Integration of a linear accelerator into a production line of mechanically deboned separated poultry meat

Integration of a linear accelerator into a production line of mechanically deboned separated poultry meat

Radiation Physics and Chemistry 57 (2000) 613±617 Integration of a linear accelerator into a production line of ...

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Radiation Physics and Chemistry 57 (2000) 613±617

Integration of a linear accelerator into a production line of mechanically deboned separated poultry meat Theo Sadat*, Christophe Volle Thomson CSF Linac, Parc technologique Gemini II, Route de l'orme, 91195 Saint Aubin Cedex, France

Abstract Linear accelerators, commonly called Linacs, are being used for di€erent industrial processes. This kind of machine produces high power electron beams and can treat many products with a high throughput. The main application of a Linac is the sterilization of medical disposable devices, polymerization and decontamination of food products. Salmonella commonly contaminates poultry. Thanks to E-beam treatment, it eradicates the pathogen quickly and permits the use of meat that should have been thrown away because of its infection. The world's ®rst Linac dedicated to treat mechanically deboned poultry meat is located in Brittany at the SocieÂte des ProteÂines Industrielles. It is a Thomson CSF Linac product, the CIRCE II, with an energy of 10 MeV and a power of 10 kW. This Linac has been used for more than 8 years, and its technology is fully proven. 7 2000 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Electron beam; Accelerator; Poultry meat; Ionization

1. Introduction

2. Mechanically deboned separated poultry meat

Linear accelerators (also called Linacs) are used in the industry to sterilize single use products, to polymerize composite products, and to decontaminate food. This paper will take into consideration the decontamination of mechanically deboned separated poultry meat and more speci®cally the integration of a Linac in a production line for this product. The ®rst installation to treat mechanically deboned separated poultry meat ever installed in a production line has been done by Thomson CSF Linac in a chicken factory in Brittany in 1990.

After having deboned poultry (chicken, turkey, etc.), some small parts of meat are still on necks and carcasses. In order to be able to use all the meat, machines have been developed to extract them (Gallien et al., 1985). For example, the meat remaining on carcasses and necks on chicken constitute about 24% of the total meat (12% on turkeys), which represents a not negligible amount. The process to separate the meat from the bones is simple. Carcasses and necks are pressed through a sieve under high pressure. In this way the ``soft'' product (meat, fat and sustaining tissues), is separated from the bones. This process is operated at a temperature of 58C.

* Corresponding author.

0969-806X/00/$ - see front matter 7 2000 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. PII: S 0 9 6 9 - 8 0 6 X ( 9 9 ) 0 0 5 0 6 - X


T. Sadat, C. Volle / Radiation Physics and Chemistry 57 (2000) 613±617

The deboned poultry meat is packed into bags and quickly frozen (between 1 and 2 h) with freon. The dimensions of the package are 53  35  5.5 cm. The weight of each bag is 10 kg. Packages are grouped by containers of 1200 kg and stored at a temperature of ÿ188C (duration of storage: 9 months maximum). This kind of food is used in products containing minced meat such as sausages and meat pies.

3. Why pasteurize deboned meat? Food is subject to strict hygiene regulation. The data of Table 1 represents the French microbiological criteria (Journal Ociel, 1980) for food consumption by humans. It represents the maximum number of microorganisms per gram permitted in food for human consumption. Raw meat such as mechanically deboned separated poultry meat must be extracted with special attention under special conditions. But, because of the evisceration, carcasses and necks are polluted super®cially (mostly Salmonella, Staphylococcus, and coliforms), and the mechanical separation of the meat is responsible for the penetration of the polluting agent into the meat. To be able to obtain or to preserve the best level of hygiene, this food needs to be pasteurized. The pasteurization will mainly give protection to the consumer against Salmonella, Staphylococcus and coliforms and will induce a longer shelf life. To pasteurize, di€erent technologies can be used. The chicken factory in Brittany chose the irradiation technology (Sadat et al., 1994).

