Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics PERGAMON
Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics 40 (1998) 183-192
Neutrino Spectroscopy with KARMEN R. MASCHUW
for the KARMEN A general introduction
to the KARMEN
gramme is presented.
collaboration’ neutrino
and its physics pro-
One of its major subjects is the experimental investiga-
tion of neutrino-nuclear
reactions mediated by both charged current (CC) and
neutral current (NC) weak interactions. ‘2C(~,,e-)‘2Ns.l,
Cross sections have been measured for 12C(v,v’)12C’ (1+1;15.1 MeV) (v = 12C(~e,e-)‘2N’, 13N and 56Fe ( v, , e- ) %o. Quantitative results from these
vp,ve,fiI1),lSC(ve,e-) experiments have been deduced for the NC isovector axialvector coupling strength, the NC davour universality and the nuclear axial charge distribution.
Neutrino Experiment
The KarlsruheRntherford-Medium-Energy-Neutrinoexperiment
(KARMEN) denotes an experimental
programme of neutrino physics using neutrinos Y,,, ve and VP with energies up to 53 MeV to be detected in a large scintillation calorimeter. Major physics aims are the search for neutrino oscillations and the investigation of neutrino-nucleus interactions with implications on standard model and non standard model physics problems. The experiment is performed at the neutron spallation facility ISIS of the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, England.
From a 50Hz Rapid Cycling Synchrotron an 800MeV,
200pA pulsed proton beam hits a Tantalum Heavy Water spallation target (TaDzO).
Apart from
neutrons, used for the condensed matter research programme at ISIS, also large numbers of pions are produced by the spallation process. target within about lo-”
It is the decay of these pions, after having been stopped in the
s, that provides the neutrinos for the KARMEN experiment. Negative pions
are captured and finally absorbed by nuclei. Stopped positive pions, however, undergo their characte ristic successive decay scheme A+ 3 Decay-At-Rest
/.i++ u,, followed by p+ *% e+ + v, + Y,, and produce the typical
neutrino spectrum (DAR) .1.e. monoenergetic u,, of 29.8MeV energy and, with equal
intensity, I+ and ti,, with energies up to 52.8 MeV (see Fig. la). A unique and the most important feature of the ISIS DAR-neutrino source, however, is its time structure which is closely related to that of the proton beam. Two pulses of protons of 100ns width, ‘B. Armbruster, G. Drexlin, V. Eberhard, K. Eitel, H. Gemmeke, T. Jannakos, M. Kleifges, J. Kleinfeller, C. Oehler, P. Plischke, J. Rapp, M. Steidl, J. Wolf, B. Zeitnitz: Forschungsrentwm hhrismhe and Universit6tKarlsmhe. B.A. Bodmann, E. Finckh, J. Hii51, P. Jiinger, W. Kretschmer: Universitiit Eriongen-Niimberg. C. Eichner, R. Maschuw, C. B.uf: Universitiit Bonn. I.M. Blair, J.A. Edgington, S. Seligmann: Queen Mary and Westfield College, London. N.E. Booth:
of Oxford.
0~46_64~0;98:$~9.00+0.00 PII: S0146-6410(98)00024-h
1998 Elsevier Science BV. All rights reserved.
in Great
R. Moscl~uw/ Prog. Part. Nucl. PIqx
40 (1998)
separated in time by 300 ns, hit the TaDzO-target with a frequency of 50 Hz. Due to the short lifetime of?r+, r = 26 ns, one thus have two prompt bursts of monoenergetic V, within the first 500 ns. In a time window from 0.5 ps to 10 ps, where all vP have vanished already, one is left with V, and Y,, showing the characteristic exponential time slope of 2.2 ps from its producing $-decay time structure of the ISIS DAR-neutrino
(see Fig. 1b, bottom). This
source provides, as will be shown, a very stringent signature
for v-induced events as they have to fit the time distributions of the corresponding v-species. Detection of those neutrinos by exploiting their characteristic energy and time distributions requires a high mass, high resolution detector system, effectively shielded against fast neutrons from the spallation target and the hadronic component of cosmic radiation. KARMEN is an all active 56 ton liquid scintillation calorimeter (AE/E
= 12% /dm)
housed in a 7000 ton shielding blockhouse located
at a mean distance of 17 m from the neutrino source (for details see ref. [l]). The segmented central calorimeter (512 modules) is looked at by 2048 phototubes registrating energy deposit, time and po sition of each event.
