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007 A P,EVIEW OF LUNG CANCER IN THE ATOMIC BONB SURVIVORS - Treated Cases at Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Hospital from 1983-1990 Susumu NAKAO tf.D, Naoki
lf.D.,Toshiyo ISHII !f.D.,Kazuyuki EIDA I!.D.,*Naomi IT0 ll.D.,**Osamu TAKAHARA *Deoartment
of Internal
of Surgery,
Red Cross,Nagasaki
Atomic Bomb Hosp.
Clinical and pathological characteristics of Datients with lung cancer among atomic bomb survivors exposed to the atomic bomb within the distance of 10 km, who had been treated in our hospital from 1983-1990,were reviewed and compared with that of a non-exwzsed grout. In the patients who had not undergone operation, there were no differences on survival and pathological features between the two grouos. In the oatients who had undergone ooeration,the &year
survival was 55 %
in survivors and 75 % in non-exposed group.There were no differences on stage of the disease and uathologic features grow
but the lymphocyte
was fewer
in the exposed
than that in non-exposed
Five year results of new lung cancer screening programme using mass miniature radiograph. K.Nagao, F.Yamagishi, K.Nakano, A.Hayashi, A.Shimura and T.Kuriyama. Department of Respiratory Medicine, Chiba University Hospital, Chiba 280, Japan. 360,000 adult residents in rural areas of Chiba prefecture, Japan, were screened yearly for lung cancer by reading 10x10 cm P-A chest films taken by mobile radiophoto system. This screening was conducted by improved conventional tuberculosis screening method. It consists of gradation fluoroplate for photographing, reading of the same rolls of film by two experienced doctors, quick comparison with previous radiographs in positive cases, and well prepared diagnostic network. From 1985 to 1989 a total of 1,890,773 chest films were examined and 7,523 were picked up for further examination (415:100,000). Finally 380 cases of malignant neoplastic diseases were found (21:100,000). Out of the 380 cases, 325 (male/female 197/128, median age 68y.o.) were primary lung cancers (18:100,000), which were 162 adenocarcinomas, 84 squamous cell carcinomas, 28 small cell cancers, 14 large cell cancers and 37 miscellaneous cell types. The ratio of clinical stage of I+II, III+IV were 55%, 45%, respectively. Resectability rate was 64% and more than 50% of surgical cases underwent curative operation. In conclusion, based on the rate of tumorresected case and usefulness in the detection of noncancerous chest diseases (good cost-benefit efficiency), this screening programme was worth-while.
THE RISK FACTORSFOR LUNGCANCERIN WOMEN XU-DONGDAI,XI-WEN SON,SU-FEN YU Dept. of Cancer Epidemiology,Cancer Research Institute, Harbin Medical College,Harbin,P.R.C.
A N Graham and J E Garrett Deparhnent of Medicine, public -pital, Tauranga, and Department of RespiratoryMedicine, GreenlaneHcxspital, Aucklard,NewZeal&.
risk In order to stady the role of smoking and other of Lung camcer in women. A factors in the etiology The case-control study in Harbin city was conducted. lung cancer cases diagnosed between Jan.1, 1987 and Dec. 31,1988 among female risidents aged 30-69 of Harbin was formed the cases group. A total 160 patients with Cell adenocarcinoma and 66 patients with squamous carcinoma of the lung and their age and sex-matched One case was matched one controls were interviewed. population-based control. A pre-coded questionnaire was used for all cases and controls. The information about diet, previous lung smoking, occupation, residence, disease and family cancer history was collected. The Simple Factor Analysis and Multiple Conditional Logistic Regression Model technique was used. In this study, for ADC, a significantly incresed risk was observed for those in the lower of p-carotene coal burning for heating and very smoky consuption, significant For SCC, there was a during heating. history of increasing risk associated with smoking, The very smoky during heating. bronchitis and relationship between lung cancer risk and cigarettes smoking was found more closely for the SCC than for the ADC.
?he sccio_demyraFhic and clinical characteristicsof all identifiablepatients fran Waikato, Bay of Plenty and Au&land Health areas diagnosedas having @wry lung cancer, aged% years or less at the tirreof diagnosis, (n = 73) duruq a 2 year Fericd 1987 - 1988 ware analyzed retrospactively. FiftyfIve Jxrcent (n = 40) wew f&e (male to f&e ratio 1.0:1.2). 'Tile IlEanage of tvM1es at diagnosiswas younger than n?ales(44.9 yrs " 47.1 yrs). Analysis of a subsroup 45 years and younger (n = 27) shwzd a m?& tc f&e ratio of 1.0:2.0. Fortyfive pzcent ware ~lynesians (Jxedcminately Wris) and 93% were current snskers @aan cigaretteconwnpticm 35.0 pack intheirteenage years). sholcingmrmencedinallsmkers years. zquzxmus cell carcinam was the cxminant cell tyFe (47%) follc&& by adencrar cm (32%)with sM.l cell ancllarge cell carcincmuking 12% and 9% respectively. Four pxcent (n = 3) were alive tw years after diagnosis. No previous stwly has shownan invecsianof the male to f&e ratio for 1unJ cancer. T&s trerrlmall&s the snolung patternsinpmg New Zealanders(particzly IQcri fenale).