Inhibitory action of citrinin on cultured hepatoma cells

Inhibitory action of citrinin on cultured hepatoma cells

Fd Cosmrr. Toxirol. Vol. 18. pp 489 10 491 Pcrgmwm Press L!d 1980 Printed in Great Bmain INHIBITORY *lnstirut ACTION OF CITRININ HEPATOMA CELLS fir...

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Fd Cosmrr. Toxirol. Vol. 18. pp 489 10 491 Pcrgmwm Press L!d 1980 Printed in Great Bmain




Mikrobiologie, D-4400 Mtinster.


Uniuersitiit Miinster, Tibusstrosse Bundesrepublik Deutschland,




Laboratoire de Toxicologic er de Biologic Molhculaires. et I.B.M.C. du C.N.R.S.. 15 rue RenC Descarres.

Faculth Srrasbourg,

de Pharmacie France

and R. R&ZHECNMALER* (Received

22 January


Abstract-Citrinin at concentrations of up to 25 PM was cytostatic to hepatoma tissue culture cells. At concentrations between 50 and 200 PM it was cytotoxic. At a concentration of 100 FM, citrinin inhibited RNA, protein and DNA syntheses by the cells but the onset of inhibition of the three macromolecular syntheses occurred at different intervals after the addition of citrinin: 5-7 min for RNA synthesis, 12 min for protein synthesis and 2 hr for DNA synthesis. DNA synthesis was not completely blocked I2 hr after the addition of citrinin. while RNA synthesis ceased first (after S-6 hr) followed by protein synthesis (after 8 hr).


Citrinin (4,6-dihydro-&hydroxy-3,4,5-trimethyl& oxo-3H-2-benzopyran-7-carboxylic acid) is a mycotoxin that is produced by strains of Penicillium citrinum and some other species of Penicillia and Aspergilli (Saito, Enomoto & Tatsuno, 1971). After its discovery by Hetherington & Raistrick (1931) its toxic action on gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria was investigated (Smith, 1949). Lorkowski & Riischenthaler (1979) have shown that citrinin inhibits RNA and DNA synthesis and to a lesser extent protein synthesis in Escherichia co/i. Citrinin has been found as a natural contaminant of rice in Japan (Saito et al. 1971), and also of wheat, rye, barley and oats in Canada (Scott, van Walbeek, Kennedy & Anyeti, 1972) and of barley and oats in Denmark (Krogh, Hald & Pederson, 1973). It has been shown to be toxic to many animal species including mice, rats, rabbits, swine and poultry (Phillips & Hayes, 1978). The target organ is the kidney in which it induces pathological changes of the tubuli (Carlton & Tuite. 1977; Kitchen, Carlton & Hinsman, 1977). Little data exists on the mode of action of this mycotoxin. In an isolated publication, Terao & Ueno (1978) reported that citrinin inhibits E. co/i RNA polymerase and preferentially inhibits eukaryotic RNA polymerase I in comparison with RNA polymerase II. In this paper we describe the action of citrinin on macromolecular syntheses in cultured hepatoma cells. EXPERIMENTAL

Citrinin was prepared and purified by the method of Jackson & Ciegler (1978), and the purity was veriF.C.T. 18/S--c

fied by thin-layer chromatography and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The citrinin was dissolved in ethanol at a concentration of 22.5 mg/ml. Hepatoma tissue culture (HTC) cells, derived from a malignant tumour of rat liver parenchymal cells (Morris hepatoma 7288~) and adapted to growth in suspension cultures (Thompson, Tomkins & Curran, 1966), were used throughout the experiments. The cells (initial concentration c. 3 x lo5 cells/ml) were grown in Swim’s medium S77 supplemented with 10% calf serum (Lab. Gibco; Flobio, Courbevoie, France) at 37°C. Citrinin was added to the cultures to give a final concentration of 0, 10,25,50, 100 or 200 @@.The number of living cells was determined by trypan blue exclusion in a Neubauer microcytometer as previously described (Creppy, Lugnier, Beck, Riischenthaler & Dirheimer, 1979). It was assumed that a certain dose of citrinin had a cytostatic effect when the number of living cells remained constant, and a cytotoxic effect when this number decreased. For the determinations of protein, RNA and DNA synthesis citrinin was added to the cultures (c. 3 x 10’ cells/ml) to give a final concentration of 100~ and the rates of synthesis (rates of incorporation of radioactive precursors into the macromolecules) were measured as described previously (Creppy et al. 1979). All assays were done in triplicate and only the average values are reported.


