This issue is dedicated, with the greatest respect, of his seventieth b-iythday_
to Prof_ M. uonttackelbe~g
on ihe occassion
Mark Freiherr von Stackelberg was born in Ii396 in Dorpat, Estonia. After attending the Too-years old Knights and Cathedral School at the capital, Reval, he began to study agriculture at the University at Dorpat. This seemed to be a natural decision in view of the large family estate and for his whole life he has retained a keen interest in agricultural problems. However, when the family moved to Germany after the first world war, he changed to chemistry and continued his studies at Munich under K_ F_AJANS and E. LXVGE from x92.0 to rgz5. Here he worked as a research student on thennodynamical problems and calorimetic measurements thus entering that field of science which would be the subject of his future professional life and career: physical chemistry. He approached this border discipline between the two traditional fields of chemistry and physics from the chemical side and while he has a remarkable gift for looking into complicated physical problems and explaining them clearly to others, he has always remained a chemist with a deep knowledge and feeling for the chemical aspects of physical chemistry_ In 1925 he joined (as an assistant to the head of the physical chernislaboratory, A. VON ANTROPOFF) the teaching staff of the University of Bonn to which he still belongs, now as professor in electrochemistry_ In 1927 he received his doctor’s degree and in 1930 he became reader in physical chemistry. His research interests are wide. His research activities began with X-ray-diffraction studies in structure and crystal chemistry, a field in which he is still interested. The determination of the structure of CaC2 was followed by the clarification of the structure of the carbides and borides of the elements of Groups I-III of the periodic system, including the carbides of many rare earths and of thorium. Many of these compounds exhibit deviations from stoichiometry. While CaC2 has a non-metallic character, La& is an intermetallic compound with good electrical conductivity and VON STACKELBERG was able to prepare for the first time mixed crystals between these compounds, and study their properties. Later he extended his investigations to nitrides, phosphides, arsenides and silicides of some transition metals. X-ray-diffraction also provided VON STACEELBERG with the key for solving the old puzzle of isotropic zircon (ZrSiO4). There had been a great deaJ of speculation in mineralogy about different modifications but he showed unequivocally that there are mixtures of ZrO2, SiO2 and ZrSiOa with different ratios of thec components for different zircons. A later series of studies was concerned with Cu complexes and, to a smaller extent those of Ni and Fe, with ligands such as salicylaldehydeimin es, p-oxynaphthylimines, He revealed also the fine ethylenediamines and o-phenylenediamines structure and showed that the molecules usually have trans-configuration if cis is not enforced-by ring formation, although a great variety in crystal structure exists, due to the size-of the’ligands. Of-special fundamental interest is the detailed work of VON STACEELBERG on the class of gas hydrates-the clathrates. Hydrogen-bonded water molecules form an /_ EZec#tioa+zaZ. Chem.,
hydrate framework containing in its cavities free rotating hydrophobic BFZ, CGHG). There are two types, molecules, 31 {e.g., Ar, Kr, Se, CH 4, CHC13, SO+& M - 52 H20 and 31 - 17 H,O, and each type can also form double and mixed hydrates. The elucidation of the structure and thermodynamical properties of the gas hydrates is today of importance in its general aspect, as it gives the theoreticians an esperimentally founded basis for developing a more detailed model of water structure, treating water as a W&Y lrydmte where the water molecules in the cavities of the hydrate framework behave analogously to the molecules, 31, in the gas hydrates.
