Kidney Allocation

Kidney Allocation

24 Kidney Allocation DIANA A. WU, JAYME E. LOCKE, and JOHN L. R. FORSYTHE CHAPTER OUTLINE Two-Step Process General Points of Allocation United King...

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Kidney Allocation DIANA A. WU, JAYME E. LOCKE, and JOHN L. R. FORSYTHE


Two-Step Process General Points of Allocation United Kingdom United States

It is a favorite assertion of the authors that clinical transplantation is an excellent example of “medical ethics in practice.” Perhaps this is best demonstrated by the processes of organ allocation where a balance must be struck between allocation that makes best use of a scarce resource and the principle of equitable access to all on the waiting list.1

Two-Step Process It is important to acknowledge that, for the patient to receive an offer of a deceased donor kidney, they must have completed a two-step process. First, the patient must gain access to the waiting list. The preparation for listing and the criteria for this are covered elsewhere (see Chapter 4), but this is an important step and there is evidence of inequity in clinical processes to screen patients for access to the waiting list.2,3 This chapter will concentrate on the second step, which is allocation of a donor kidney to a patient who is already on the waiting list. 

General Points of Allocation As transplantation from deceased donors develops in any particular country, the sophistication of allocation processes also matures. Early allocation plans may begin with a local clinician picking from a list of local patients, a system that is subjective, open to challenge, and does not maximize population size for matching. Allocation algorithms then develop regionally, and eventually result in a complex process that is usually run on a national basis by a designated organization. On occasion, an international collaboration is set up—perhaps the most notable example of this is Eurotransplant, which covers the nations of Germany, Belgium, Austria, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Slovenia, Croatia, and Hungary. The more advanced allocation schemes are safeguarded by legislative frameworks and appropriate governance processes. The ethical dilemma in the design of allocation policies faced by all countries is the balance between utility and equity. Utility-based allocation gives priority to those with the best chance of a favorable outcome—by this method gaining the maximum benefit from every transplanted kidney.

Other Variations Eurotransplant Australia Summary

Although this is a clear principle, the secondary question of how to measure the benefit is much more difficult to answer. Should this be based on survival statistics (kidney or patient), comparative benefit of life years gained, or should we include quality of life for each of the possible patients? In addition, an allocation system based purely on utility causes disadvantage to many patient groups—the elderly, diabetics, and those who have waited for a longer time.4,5 On the other hand, equity, the concept that each patient should have an equal chance of receiving an offer, will result in a system that does not maximize the precious gift of a donor organ. For instance, a “queuing” or “first-come first-served” system gives priority to more elderly patients and those who have been on dialysis longer with more comorbidity, which mitigates against the best results.6 Most allocation systems around the world were built on human leukocyte antigen (HLA) matching between donor and recipient. This stands to reason as a better match produces better survival.7,8 However, the unintended consequence of this allocation principle is that patients with rare HLA types (who also happen to be ethnic minorities in any community) and sensitized patients (who also happen to be mainly female) are disadvantaged.9 It follows that allocation systems mature to be an amalgam between markers of utility and factors associated with fairness (Table 24.1). Age is also a controversial issue in allocation policies. Few would deny priority for pediatric patients because of the natural emotional response to help children, backed by the clinical issues peculiar to children with renal failure, including growth and developmental delay. Yet some systems have a strict cutoff between designation of a patient as a pediatric or adult, which seems harsh on the young person who has only strayed 1 day into the adult sector, losing all priority in the process. In addition, any priority for younger patients (even though utility would suggest that they will benefit to a greater extent) is often resisted and can be characterized as age discrimination. Some have advocated that the allocation of younger donor kidneys should be reserved for younger recipients (obviously accompanied by older donor kidneys allocated to older recipients) because this treats all patients in an age-matched fashion.10 The most modern schemes attempt to predict the likely longevity of the transplanted kidney, advocating better matched 371


Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

TABLE 24.1  Allocation Criteria Allocation Criteria





HLA MM loci/importance Waiting time definition Definition of pediatric recipient

DR > B Listing date <18 years, retain pediatric priority until transplanted + + CRF ≥85%

