Monitor Software New DrugQuant Drug Analysis Software Hewlett-Packard has introduced HP DrugQuant drug analysis software which improves the productivity and consistency of autooperations. laboratory mated With HP MS ChemStations and HP MS systems, HP DrugQuant forms an integrated drug analysis system that produces quantifielectron impact able, classical spectra. HP DrugQuant drug analysis software was developed to meet the specialised needs of drug analysis laboratories using HP MS systems to confirm and quantitate drugs or their metabolites in specimens. Intelligent batch sequencing makes real-time decisions, without the intervention of an operator, to correct the problems laboratories typically encounter when analysing a batch of drug analysis samples, e.g., automatically reinject specimens and controls of ion ratios, retention times or internal standard criteria fall outside a laboratory’s limits, improving productivity. Automated reports and statistical charts allow drug analysis laboratories to integrate quality
assurance into their analytical methods and to eliminate transcription errors. One of these automated reports, the batch summary report, gives the operator reviewing the batch a quick look at the status of the run and flags samples where ion ratios or retention times fall outside the laboratory’s limits. HP DrugQuant drug analysis software can automatically track up to three levels of control values with Levey-Jennings and percentage control charts. Using Westgard Rules, HP DrugQuant flags controls that are outside limits.
ELIMS - Solutions for the Environmental Market Fisons Instruments has introduced the new Client Server ELIMS system which provides integrated solutions for the Commercial Environmental Laboratory. ELIMS is compliant with both GLP and GALP standards and includes full data auditing and QA/QC to a level above that required by GALP. Full projectinvoicing level quoting and
capability is provided. Based on a quotation, the required preserved bottles can be despatched to the requesting client. Upon return to the laboratory the samples are automatically logged in. At any time invoices can be generated for partial or complete work. All client billing information is stored. ELIMS also incorporates a laboratory management tool: LabQuery. LabQuery is a Client Server tool that allows management-style interrogation of the business. Working from a graphical view of the business, managers can simply click on area (for example an inorganic lab) to access information specifically about that laboratory. The information available for each laboratory includes: sample statistics, instrument workloads, and personnel. LabQuery is context sensitive, enabling managers to get information by clicking on individual instruments or areas. In addition to laboratory metrics, LabQuery also provides business information including billing information and statistics. Graphical displays show the total revenue generated over a period of time. Individual clients and analyses can also be evaluated in this manner. The WindowsTM-based Client Server design of ELIMS provides a prod-