Other investigations structure
of phenol
of VOX STACKELBERG its clathrates,
with the determination
another line of research
of the the
h~:dratesofalcoholsandphenolsshowedthatthelatterdonotformclathratesbutlong chains
vin H-bridges_
his research
in electrochemistry
althoughitisobviouslyinthisfieldvvherehehasmadehismostimportant,stlmulating well-known scientific contributions His work was and is focussed on polarography due to an early and clear appreciation of its special potentialities in fundamental electrochemical kinetics, but has not been limited to it. He became one of the leading scientists in polarography and his team is well known as the German polarographic school. About eight of his former pupils took up academic careers thus securing the continuation of this tradition. It is not possible to give here a detailed account of his work, especially as many basic ideas and suggestions are included in papers of his collaborators where his name does not appear directly. Much work was concerned with the physics of the DME and the hydrodynamics of the adjacent solution. An important result was the elucidation of the causes and mechanisms OF various kinds of polarogTaphic maxima_ He showed that the cause of the streaming of the interphase is usually differences in surface tension between different parts of the drop. Thus, the streaming state is the natural state of a fluid electrode, and the restriction of mass transfer to convective diffusion, which constitutes thebasicconditionfor the applications of polarography, is only maintained by the smoothing action of concentration polarization and often demands the addition of tensids (maxima suppressors) to exclude sufficiently the differences in surface tension. and
Further work clarified that maxima of the second kind are due to the force of the mercury streaming into the drop (S@&zjjfiR1), andled to a detailed treatment of the back pressure problem. The fruit of other skilful and careful studies over the years is his classical series of papers on TIUZ Theary of the Pdaarographic Czwve_ In the course of these investigations concerning the mass transfer problems at the DME and the theory, mainly of reversible waves, the depletion effect was also detected and explained by his collaborators_ In 1940, voh' STACKELBERG was the first in Europe to make extensive use of the dependence of the half-wave potential of reversible waves on the free ligand concentration, for-the determination of stability constants and ligand numbers of complexes_ He showed, also, that the pH-dependence of reversible waves constitutes a completely analogous case and permits the determination of pK-values. Another extended study revealed the polarographic behaviour of organic halogenides and unsaturated hydrocarbons. Hebegan to tackle, with collaborators, J_ EZecC7oaxaZ. C?zem.. 12 (1966) 365-372
a number
of other problems
; these other
>I.\-RR FREIHERR VOti ST~CKELBERG It-orkcrs later extended t-.,o., the
and intensified
aqueous solutions and m mercury, tion caused by organic substances quantitative treatment of catalytic
own investigations
in the different many
estended studies on the catalytic hydrogen evoluwhich led to the deduction of the mechanism and waves caused by nitrogen-containing compounds;
the kinetics of fast homogeneous chemical reactions coupled to an electrode process especially the dissociation and recombination of weak acids; the introduction of polarography as an important tool in the study of the metabolism of eye lenses. In his division today studies are bein, o- carried out on the mechanism of electrode processes, applications of rapid polarography, the rotating disc electrode and cyclic voltammetry with triangular \-oltage sweeps, the use of polarography in pharmacy, the electrolytic separation of hydrogen isotopes and the determination of separation factors. Last but not least, significant successes have been achieved recently by his collaborators in techn;cal applications of fuel cells and the investigation of the fundamental behaviour of the relel-ant electrode processes A few remarks should be directed to VOX ST_XKELBERG’S research in colloid chemistry_ He developed a theory_ of spontaneous emulsification which presumes as initiating effect for the emulsification, the appearance of a negative surface tension in micro areas of the interphase if the macroscopic difference in surface tension between both fluid components is small Recent experimental results have proved the correctness of this theoretical prediction. Further mvestigations confirmed the theoretically predicted retardation of the migration of colloids in an electric field by the relaxation and electrophoretic effects as function of the <-potential. Other studies revealed the equilibrium constants for exchange equilibria between alkali metal ions and HT-ions at the interphase wool fibre/electrolyte. Although VOX STKKELBERG has always been concerned with research work yielding a remarkably rich crop of contributions he has taken his teaching tasks very seriously. His students have valued his good and clear lectures explaining to them in a masterly
way the essentials of complicated problems_ A more general aspect of his teachin, = efforts is to be found in the series of books, monographs, handbook articles and reviews that he has published on a wide Especially worthy of mention are: the now variety of items in physical chemistry. already 16 year old book Po.Zarogra$hkche Arbeitsmetlzoden, which still remains a very valuable source of information on numerous fundamental aspects; his mono,graph with H. SCHMIDT on Moderlz Polaropapkic Metlzods, which has been translated, so and his extended reviews, on polarography in this far, into English and Japanese ; journal with H. W. N~~RSBERG. Being well aware of the growing problems of exploiting scientific literature, he edited for years the abstract journal Polarographisdze Bendzte until this task was taken over by the relevant section of EJectroanaZyticaL Abstracts published for some years (before forming an independent periodical) as appendix to this journal to which VOX STACKELBERG serves as a member of the editorial board. Although science plays a dominant role in his life, VON STXKELBERG is able to cultivate his hobbies which are, as hiking and gardening, determined partly by his deep love of nature, but include also classical music and literature, especially on the history of ancient cultures. He speaks and writes several languages (English, French, Russian, Estonian) and is able to understand a number of Slavic languages_ His far-ranging knowledge in natural science shines through his remarkable variety of _T. Eleclvoasal.