It is surrounded by an active/passive sandwich anticounter system to identify
the rare neutrino events which create a signal only in the central detector. However, the veto system, by intelligent triggering, also allowed a detailed and thorough study of almost all, mostly p-induced background, i.e. stopped p-decay, p-induced electron bremsstrahlung, p-capture neutrons, p-induced spallation neutrons etc. With the precise knowledge of the morphology of the background it can either be suppressed effectively or taken care of in proper Maximum-Likelihood The signal of neutrino events in the KARMEN
calorimeter is the detection of neutrino induced nu-
clear reactions where the mineral oil based scintillator with its Carbon and Hydrogen content serves as an active nuclear target. ‘*C ( V,
In the search for neutrino oscillations v,,+ V, and tip+ 4 the reactions
e- ) “N,,.. and ‘H ( V,-
e+ ) n respectively, are employed just to tag a neutrino of specific fla-
vour and appropriate energy and time as to see whether or not it might be an oscillated one (see ref. [2], (31 and (41 in this issue). In this paper it is the neutrino-nucleus interaction itself which is the topic of investigation where both, charged current (CC) and neutral current (NC) weak interaction processes are studied.
2 Neutrino-Nucleus Interactions: Physics Motivation Thephysics potential of KARMEN with respect to the investigation on neutrin*nucleus
can best be demonstrated referring to Fig. 2. It shows the CC and NC electroweak transitions between
5 r:
2 >
*-i 5, y- : ,’
, #’ *’ ,’
2 ;: ,* 1
.I 0
.* 0
~ 10
[ ns]
,’ vc
Figure 1: Energy (a) and time (b) distributions of the ISIS DAR-neutrino
R. Maschw 1 Prog. Parr. Nud. Phys. 40 ( 1998 1 183-19-7
Figure 2: The A = 12 isobaric analogue triplet
the ground state of “C and the isobaric analogue triplet states of the A = 12 system i.e. 12B, “C, “N. These transitions between nuclear states of well defined quantum numbers serve as a spin-isospin filter for the investigation of specific components of the weak hadronic current. In this particular case, with simultaneous spin- and isospinflip, AT = AS = 1, it is the isovector-axialvector
coupling that
dominates both, the CC and NC reactions. A quantitative measurement of the NC nuclear excitation 12C ( u, v’ ) 12C* ( l+ 1; 15.1 MeV ) , which has never been observed so far, would thus allow to determine this specific NC coupling constant [5] predicted to be one in the standard model (SM). Furthermore a comparison of this NC transition induced by the different species of neutrinos from ISIS, v,,, v, and g,,, would allow to prove the flavour universality of the v-Z0 coupling otherwise difficult to access. In the theoretical description of the above transitions, apart from the coupling strength, the extended structure of the nucleus has to be taken into account by weak nuclear formfactors. of “N and “B or from muon capture on Carbon, CL-+ 12C + l’B,...+
From p-decays
v,,, the dominant axialvector
formfactor Fa(q2) can be deduced only at zero or fixed momentum transfer respectively.
studying the inverse P-decay reaction “C ( u, , e- ) “Ns.,. over the full range of energies of v, from ISIS with a detector of spectroscopic quality like KARMEN, gives access to the q2-dependence of this weak nuclear formfactor. The uncertainties in these formfactors are still a limiting factor in the precision of the calculations of weak semileptonic reactions. On the other hand many detectors for solar, atmospheric, galactic and terrestric neutrinos are based on nuclear signatures.
The measurement of cross sections of neutrino-nucleus
reactions is thus of
great importance to prove the validity of the underlying theoretical calculations. The same is true for the problem of neutrino induced nucleosynthesis in supernova explosions where the energy spectra of neutrinos with temperatures of about 5MeV for v, and about 10MeV for v,, respectively, cover the same energy range as the ISIS DAR-neutrino
Quantitative experimental investigations of neutrino nuclear interactions at typical ‘nuclear physics’ energies of some ten MeV is thus a powerful tool to study basic weak interaction physics as well as other related physics phenomena.
R. A4aschuw/ Prog. Parr. Nucl. PIIJS. 40 (1998) 183-192
Experimental Results from KARMEN
at ISIS has taken data since 1990 with its last run in December 1995 when an upgrade
programme was started for an improved neutrino oscillation search (see ref. [3], [2]). Within that time an integrated proton intensity of 9122 C on target has been collected meaning an integrated neutrino flux of 6.43 x 1Or3v/cm* onto the KARMEN calorimeter. From these data results on various neutrine nucleus reactions have been deduced.
