Aug., 1949.]
by fermentation of wheat, corn, or o t h e r starchy crops, and scientists a t the Peoria laboratory are working to lower the cost of alcohol and t o increase the value of feed byproducts produced by this process. They are also developing methods for converting corncobs and o t h e r farm residues to alcohol. The Laboratory's researchers also point out t h e potential importance of alcohol-water injection in extending the country's supplies of petroleum. Alcohol is equivalent to lO0-octane fuel, and it can be used to increase the effective octane rating--or anti-knock quality--of gasoline. It thus makes possible wider use of low-octane fuels, which are cheaper and can be produced from petroleum in greater quantity than high-octane gasoline. New ACF-Talgo Train (Diesel Power, Vol. X X V I I , No. 6 ) . - - A unique train, first to be built in America based on the Spanish "Patentes Talgo," has been completed b y the American Car and Foundry Company for testing and demonstration. Designed by ACF and Talgo engineers and constructed a t the Berwick, Pa., and Wilmington, Del., shops, this revolutionary streamliner is one of three such trains, the other two being destined for revenue service in Spain. The "ACF-Talgo" train represents entirely different concepts in railroad passenger car construction. A comparison with streamline equipment on the railroads today shows t h e ACF-Talgo to have floors 2 ft. 9 in. lower, a weight reduction of nearly 75 per cent due t o both its design and all-aluminum construction and an overall height lower by almost four feet. Completely new throughout, the train presents a very dramatic appearance due to its extremely low center of gravity. Moreover, it is equipped and decorated in keeping with its modern design. The name "Talgo" is derived from Tren (train) Articulado (jointed) Ligero (light) Goicoechea (the inventor) and Oriol (the man backing the train). Each Talgo for Spain will consist of a diesel-electric locomotive, a baggage unit, and three coaches, the last of which features an observation lounge. The over-all length of the train is approximately 370 ft. and is for 5 ft., 6 in. gauge track. The design is unique in t h a t a coach consists of four articulated passenger units and one equipment unit, each of which has only one pair of wheels in the rear. The front is supported by a special coupling arrangement on the unit a h e a d of it, while the first unit is supported by the locomotive. Entrance t o the coaches is gained through the equipment unit which is in the center of each coach. These equipment units contain various functional items such as alr-conditioning equipment, control lockers, washrooms, and kitchenettes for serving light meals. Each coach is 100 ft. long and seats 64 passengers, 16 in each passenger unil. The coach containing the observation lounge is 7 ft. longer. The entire train seats 176 passengers with 16 additional seats in the observation lounge. An experimental train of this type has undergone successful t e s t s in Spain. ACF, realizing t h a t the ideas embodied in the Spanish train presented a challenge to American industry, entered into a partnership agreement with "Patentes Talgo" which included exclusive manufacturing rights and sales representation in the United States and Canada. The train for experimental purposes is of identical design t o those destined for Spain with the exception of length and gauge, the latter being generally 4 ft.
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8} in. in the Western hemisphere. It consists a t this time of only a dieselelectric locomotive, a baggage unit and a coach of five units, one of them being for equipment and another serving as an observation lounge. The train is 168 ft. long or only approximately one-third of its eventual length. This unit has been planned to show just one of the many possibilities of interior design. Wide-vision windows, a 42-in. seat spacing, wardrobes a n d luggage storage facilities in each coach, individual ash t r a y s a t each seat, kitchenettes to provide meal service a t the s e a t s and a n observation end from which passengers have extra-wide visibility are some of the ideas which have been incorporated. It can be a d a p t e d to both long a n d short hauls, coach or sleeper service, depending on the requirements of inGvidual railroads and its passenger carrying capacity increased or decreased to suit the density of traffic. Obviously, the Talgo is a complete break with tradition in the construction of railway equipment. It will be interesting t o watch its progress. M a n y advantages are offered to the railroad industry t h a t heretofore have never been available. Engineered for rapid a n d economical production and incorporating such features as the use of standard automotive type diesel engines for power, elimination of approximately 75 per cent of the dead weight and facility of maintenance and serv.icing, these units should make a n attractive, economical package.
Rocket-Jet Airplane (Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 71, No. 7).--What is believed t o be one of the first flights ever attempted under dual rocket and jet power was made recently by the D-558-2 Skyrocket, the Navy Department's Bureau of Aeronautics revealed. The research craft took off from the desert runways of Muroc, Calif., test base. After exhausting its rocket fuel, the Navy test ship continued upon a routine research flight and landed under turbojet power. For the past year the Douglas-built explorer has made numerous routine research flights powered by its turbojet while awaiting final development of the jet-rocket engine recently installed. Designed and developed for the Navy by Douglas Aircraft Company, Inc., in cooperation with the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, the Skyrocket is obtaining valuable knowledge on advanced power plants and speeds near the sonic range of flight. The D-558-2 Skyrocket is the advanced sequel to the Navy's D-558 Skystreak, straight-winged red jet which in the course of its research investigations broke the world speed record twice within five days in August, 1947. T h o u g h of advanced aerodynamic design and incorporating the latest p o w e r plants, the Skyrocket performs as a conventional aircraft taking off and landing under its own power.