Liver and Biliary Diseases

Liver and Biliary Diseases

ROOK RI:VII:WS 661 Mullerian adenosarcomas, wart virus infections, subgrouping of hydatidiform moles. The illustrations have been increased by almos...

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Mullerian adenosarcomas, wart virus infections, subgrouping of hydatidiform moles. The illustrations have been increased by almost 12"/(, (to 1021) over the previous edition with most of the substandard ones having been replaced. The two areas of greatest disappointment in the text are a continuing refusal to discuss thc common developmental anomalies of the female genital tract, and the two chapters on placental pathology and abortion which regrettably are outdated in both content and references. P r I iv Rusw 11

Liver and Biliary [email protected], R. WKIGHT,K. G. M. M. ALBtKTI. S. KAKKAN & G . H. MILLAKI)SAULEK. 1979. W. B. Saunders, London, Philadelphia, Toronto. 1345 pp.. illustrated. ISBN 0 7216 9609 0. f38.50.

The first edition of Wright's Liver and Biliury Disrusi. is a welcome addition to the small number ol'authoritative textbooks devoted to the rapidly advancing field of hepatobiliary disease. The book is divided into two parts: (a) pathophysiology and (b) diagnosis and management. The authors ofthe individual chapters have. for the most part. been well chosen and at least one-half of the book's 56 chapters have been written by authorities of international repute in the field on which they have written. The book is easy to read, well-indexed and has an adequate number o f relevant illustrations. My main criticism relates to the relatively poor quality of many of the photographs, particularly the photomicrographs of liver biopsies. In summary, this book is highly recommended for pathologists and clinicians with an intcrebt in diseases ofthe liver and biliary system. It is certainly an admirable alternative to the two other major texts on this subject. I t is reasonably priced at $95 (approx.). ,bfic,/rac41,utiziv

ilt1cr.r. of Human f h ~ o p o i c ~ iDrwloprnent, ii~ E. KELEMEN. W. CALVO & T. M. F I - I E D N ~ K1979. . Springer-Verlag. Berlin, Heidelberg, New York. 266 pp., illustrated. ISBN 3 540 08741 9. DM 368.-; US$202.40.

This outstanding volume records the painstaking analyses by the three authors of haemopoietic development in 190 human embryos and foetuses. As befits an atlas, it is copiously illustrated and the authors and publishers are to be congratulated on the exceptional quality of the microphotographs. Smears. conventional sections, methacrylate embedded sections and electron microphotographs are all used, and the vciluc ol'methacrylate einbeddcd sections is particularly well shown. The figure legends are clear and concise, and allow each illustration to stand on its own for reference or teaching. The book is more than an atlas, however. The text is quite detailed and, as Marcel Bessis says in his foreword 'it makes us participate in the fascinating adventure of discovering the complicated mechanisms nf birth. migrations, life and death of the first blood cells'. It is not quite as lucid as the illustrations, but this perhaps would have been impossible to achieve. The text is divided into an Introduction, Material and Methods, and sccti~nson Diffuse Haemopoiesis, Intravascular Haemopoietic Cells and Organ-Bound Haemopoiesis, each of these three latter sections being followed by relevant illustrations. There are some internal inconsistencies which are probably unavoidable in a multi-author book; for example stem cells or haernocytoblasts are positively identified in several of the figures, and yet the preface concedes that their morphology 'may never be described in a convincing fashion', for a variety ofreasons. Again, it would have been helpful to have a clearer description of the difl'erences between early precursors of' primitive and definitive erythropoicsis. Despite the minor criticisms, the authors are to be congratulated on a magnificent volume which will prove a valuable reference for all haematologists and research workers interested in the early development of thc haemopoitic system. The price may put it beyond the reach of individuals, but one hopes that it will be widely available in libraries so that as many as possible can enjoy what is really a l'ascinating book. P. C'. Viticnri