“C ( ve , e- ) 12Ng.s.
The CC reaction
The most stringent signature for a neutrino induced reaction at KARMEN is provided by the charged current exclusive inverse @decay trons with kinetic energies E,-
reaction “C (v, ,e- ) 12Nss.. With a Q-value of -17.3MeV
10 15 20 25 30 35
10 12 14 16
80 -1
g100 w .
; & 80
0 123456789
Electron Time (ps) 3:
Positron Energy (MeV)
Electron Energy (MeV)
< 35.5 MeV have to be detected in the time slot of v, i.e. 0.5~s to
and time spectra
of the prompt
“C (v, , e- ) 12Nss. followed by *2Ns..,.-+ “C + e+ + v,
Positron Time (ms) and delayed
signal from
the reaction
R. Moschuw i Prog. Part. Nucl. Phy~. 40 I 199X1 16%192
The exclusive
to 12Ng+ is indicated
by also detecting
the positron
e+ from its decay
r2C + et + v, back to the ground state of “C with end point energy E,.,. = 16.3MeV
lifetime t = 15.9ms. e--signal.
This delayed
in the scintillation
to higher excited
has to occur at the very same position
signal is actually appropriate
of 12N are all particle
because of the much lower light output
lifetime of 12Ns.*., r = 15.9 ms, corresponding
looked for over two beam periods once a prompt
energy and time cuts for this spatially
The corresponding
in Fig. 3. The time distribution
with the expected
energy spectrum reaction
(see Fig. 3a).
The same agreement
a cross section averaged
from 12N-decay
The result
LSND experiment calibration
was deduced
have been adjusted
to be
[7) or the to the ex-
an older one, the Los Alamos
(111. The reaction
free data
x 1O-42 cm2.
on “C and inelastic
signal is
using either the one body density
also with those from two other experiments,
serve as a well understood
of the delayed
phase approximation
the formfactors
[6], [8], p rovided
from 12N and “B P-decay, (lo] and the recent
(see Fig. 3~). The measured
f 0.8 (syst.)]
signal is in complete
from the “C ( v, , e- ) “Ns.,.
of the DAR-v,-spectrum
with all theoretical
536 events
was only 14.5 events.
for the time and energy spectra
[5], [9], th e continuum
E225 experiment
of the prompt
energy distribution
(D (12C ( I+, e- ) *‘Nss. ) ) = [ 9.3 f 0.4 (stat.)
shell model approach
has been identified.
(see Fig. 3b, d). From these almost
over the energy distribution
This value is in excellent
‘off beam’ background
2.2 11sslope of I+ from its producing
also agrees with the expected
found with those expected
and will not be seen energy loss. With the
delayed coincidence
of these data is reflected
of hadronic
as the
nicely to the beam pause of ISIS of 20 ms, the delayed
of this type have been detected.
“C ( ve ,e- ) 12Ns.,. might
for all future neutrino
in this energy region.
and The Weak Axial Charge Radius of 12C
The measured the excitation
energy spectrum function
of the reaction,
of electrons the incident
small e&t to determine deduced formfactor
by the axialvector
the Fermi function
from the weak magnetic the momentum
and size is described
cross section is dominated
in the elementary
from the measured
is related to the measured
particle treatment
electron energy by the
and I is an integral
cross section.
p(q2) to the weak magnetic formfactor
is negligible.
where all information which are depend-
where q2 ranges from 0 5 lq21 5 0.4 rn$ the Referring
to [6] it is given as
with only weak q2-dependence
and tensor formfactor. of each individual
by weak nuclear formfactors
(see Fig. la) and the detector
.E, = E, - 17.3 MeV, as the recoil energy to the 12N-nucleus
about nuclear structure, ent on the momentum
“C ( v, , e- ) 12Ng,. is a convolution
energy distribution
The energy of the incident neutrino
cross section u( EY) can be calculated
where F+ denotes
from the reaction neutrino
CC reaction
and a rather
has no angular
the formfactor
resolution cannot
a dipole paramatrization
CVC, which relates
FM(q2), and also assuming
of the
the electromagnetic
scaling for FM(q’) and
R. Maschm,/
(61, the dipole
Prog. Parr. Nucl. Piys. 40 (1998)
can be deduced
from the shape
of the measured
112). . _ With
FA(q*)_ F-do) the radius of the weak axial charge distribution
(1 - gB:
of ‘*C has been determined
to be
RA = (3.S+::$fm. Within
the lo error this agrees with the electromagnetic
Only the shape of the electron FAN
or more precisely
the radius parameter
cross section of the reaction the axial formfactor
energy distribution
of l*C, R, = 2.478fm.