4. Why choose irradiation technology to pasteurize? A thermal treatment would be sucient to get rid of all these microorganisms, but this kind of treatment modi®es the product. So, the use in the food industry is very limited. Irradiation is well known for its ability to destroy microorganisms. It can be used to decontaminate the mechanically deboned separated poultry meat.

There are two di€erent ways to treat products by irradiation: The use of gamma rays, produced by radioactive sources (Cobalt 60 or Cesium 137). The penetration of gamma rays is very good, but it needs a quite long duration of exposure to obtain the desired e€ect. The installation and the use of a radioactive source that produces gamma rays are subject to heavy regulation. The use of electron beam, produced by an electron accelerator. The penetration of electron beams is not as good as the gamma rays. Nevertheless the duration of exposure is much shorter. Because it does not contain radioactive material, the installation and the use of an accelerator is not subject to those regulations pertaining to radioisotopes. For convenience reasons, such as handling or oxidation (it decreases with the temperature), the mechanically deboned separated poultry meat should be treated frozen. The average dose required for the treatment of the mechanically deboned separated poultry meat is 5 kGy. This dose has been determined experimentally (SPI, 1983). The use of an accelerator seems to be the better solution because of the quick treatment (around 1 s) that permits the product not to melt. The thickness of the packages (5.5 cm) allows treatment with an E-beam of 10 MeV energy (maximum energy authorized in the industry).

5. Integration into a production line After being frozen, the slabs of meat are placed on the conveyor for a ®rst irradiation under the beam in the irradiation chamber. After this ®rst treatment, the slab is turned upside down and conveyed again under the beam to irradiate the other side. Both sides are treated to obtain a good dose distribution. The dose to be given to the slabs is 5 kGy. Due to the characteristics of the accelerator (10 kW and eciency of 50%), the speed of the conveyor must be around 6 m/min for the desired dose. The throughput of this machine of 10 kW power and a conveyor speed of 6 m/min is around 3.5 tons per h. The cost per kilo including the labor is around 4.5 US cents per kilo for a use of the accelerator of 2300 h

Table 1 Maximum tolerable bioburdens in foodstu€s Aerobic microorganisms

Fecal coliforms

Staphylococcus aureus

Anaerobic sul®toreductors





Salmonella None

T. Sadat, C. Volle / Radiation Physics and Chemistry 57 (2000) 613±617

per year. This cost would decrease to 3.2 US cents per kilo for an annual use of 6000 h.

6. Regulations The irradiation of the mechanically separated deboned poultry meat and its packages are subject to regulations. After a study on the e€ect of E-beam with a dose up to 5 kGy on the mechanically deboned separated poultry meat such as the preservation of the organoleptical qualities, the vitamins, and the reduction of contamination, the results of these stu-


dies have been given to the Direction GeÂneÂrale de la Consommation, de la Concurrence et de la ReÂpression des Fraudes (DGCCRF, 1991±1997). After a study of this report by di€erent organizations, they gave a clearance (Journal Ociel, 1986). This clearance has been signed by three di€erent ministers: The minister of agriculture, the minister of health, and the minister of ®nance and economy. It is ®nally published in an ocial paper called the ``Journal Ociel''. Actually, each European country has its own list of products that can be irradiated. Table 2 represents the

Table 2 Irradiated foodstu€s in Europe Product Vegetables Fruits Potatoes Strawberries Mushrooms Onions Garlic Shallots Black/white pepper Paprika powder Gum arabic Spices Dried vegetables Breakfast cereals Mechanically separated poultry meat Dried fruits Frog legs Shell®sh Shrimps Herbs Poultry Fish Deep frozen meals for patients who need sterile diet Herbal teas Edible casein, rennet casein, caseinates Raisins Dried dates, ®gs, apricots Cereal grain Cereal ¯akes Sprouted cereals Rice ¯our Onion powder Garlic powder Animal blood, plasma Bovine colostrum Egg white Bulbs, roots, tubers a

Country of authorizationa













B Ð Belgium; F Ð France; N Ð The Netherlands; I Ð Italy; U Ð United Kingdom; PÐ Poland.