research subjects. A characteristic corollary in this respect is a very recent paper giving, for the first time, a sound and complete physical interpretation of frost damages on roads* and presentin g the scientific basis for the road engineer to make effective protective provisions_ Professor VOX STACKELBERG has received several awards for his scientific of Deutsche Bunsengesellschaft work among which are the “desalter-Nemst-Freis” fiir physikalische Chemie (rg55), the honorary membership of the Electrochemical Society of Japan (rg6x) and also in xg61 the Heyrovsky-Medal of the Polarographic Society, London. HA\vever , YON STACKELBERG has always remained a modest and rather srIent man. To his students and collaborators he has always been a friendly and gentle adviser. open for stimulating or clarifying discussions at all times without pressing his views but educating them to responsibility and independence in the manner of a prudent scien&$c _fathev.Despite his kindness he has remained uncompromising in a friendly but determined “ay concerningb questions of quality of scientific xrork. In conclusion, one may truly say about him that he is a member of nobility by birth and a noble man in his life. His students and collaborator admire him for his scientxfic efficiency but love him for his personal a.ttitude. This and the esteem of his colleagues and friends all over the world he regards as the best and lasting reward of his efforts. We may expect that in this sense he will accept as an appropriate scientific tribute and birthday present the total of 75 papers ** dedicated to him by his former pupils and his friends and colleagues in Germany and all five continents of the world.
r M. VON ST-XKELBERG, Der Einfluss der Gebiete des inncren Ausbaues der _4tome im periodischen System auf die lonenradien, 2. P&&k. Cirern., I IS (rgz5) 342-46 2 M. VON STACKELBERG, Das Verhsltnis der klassischen Stereochemie zu den neueren -4rbeiten K. Weissenbergs, 2. Angew. Cltem., 40 (1927) 1023-27~ 3 A.. vow AZUTROP~FF AND M. VON S‘TXCKELBERG, Atlas der pkysikatzscher~ trnd nnorganischmt Chmme. Verlag Chemie, 1929 Nacbtrtige hierzu, x932. 4 M. VON STACKELBERG, Die Kristallsfx-uktur des CaCz, h’atrrr&ss., 18 (1930) 305--306_ 5 M VON S~ACEELHERG, Untersuchungen iibcr Carbide. I. Die Kristallstruktur der Carbide MeG?. 2. F%ytiR. Cize??t.. DQ (X930) 437-75. 6 M_ VON STACKELBERG, Landott-B~~stein-TabGElen, Erg. Bd. 2 25, Springer Verlag. Berlin. 1g3r. pp_ r59r--I602: Bitdmzgsarbeite~a Ghe??ZiSchertre7bi?ZdlWgt?n, gemeinsam mit \~ICHblANM ; Entropiewerte, gemeinsam mit H. UHLICH. 7 MM.VOX STACKELBERG, In Grxeiins Naxdbzcch der axa~ga&sclie7z Chemie. S. Auflage, verschiedene Kspitel der BBnde: _K&ail, Teil 33, h’obaZlfTT)-Amt~zine (x930). Strmtirrtn (x93x), Ba&w?z (1932) 8 &I. VON STACKELBERG, Die K~st~~ktur einiger Carbide und Boride, 2. EZektrockem., 37 =93x 542~-45. g M. VQN STACKELBERG ANI~ F. NEWICIANN, Die Kristallstruktur der Boride der ZusammensetzungMeSs,ZZ%~.s%. C&m-. 33x9 (1932) 314-20. IO W. KLEXX, M. VON SZACICELBERG -13 W. SCH~~TH, Uber den Magnetismus der Boride der seltenen Erden, 2. PhySik. Ckem., DE9 (1932) 32x-27. XI M. VON STACKELBERG AND E. P,SULUS, Unte~uchungen iiber die Kristallstruktur der Nitride und Rhospbide zweiwertiger Metal&, Z_ PJiys&_ Ghem., Bz2 (1933) 305-22. * Die ~hysikaZi.4r.e aevtung der ~rortat@&r~&ks. Umschau, 64 (1964) 68. ** The other contributions dedicated to Professor Dr. M. VON STACKELEERG on his 70th birthday zip&w in 2. Physik. Ckem- N-F_ (Frankfurt], 52 (1~67) Heft x-4. andZ. AnaZ. Ckem., 224 (1~66). J:E?ectuounoZ.