has been used to determine
RA of this formfactor.
the q*-dependence
From the measured
‘*C ( v, , e- ) r*Ns.,., however (see sec. 3.1) taking the above value of RA,
at zero momentum
can be deduced
to be
FA(0) = 0.73f0.11. From the average of the ft-values also in good agreement The energy spectroscopy transfer
of the reaction
‘*C ( v, , e- ) “NsS. with KARMEN
of the nuclear formfactor
for the vector and axialvector
The NC reaction
Neutral current neutrino been discovered
they are, except
and that the scaling
is a valid assumption.
have been suggested
of the non charge changing
reactions neutrino
are also quite important electron
below the /J- or r-mass
as a most powerful tool to reveal
weak interaction
But it was only the KARMEN
the first NC inelastic nuclear scattering
[13], (141. NC nuclear v, at energies
12C ( v , Y’ ) 12C* ( l+ 1) ; (v = v, + VP)
in the early seventies.
later that observed
showed that the momentum
has to be taken into account explicitly
induced nuclear reactions
the Lorentz and isospin structure
for the ,f?-decays of ‘*B and ‘*N one yields FA(O) = 0.711 which is
with the result from our experiment.
after it had
almost twenty years
‘*C ( v , v’ ) ‘*C* ( l+ 1; 15.1 MeV )
in the framework
the only processes
of neutrino
that are observable
oscillations for v,, or
Time&n] Figure 4: Energy
(a) and time (b) spectrum of single prong events in the p-decay time window. The to the reaction ‘*C ( v, Y’) ‘*C*. The solid line in (b) represents a 2.2 p’s time
peak in (a) corresponds constant.
The signature for the NC process ‘*C ( Y , Y’ ) r*C* ( l+ 1; 15.1 MeV ) unfortunately has not the same stringent delayed coincidence structure as the CC reaction discussed before. The only signal is the de tection of 15.1 MeV monoenergetic gamma quanta from the decay of the excited state of l*C?. However, with an effective branching ratio of 94% for this decay back to the ground state 12CsS. a clear peak structure in the energy spectrum of single prong events within the appropiate v-time windows should show up at about 15 MeV visible energy. Taking the time slot for v, and VP, i.e. 0.5 ps 5 t 5 3.5 ps, the energy spectrum of single prong events in the central detector as shown in Fig. 4a is achieved. This spectrum, apart from a broad bumb of events with energies between 16MeV and 45MeV to be discussed below, indeed, shows the expected prominent peak between 11 MeV and 16MeV. This, unambiguousely, is asssociated with the NC inelastic scattering process ‘*C ( v , v’) ‘*C* ( l+ 1; 15.1 MeV)
induced by both, v, and V,,. A convincing
confirmation of this assignment is the time spectrum of all single prong events with energies between 11 MeV and 35 MeV taken over a time spread -20 ~LS5 t 5 +30 ps with respect to the ‘beam on target’ time to = 0 as shown in Fig. 4b. The excess events above a randomly distributed background show the typical 2.2~s exponential slope of v, and cfi from CL+-decay and are just the 695 events of Fig. 4a. A Maximum-Likelihood
(ML) fit to this spectrum taking into account also various inclusive CC reactions
discussed in sec. 3.5, assigned 473.2 f 32 NC events to the reaction ‘*C ( u, v’) ‘*C* ( l+ 1; 15.1 MeV ) . The cross section for this NC nuclear excitation induced by v, and v,, and averaged over the corresponding energy spectra was deduced to be (0 (l*C (u, v’) ‘*C* )) = [ 10.9 f 0.7 (stat.) f 0.8 (syst.)
] x 10e4* cm*; (v = v, + ti,)
As in the CC case (see sec. 3.1) there is excellent agreement with corresponding theoretical calculations using the EPT (61, [8], the CRPA [7] or the OBD SCheme [9]. This is not too surprising as the same nuclear structure applies for the isobaric analogue states ‘*Nss. and “C*(l+,l).
Experimentally, no
other experiment so far has measured this NC nuclear reaction.
Neutral Current Flavour universality
For a given u-energy the cross sections for the CC reaction ‘*C ( v, , e- ) l*Ns... and the NC reaction ‘*C ( v , v’ ) ‘*C* ( l+ 1; 15.1 MeV ) differ only by a Clebsch-Gordon isospin coefficient of l/2 because the nuclear structure of these transitions are the same as well as the relevant CC and NC isovector axialvector couplings.