T. Sadat, C. Volle / Radiation Physics and Chemistry 57 (2000) 613±617

Table 3

Edible casein, rennet, casein, caseinates Mechanically separated poultry meat Frog legs Gum arabic Herbs Spices and dried vegetables Dry fruit Food for lab animals Blood, plasma Frozen shrimps Egg white Breakfast cereals Total production








1,125,555 4,202,460 741,220 102,545 157,000 3,565,541 417,344 57,829 90,710 174,000 5,000 24,330 10,663,53

947,258 6,978,000 870,500 523,553 44,000 4,289,457 472,892 82,990 42,750 160,000 90,000 41,014 14,542,410

938,225 3,248,500 360,743 335,127 224,000 4,516,523 532,570 210,850 117,240 16,000 48,250 24,060 10,572,080

1,209,461 8,800,660 216,800 367,600 244,100 5,564,618 ± 125,395 512,000 182,300 30,000 55,000 17,307,930

494,286 4,607,834 1,294,794 302,953 118,752 6,349,682 266,145 106,710 157,173 53,242 22,864 91,440 13,865,870

493,812 6,346,908 423,453 732,614 110,700 6,454,208 51,672 16,568 207,457 35,989 17,385 59,400 14,950,160

279,452 6,348,907 363,412 854,075 128,349 6,480,947 537,096 26,087 372,025 78,818 17,856 70,335 15,557,360

di€erent foodstu€s pasteurized in Europe by irradiation. With the European Economic Community, this list will become unique. Demand by each country will have to be done for their own products to be added to the list. The clearance will be given by the European Parliament. At this time, only France has registered their list of products. Two European directives are being studied: 1. Legal context directive This directive will concern the label on the package, the source of irradiation and the control of the product. 2. Application list directive This directive will take into consideration the products authorized to be irradiated in Europe after studies. These directives should come out beginning 1999 with only one product mentioned to start with: spices and seasoning. The European application will begin in 2001. During this transition period (1999±2001), each European country will be able to keep their actual authorization. The mechanically deboned separated poultry meat will need to receive the European approval to be able to be treated after year 2000 like the other products. The packaging material is also subject to regulation. An application of authorization to the DGCCRF must be made. For the dose of 5 kGy, the DGCCRF gives a registration number. This number must be mentioned on the packaging. For the case of the mechanically separated poultry meat, the clearance has been given for low density polyethylene as packaging material. No European directives for the packaging materials have been issued.

7. The facility The facility is not subject to any particular regulation when equipped with an accelerator. Because it contains no radioactive sources, the machine needs no special security when switched o€. Nevertheless, when the accelerator is in use, the radiation it produces has to be stopped. That is the reason why accelerators are surrounded by concrete shielding to ensure a maximum of 0.25 mrem/h on the outside.

8. Evolution of the market Table 3 represents the quantity of food product (in tons) treated by ionization in France from year 1991 to year 1997.

9. Conclusion The integration of a linac into a production line of mechanically separated deboned poultry meat is possible on an industrial scale. The SocieÂte des ProteÂines Industrielles in Brittany has used this technology to pasteurize for more than 8 years.

References DGCCRF, 1991±1997. Liste de MateÂriaux et objets destineÂs au contact alimentaire et traiteÂs par rayonnements ionisants. Gallien, C.L., Paquin, J., Ferradini, C., Sadat, T., 1985. Electron beam processing in food industries-technology and costs. Radiat. Phys. Chem. 25 (13), 81±96. Journal Ociel, 1986. ArreÃte du 12 aouÃt 1986 relatif au traite-

T. Sadat, C. Volle / Radiation Physics and Chemistry 57 (2000) 613±617 ment par rayonnement ionisants des mateÂriaux et objets mis ou destineÂs aÁ eÃtre mis au contact des denreÂes, produits et boissons destineÂs aÁ l'alimentation. Sadat, T., Ross, A., Leveziel, H. 1994. Food irradiation Ð a


global scenario, isotopes and radiation technology in industry. SPI 1983. Demande d'autorisation d'appliquer un traitement ionisant aux viandes de volailles seÂpareÂes meÂcaniquement.