x2 (1966)
JIFortschvitte der MimeruZagie, K~istaZEogsaphic ztnd Petrogl,apirie. 18 (1933) 35-36_ Die Ltislichkeitvon Krypton und Xenon in fliissigemSauerstoff. =3 31. 170~ STACKELBERG, 2. Pkysik. Clrem.. 170 (1934) 1-62-72_ E. SCHSORREXEERG, Die Stuktur des Aluminiumcarbids _XlaCa. 11 $I_ VOX ST.~CIXLBERG AXD 2. Pfrj-sik. Ckem., Bz7 (1934) 37-49. STACRE~BERG AXD F. QIY_~TRAJI. Die Struktur des Berylliumcarbides Re& 2. 15 &I. vos Physik. Ckewt., B27 (x934) 50-52. VOX SIXCI~ELBERG, Die Bauprinzipien der Carbide, Silicidc.Nitride und Phosphide 16 M. clektropositivcrXetalle.2.Physik. Chent..B=7 (r93+) ~3-57~ an den Phosphiden und &eniden =T %I_ VOX STACICELBERG AXD E. P_~u~us.~ntersuchungen
12 i\I.v~~S~~~~~~~~~~,DieStrukturdes_~IuminiumcarbidsrU_rC
des Zinks und Cadmiums- Da_s ZnzPz-Gitter.2. PhysiR. Che?x..B?S (1935) 427-501 M.~O-~~STAC~ELBERG. Zurkinctischon Deutungdesosmotischen Druckcs.2. EZeRtrockewz.. 41 (1935) 6x5--17R. PXULUS AND K. SPIESS. Untersuchungen am 19 >I.vox ST_~CI~EJ_BERG,E. SCHNORRES~ERG, _~luminiumcarbid, AlaC3, und _%luminiumcarbonitrid. Al&N,Z. Physik. Cfrem.. -4175 (1935) IS
I 3 ‘i-39_ &I_VON Pkysik. hl_ VON
~1175 (Ig35f
1~.F. S~~~ss,DieStrukturdcs_~luminiumcarbonitrids.
STXCKELBERG AND F_ QUATRAM, Untersuchungen iiberdie Fliichtigkeitund die Entw&sserungder Bors5ure,Z. E~ektrockem..42 (1936) 55x_ %Iischkristalle von Methan mit 31. VOX STXCKELBERG, F. C~UATRXBI._+XD I-I.J_ AXTWEILER, Krypton, Z. EEekbrochem., 42 (x936) 55z-57M. vex STXCXELBERG, F. QTJATR~XX _~XD J. DRESSEL, Die Fliichtigkeitder Borsgure mit. 3-\Vasser.2. EZektuockem.. 4.3 (1937) 14-28. ~Vasscrdampf.DasSystemB~O I<. CHUDOBA _~ND M_ vex STACKELBERG, Dichte und Struktur des Zirkons. 2. I'rist..995 (1936) 230-46. I<. CI~UDOB_~ AXD
Zirkon, 31. vos
Dezitsche Goldschnzierlez., 47 (x936).