As the NC excitation at KARMEN
is induced simultaneously by u, and V,,,
having almost the same energy distributions, the ratio of the measured cross sections of these reactions R = < a~~(u,+fi,,)>
/ < acc(u,)>
is expected to be one, provided there is identical coupling for fi,, and
u, to the intermediate vector boson Z”. The measurement of this ratio thus provides a flux independent determination of the p-e universality of the u-Z0 coupling. As the I+- and fi,,-energy spectra are not exactly the same (see Fig. la) and because there is a slight difference in the NC cross section for u or V the ratio is expected to be slightly bigger than one. The theoretical expectations vary between 1.1 and 1.2 whereas KARMEN has measured R = 1.17 f O.ll(stat.)
f O.O12(syst.).
Within the uncertainties this is a nice confirmation of the NC p-e universality at low energies, which is of great importance when bolometric techniques to detect astrophysical neutrinos via NC nuclear reactions are applied.
R. Mu.~cl~m~/ Prog. Purr. Nucl. PhFs. 40 (1998)
The Inclusive CC Reactions 12C( u, , e- ) 12N*, 13C( u, , e- ) 13N and 5sFe( V,
e- ) 56Co
In the single prong energy spectrum a variety of different
of Fig. 4a the broad bumb at energies above 16 MeV is made up by
CC reactions.
delayed ‘rN decay signal is missing, the events with the full exclusive content
the measured calculated electrons
This provides
of -2.2
from the reaction
the largest contribution decays
be observed
in the scintillation
(o (i3C ( ye, e- ) 13N ))
[ 0.5 f 0.37 (stat.)
(o (56Fe ( v, , e- ) 56Co ) )
[ 2.51 f 0.83 (stat.)
for the reactions the statistical
if compared
a residual
quite successful
to describe
x 10-42cmz
* 0.1 (syst.) ] x 10m4’ cm* f
0.42 (syst.) ] x 10e4’ cm*
interaction a variety
cross sections
[15], [16], [17], [18]. Our result
states are constructed
It also is in agreement
with a
from generic continuum
derived from a meson exchange potential.
This scheme has been
of low energy v-scattering
as well as p-capture
cross sections
However, there is an open problem with the inclusive reaction
200 MeV energy recently
and by far
A careful Maximum-
for 13C are rather high the measured
to theoretical
[19] where the excited
states including
The remaining
yielded the following cross sections:
“C (v, ,e- ) ‘*N* agrees well with that from LSND [ll].
recent CRPA calculation
can be
13C ( u, , e- ) 13N and 56Fe ( u, , e- ) 56Co have never been measured
errors, particularily
are in the right order of magnitude for the reaction
as bremsstrahlung
( v, , e- ) l*N* to excited states of r*N,
(5.1 f
from v-e-
13C ( Y+ , e- ) 13N.
to the high energy end of
was identified
“Fe ( v, , e- ) 56Co in the surrounding
from the reaction contributing
taking into account all the above contributions
The cross sections
is due to the inclusive CC reaction
a contribution
An additional
of which cannot
Likelihood analysis
from “C ( v, , e- ) 12Ns8., where the
MeV it is the only reaction
to which it can be fitted.
from the standard
the particle
The contribution
is easily calculated from the measured cross section deduced from There is a 1% natural abundance of 13C in the Carbon signature.
of the liquid scintillator.
Because of its low Q-value
with v,, of about
at LSND [20].
The NC reaction 12C( v,, , v,,’ ) 12C* and the NC Isovector Axialvector Coupling Constant
In sec. 3.3 the NC reaction up to 52.8MeV monoenergetic
‘*C ( v, v’) ‘*C* ( l+ 1; 15.1 MeV)
have been discussed.
v, of 29.8 MeV from *+-decay
with fast neutrons
burst are dominated has been measured
from the spallation
later at the detector
by neutrinos. explicitly
followed by the capture
Most fortunately
coincidence by Hydrogen
of a prompt
these neutrons,
This enables
single prong events as shown in Fig. 5a and 5b.
