cataract, which has answered so well in the hands of Mr. Wardrop, and which is now
pursued with so much success by the celebrated Gräfe, of Berlin. Its merits have not, in this country, been sufficiently known, otherwise it would, ere this, have engaged more general attention. This may, per-
FROM a series of stethoscopic and pleximetrical observations, made with the utmost haps, be attributable to the real objects of assiduity by the well tutored ear, and tactus the ophthalmic depots not being to illumi- eruditus of Mr. Phillips, in the case of nate, but to blind the profession as well as aneurism of the innominata, of which we the public, by their salves, drops, and " secret" gave an account in a former Number, this scientific observer could perceive a distinct operations ’ ! !! change in the impulse of both the carotid and subclavian arteries, which made him CASE OF STRICTURE OF THE (ESOPHAGUS. without hesitation relinquish the bold measure contemplated, of tying these large arJohn W., set. 37, of a sallow and unhealthy terial trunks on the distal side of the aneti. appearance, complains of pain and sense of rism, not only at one operation, but by one contraction in the situation of the oesoincision, extending diagonally across sweeping at the sternum. of the upper part phagus, the neck, from the scapular notch to the os On attempting to swallow, these symptoms The propriety of this decision has are much aggravated, and the food, if taken hyoides. in any considerable quantity, is completely been most satisfactorily proved by the subprogress of this highly interesting prevented from descending into the stomach, sequent case, as a gradual process of obliteration of Those and immediately rejected by vomiting. solids which are of a very compact nature the two arteries has gone on; and we have he cannot swallow at all; and those of softer now the great satisfaction of stating, owing to Mr. Phillip’s judicious treatment, the consistence, if taken in large quantities, of both the vessels has completely pulsation only partially descend. Even fluids quickly ceased, and there has taken place a conswallowed, will not pass entirely into the siderable diminution in the bulk of the tuWhen the arrested in its stomach. food is mour-a diminution which leads to the conprogress down the gullet, he experiences fident hope, that this case will afford an exmuch pain ; and when the inverted action cellent example of a spontaneous cure of takes place in that tube, to expel it again aneurism, whilst, at the same time, it illusfrom the mouth, it is quite agonising. trates the propriety of placing a ligature on His general health has suffered much from these arteries in cases of aneurism of the this complaint, which commenced three innominata, where no such spontaneous months ago. His stomach and bowels are process is goingon. frequently deranged, and being imperfectly nourished, he has become weak and emaciated. On introducing a probang into the cesoTO CORRESPONDENTS. phagus, a firm stricture was discovered at that part which lies immediately behind the The Communications of Mr. JONES— cartilages of the larynx. The contraction is about an inch in length, and the calibre of DUBLINENSIS—A COUNTRY SURGEON— the cesophagus is reduced to a small size. D.-J. B.—Mr. WALFORD, and G. W. W., This case, which appears to be one ofare under consideration. The subject to which ALPHA alludes, has - contraction, depending on the effects of inreceived more attention than it :flammatory action, without any carcinoma- probably ’tous tendency, has been much relieved by fairly deserved ; but if he will send us the the application of leeches to the neck, the paper and his name, we will give him an answer. use of calomel, and the occasional employA GENERAL PRACTITIONER is informed, ment of the probang. The disease is now that a list of the Licentiates of the Society so much better, that the patient can swallow of Apothecaries is now preparing for publiany solid food, although he still experiences cation. and a of when it some pain, sense spasm, Mr. W nTrr is informed, that no separate passes over the diseased surface. The case bears a striking analogy to the simple, or, Numbers of THE LAxer.T can be obtained as it has been denominated, bridle stricture up to 108 ; but any of the Volumes, ftutu Vol. II. to Vol. IX., may be had separately. of the urethra. Thanks for the Memorial from Dublin: we will give it all due attention. Nl’e should like to receive a specimen from X. Z.