(1937) X_vox
zur Dichte
des Edelsteinmincrals
Uichte und Struktur des Zirkons II, Z- Krisl-. -497
,_ AXT~EILER .~XSDI... KIESELBACH. Striimungserscheinungen an STACXELBERG, H_ T Quecksi1berkathoden.Z. Elektrockem.. 44 (1935) 6G3-74M. VOX STXCICELBERG. P. ICLINGER, XV. KOCH .~XD E. KRXTH, Beitrag zur quantitativcn polarograpbischen Bestimmung der Legierungsbestandteile in Sonderstahlen. Tech. Mitt. Krzrpp,
2 (1939)
XtI. vex
45 (1939) M. VOX
M.vox STACKE~EERG AXD H. vos FREYHOLD, Polarographische Untersuchungen an Komplesen in w%sriger Lbsung, 2. EZeklrockem., 46 (1~40) 12c+-19. * Die polarographische Unterl<. E. SCHWXRZ.H. J_ SCHR~DER AND Xvos STACXELBERG, suchungvonWasseraufoberfl5chenaktiveStoffe.Z. EZektrockem_,4S (x942)6-q. H. SCH~STZ AND M. VOX STACKELBERG, Die quantitative Bestimmung oberflachenaktix-er Stoffe durch diepolarographische Adsorptionsanalyse. KoZZoid-2.. ION; (1943) 20-26. M. VOX STACKELBERG. Rijntgenographische Untersuchungen an inneren Kupferkomplexsalzen,2. A 2r0Yg. AIZgenz.Chewz.. 253 (1947) 136-60. H. OFFER_~MXNNS AXD M. VOX ST-XCRELBERG, Elcktrolytisch gewonnene Wolfram-Kobalt-, XVolfram-Nickel- und Wolfram-Eisen-Legierungen. i%iletaZZ@berfZ&he. I (1947) 142-144. M. vos STACRELBERG, Struktur und Formel der Gashydrate, F~rtscAr. iWi~zeuaZ., 26 (1947)
STACKELBERG. P. KLIXGER, XV_ KOCH -4s~ E_ KR_~TH, Polarographische Bestimmung von Legierungsbestancltcilen in Sonderstshlen, Arch. Eise71kd~re7sw., 13 (Ig3g/+o). "+g-61. Polarographie, Z. E-lektrochenz.. 30 X.vo,u S~~~~~~~~~~~,Die~tissenschaftlichen Grundlagender
34 35 36 37 38
der Lamellenzirkone,
der Isotropisierung
Z. Krist.,
E. ROIITENBACH, des Zirkons,
Dichte und
(I 940)
Struktur des Zirkons. III.
Struktur des Zirkons. IV.
I 73-82_
Dichte und
2. ICrist., AIO~ (rglo) 207---108_
122--Z+. &I. VON
STACKELBERG. Fiat-Bevicht r93g-rgq6. Bd. 16: Xnorganische Kristallchemie 45 S. Teil II, Qualitative NachweisM. VON STACI~ELBERG, In Nandbrrch fiir artaZytische Cliemie. verfahren. Bd. VI, x948 I Chapters WoZfram and Uwzn_ H. LANGE AXD M. VON STXCRELBERG. Uber Natrium-Silikat-Hydrate, Z. Anorg. AlZgem.
39 40
256 (x948)
STACRELBERG XSD W. STRACICE. Das polarographische Verhalten unges%i.ttigter und haZo@nierter Kohlenwasserstoffe.2. EZektvochesn., 53 f Tg1.9)r18-~g. _T.EZectioanaZ.
12 (x966),,
370 AND
Ai. VOX ST_~CKLLRERG, E P. MOHRHAUER, Spontane Eaulgierung infolge negativer Grenzflachenspannung, Kollord-Z., II 5 (1949) 53-Gr. X.vox STXCKELEERG,F~S~C Gashydrate, Xalxrwlss., 36 (1919) 327-33, 35g-G7-_ M. VOX ST_+CBELBZRG, Polnrographische ArbcifsazcC?zoode;r 478 S., 1-erlag de Gruytcr, Berlin, 1950. M vos ST_~CRELBERG, Zur Deutung dcr polarographischenMavima Der"_4ustauscheffekt", ~Va~~rwiss.,37(1g5o)GS_ H. STREHLOXV AND M_ VON STACKELBERG. Zur Theorle der poIarographischen Icurve, 2.
