the international
cammunily. In
n rirnc when the international economy has i~ome indrcasinpiy larger in scale and more !‘lu~ionnl, the c!ectronic industry cannot afford to k;cp itself conSned within the Limits of its own ciruntry’s national economy. From an interHillitmll ~wrs~:“cli\w. there will need to be a I:!-
Q”lclr(~&alriur!OJ* L’fl;;:: of KrzoI+Jledge the in~por!nncc of software within
wvill continue
to rapidly
Future along with the upgrading of h.ard:+B;T, ciforrs will need to be made to put softi,vare pradustion on a more efficient basis. And a5 for the soft\i-ars [hat has been produced, it wi!l be Wcessary to improve the climate and undertake s!stt:nrizinp for the purpose of cIarif’ication af the %lttlr of I;rKWledgc,
electronic for
industry, wpcrior
is a constant
numbers I0 f’ilt I70Gtions in all scc11sI’s inclurijny, those related to technology development. system engineering and maintenance-operati.J~~. At this time, when the numbers of more aged and better ed,ucated workers are increasing, exp~tations are rising with regard to the creation of employment opportunities in the knowledge-intentive jobs of the electronic induslry. For the private enterprises, there IS an urgent need for in-company technical training, training for jobs in o!her fields and retraining for Improving present skifls. And at the same rime, there is a strong desire for nationa ievei guidance relating to the training and development of peopie with crearjve rapacity, and that there be a systematic and financial assistance program fc,r the promotion of such training.
I 7) Necessity for Technology Assessmenr The electronic industry is closely tied in with social changes with regard to its technological developments, particularly in the aspects of communications and information processing application. Therefore, in connection wiih the development of technology application, there is a need to undertake multiphased technology assessment in the of technological developpractica.1 application ment, and to eliminate any negative aspects that arise in the course of such -fforts. For more rntormaijon CONTEXT Kertji Nakadare, Fuji Corporation, Shihuys Cent!& Bldg., 3-14, Udagawacho, Shibwa-ku, Tokyo. Japan. ,5//i Coi,mrar!m is a puhlrsher of this report.
II sine,
Microprocessor Applications Organizes Vacation School
m rhr
The Professional Group C6 on Microprocessor Applications of the UK IEE has continued !o mount a large and varied programme of colloquia, ranging over all aspects of the stilt-widening sphere of microprocessor applications, aad it is pleasing to be able to report that these meetings have