regard to the charge of the case. Mr. White was in :all the requirements of a first-class family hotel and there charge of the case and it was not in the charge of a nurse.are thirty bedrooms. " The sanitary arrangements have been That the case had occurred was lamentable but they oughtmost carefully considered under medical supervision. Every not to allow that Mr. White was responsible. Mr. White dideffort will be made to supply the best food and wines and the report the matter to the chairman of the committee withservice, under skilled management, will be performed by the result that a meeting of the committee was speciallya staff of trained servants specially selected in England." summoned to consider the matter. The following pbysiographical facts are given : height above Mr. S OSBORN seconded the amendment. In doing so sea level, 4100 ft. ; rainfall 18 in. per annum ; mean annual he remarked that the medical evidence which had been humidity of atmosphere 55° of saturation; mean temperature, supplied was insufficient. Mr. White had informed the October to March (summer), 72°, April to September (winter), members of the Darenth committee and he (Mr. 06born) 56°. The hours of sunshine during the year are very many. thought there was a reason for the case not being entered on the books. At all events the committee were fully aware of what had taken place and there was no desire to keep anyROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS thing secret. It did not say much for the Board’s arrangements if they were not equal to looking after an ordinary OF LONDON. midwifery case. From a legal point of view he (the speaker) did not think an inquest necessary. THE ordinary quarterly comitia was held on Jan. 27th, the The amendment was lost by 33 votes to 6. Sir S WILKS, Bart., being in the chair. President, Mr. LiLB suggested that the report be referred back to the The PRESIDENT announced that he had nominated committee and that it should commence at the beginning. He suggested that an attempt was being made to hush up the Dr. C. T. Williams, Dr. G. V. Poore, and Dr. S. Coupland to matter, but he was ruled out of order by the chairman who be the adjudicators for the Weber-Parkes Prize to be awarded stated that no such attempt whatever was being made. in the year 1900, the subject being the Etiology and Prevention The Rev. W. G. POPE desired to move an amendment to of Human Tuberculosis. The President nominated Sir Dyce the effect that the matter should be referred to the Local Duckworth to be the Harveian Orator for 1898, and Dr. W. M. Government Board in order that a public inquiry should be Ord the Bradshaw Lecturer. He also announced that the held into the whole of the circumstances, but he also was Council had nominated Dr. Poore to be the Milroy Lecturer ruled out of order. for 1899. The original motion was then carried. The PRESIDENT referred to the steps that had been taken Mr. HENSLEY moved that paragraph (b) be adopted. This, to promote the introduction of the University of London he said, practically amounted to a vote of censure upon the Commission Bill, and stated that he had on behalf of the committee. attended a conference with the Senate of the College Mr. WELLS seconded the motion. of London and also a deputation to the President Brigade-Surgeon-Lieutenant-Colonel MYERS moved an University of Council, the Duke of Devonshire. He also stated that amendment to the effect that the Board should record its with the President of the College of Surgeons he opinion that the Darenth committee should not have omitted together had addressed a memorial to the Secretary for War in behalf from its report any portion of the letters of the Commissioners of reform of the Army Medical Department. He read the in Lunacy. which urged the amalgamation of the Army memorial, This was seconded by Mr. J. WILLMOTT. Medical Staff and Medical Staff Corps into an Army Medical Mr. J. LOBB considered that the Baard had always been Corps with the conferment of military titles upon its dominated by what he called a policy of hush. members. The President then brought under the notice of The CHAIRMAN objected to the term ° hush " and denied the Fellows the proposal to have a portrait of Dr. Munk, the that the Board had such a policy. Harveian Librarian, painted for the College. After a long discussion in which attempts were made to Dr. T. Beattie, Dr. E. J. Cave, Dr. A. C. Latham, Dr. L. adjourn the debate the amendment was lost. and Dr. R. B. Wild were admitted to the MemberRogers, Mr. BRASS wished to add after paragraph (b) words to the of the College. ship effect that the General Purposes Committee be requested to Licences were granted to 109 successful candidates at the lay the matter before Sir George Lewis with power to take recent examination. Diplomas in Public Health were granted criminal proceedings against the man whose actions led to to the thirteen candidates who passed the examination conthe death of the patient. ducted by the two Royal Colleges. The CHAIRMAN would not accept this amendment. Communications were read from (1) the Secretary of the Mr. LILE moved that the main question be not put until Royal College of Surgeons ;(2) Dr. Bond, the Secretary of the next meeting, when the whole report would be before the Jenner Society ; (3) Dr. Dickinson resigning his seat as them. of the College on the Governing Body of Representative Eventually the original motion was put and carried by Mason College, Birmingham, the President nominating Dr. 24 votes to 6. C. T. Williams to the seat thus vacated ; (4) the family of the late Professor Heidenhain thanking the College for its vote of condolence; (5) the Westminster Tramways OpposiKIMBERLEY SANATORIUM. tion Committee (referred to the Committee of Management) ; and (6) the Committee of Delegates of the Medical Schools THE idea of building a sanatorium at Kimberley for the in respect to a proposed deputation to London Members of reception of patients suffering from pulmonary complaints Parliament on the University question (referred to the owed its inception, we believe, to the Right Hon. Cecil University Committee). Dr. Pollock, Dr. Corfield, Dr. Galabin, and Dr. G. H. Rhodes, who three years ago wrote to one of the members Savage were elected to fill vacancies on the Coancil caused representing Kimberley in the Colonial Parliament expressing by the retirement in rotation of Dr. Hensley, Dr. Gervis, his desire to establish such an institution. The word Dr. Ord, and Dr. Cavafy. sanatorium, however, is in one sense rather a misnomer, for Reports were presented from the Library Committee, the although Mr. Rhodes, as chairman of the De Beers Con- Committee of Management, the Finance Committee, and the solidated Mines, Limited, has subscribed .626,000 towards Representative of the College on the General Medical its building and equipment the house is in reality a Council. magnificent hotel, and in no sense of the word a hospital The annual return by the examiners of the results of the or convalescent home. There are no official medical or examinations in 1897 was presented. nursing attendants, and the sole object of the building is to afford what is now somewhat colloquially termed "home comforts" for those seeking the climatic advantages of DAWLiSH COTTAGE HOSPITAL.-The annual South Africa. As stated in a recent number of the " Union meeting of the Dawlish Cottage Hospital was held on Line" 6azette, "the sanatorium, which stands on rising Jan. 24th. The committee reported that 67 in-patients had ground between and above the townships of Kimberley and been admitted, being an increase of 10 on the preceding Beaconsfield, with both of which it is connected by a tram- year ; 134 out-patients had been visited, necessitating 1883 way, has not only its own spacious enclosure with well- visits; and 139 casualties had been treated. The financial laid-out garden, tennis-courts, and croquet-grounds, but statement showed total receipts of 431, and an expenditure The need of an operating-room at the hospital has in front a private domain of over 150 acres, of L395 which guarantees the purity and salubrity of the air." It has was alluded to.