45 46 47 48 49
36 (rgqg)
Ebktvochem.. 54 (1950) 51-62. W_ HXXS AXD BI. vos STXCKELBERG, Untersuchung Telluritmaxima. 2. Nitteilung: Untersuchung der 62-67_
polarographischer “~~~asserwelle”,
I 3Iasima Eleklvockem..
5-c (1950)
M. VON STACKELBERG. W. KLEBER AND H. WALLRAF, Kristallographische Untersuchungen am Carbimid-Xatriumbromid-H>-drat, _X. am Carbamid-Natriumchlorid-Hydrat und Jahrb. Mixeralogic. Monatshefte, 1950. 241-58. 0. M_%DRICH AND M_ VON STXCKELBERG, Zur Theorie der polarographischen 51 H. STREHLOXV, Curve. II. Bestimmung von Diffusionskoeffizienten mit der Tropfelektrodc, Z. EZektrochem.. _ 55 (1951) 244-50. ST_~C~FL.EERG. Die Maxima der polarographischen Stromsttike-Spannungs-Ilittei55 IV_ HANS AND M. VOX STACKELBERG, lung, Z. EEektrackem., 55 (1951) 43--_15_ STACKELBERG AND II. R. MIULLER, Zur Struktur dcr Gashydrate, ?.'alM~wiss.,38 56 M. YON 5o
57 58
(1951) 456M_~o~S~~~K~~~13~~,Ontl~eS~uctureofGas-Hydrates,J. H. R. MULLER AND 31. VON STACKELBERG, Zur
h~altrmiss., 39 (1952) 20-21. M. EON STACICELBERG. Kalovisch-chenaische
1952. RI. VON
dcr Gashydrate.
71 S..
2. Mitteilung,
Erfolgt die kathodische Reduktion (Hydrierung) oratomaren M~asscrstoffodcrdurch Elektronen?,
Stoffein ~v%x.rigerLasungdurch Z. EZektrochem.. 56 (1952) 806-14.
61 62 63
66 67 65 6g 70 71
35. VON STACKELBERGAXD V. T0031~,Vcrbesserungpolaro,~phischcrTrop~apillaren durch Siliconieren. Leybold PoZarogmph. Ber., I (1953) 55-5S_ M. EON STACKELBERG, Zur Theorie der polarographischen I
AND rnit
V. Hilfe
Bcstimmung einiger TOO~IE. der Amalgam-Tropfelektrode,
ECLING.W. tide van Testilfasemintisungenvon Verbindungen, KoZloid-Z_. 135 (1954)
Dlffusionskoeffizienten Z. EZeklrocAem_,
van (1954)
BEXZEL AKD F_ AVILKE,D~~ eIektrokinetischen Potennormalen Elektiolyten und vongrenzfllchenaktiven
67-S0_ M. VON ST.XL:LBERG AND IX R. MUELLER. Feste Gashydrate. II. Struktur und Raumchemie. Z. EZektrochem_, 58 (1954) 25-39. ,V. VOX STACKELBERG AND W. METN~OLD. Feste Gashydrate.III.Mischhydrate, Z. EZcklrochenr.. 58 (I9541 40-45~ M. VOK STACKIXBERG AKD H. FR~SHBUSS, Feste Gashydrate. IV. Doppelhydrate. Z. Elek-_ troches., 58 (2954) 99-104. M. VOX STACKIXBERG, Feste Gashydrate. V. Die Bindungsenergien, Z. EZek6vochem.. 5s (195;) ro4-109. Feste Gashydrate. VI. Die Gltteraufweitungsarbrit, M_ VON SYCACKELBERG -AI W. JAHKS, 2. EZektro&mz_,-58 (1954) 162-64_ W. K-OCR, J_ RIMSAWER AX-D M_ VON STACKELBERG. Die elektrochemischen Vorgtige bei dcr elektroleschen Isolierung von Gefugebestandteikn der SELhle mit Wechselskom, ArcA. mEGenhz&errw., 25 (x954) g5-106.