DR only Start of dialysis <18 years

DR = B = A Start of dialysis <16 years or >16 yrs with growth potential on x-ray − + PRA >85% DR, B, A

DR > B/A Start of dialysis <18 years, first dialysis <17 years and on dialysis for >1 yr − − PRA >50% for 000 MM, >80% for all other MM levels −

+ + Medical urgency AMP ESP

+ + Around 80% of kidneys allocated within donor state via state-based algorithms

Recipient age (adults) Donor-recipient age matching Definition of highly sensitized recipient Priority for HLA homozygous recipients Local allocation priority Balance of exchange Other allocation criteria/ features


+ − Sliding scale for CPRA 20–100 −

+ − Defaulting of rare HLA antigens HLA match and age combined

+ − Priority for previous living organ donors EPTS KDPI

AMP, acceptable mismatch programme; CPRA, calculated panel reactive antibody; CRF, calculated reaction frequency; EPTS, estimated post transplant survival score; ESP, Eurotransplant seniors program; HLA, human leukocyte antigen; KDPI, kidney donor profile index; MM, mismatch; PRA, panel reactive antibody. Sources: UK: NHS Blood and Transplant policy 186/9, effective 26/01/18. Available online at: US: Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network policy 8, effective 08/10/17. Available online at: policies.pdf#nameddest=Policy_08. Eurotransplant: Eurotransplant foundation manual, Chapter 4, version 5.2, effective 11/11/16. Available online at: ediaobject.php?file=H4+ETKAS+November+11%2C+20161.pdf. Australia: The Transplantation Society of Australia and New Zealand, version 1.1, effective 17/05/17. Available online at: llocationguidelines/documents/ClinicalGuidelinesV1.1May2017.pdf.

United Kingdom

Fig. 24.1  Marginal donor kidney.

kidneys for those who are younger, and accepting a more poorly matched kidney for those patients who, on balance, have fewer years to survive.11 Finally, the characteristics of donors have changed rapidly in recent years. More aged, higher body mass index (BMI), and more comorbidity in donors has been well demonstrated, resulting in terms such as “marginal” or “extended criteria” donor (Figs. 24.1 and 24.2). The fair method of allocation that also gives maximum benefit of these donor kidneys provides a significant challenge for national transplant organizations. Although these themes are universal, the national response has been varied depending on the prevailing clinical, patient, and political views.11 We will describe here two notable schemes and summarize the variation in some others. 

The first UK national scheme began in 1989 with a simple HLA match allocation.12 This was still a hybrid scheme in that one kidney from each donor was allocated nationally, whereas the paired kidney was allocated locally, governed by individual center policies. This was revised in 1998 after analysis of outcome had shown three distinct tiers of HLA mismatch as factors in graft survival.13 Both kidneys were allocated on a national basis in the 1998 scheme, which also introduced a number of novel allocation tools including a points score to differentiate equally well-matched (or equally poorly matched) patients within each tier.5 The points were based on donor recipient age difference, recipient age, waiting time, matchability score, sensitization level, and, as a compromise to those centers who wished to maintain a local organ allocation flavor, points for balance of organ exchange among centers. Matchability was a measure of the probability of a particular patient being offered a well-matched kidney—this was a correction factor for those patients who were “difficult to match.” This scheme was analyzed around 8 years later and inequity of access, as an unintended consequence of the dominance of HLA matching, was seen to be a significant problem.13 As a result a new allocation scheme was derived and introduced in 2006, which is still in place at the time of this writing.14 The new scheme placed less emphasis on HLA matching although zero HLA mismatched patients retained top priority and well-matched patients (100, 10, and 110) also had

24 • Kidney Allocation


1600 1400

Number of donors

1200 70 or over 1000

60–69 50–59


18–49 0–17

600 400 200 0 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16

Fig. 24.2  Age of deceased donors in the UK.

