98 freely given to the patient. At the end of three weeks the patient was perfectly she grew better, the oedema disappeared, and cured, and the malad...

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freely given to the patient. At the end of three weeks the patient was perfectly she grew better, the oedema disappeared, and cured, and the malady has not returned at the strength returned. By means of a pair the end of three months.—Austrian Med. of scissors, M. Richter removed as much as WeekLy-Writ." possible of the greyish lump : he soon encountered a hard body, which he detached LETTER FROM DR. LAYCOCK. with care, and extracted-it was the right scapula of a foetus. The operator divided, To the Editor of THE LANCET. as far as the space permitted, the ribs, which he found under the scapula, drew out the SIR,—In a letter which I found it necesheart, the lungs, and as many of the soft and sary to address to you on the constitution of osseous parts as he could reach. Finally, the Provincial Medical Associatiou, I showed with the aid of a forceps, he succeeded on by facts and documentary evidence, that the the 14th of September in extracting the rest worleing of the representative principle, with of the foetus, except the cranium: the pa- which we are told that body is thoroughly tient being much exhausted, he removed that imbued, was very unsatisfactory, if not abfour days later. There remained no longer surd. A reply to the animadversions which a doubt but that the digestive canal was " some" have made on the constitution of its open, for stercoraceous matter passed through council, has since appeared in the acknowthe fistulous opening and through the vagina. ledged mouthpiece of Dr. Hastings; and it To sustain the strength, Dr. Richter pre- is attempted to be proved that the council is scribed decoction of bark, and lavements of not too numerous, and that it is elected beef-tea, containing the yolk of an egg; and strictly on the representative principle. This a plaster of acetate of lead was placed over reply, I am happy to state, is written in a the fistulous opening. courteous and temperate spirit, very different, On the 3rd of October the patient had indeed, from that exhibited in a letter sigued vivid pains in the bowels, produced by goose Yerax, which appeared a short time preI regretted and cabbage, which she had eaten in great viously in the same journal. quantity. These pains continued undimi- much to observe that Dr. Hastings should nished for thirty-six hours. After this epoch think it necessary, even in his own defence, the discharge from the vagina and from the to sully its pages with an anonymous letter fistula diminished rapidly : it had completely so full of gross fiattery of himself, and conceased on the 13th of October, and the de- taining so cowardly an attack upon two jections had taken their proper course members of the association. It is a fair spethrough the natural passages. The patient cimen of the effusions which the unmanly recovered perfectly, and resumed her domes- tribe of X-Y-Z scribblers pour out, when tic avocations.—Austrian Med. " Weelcly- safely shrouded in their congenial obscurity. Writ." Dr. Hastings would have boiled with indignation, if a member of the association had entered the meeting at York with crape on MALIGNANT (?) TINEA SUCCESS- his face, and his coat turned, and had been FULLY TREATED. permitted to address to it such language respecting himself, as Yerax has deliberately F. BURRMANN, ætat. 18, was affected from delivered in print to the whole body, respectinfancy with a porrigo of the head, which ing Professor Maunsell and your humble had resisted every kind of treatment, and had servant. Dr. H. being the acting general been much aggravated within the last year. secretary, is responsible for the proper conAll the head, from the forehead to the nape duct of the organ of the association, just as of the neck, was covered with a yellow crust, the president is responsible for the order of from which emanated an offensive sanies : it its meetings ; and for the credit of the assowas a bad case of the porrigo luppinosa of ciation as well as for his own, he ought to Bateman. M. Fisher gave a mixture con- unearth the veracious skink, and give those sisting of sulphate of soda, with infusion of concerned an opportunity of holding it up by rhubarb and senna, daily, to be swallowed : the tail. Such agents and allies as Verax he also gave him small doses of the perchlo- and the unhappy York " secretary," who ride of mercury five times a-day. At first figured ofl’ in my last letter, do great harm. the head was washed with soap and water, Having made these preliminary remarks, afterwards the following ointment was given: I would observe, that in the reply to which I - Take of red precipitate, half a drachm ; have alluded, the writer begs the question at Venice turpentine, two drachms ; lard, half the outset. He styles certain persons counan ounce : mix into an ointment, of which a cillors, ergo, they are councillors ; a sort of piece, the size of a bean, may be rubbed into logic by which he could infallibly prove a the head, night and morning. At the end of poker to be a diamond ring. In attempting six days the eruption was considerably to show that the council is not too numerous, better, and the hair had begun to show itself. he enters into a detail of its duties, and A tisane of sarsaparilla and bardanum was proves quite satisfactorily that the individuals

outwards, of a, greyish-white lump. Bark and sulphuric acid were given to the patient,