Zur Kristallstrulctur des Phenols upd der 0. J- ~VEHRHAHS AXD 11. X-ON STXC~LBERG, A’ntzrrwiss., 41 (rg=j4) 33S_ Einschlussx=erbindungcn des Phenols, ST_XCKELBERG, In Hozrben-IVeyZ, Metkodelz der orga?rischcn Chemie, 4 Aufl., Band III 73 M VOX (2). Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart, 1955 I (a) Die elektrochemischen Potentiale organischer Stoffe S. “5g-?g4; (b) Die Polarographie orgamscher Stoffe, S. 299-349 Forschzrngsbericlzt Sr. x66 des Wirtscha_ffstend ~-erke7~rstnZ~islerilcnrs ‘7-f AI. voh- STAC~ELBERG, ,~~ordr:zei?r-_VestfaZelz, XVestdeutscher Verlag, Kdln und Opladen, 1955, 94 S (a) Versuche zur elektrophoretischen Bexveglichkeit von Oelemulsionstrdpfchen in Elektroly-tlosungen. Eine BestZtigung der Overbeekschen Theoric. Alit H. HEIXDZE. (b) Grenzflachenspannung und der Grenzflache Paraffinijl-Elektrolytl6sung. Mit H. elektrokinetisches Potential an 72
H~;'BSCHKE. (c) Untersuchungen pigmenten~1itK.H. FR.XSGES_ 31. VOX STXCGELBLRG AXD \V
die Benetzung
Hxss, Forsclzungsbericht kehrslrzilzzsterizrnzs -~~o~dr7~~i~r-Ii~-esijnZe~r. X1-estdeutscher S. Untersuchungen zur Ausarbeitung und Verbesserung mcthoden. 11. VOX STXC~ELBERG _~XD HI. BISCHOFF, Die "ideale"
XY. r78 des WirtschaftsVerlag, Koln und Opladen, von polarographlschen
nxd Tl’er1933, 33 Analysen-
Palladiumwasserstoff-Elcktrode. Ein Beitrag zum Problem dcr \\-asserstoff-Uberspannung,Z. Eiektl-ochern., 5g (1955) 4G7--83_ AI. x-05 ST~CKELBERG, Die Struktur der Einschlussverbindungen des \Vassers (Gashydrate) ii und desPhenols.~ec.Trw.Clritrz., 75 (rg5G)go2--05 XP?D 31. VOX S~XCKELBERG. Die Gestalt der polarographischen Kurvcn bei fest7’S G. Hxccl; Leybold PoZarograph_ Ber_. 4 licgender Aktivitat des Xusgangsstoffes oder Endproduktes. 76
(1956) i9
H. W. XGRSDERG _~XD 31. vos STICKELBERG. Zur Katalyse der Wasserstoffabscheidung an der Quecksilbertropfclektrode durch -Amine, Leybold PoZarogvafd_ Ber.. 4 (1956) 199. E.~\IEURERASD M.vos S~_XCI;ELDERG, UberdiepolarographischenPIlaximader Erdalkahen,
Leybold PoZaroqraph. Ber.. 1\I X-OS ST~~CI;ELBERG,~V.
54 S5 86 s7 ss S5
9” 93
94 95
4 (Ig5G)
H;~SSAXD G H_~ucx.UntersuchungenzurReduktionelementaren Schwcfcls an der Quccksilbertropfelcktrode.%. Elektrochenz., 61 (1957) 473-80~ 31. vos STXCGELBERG, H. HEIXDZE, F. \VILI;E XXD R_ DOPPELFELD, Experimentelle Untersuchungcn zur Relaxationsbremsung elektrokinetischer Bewegungen, 2. EZeklrochetx, 61 (rg57)781--59. 31. VOX STACI;ELRERG, Forschungsberickt Xr. 372 des Wirtschaftszlnd Verkehrsnrillislerircllrs _~ovdrkein-~Uest~alelz. XYestdeutscher Vcrlag. Kdln und Opladen. rg57, 34 S Untersuchungen zur _Ausarbeitung und Verbesserung x-on polarographischcn Xnalysenmethoden. 11. vos STACI~ELBERG. Die Gnmdlagen der Polarographie. Der polarographischc DiffusionsStrom. Rev. PoEarog. (Kyo~o). 5 (1957) 133-+3_ 31. VOX S~ACI-~EL~ERG _+XD H. \V XYTURSELERG, Zur Kinetik der Eleh+odenprozesse, Rev.