some level of priority. Highly sensitized patients were also seen to benefit. For each patient a “calculated reaction frequency” was measured. This was defined as the percentage of 10,000 recent donors to which the patient has preformed antibodies and when this rose to over 85%, the patient was deemed highly sensitized and gained priority. A novel approach was developed to tackle the inequity of access experienced by patients with rare HLA types, whereby rare HLA antigens (with a frequency of less than 2% in the donor pool) were defaulted to close counterparts based on serologic reactivity data. For instance, the rare antigen B82 was defaulted to B12, opening up 18% of the donor pool. The points score was also adapted to give much more weight to waiting time, as a result of patient input to the design of the scheme. Finally, points for recipient age were combined with the HLA match to give the best matched kidneys to younger patients. It is important to note that the cold ischemic time (CIT) was also monitored as the new scheme came in. A surrogate for this factor—proximity of the donor to the recipient center—was included in the points score and, gratifyingly, the CIT actually decreased over the introduction of the 2006 scheme.14 In 2014 the scheme was extended to kidneys donated from donors after circulatory death (DCD), using the same algorithm but based on regional rather than fully national allocation, to minimize CIT.11,15 The 2006 scheme was reviewed and found to have increased the number of transplants for long-waiting and highly sensitized patients (Fig. 24.3). Although the percentage of difficult to match and minority ethnic patients transplanted had also increased, significant inequity remained, reflecting the immense challenge of achieving a good balance between utility and equity. Work began on a new allocation algorithm in 2016 and it is hoped that the new scheme will be introduced in 2019. It is designed to further improve inequities of access, particularly to highly sensitized or difficult to match patients. In addition, it is planned that there will be better matching between the risk of a donor kidney

as determined by a donor risk index16 and the perceived risk associated with a particular recipient. In this manner simulations suggest that the potential of a particular kidney can be better matched to the needs of the allocated recipient. 

United States Although the number of kidney transplants performed in the US has increased over the years, there remains a critical organ shortage. In fact, as of September 2017, more than 96,000 people were waiting for a deceased donor kidney in the US; yet fewer than 20,000 receive a kidney transplant each year.17 Efforts to address this critical shortage and improve organ matching and placement resulted in the US Congress passing the National Organ Transplant Act (NOTA) in 1984. NOTA (1) established the Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network (OPTN) to maintain a national registry for organ matching, and (2) required the OPTN to be operated by a private, nonprofit organization under federal contract, effectively creating the United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS; the OPTN contractor). The goal of US allocation policy has been to balance utility and equity regarding the distribution of deceased donor organs. Not surprisingly, the policy has changed over time to optimize allocation efforts aimed at balancing these often competing goals.18 Initially, US allocation policy focused heavily on donor and recipient HLA matching; over time, however, advances in immunosuppression regimen resulted in lower acute rejection rates, and in 1995 allocation points awarded based on HLA-A matching were eliminated and more emphasis was placed on waiting time. The concept of first come, first transplanted was introduced.18 However, HLA subtype matching was not completely abandoned from the allocation policy. Secondary to


Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice 100 Pre 2006 scheme

Post 2006 scheme




60 50 538


441 429 392 370



Highly sensitized

Waiting time

95 11 31

2 6 Not reported





53 70


1–3 years

48 <1 year






143 53




≥7 years



5–7 years

207 165



3–5 years



CRF ≥85%

% DBD kidney transplants

824 70

Recipient ethnicity

Fig. 24.3  Effect of UK 2006 National Kidney Allocation scheme. DBD, donors after brain death; CRF, calculated reaction frequency. (Based on NHS Blood and Transplant data from 2003 versus 2013.)

