Most of your DNA is junk after all It’s taken decades, but we’re coming to terms with the junk in our genome Michael Le Page
YOU’RE far from a perfect product. The code that makes us has to be at least 75 per cent rubbish, according to the latest study. After 20 years of biologists arguing that most of the human genome must have some kind of function, it now seems that, because of the way evolution works, the vast majority of our DNA has to be useless – a suggestion that contradicts claims from prominent researchers. When we first worked out how the bases of DNA function as a blueprint for making proteins, it was assumed that almost all DNA codes for proteins. However, by the 1970s, it became clear that only a tiny proportion of a genome encodes proteins – about 1 per cent in the case of humans. Biologists realised that some of
6 | NewScientist | 22 July 2017
the non-coding DNA might still Graur is one of many who have a role, such as regulating the didn’t believe this claim. ENCODE activity of the protein-coding defined DNA as functional if it genes. But around 90 per cent of showed any biochemical activity, our genome is still junk DNA, they however slight. But Graur doesn’t suggested – an uncomfortable think this is enough to prove DNA idea for creationists, who has a meaningful use. Instead, struggled to explain why an he argues a sequence can only be intelligently designed genome described as functional if it has would consist mostly of rubbish. “We’re walking around But throughout the 2000s, a with a genome where number of studies purported to only 1 in 10 of the bases show that junk DNA was nothing actually matters” of the sort, after demonstrating that some tiny bits of non-coding DNA had some use or other. The evolved to do something useful, grandest claim came in 2012, and if a mutation disrupting it when a consortium of genomics would have a harmful effect. researchers called ENCODE DNA mutates at random for declared that 80 per cent of the several reasons, such as UV DNA in the human genome has a radiation or mistakes made function. “They had spent $400 when DNA replicates during cell million, they wanted something division. Our children inherit a big to say,” says Dan Graur of the shuffled bag of mutations, and University of Houston. those with a lot of particularly
bad ones are more likely to die before having children of their own. This is how evolution stops bad mutations building up to dangerously high levels in a species. Following Graur’s logic, if most of our DNA is functional, most mutations would fall in important sequences and be bad for us. But if most of our DNA is junk, the majority of mutations would have no effect. Graur’s team has now calculated how many children a couple would need to conceive for evolution to stop us accumulating too many bad mutations in different cases. If the entire genome has a function, couples would need to have around 100 million children, and almost all would have to die, they found. Even if just a quarter of the genome is functional, each couple would still need to have nearly four children on average, with only two surviving to adulthood. Taking into account estimates of the mutation rate and average prehistorical reproduction rate, Graur’s team calculated that only around 8 to 14 per cent of our DNA is likely to have a function (Genome Biology and Evolution, This ties in nicely with a 2014 study that compared our genome with other species and concluded that around 8 per cent of it is functional. “We are walking around with a genome where only 1 in 10 bases actually matters,” says Chris Ponting of the University of Edinburgh, UK, who was part of the 2014 study. The challenge for those who still think most non-coding DNA is vital is to explain why an onion needs five times as much of it as we do, says Ryan Gregory of the –Happy babies, healthy genomes– University of Guelph in Canada. n