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G_ VAN RIESENBECK AND M. VON STXCI-XLBERG. Zur polarographischen H-W. N~~RNBERG, Bestimmuna der Dissoziations- und Rekombinationsgeschwindigkeit schwacher Sauren, . CoZZectiox C&h. Ckenz. Comtnzrn., 26 (1961) 121%40_ H. W. N~JRXBERG AND 35. VON STACGELBERG, _arbeitsmethoden und _Anwendungcn der Methoden und Elektroden II. Theorie der Gleichstrompolarographie. I. Apparatives, po1arographischenKurve.j. EZeclroanaZ_Chetn.,2 (1961) ISI-229. H_ W_ N~RNBERG AND M. VOX STACKELBERG. Arbertsmethoden und Anwendungen der Gleichstrompolarographie. III. Reaktionskinetische Messungen, J _ EZectroanaZ. Cketn., 2 (1961) 35o-87. Arbeitsmethoden und An\\-endungen der H. W N~~RXBERG AXD M. VON STXCKELBERG, Adsorptionsund Inhibitionseffekte, Gleichspannungspolarographie. IV. Doppelschicht-, J. EZeCtYOa?laZ. Cke??t.. 4 (1962) I-47. J_ KOUTIXK~ AXD M VON STACKELBERG, Die Gleichung fiirpolarographische Grenzstrdme und dre Grenzenihrer Giiltigkeit,Progress itrPoZaarography. Vol. I, edited by P. ZU~IAN XXD 1-M. K~~~~~~~,IntersciencePublishe~. Inc.,NewYork, rg62,pp 21-42. H. SCHMIDT XND M_VONSTACKELBERG. _vezra&ge PoZarograpkische Melhoden. ikr Pritzzip wzd rg62 ; Modern poEarographic ihre lWcig.!icJ~keilen. g7 S. Verlag Chemie, WeinheimjBergstr., MeLhods, translated by R. E. W. MADDISON, -4cademic Press, New York, 1963; Translation in Japaneseby T.KAMBAFU AND K.HAsEBE,K~~~~~-Dojin,Kyoto, 1966. H. SCHN~DT AND RI. vow STACKELBERG. The Polarographic Behaviour of Tellurites and Tkllurates. J_ PoZaavog- Sac-. S (1962) 4g-57_ M. VOX STACKELBERG. H. ScBnfrDT AND D. WOLF, Dre Tropfzeitabhangigkeitpolarographischer Strom, bei konstantem Quecksilberzufluss. Rm PoZarog. (Kyoto). II (1963) 11-4g_ KPACHLERAND M.VONST_XKELBERG, Die Kristallstiuktur einiger ,%lkohol-Halbhydrate. Z.Knsl., Irg(rg63) r5--29. IS. KORNFELD.M_RINK,G.VAM RIESENBECKAND M.VON S~~~~~~~~~~.Pol~ograph.ische Untersuchungen von Spartein und einigen seiner Derivate. J- EZecbropzaZ.Chetn.. 6 (1963) 54-60-
-*ND M. VON STXCKELBERG. Uber die Abhangigkeit des 1x8 w_ VI'ELSTICH, H_ SCHUCH~RDT DeuteriumtrennfaktonvonderPolarisationderI~athode,Ber_Bzmselzges.,67 (1g63)6+5-619. AND P. LUD\vIG. Zum Dlffusionsverhalten des Wasserstoffs im Palla119 M. VON ST_~CKELBERG dium wasserstoff,Z. Nalurforsch., rga (rg64)g3 Die physikalische Deutung der Frostaufbriiche. Umschazc, 64 (rgG4) 120 M. VON STACKELBERG. 68-71. 122-G. WOLFE AND M. VON STACKELBERG, Untersuchungen zum Mechanismus der spontanen Emuleenrng des Queck.silbers,CoZZection Czech. CZzem. Commwz_, 30 (1965) 3g8g-3996 123 L. SCIILIX.MRINK AND M. VON STXCEELBERG. Polarographische Untersuchung einiger arzneilich verwendeter Hydrazinderivative, J. EZecZroanaZ. Ckem.. 13 (rg67) 13_ J_ Eleciroanal.
12 (rg66) 365-372