308 effusion, and determines the union of the size of a child’s head, the 20th day after be- ing operated on for hydrocele, which at first contained...

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effusion, and determines the union of the size of a child’s head, the 20th day after be-

ing operated on for hydrocele, which at first contained nearly a gallon of fluid, and which scrotum, when emptied, hung between his knees like a water carrier’s skin-bag. It is worthy ofremark, that the iodine seems,when used ill this operation, never to produce any of the bad effects occasionally attributable to its employment, and that having excited a specific action sufficient to remove diseased

serous tunics which are placed in contact. 2. Even when the serous membrane is

it bears the application of the ligatures fastened by torsion, whereas it would give way under a knot. 3. The method proposed by M. Jobert for the union of a wounded intestine, whether the calibre be completely or incompletely divided, is the best that can be adopted.

violently inflamed,

parts, and model the sound into their


mal form and habits, it has never exceeded that point. " In the latest number of THE LANCET, I INJECTION OF IODINE IN find Mr. Stanley lecturingclinically to his HYDROCELE. pupils at Bartholomew’s, upon the dangers IN the litilian Journal of Medicine, for of infiltration, the cautions to be observed in the trocar and in withdrawMay, 1836, we find two cases of hydrocele ingintroducing and using the caiiula, the risk of lea,ing treated at the Calcutta General Hospital any part of the stimulating fluid in the sac, successfully, with injections of iodine, by &c. &:c. Sir Astley Cooper, too, continues Dr. Stewart. In the first case two pounds to describe all the old methods of operating, of a limpid fluid were drawn off by the tro- and in none of the English journals have I found even an allusion to this method, descar, and the emptied sac was immediately tined, beyond all doubt, in due time to injected with half a drachm of tincture of supersede every other entirely. Our breiodine, and three drachms of distilled water, thren at home have not yet taken the trouwhen the trocar was withdrawn. In the ble to hear of it, and continue to exclaim, second case the man sought relief for a I Can any good thing come out of Nazahydrocele of the left side, of considerable retli ?"’ In the seventh volume of the «Transsize, the growth of the last two years. He had been already tapped at Bombay for it, actions of the Medical Society of Calcutta," on board ship, ,and port wine was injected, is a paper on this subject, by Mr. J. R. which produced some pain, but no swelling, Martin, the gentleman alluded to by Dr. and he returned to his work three THE LANCET of April 29 contains an after. On the present occasion twelve account of M. Velpeau’s employment of this ounces of a clear fluid were drawn off by remedy by injection in hydrocele. But the the trocar, and tincture of iodine was in- claim to its first adoption, clearly belongs’to jected on the 5th of the month. On the Mr. Martin. In his paper, which was pre29th both testicles were of the same size, sented to the Calcutta Society in Jan. 1835, the scrotum flaccid., and natural. Mr. Martin states that hydrocele is very Dr. Stewart remarks, " These’ two cases common among the natives of Beng;al, and are proofs of the safety of the operation for afterwards alludes to the preference, over the radical cure of hydrocele by the injec- all other methods, of the operation by tion-of iodine, in the European subject. a stimulating injection, introduced by Sir One of them is particularly valuable, as James Earle. But this, in the hands of recording the success of the new method some of our best surgeons, had been found after failure by the old port wine injection. prejudicial, especially in consequence of the Mr. Hunter used to remark, speaking of the danger of the fluid getting into the cellular different operations for hydrocele, that the substance. The knowledge of this circum. want of success in any mode had only been stance led Mr. Martin to think of another alluded to by those who had another mode mode of cure, and upwards of ninety cases to recommend of their own, leaving its had been treated with the iodine injection, failure to be discovered by others. Now, up to the time of writing his paper, without had Mr. Hunter lived to hear the history of danger or inconvenience. this operation, I think he would have spar- . In only one case did he observe symptoms ed this remark, and given his unqualified of a dangerous tendency supervene; and, preference to a mode of operating, which, as it even tends to confirm the safety of the out of four hundred cases, does not exhibit a operation, it may be worthy of mention. " It single failure. In the hands of Mr. Martin, was that (says Mr. Martin) of a Mahomedall of the Native Hospital, to whom the profes- labourer, who went about his occupations sion is indebted for the discovery, not a for fourteen days after the operation, and single failure has occurred among the came into the hospital on the fifteenth, with natives in that number; and some of the a highly-inflamed and shining scrotum. A A man few leeches, an evaporating lotion, and a cases were very extraordinary. exhibited to the Medical Society somei prevented any accident. Findweeks ago, with the scrotum reduced to the ing the proportions in the injection at tirst





