agg r e g a t i o n in its d e h y d r a t i n g c h a m b e r to p r o d u c e i n s t a n t t y p e powders w h e n low levels of gas are i n c o r p o r a t e d into the feed a n d d ~ , i n g conditions f a v o r i n g the p r o d u c t i o n of high moisture p o w d e r s are used. B y o b s e r v i n g the d r y i n g o p e r a t i o n t h r o u g h portholes cut into the d r y e r wall, we noted t h a t some of the p o w d e r was J, DAIRY SCIENCE "VOL. 50. NO. 7


TAMSMA, KONTSON, AND PALLANSCtt TABLE 2 Skimmilk concentrates foam-spray-dried with NH,HCO:, incorporation at a rate equivalent to 1.41 liter COz/min" Varied cone temp

Varied % T.S. Concentrate % T.S. C Atmospheres Kg/min Dry milk % tt~O /3ulk dens. Particle dens. % Disp. % Sink. Particle size distr, wt % 105 n 105-250 ~ 250-500 # 500-710 ~ 710 t~

Varied spray pressure

40 38 102 3.63

45 38 102 4.22

5(} 38 102 4.85

45 60 1(12 3.86

45 38 102 4.13

45 16 95 4.54

45 38 85 3.72

45 38 119 4.45

45 38 153 5.08

2.4 .43 .87 97 45

3.4 .45 .93 97 80

6.2 1.00 96 98

4.0 .43 .85 101, 48

5.3 .45 .91 100 94

6.5 .45 .97 99 94

4.0 .43 .89 97 61

4.0 .48 .87 98 82

4.0 .55 .87 99 87

12 75 12

10 50 32 6 2

8 15 29 19 29

8 61 29 2

14 44 34 8 1

13 22 24 15 26

19 31 32 10 7

27 40 27 4 1

41 38 19 2


"~Calculation based on volmne COs (expressed in terms of standard temperature and pressure) released on decomposition of bicarbonate. Volume of XH3 liberated is not included in the figure. TABLE 3 Skimmilk concentrate of 45% T.S. foam-spray-dried at 34 C (nozzle 1.02 ram, dryer temperature 132 C) with small amounts of CO_~ or N: injected ahead of the high pressure pump Foamed with CO._. Coneentrate Liters gas/rain Atm Kg/min Dry Milk % H20 Bulk dens. % Disp. % Sink. Solubility index

1.41 102 4.08

2.82 102 4.08

4.23 102 4.17

1.98 ~02 4.31

3.95 102 4.31

4.80 88 4.26

4.2 .39 99 72 .10

2.6 .28 98 39 .10

2.5 .24 99 24 .11~

4.0 .41 99 87 .07

3.6 .34 99 44 .07

3.8 .32 99 48 .05

blown a g a i n s t the u p p e r sidewall of the d r y e r cone a n d t e n d e d to stick there u n t i l removed by the chain sweeps w h e n e v e r i n - d r y e r aggreg a t i o n occurred. W e t h e r e f o r e believe t h a t agg l o m e r a t e d f o a m - s p r a y - d r i e d N D M will be produeed only in dlTers whose a i r flow p a t t e r n s allow a large n m n b e r of eollisions of p a r t i a l l y dried particles before d t T i n g is completed. Good sinking p r o p e r t i e s would not be expected f r o m f o a m - s p r a y - d r i e d p r o d u c t s made in d~Ters having p a r a l l e l a i r a n d p r o d u c t flow p a t t e r n s . Also evident is the i m p r o v e m e n t in sinkabitity o f the f o a m - s p r a y - d r i e d N D ~ I b y decreasing gas e o n t e n t of the p o w d e r particle, r e s u l t i n g in decreased d r y e r efficiency. Therefore, when u s i n g low levels of CO~ or N~ in the d~Ter feed, the economic gains r e s u l t i n g f r o m d r y i n g high solids concentrate, as cited by Bell et al. (2) are reduced. J. DAIRY SCIENCE 3~OL. 50, NO. 7

