Joseph E. Whitley, MD, Award: $1,000 honorarium

Joseph E. Whitley, MD, Award: $1,000 honorarium

Joseph E. Whitley, MD, Award: $1,000 Honorarium A certificate, along with a $1,000 honorarium in honor of Joseph E. Whitley, MD, is awarded annually b...

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Joseph E. Whitley, MD, Award: $1,000 Honorarium A certificate, along with a $1,000 honorarium in honor of Joseph E. Whitley, MD, is awarded annually by the Association of University Radiologists (AUR) to the radiologist who submits and presents the best manuscript on a subject related to radiologic education. Whitley Award scientific presentations on teaching have become a vital factor in helping the AUR to continue its premier role as a forum for educational research and innovation in radiology. The criteria for evaluation will include originality of the concept, clarity of the manuscript, experimental design, importance to teaching, and validity of the outcome. Finalists will be invited to present their work in an expanded format at a Whitley Award judging during the 1996 meeting of the AUR, which will be sponsored by the University of Alabama, Birmingham, from April 17 to 21, 1996. Educational papers not invited for the judging session may be considered for presentation at one of the several other educational sessions of the meeting. The AUR Committee on Teaching urges all members to consider submission for the 1996 award. To be eligible for the award, the topic of the paper must be predominantly education in radiology. The educational issue investigated may relate to any level--graduate, undergraduate, or postgraduate. The manuscript cannot be simultaneously under consideration for publication or award by any other g r o u p . After the judging, submissions will automatically be forwarded for consideration of publication in Academic Radiology. Manuscripts should conform in all respects to the Instructions to Contributors found in each copy of Academic Radiology. Three copies of the complete manuscript, abstract form for the AUR meeting, and original illustrations should be mailed to Chairperson, Committee on Teaching in Radiology, Association of University Radiologists, 1891 Preston White Dr., Reston, VA 22091. Include a copyright release suitable for Academic Radiology (see Instructions to Contributors in this issue). The comlnittee will forward manuscripts to the Editorial Board of Academic Radiology for consideration of publication. The AUR abstract forms and manuscripts must be postmarked by D e c e m b e r 15, 1995, to be considered for the award. M a n u s c r i p t s s u b m i t t e d w i t h o u t a n abstract w i l l b e returned to the author.