racial differences in locus allele frequency, HLA subtype matching was shown to be disadvantageous to minorities, limiting their access to deceased donor transplantation.19 As a result, in 2003 allocation points based on HLA-B matching were eliminated. Subsequent studies demonstrated that these policy changes were effective in mitigating racial disparities with no adverse effect on graft survival. Unfortunately, these policy changes did not eliminate racial disparities in deceased donor transplantation rates.20,21 Other allocation policy changes (circa 2002) have focused on expanding the deceased donor pool to include those kidneys previously deemed not suitable for transplant—the concept of expanded criteria donor (ECD) kidneys and DCD kidneys. ECD was defined as kidneys from any brain dead donor ≥60 years or aged 50 to 59 years with at least two of the following: history of hypertension, serum creatinine >1.5 mg/dL, or cause of death from cerebrovascular accident. Receipt of an ECD kidney conferred a 1.7-fold higher risk for graft failure compared with a standard criteria donor (SCD) kidney; however, studies consistently demonstrated ECD kidney transplantation was associated with a significant survival benefit over remaining on dialysis.22,23 These changes resulted in an allocation system that categorized donors into four mutually exclusive groups: SCD <35 years, SCD ≥35 years,

ECD, and DCD. Within each category, several principles dictated allocation priority18,24:   

Candidates are listed for simultaneous kidney and nonkidney organ transplants. □  Candidates with zero antigen mismatch with the donor kidney (accepting organ procurement organization [OPO] must “pay back” a kidney to a common national pool). □  Candidates are assigned points enabling ranking within each group: □  Waiting time (begins at time of listing; listing requirement = maintenance dialysis or glomerular filtration rate ≤20 mL/min) □  Number of antigen mismatches between donor and candidate at the DR locus □  Calculated panel reactive antibody (cPRA) ≥80% □  Adherence to geography: local → regional → national; at each geographic level candidates were rank ordered according to the point system □  Pediatric candidates (<18 years) were given priority ahead of adult candidates within each geographic level for nonzero mismatch kidney offers from donors <35 years. □  Kidneys were distributed to ABO identical candidates first, then to ABO-compatible candidates. □ 


24 • Kidney Allocation


TABLE 24.2  The US Kidney Allocation System Allocation Sequence Sequence A KDPI ≤20%

Sequence B KDPI >20% but <35%

Sequence C KDPI ≥35% but ≤85%

Sequence Da KDPI >85%

Local CPRA 100 Regional CPRA 100 National CPRA 100 Local CPRA 99 Regional CPRA 99 Local CPRA 98 Zero mismatch (top 20% EPTS) Prior living donor Local pediatrics Local top 20% EPTS Zero mismatch (all) Local (all) Regional pediatrics Regional (top 20%) Regional (all) National pediatrics National (top 20%) National (all)

Local CPRA 100 Regional CPRA 100 National CPRA 100 Local CPRA 99 Regional CPRA 99 Local CPRA 98 Zero mismatch Prior living donor Local pediatrics Local adults Regional pediatrics Regional adults National pediatrics National adults

Local CPRA 100 Regional CPRA 100 National CPRA 100 Local CPRA 99 Regional CPRA 99 Local CPRA 98 Zero mismatch Prior living donor Local Regional National

Local CPRA 100 Regional CPRA 100 National CPRA 100 Local CPRA 99 Regional CPRA 99 Local CPRA 98 Zero mismatch Local + regional National


categories in Sequence D are limited to adult candidates.

Despite the numerous allocation policy changes since the OPTN’s inception in 1984, variability in access to transplantation by candidate blood type, high kidney discard rates, unrealized graft years, and high retransplant rates persisted. Thus in December 2014 the new Kidney Allocation System (KAS) was implemented with the stated goals to make the most of every donated kidney without diminishing access, promote graft survival for those at highest risk for retransplant, minimize loss of potential graft function through better matching, improve efficiency and utilization by providing better information about kidney offers, provide comprehensive data to guide transplant decision making, and reduce differences in access for ethnic minorities, pediatric candidates, and sensitized candidates.25 To accomplish these stated goals designed to balance equity and utility, KAS resulted in system-wide changes:    Kidney donors scored by the Kidney Donor Profile Index (KDPI) □  Candidates classified by Estimated Post-Transplant Survival (EPTS) score □  Waiting time calculation begins at initiation of dialysis (not time of listing) or at time of preemptive listing □  cPRA priority points allocated using sliding scale □  Pediatric (<18 years) allocation priority for kidneys with KDPI <0.35 □  Points for pediatric candidates when offered a zero antigen mismatch □  Blood type B candidates eligible to accept kidneys from A2 and A2B donors □  Elimination of kidney “pay back” policy □  Elimination of kidney variances □ 