Foamed with X.~

W h i l e the a p p a r a t u s neeessal T to convert a n i n d u s t r i a l t y p e d r y e r to f o a m - s p r a y dl)~ing w i t h C0~, as described by S e h n a n et al. (19), is relatively simple, similar results are obtainable by m e t e r i n g amn~onium b i c a r b o n a t e into the concentrate immediately a h e a d of the high p r e s s u r e p m n p . The p H of milk a n d the temp e r a t u r e s it encounters d u r i n g dls"ing will decompose the carbonate, releasing CO~ a n d ammonia. Theoretically, if a n y a m m o n i a is retained in the powder, it should replace t h a t originally p r e s e n t in the milk a n d lost d u r i n g processing, t h e r e b y leading to u more f r e s h flavored product. However, in o u r limited experienee, it is not possible to d i s t i n g u i s h between powders f o a m e d by liquid CO~ i n j e c t i o n or b i c a r b o n a t e decomposition on the basis of taste or a n y physieal p r o p e r t y . No p r o b l e m s were encountered in p m n p i n g



the carbonate eontaining concentrates a~ described. Increase in pump speed was not necessary to maintain atomization pressure when carbonate solutions were metered into the concentrate. It is possible that chemical decomposition resulting in release of CO._, occurs after passage through the high pressure pump and, therefore, would not interfere with its operation. It is obvious that the carbonate added to milk for the purpose of CO._, production must be considered an additive, and subject to those legal restrictions now in effect. When powders are foam-spray-dried by injecting relatively large amounts of either CO~ or N.~ in the powders, the observed structures of the particles are grossly different. The coarse foam structure of the soluble gas containing particles as opposed to the fine g'rained foam structures produced by nitrogen injection has already been described by Pyne (17). The effect of this structural variation on the porosity, density, and surface areas of these powders has been studied by Berlin et al. (3, 4) and found to be significant. However, as this study shows, when relatively small amounts of either CO~ or N~ are incorporated into the concentrate before atomization, the resultant powders are much alike as far as their dispersibility and sinkability are concerned. Caution must be exercised in those experiments when either N~ or ¢0~ is i,~corporated into the concentrate immediately ahead of the pump, as described in this paper. Our own experience showed that this could be done without apparent trouble only when one to three liters of gas (at 1-atm pressure) were injected into the system per rain. In this case, speeding' up the punip allowed maintenance of proper atomization pressure. When larger amounts of gas were used, not only did sinkability of the product decrease but difficulty was encountered in maintaining a uniform atomization pressure. The practice of introducing gas ahead of the pump has been discouraged by a leading high pressure pump manufacturer, but in view of the dearth of information on the solubility of gases in milk concentrates under pressure, more experience must be gathered in this area before the incorporation of small quantities of gas directly ahead of the pump, for the purpose of foam &Ting, can be shown to be commercially unfeasible. Data in Table 2 show that when either the solids in the eoneentrate being dried are increased or its temperature is dropped (both conditions favoring an increase in viscosity), the speed of the pump had to be increased to




maintain constant atomizing pressure. Although there is little theory developed to predicate the effect of viscosity change on atomization phenomena, it is obvious from our results that the energy required for atonlization increases as the viscosity increases. A simple fornmla that can be used to calculate the energy requh'ements for atomization using pressure nozzles has been given by Marshall (15) as: E,, = 19.2 QP where t'2., = energy used ft-lb/min. (~) = flow rate through nozzle gal/min. P = total pressure drop lb/sq in. Our data can be converted to a form suitable for use with this equation, using the speeific gravity data and temperature coefficients already in the literature (9). When the atomization pressure was varied and all other factors held constant, the number of large aggregates in the powder decreased as atomization pressure increased. However, aggregation still occurred in powders produced with high atomization pressure, and they maintained o~ood sinking and dispersing characteristics. Since only three of the variables listed in Table 2 could be studied per day, those slight variations in moisture content hi powders produeed by nearly comparable drying conditions are attributed to daily variations in humidity of of the air entering the &3"er. The best bulk density, dispersibility, and sinkability values in our study were obtained when concentrates containing detergents were spray dried in conventional fashion. X1though the powders were partially aggregated, it is obvious that the additives also were effective in maintaining protein solubility during the reconstitution process. I t is possible that more suitable additives can be found, and it is along these lines that some of ore" present research is proceeding. References (I~ A_MEI~ICAN





of Dry


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