At all of the concentrations of citrinin used the growth of the cell cultures ceased. At concentrations of 10 FM and 25 PM a small decrease in the number of living cells occurred soon after the addition of citrinin and in the following incubation period the fraction of 489
















6 Time,





5 0


Fig. I. Rate of hepatoma tissue culture cell multiplication in the presence of different concentrations of citrinin: control (0); 10~~ (0); 25 PM (V); 50~~ (A); lOO@ (H): 200 p

e hr


living cells remained constant (Fig. 1). At concentrations of citrinin from 50 PM up to 200 PM there was a distinct cytotoxic effect. At the rather high concentration of citrinin tested (100~~) the cells initially showed synthetic activity (Fig. 2). The onset of inhibition of the synthesis of the three macromolecules occurred at different times. The insets of Figs 2a & 2b show that the inhibition of RNA synthesis begins to decrease 5-7 min after the addition of citrinin while under the same conditions the rate of protein synthesis begins to decrease about I2 min after the addition of the mycotoxin. The more rapid onset of inhibition of RNA than of protein synthesis is also demonstrated by the times that are required to completely block these processes: 5-6 hr for RNA synthesis but about 8 hr for protein synthesis. However, the amount of labelled material incorporated into protein when the plateau was reached was somewhat lower than that incorporated into RNA, the levels being, for protem and RNA respectively, 30 and 42% after 6 hr and 24.6 and 32% after 8 hr. DNA synthesis was unaffected for 2 hr after the addition of citrinin at 100~~ and for 1 hr when the citrinin concentration was increased to 150~~ (Fig. 2~). After these times the rate of DNA synthesis fell considerably but then remained constant for at least 8 hr (and for 12 hr in an experiment the results of which are not shown). This contrasted with the effects of citrinin on protein synthesis which progressively decreased until it stopped.

The major effect of citrinin in animals is reported to be its nephrotoxicity (Ambrose & DeEds, 1946; Kit-


-7 G3





(b) /







6 Time,






Synthesis, from radioactivity-labelled precursors. of (a) RNA. (b) protein and (c) DNA by hepatoma tissue culture cells in cultures containing citrinin at concentrations

of 0 (0). 100 (0) or 150 (a) PM. The citrinin radioactivity-labelled




and the

at 0 hr.


Citrinin and cell cultures then, Carlton & Tuite, 1977; Pier, 1973). However, hepatotoxic action has also been reported (Carlton & Tuite, 1977; Ramadoss & Shanmugasundaram, 1973). From the data obtained with HTC cells, it can be concluded that citrinin affects RNA synthesis more rapidly than protein synthesis. This effect may be explained by the results of a study of Terao & Ueno (1978). These workers found that in isolated nuclei, IoOpg citrinin/ml inhibited RNA polymerase I by 60% but inhibited RNA polymerase. II by only 24%. Since RNA polymerase I is reponsible for rRNA synthesis (Roeder, 1976) its inhibition should show up quickly as a reduction of total RNA synthesis. In contrast a decrease in the activity of RNA polymerase II, which is responsible for mRNA formation, would not be expected to have such a rapid effect on the rate of protein synthesis because of the long lifetime of eukaryotic mRNAs. The effect of citrinin on DNA synthesis is not understood. The delayed onset of inhibition of DNA synthesis shows that citrinin does not directly affect DNA synthesis in the experiments described here. However, Phillips & Hayes (1978) have shown that the hepatic DNA content, determined by the method of Burton (1956), decreased significantly after ip injection of citrinin into mice, and that this decrease was detectable 1 hr after injection. In experiments with citrinin-treated bacteria, DNA synthesis was less inhibited than RNA synthesis if it was measured by 3H-thymidine incorporation but was more inhibited than RNA synthesis if it was estimated by colorimetric measurements of changes in cellular DNA content. Since citrinin is known to have a mutagenic effect on bacteria (Lorkowski & Riischenthaler, 1979; Ueno & Kubota, 1976). these results were interpreted as evidence for the existence of DNA repair syntheses in citrinin-treated bacteria. However, more data must be obtained before these results can be interpreted conclusively and further experiments on this problem are in progress. It has also been reported that citrinin is a potent inhibitor of sterol synthesis in yeast and in rat liver (Tanzawa, Kuroda & Endo, 1977). However, since in eukaryotic cells and in bacteria similar effects of citrinin on RNA synthesis are observed, and since bacteria do not synthesize sterols, this inhibition may be a secondary effect that is limited to eukaryotes. Acknowledgements-This work was supported by grants from Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Ro 291/Z@, from NATO (Research grant no. 1749). and from the Institut National de la SantC et de la Recherche Mddicale (Contract no. We appreciate the review of the manuscript by Dr. Arnstein, King’s College, The Strand, London. REFERENCES

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