well, a solution of tinc- prove the condition of his frame. But this in the proportion of two boon can} be enjoyed but by few. Debts, drachms to six of water, of the ordinary and deprivation of allowances on going beyond the. Cape, too frequently obstruct his temperature, I have never nor need there, perhaps, be any change, way, and he must, therefore, look to some even when Europeans are the subjects of spot by which he may escape sacrifices of operation. In the case of a few robust Maho- such magnitude." This subject has, accordingly, been taken medans, who use animal food, but one common urethra-syringe full was injected, and up by Mr. Dempster, in a paper published that quantity may be found sufficient in the in the seventh volume of the " Transactions cases of most Europeans. of the Medical Society of Calcutta," in " The effects of the iodine solution seem he which professes to give an account of the to be immediate, the inflammation arriving climate of Van Diemen’s Land as a resort at its height in about twenty-four hours, for invalids from India, and to indicate the and after that subsiding rapidly. In only class of individuals who may expect to betwo instances has bleeding by leeches been nefit by a temporary residence in that colony. found necessary. Poultices, cold lotions, He introduces the subject by a short account and purgatives, have generally constituted of the country in the vicinity of Hobart the treatment ; and even these have not Town, of which alone he can speak. It is been had recourse to in a large proportion one vast forest. Steep hills, covered to the of cases. summit with trees, rise in succession as far 11 Twelve cases of double hydrocele, the eye can reach, leaving little level treated oit both sides at once, recovered with ground between. A stranger, who has heard of the rapid quite as much ease and expedition, as the single cases. In one of these cases a much progress of the colony, may expect to see larger quantity than had before been tried extensive tracts of cultivated ground. Nowas injected with safety; but if there be thing can be more opposite to the actual any superiority iu the iodine injection, as scene he views on sailing up the Derwent. used by me, it consists in the srnullness of quantity of land that has already been tlte quantity used, certd its being retained ;for subjected to the plough, appears utterly inin the hands of the best surgeons, infiltrawhen contrasted with the vast tion may and does very frequently happen forest, which will probably with the port wine solution, owing, as I never be entirely subject to the dominion of conceive, to the cremaster muscle, excited man. Perhaps in no country of equal exby pain, drawing the cavity of the sac off tent, within the temperate zone, does the the end of the canula. culturable land bear so small a proportion ’’The only caution that appears to me to to that which is barren and uufit for the necessary in the performance of the injec- plough, and the new colonist finds the greattion with iodine, is to see that the est di1Iiculty in selecting an eligible spot to is in good order, that the piston fits well ; settle on. otherwise air will be injected, and the opeIn the autumn the mean temperature is rator deceiBed as to the quantity of fluid i about 65 degrees, and the air is, in general, usecl." i clear and bracing, and the whole season I would be esteemed temperate and agreeable in any part of the world. The winter months are our June, July, and August ; this is the rainy season, but there are conTHE CLIMATE OF siderable intervals of dry weather. The VAN DIEMEN’S LAND average temperature is about 44 degrees. During the winter months a dense fog often AS A RESORT FOR collects towards evening, over the course of INVALIDS FROM INDIA. rivers, and the narrow valleys between the hills. They continue until in the early part " To what vicissitudes is a British onicer of the morning they are dispersed by a in India exposed ! Suddenly subjected to breeze. " This formed," says Mr. Dempexcessive heat, undergoing often extraordi- ster, " my only objection to the beautiful nary fatigue and privation, the whole frame village of New Norfolk,t where I resided, becomes the victim of disease. Liable to its situation rendering it peculiarly liable to be called in a moment from a healthy can- those fogs in winter." Hobart Town does tonment in Bengal to the foot of the Himal- not sufl’erfroii this annoyance. The .winter ayah, or the swamps of Arracan, many are is generally considered the most pleasant obliged to quit the lield of professional doty season of the year; and, indeed, nothing and seek relief in a more congenial climate, can be conceived more than a. - naturally that in which they were born. fine winter’s day in Van Diemen’s Land. The length of the sea voyage, and the prost Twenty-two miles from Hobart Town, on the pect of returning to relations, would cheer Derwent, at the extremity of its navigable par. the spirits of the valetudinarian, and im. tion.


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