Lignans in flower buds of Magnolia saulangiana

Lignans in flower buds of Magnolia saulangiana

Phytochemistry, Vol. 34, No. 4, pp. 1185-l 187, 1993 Printed in Great Britain. 0 003 1 9422/93 $6.00 + 0.00 1993 Pergamon Press Ltd LIGNANS IN FLOW...

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Phytochemistry, Vol. 34, No. 4, pp. 1185-l 187, 1993 Printed in Great Britain.


003 1 9422/93 $6.00 + 0.00 1993 Pergamon Press Ltd



of Pharmacognosy,

Faculty of Pharmacy,

(Received in

Key Word Index-Magnolia


revised form


saulangiana; Magnoliaceae;

Assiut University,

Assiut, Egypt

April 1993)

flower buds; lignans.

Abstract-From the flower buds of Magnolia saulangiana, seven lignans were isolated and characterized. One was a new lignan for which the name saulangianin and structure (3S,3aR)-3a-allyl-$methoxy-3-methyl-2-(3’,5’ methylene dioxybenzyl)-2,3,3a,4,5,6 hexahydro-6-oxobenzofuran, are proposed

INTRODUCTION The genus Magnolia has many folkloric uses e.g. an antipyretic Cl], antibacterial [Z], antifungal [2] and recently as an anticancer agent [33. This genus contains diverse groups of active constituents, including alkaloids [4-61, volatile oils [7], sesquiterpene lactones [8-111, flavonoids [12] and lignans [13-153. Magnolia saulangiana was introduced into Egypt for ornamental purposes for its showy, large and fragrant flowers. In the present investigation of M. saulangiana we have isolated a new hexahydrobenzofuranoid, saulangianin (1). In addition, six other known lignans were isolated, viz., denudatin A (2) [ 133, denudatin B (3) [ 133, cyclohexadienone (4) [14], aurein (5) [15], pinoresinol dimethylether (6) [16] and verguansin (7) [17, 181.

solvent systems. Spots were detected on TLC in UV (254 nm), after spraying with Dragendorff’s reagent or H,SO, (10%) and heating to 100” for 5 min. Plant material. Magnolia saulangiana was collected from flowering plants growing in a private garden near El-Minia during May 1987. Authentication of the species was carried out by Dr N. El-Hadidi, Cairo University. Isolation of constituents. Flower buds (2 kg) were defatted with petrol (60-80”) and then extracted with MeOH. The MeOH extract was coned (residue 12 g) and

Table 1. ‘%NMR* data saulangianin 1 and denudatin measured at 22 MHz C



87.3 42.8 50.2 32.1 46.6 196.4 100.2 183.1 39.3 132.1 119.4 128.9 108.1 148.5t 148.3t 110.1 117.9 58.3 101.4 44.1 11.6

91.3 50.0 17.7 131.1 143.0 187.0 102.8 174.5 33.5 135.1 117.2 131.2 106.7 148.3t 148.2t 108.2 120.9 51.1 101.3

for A 2


The 5-p-methoxybenzofuranoid neolignan, saulangianin I, of molecular formula CalH1,Os was determined by high resolution mass spectrometry and 13C and ‘H NMR. The ‘HNMR spectrum revealed the presence of the moiety Me-CH-C -R, where R = -CH,-piperonyl, 8 with the R and Me groups in a trans-relationship. The additional C,-C, unit must be represented by a cyclohexaenone. A comparative 13CNMR study (Table 1) of saulangianin I with denudatin A [ 131 led to the formula 1.

EXPERIMENTAL MPS are uncorr. ‘H (90 MHz) and 13CNMR (22 MHz) in CDCl, with TMS as int. standard (70 eV), direct insertion. [a];‘: CHCl,. UV: MeOH. CD: MeOH. IR: KBr, CHCl,. Chromatographic sepns were carried out on silica gel (Merck). TLC was performed on silica gel G using petrol-EtOAc (9:l) Sl and CHCl,-MeOH (19: 1) as


2 3 3a 4 5 6 7 8 z B Y 1’ 2 3’ 4’ 5 6 OMe OCH,O Ar-CH, Me


‘CLXl,. tValues may be interchangeable.

