New York Eye and Ear Infirmary

New York Eye and Ear Infirmary

SOCIETY PROCEEDINGS Edited by D R . H .R O M M E L HILDRETH NEW YORK E Y EAND EAR INFIRMARY that Lindsey Johnson did some work on animal eyes at t ...

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that Lindsey Johnson did some work on animal eyes at t h e London Zoo about 30 years ago, and asked Dr. K n a p p if he was O P H T H A L M O L O G I C A L CLINICAL familiar with this work. CONFERENCE Dr. Loren Guy asked if rabbits have March 27, 1939 glaucomatous cupping of the eye nor­ D R . S I G M U N D AGATSTON, chairman mally, a n d D r . K n a p p replied that they have a deep cupping. D r . Guy disagreed U N U S U A L CASE OF NUCLEAR SCLEROSIS, with this statement, and said that he had E A C H EYE examined many rabbits' eyes and did D R . D . B L A I R S U L O U F F presented an not see this deep cupping. unusual case of this condition. T h e p a ­ Dr. D . Blair Sulouff asked if the ring­ tient was a heroin addict, a n d h a d been tail monkey's eye resembles the human taking the drug (80 grs. daily) for about eye most closely, a n d D r . K n a p p replied 18 years. I t w a s suggested that a n opti­ that it did. cal iridectomy be performed, b u t D r . John S. Cregar suggested that a broad- C A S E OF PARTIAL OCCLUSION OF T H E T E M ­ PORAL ARTERY based iridectomy above would be the bet­ ter procedure. D R . R. G. T H O R N B U R G H presented a Discussion. D r . Isaac Hartshorne thought Dr. Cregar was right in suggest­ ing a broad-based iridectomy rather than an optical iridectomy. H e felt that the cataract would develop further. H e told of a patient with a similar condition whom he h a d treated IS years ago. D r . H a r t s h o r n e did a preliminary iridectomy on each eye, and eight years later re­ moved the cataracts. Dr. Sigmund Agatston said that he had performed a preliminary iridectomy in a similar case. H e said that the pupil should be dilated first to see if vision can be im­ proved. Dr. Sulouff said that since this m a n had been taking heroin for 18 years the dilator fibers had not had much exer­ cise. T h e cumulative effect of the heroin did not permit the homatropine to act. ANIMAL-EYE



D R . A R T H U R A . K N A P P showed d r a w ­

ings of numerous animal-eye fundi. Discussion. D r . Isaac H a r t s h o r n e said

case of partial occlusion of t h e temporal artery in a man, aged 24 years. E x a m i n a ­ tion showed t h e lower temporal branch of t h e artery to be occluded, a n d sur­ rounding this w a s an area of ischemia that reached u p to the fovea. N o foci of infection were found. Discussion. D r . Sigmund Agatston said he saw t h e patient when he first came to the clinic. T h e elevation was out of pro­ portion to the occlusion of a vessel of this size. T h e patient was admitted to the hospital a n d showed improvement t w o days later, but then suffered a loss of vision again. T h e r e w a s some process going on that was recurrent, and the patient had some sort of allergic mani­ festation. H e had an ischemia that was undoubtedly of vascular origin. D r . Agatston thought this condition was due to some toxin. CORNEAL


D R . DONALD H A L L reported a case of

corneal transplant in a 60-year-old male.


SOCIETY PROCEEDINGS The patient h a d seen only hand move­ ments with the right eye, but after a suc­ cessful transplant, his vision was now 20/70 in that eye. Discussion. D r . Donald Bogart said that the question sometimes comes u p before operation as to the condition of the anterior chamber. W e have a means of prognosticating this condition through the infrared rays by taking serial pictures of each cornea at different levels, using a red filter and infrared ray. This process is still in its infancy, but will have a bear­ ing in selecting cases for corneal trans­ plant in the future. TUBEROUS SCLEROSIS DR.





Hospital reported a case of tuberous sclerosis. A t the age of t w o years the patient began to have seizures that r e ­ curred until he was five. A t nine these seizures began again a n d increased in severity. T h e r e is a numbness in the left wrist before onset of the seizure. H e becomes tonic, and turns his head to the left. Psychometric examination showed an I.Q. of 7 1 . E y e examination showed a vision of 20/20 O . U . ; fields normal to f o r m ; external examination negative; the cornea, pupil, and anterior chamber normal. T h e pupils did not hold contrac­ tion well, but reacted to light. Ophthalmoscopic examination showed t h e left eye to be normal. T h e right eye showed the disc in fairly sharp outline, slightly elongated vertically. T h e macula was clear, but just above it w a s a lesion. A second large lesion was found at the periphery in the temporal field—irregular, raised, grayish mulberrylike patches. There was a third lesion below the level of the disc. Over the disc was a smaller tumor containing a single cyst, and a small flat tumor fairly sharply defined. J U V E N I L E GLAUCOMA

D R . A R T H U R C H A N D L E R reported a case

of juvenile glaucoma which had been presented at t h e previous meeting. A n extracapsular extraction of the lens of the right eye had been performed, giving vision of 20/50. N E W TANGENT-SCREEN RULE

D R . LOREN G U Y presented a tangentscreen rule that he h a d designed. T h e triangular rule has three surfaces marked in tangents of degrees—one for one meter, one for t w o meters, and one for three meters. T h e entire device can be made for about one dollar and greatly facilitates making field studies at differ­ ent distances using an unmarked screen, the rule then being rotated about the fixation point to relate the pins to the tangents of degrees for the given dis­ tances marked. Donald W . Bogart, Secretary.


M a r c h 16, 1939 D R . A L E X A N D E R G. F E W E L L ,







case of a 19-year-old colored girl who had been in an automobile accident and sustained a transverse wound of the left cornea, the temporal extremity of which contained some prolapsed iris. T h e rest of the iris h a d disappeared. There was blood in the anterior chamber and deep ciliary injection. T h e tension was minus. Treatment consisted of cold compresses, atropine, metaphen and boric irrigations, following which the eye healed and a vision of 6/7.5 was obtained.