To improve efficiency and organ utilization, KAS uses KDPI to risk-stratify donors and EPTS is used to risk-stratify recipients.26 KDPI replaced SCD and ECD definitions and provides increased precision in determining organ quality.27,28 To maximize matching between graft and recipient longevity, KAS prioritizes recipients with EPTS scores <20% with donor kidneys with KDPI <20%. KDPI is a measure of relative risk derived from the Kidney Donor Risk Index (KDRI) on a cumulative percentage scale, and is calculated using 10 donor criteria—age, height,

weight, ethnicity, history of hypertension, history of diabetes, cause of death, serum creatinine, hepatitis C virus, and DCD.27 A lower KDPI is associated with better posttransplant survival.28 Similar to the previous allocation scheme, KDPI is now utilized to categorize donor kidneys into four mutually exclusive sequences: (1) KDPI ≤20% (0.20), (2) KDPI >20% (0.20) but <35% (0.35), (3) KDPI ≥ 35% (0.35) but <85% (0.85), and (4) KDPI ≥85% (0.85; Table 24.2). Sequence D (KDPI ≥85%) reflects a similar quality of kidney as the previous ECD definition (higher risk for graft failure), and as such, requires a separate approval and consent for eligibility. EPTS is used to estimate posttransplant survival of recipients and to risk-stratify patients into two broad groups (≤20% vs. 21%–100%) based on four variables: recipient age, diabetic status, time on dialysis, and number of prior solid-organ transplants.29 Because candidates with EPTS scores ≤20% have the longest estimated posttransplant survival, they are prioritized to receive kidney offers from donors with KDPI ≤20%. In general, older age, longer dialysis duration, prior solid-organ transplant, and the presence of diabetes are associated with higher EPTS scores.26 KAS also revised candidate allocation points to reflect updated goals. Specifically, waiting-time points now begin at dialysis or listing with glomerular filtration rate (GFR) ≤20 mL/min and cPRA priority awards additional points to candidates with highest level of sensitization. All candidates are ranked by points within their EPTS group. Data from the first 18 months since implementation of KAS were reviewed. Post-KAS there has been a 6.9% increase in solitary deceased donor kidney transplants observed nationally; however, the geographic distribution of this increased volume was not consistent across regions.30,31 In fact, most UNOS regions saw only modest changes in volume with the largest relative increase occurring in region 9 and the largest relative decrease in region 6 (Fig. 24.4). The proportion of transplants occurring in patients with cPRA 99% to 100% initially rose from 2.4% of all deceased donor transplants performed each month to over 17% immediately after KAS implementation. By 18 months post-KAS the proportion had decreased and plateaued to approximately10% of all transplants.31 In addition, KAS improved patient access to deceased donor transplantation for historically disadvantaged


Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice





17.518.0 17.2





Percentage of kidney transplants



14.2 13.9 13.3 13.0 12.9 12.6


Pre KAS (1 year) Post KAS (12 months) Post KAS (18 months)


11.3 10.9

9.7 9.6 9.4

10 8

7.0 6.46.7


4.5 3.8

3.9 3.4 3.6 4

9 2




1 10

7.0 6.4 6.4


7.8 6.9 7.6 7.4 6.7 6.2


2 0






6 7 OPTN region





Fig. 24.4  Geographic distribution of deceased donor kidney transplants in the US pre- and post-KAS implementation. 80

Pre KAS (1 year) 6 months post KAS

Discard rates (%)

59.9 59.3 54.8 56.6

1 year post KAS


18 months post KAS


20 2.6 0

20.3 20.7 18.5 18.5

20.0 18.2 .17.0 17.8

2.0 2.5 2.2 0-20

6.4 7.5 21-34

35-85 KDPI (%)



Fig. 24.5  US deceased donor kidney discard rates pre- and post-KAS implementation.