a reliable Maximum-Likelihood have been taken into account
in the
Cosmic ray background
from u, and fifi contamination
for events within the first 90 ns of each burst clearly shows the expected ‘*C ( ufi, u*‘) ‘*C?. Also shown is the background
of the time and energy
the reaction
of these fast neutrons n-p scattering
or some Gadolinium
optical segmentation. of all prompt
there is still some
thus, the first 90ns of each particle
the shape of the time spectrum
using the
with those prompt
all heavy shielding,
than the neutrinos
making use of a delayed
of the thermalized
by v, and v,, with energies
has also been observed
[21]. H owever there is a problem
as within its short time window of 0 2 t v,, 5 5OOps, despite mass, arrive somewhat
The same NC transition
as well. In Fig. 5b the energy
from fast neutrons
15 MeV peak from (light hatched)
6 6
Figure 5: Time (a) and energy (b) spectrum of single prong events in the v,, time window. Further explanation see text. well as from cosmic rays and v, and ti,, contamination (cross hatched) of the v,, bursts (dotted line in Fig. 5a). From these data the cross section for the NC reaction *‘C ( II* , u,,‘) ‘*C* at Ev,, = 29.8 MeV has been determined to be o(‘*C (v, ,v6’)12C*)
= 13.1 f 08(stat.)
f O.S(syst.)]
x 1O-42 cm2
Within the errors this is a further confirmation of theoretical calculations yielding 2.4
10T4’ cm2
(OBD) [9] and 2.8 x 10e4’ cm2 (CRPA) [7]. For the NC excitation “C (v,, ,v,,‘) r2C* at the fairly low energy of 29.8MeV
there is only a weak
dependence on the nuclear structure which referring to [5] can be deduced from the experimental results of 12N and “B @decay and p-12C capture. In the so called Long Wavelength Limit (LWL) the cross section, model independently, is given by
. (&&2 gLwL Y,Y’ = 1.08 x 10sscm2 with E, being the neutrino energy, w the excitation energy 15.1 MeV, MN the nucleon mass and p denoting the NC isovector axialvector coupling constant. [t17xy5u - &r5d]
It represents the strength of the amplitude
in the NC Lagrangian and is predicted to be one in the standard model. Taking our
measured cross section we derive ]p] = 1.08f0.18. Within its error it is in complete agreement with results from earlier high energy experiments and thus provides a nice confirmation of the validity of the standard model at even very low energies.
Concluding Remarks and Acknowledgement
This paper has only covered those objectives of the KARMEN
experiment were definitely positive
results on physical observables have been determined i.e. cross sections on various CC and NC neutrino induced nuclear reactions. These have been used to deduce some important features of weak interactions like weak formfactors, flavour universality and coupling strengths.
They also have important impact
in testing various schemes of theoretical calculations of semileptonic processes as well as on current
R. Maschuw/
and future
Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 40 (1998)
using terrestrical
of neutrino
in ref. [3], (21 and [4]. Other non standard results of the KARMEN
the complete
data set.
the ISIS staff. enthusiasm
for the hospitality
model physics questions
by the Bundesministerium and the assistance
References [I] B. Zeitnitz,
and for the assistance
[2] G. Drexlin,
these proceedings
[3] B. Zeitnitz,
these proceedings
(1994) 351
[5] T.W. Donnelly, Phys. Lett. B 43 (1973) 93 et al., Phys. Lett. B 212 (1988) 139
[7] E. Kolbe et al., Phys. Rev.
C 49 (1994) 1122 and Ref. 19
[8] S.L. Mintz et al., Phys. Rev. [9] J. Engel et al., Phys. Rev.
C 40 (1989) 2458 C 54 (1996) 2740
[lo] R.C. Allen, Phys. Rev. Lett. 64 (1990) 1871 [ll] C. Athanassopoulos [12] B.A. Bodmann [13] B. Bodmann
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[14] B.E. Bodmann
et al., Phys. Lett. B 332 (1994) 251
[15] S. W. Bruenn,
ApJ, 58 (1985), 771
[16] E. V. Bugaev et al., Nucl. Phys. [17] M. Fukugita
et al., Phys. Rev.
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[18] T. W. Donnelly, private communication [19] E. Kolbe et al., Phys. Rev. 1201 M. Albert et al., Phys. Rev. [21] submitted
C 52 (1995) 3437 C 51 (1995), 1065
to Phys. Lett.
[22] G. Drexlin Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. Vol.32
(1994) 375
of the collaboration this paper.
in detail
by the
soon employing
fiir Bildung und Forschung
[4] K. Eitel, these proceedings
[6] M. Fukugita
is described
which are strongly
of the Rutherford
to prepare
Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. Vol.32
The implications of this
in [22] and will be updated
The author would like to thank all members
on this project
on neutrino
have been described
This work was in part supported We are greatful
or astrophysical
nuclear reactions
for their persistent