Short Reports



R --a&--



0 R

-Ii 0


6 R=

chromatographed on a silica gel column (5 x 40 cm) using Sl to give frs A-D. Each fr. was rechromatographed on a silica gel column, fr. A giving l(20 mg) and 2 (100 mg), fr. B, 3 (200 mg) and fr. C, 4 (30 mg) and 5 (60 mg). Fr. D yielded 6 and 7 in quantities sufficient for analysis. The new compound 1 was submitted to complete analysis; known compounds were identified by direct comparison of mp, [a&, and spectral data with published data. Saulang~anin f, (3S,3aR~3a-allyl-5-~thoxy-3-~thyl2~~,S-~@t~yle~ dioxybe~y~-2,3,3a,4,5,~~xahydro-6oxo-benzofwan) 1. Colourless oil, [LX];‘+ 2.5 (CHCI,;

e 0.5). IR vEtF13cm - *: 3050, 1660, 1620, 1170. UV Lgz’” nm: 207,235,294. MS m/z (rel. int.) 356. 1617 (5) [calcd for Cz1Ha405, 356.16201 340 (lOO), C,,Hzo05, 310 (12), C,,H,,O,, 299 (7% C~$IJ%r 271 (ll), C&I,@, 267 (2% G&izO* 239 (2% G,H,,O,, 237 (1% C,,H,O~. ‘H NMR (90 MHz, CDCI,, 6): 1.25 (d, J = 7 Hz, Me), 2.40 (mC!gJ, 2.54 (m, Ar-CH,), 3.72 (s, OMe), 3.95 (m, H-5), 5.1-5.2 (m, CH&, 5.42 (m, H-2), 5.80 (s, H-7), 5.82-6.00 (m,

B-CH), 5.97 (s, OCH*O) and 6.65-6.88 (m, Ar-H). 13C NMR data in Table 1. Denudatin A 2 (2S,3R,3aR)-5-allyl-3a-mPthoxy-2~i~ronyl-3-~thyl

2,3,3a,6 tetrahydro-6-oxobenzo~an.

Colourless needles, mp 105-107”. HRMS (rel. int.) m/z 340.1313 (33) [C,,H,,O, requires 340.13103. 13CNMR data in Table 1. Other spectral data similar to those reported in ref. [13]. Denudatin B 3 (2S,3R,3aR)-3a-allyl-bmethoxy-2pipercmyl-3-methyl-~3,346-tetrahydro-6-oxobenzofur~n. Oil. HRMS (rel. int.) m/z 356.1624 (62) [C,,H2,0,

requires 356.1624-J. Other data coincidental reported in ref. [13].

with those

Cyclohexadienone 4 (2S,3S,5S)-S-allyl-5-methoxy-3methyl-2-piperonyl-2,3,5,6-tetrahydro-&benzofiran. Oil.

HRMS (ret. int.) m/z 340.1311 (C2,H,,0,) requires 340.1310. Other spectra1 data the same as those reported in ref. [14]. Aurein 5 2-(4-aflyloxy-3,5-methoxyphenyl)-l-(3,4,5-trimethoxyphenyl)-propane. Mp 80-84”. HRMS m/z (rel.

Short Reports int.) 402.2047 (17) [CzJHJoOL requires 402.2043). Other spectroscopic data similar to those reported in ref. [15]. Pinoresinol dimethyl ether 6. Colourless crystals, mp 106”. [Cz2Hz606, requires 386.17291. Other spectral data similar to those reported in ref. [16]. Veraguensin 7. Colourless crystals, mp 121”. HRMS (rel. int.) m/z 372.194 (28) [Cz2H2s05, requires 372.1937-J. Other spectral data as reported in refs [17, 18-j. Acknowledgements-Thanks are due to Prof. Dr W. Steglich, Bonn University, F.R.G. for the measurements of high resolution spectra. BEFERF,NCES

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