groups. Specifically, in the first 18 months since implementation there has been a 16.6% relative increase in transplants among African American candidates. Moreover, there was a 33% increase in transplantation among candidates with ≥5 and <10 years dialysis time and 138% increase among candidates with ≥10 years dialysis time. There has also been a 449% increase in ABO-compatible (e.g., A2 and A2B donor kidneys to B recipients) transplants.30 Longevity mismatches have also decreased in the first year post-KAS implementation. The percentage of recipients aged ≥65 years receiving KDPI <20% kidneys decreased from 3.2% to 1.1%, and concurrently the number of recipients aged <40 years receiving KDPI <20% kidneys increased by 81.7%.30,31 Not surprisingly, the gap between donor and recipient age decreased significantly in the first year post-KAS.

Whereas implementation of KAS has resulted in several “big wins,” it is important to note several unintended consequences. Specifically, the percentage of kidneys distributed outside the recovering OPO’s donor service area increased in the first year post-KAS, and as such, there was a significant increase in the frequency of CIT exceeding 24 hours.30 Rates of delayed graft function (DGF) also increased in the first 18 months postKAS from 24.4% to 29.5%.30,31 Despite increases in CIT and DGF, graft survival rates in the first 6 months postKAS have remained similar. Finally, although transplant volume increased with implementation of KAS so too have discard rates, and discard has been most pronounced among donor kidneys with KDPI ≥85% (Fig. 24.5).30,31

24 • Kidney Allocation

Without question the full effect of KAS has yet to be appreciated. Longer follow-up will be needed to better assess patient and graft outcomes, transplant volumes, and discard rates, and to ensure that the stated goals of improving access for vulnerable populations persists. 

Other Variations EUROTRANSPLANT This scheme, one of the longest running, has a number of distinctive features. First, it has medical urgency as a factor in the allocation score.32 Second, rather than being defined by a strict age cutoff, pediatric status (and therefore priority) is granted to any patient demonstrating growth potential on x-ray.32 Third, an acceptable mismatch program was introduced as early as 1996 for those patients who are highly sensitized.33 Finally, in the Eurotransplant Senior program, running since 1999 and colloquially referred to as the “old for old” scheme, nonsensitized patients aged over 65 have priority for donors aged over 65 irrespective of HLA matching.34 Overall the Eurotransplant scheme has a good record in achieving transplantation for long waiting, highly sensitized, and difficult to match patients. This may be, in part, because of the international nature of the organ allocation organization.35,36 

AUSTRALIA Australia is notable for strict entry criteria to the waiting list with national agreement for patients to have an estimated 5-year survival of >80% post transplantation. Only wellmatched grafts are shared nationally and approximately 80% are allocated by state protocols, which are encouraged to weight waiting time heavily to improve access for those who have been on the list for a long time.37 

Summary The uplifting effect of being chosen to receive a kidney, or the polar opposite effect of living on the list for years with no call, define the need for transparent, objective policies of allocation that are monitored diligently and reviewed regularly. The World Health Organization and the Declaration of Istanbul have set out principles to be followed.38,39 The latter reminds us that clear programs with visible accountability are needed, otherwise the vacuum is filled by illegal organ trafficking and transplant tourism. The strong effect of HLA matching, especially in the earlier eras when immunosuppression was less effective, means that allocation algorithms have been built around this central factor. But this has caused inequity, especially where ethnic minorities with rare HLA types make up a significant part of the population. This is compounded when those same groups have a predilection for renal disease and a cultural background that makes deceased organ donation less frequent. Different nations balance utility and equity in ways that feel comfortable to their medical and social context. The


increased use of points systems brings objectivity and gives reassurance to patients. It also allows the use of computer simulations as new iterations of the allocation algorithm are designed. These simulations have become a valuable tool that allows the designers to see the predicted consequences of minor alterations in the points scoring schemes. It is quite possible that artificial intelligence will plan allocation systems in the future. In the meantime we must continue to monitor present schemes and fine tune them to improve the balance between conflicting principles that govern allocation.

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Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice

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