Nonlinear distortion of gratings at the foveal resolution limit

Nonlinear distortion of gratings at the foveal resolution limit

w42-6989 91 53.00 + 0.00 Copyright C 1991 Pcrgamon Press pk Yinon Res. Vol. 31. No. 5. pp. 815-831. 1991 Printed in Great Bntlin. All nghts rescrwd ...

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w42-6989 91 53.00 + 0.00 Copyright C 1991 Pcrgamon Press pk

Yinon Res. Vol. 31. No. 5. pp. 815-831. 1991 Printed in Great Bntlin. All nghts rescrwd





‘Center for Visual Science. University of Rochester. Rochester. NY 14627 U.S.A. and rOlyrnpus Optical Co. Ltd. 2-3 Kuboyama. Hachioji, Tokyo 192. Japan (Received 22 January 1990, in revised form I7 July 1990) Abstract-Aliasing by the fovea1cone mosaic causes high frquency interferena fringes to look like bright and dark zebra stripes (primary zebra stripes) Williams. Vision Reseurch, 25, I95 (1985); Vision Reseurch. 28.433 (l988)]. Some observers report another type of zebra stripes defined by variations in chromaticity as well as brightness, which we call secondary zebra stripes. The conditions required to see the secondary zebra stripes are almost identical to those required to see the primary zebra stripes, exapt that they are seen at approximately half the spatial frequency. We consider the hypothesis that the secondary xebra stripes arise from aliasing by a particular packing arrangement of the M and L cone submosaics. but present evidena favoring an alternative hypothesis based on a known local nonlinearity in the visual system. Spatial sampling Aliasing Cone mosaic Spatial vision Color vision



Abasing occurs when an inadequate number of elements sample an image. Aliasing has been demonstrated in human fovea1 vision: gratings with spatial frequencies higher than half the spatial sampling rate of the cone array produce moire effects (Bergmann. 1858; Byram, 1944; Campbell & Green, 1965; Ohzu, Enoch & O’Hair, 1972; Williams & Collier, 1983; Williams, 198.5, 1986, 1988). Laser interferometry has allowed the study of fovea1 aliasing because gratings can be imaged on the retina without blurring by the optics of the eye. Williams (1985. 1988) has exploited aliasing to characterize the cone mosaic in the human eye, estimating the spacing and packing geometry of cones in the living fovea. Aliasing has also provided psychophysical estimates of extrafovea1 cone spacing based on the apparent orientation of aliases there (Coletta & Williams, 1987) as well as their apparent direction of motion (Coletta. Williams & Tiana, 1990; Tiana. Williams, Coletta & Haake, 1991). In the fovea, aliased interference fringes resemble zebra stripes. They look like shimmering, wavy lines defined by variations in brightness. The spacing between these zebra stripes appears largest when the fringe frequency roughly equals the fovea1 cone sampling 815


Distortion product

frequency, typically about I IO-120 c/deg. We will refer to these zebra stripes as primary zebra stripes. This paper examines another kind of zebra stripe pattern quite distinct from these primary zebra stripes. Some observers report that a faint secon&7ry zebra stripe pattern can be seen at about half the cone sampling frequency, near the Nyquist frequency. Thus, for a given fovea1 location, these secondary zebra stripes become prominent at spatial frequencies that are about half those that produce the most prominent primary zebra stripes. Both the primary zebra stripes and the secondary zebra stripes appear as local, irregular variations in brightness. However, the secondary zebra stripes are sometimes described as being defined by a variation in hue as well. For example, when viewing a 632.8 nm interference fringe, some observers report that the dark regions in the secondary zebra stripes appear desaturated green. The analysis of the secondary zebra stripes was originally motivated by the notion that they might provide a clue to the packing arrangement of subclasses of middle (M) and long (I,) wavelength sensitive cones, about which there is currently no information in the human. We will refer to this possibility as the chromaric a&z.ring hypothesis which proposes that the secondary zebra stripes arise from aliasing by the



submosiacs of ,‘1fand L cones that comprise the fovea1 mosaic. Williams and Collier (1983) and Williams. Collier and Thompson (1983) demonstrated the existence of aliasing by the short (S) wavelength cone submosiac. In addition to these psychophysical results, recent theoretical work (Williams. 1990; Ahumada. 1986: Brainard, Wandell & Poirson, 1989) also raises the possibility that the packing arrangement of the M and L cones in the fovea also produces submosaic aliasing. However. a second hypothesis, which we call the contrast hypothesis. accounts for the secondary zebra stripes without appealing to the packing arrangement of the M and L cones. relying instead on sampling by the mosaic as a whole followed by a local nonlinearity in the visual system. The first two experiments in this paper define more precisely how both primary and secondary zebra stripes depend on stimulus conditions. Expcrimcnt I shows how both phenomena dcpcnd on the spatial frcqucncy and orientation of an interference fringe viewed at the fovea1 canter. Experiment 2 shows how this depcndcncc changes with retinal eccentricity within the fovcal region. Thcsc experiments establish an intimate link between the primary zebra stripes, secondary zebra stripes, and the cone mosaic. Then, we dcscribc two competing hypotheses for the generation of the secondary zebra stripes. Finally, we dcscribr experiments designed to distinguish between these two hypotheses. GENERAL METHODS

All experiments in this paper were performed with a computer-controlled laser interferometer, described in detail by Williams (1985). Subsequent modifications of this interferometer, mainly in the control of fringe spatial frequency and orientation, are described by Coletta and Williams (1987). The light source was a He-Ne laser (632.8 nm). Interference fringes were presented for 500 msec every 2.5 set without changing the space-averaged retinal illuminance of 2000 td. The purpose of the 2 set interval between stimulus presentations was to avoid habituation to the stimulus. Fringe contrast was controlled with the pulse overlap technique described by Williams (1985). The two beams of the interferometer were chopped independently by an acousto-optic modulator at 500 Hz. The temporal overlap of the pulse pairs modified the

contrast of the interference fringe; no temporal overlap produced a spatially uniform field while complete overlap produced a unity contrast fringe of the same space-averaged luminance. Fringe spatial frequency was controlled by varying the separation of a pair of coherent point sources focused near the entrance pupil of the observer’s eye. Fringe orientation was controlled by varying the orientation of the point sources in the entrance pupil. The positions of the point sources that determined spatial frequency and orientation were always symmetric about the Stiles-Crawford maximum in the entrance pupil. This allowed arbitrary changes in spatial frequency and orientation without the need to realign the observer. In order to fix the head position relative to the apparatus, dental impressions were used. The right eye was always studied and was aligned both horizontally and vertically as described by Williams (1985). Experiments involving very high spatial frequencies require large separations between the point sources in the entrance pupil. To avoid occlusion of these point sources by the iris, the pupil was dilated with Mydriacyl (0.5%) for expcrimcnts involving spatial frcquencies greater than about 90c/dog. OBSERVATIONS OF SECONDARY ZEBRA STRIPE..

We have identified three observers with normal color vision who reported the appearance of secondary zebra stripes. The subjective reports of all of these observers agreed closely. These reports share the following features, which we propose as defining criteria for secondary zebra stripes, seen when viewing a unity contrast, 632.8 nm interference fringe. Experimental evidence for some of these features is provided by expts I and 2 described subsequently. (I) The secondary zebra stripes are seen at the fovea1 center at spatial frequencies just above the fovea1 resolution limit, typically in the range of 55-75 c/deg. This distinguishes them from the primary zebra stripes which appear at the fovea1 center for frequencies from 100 to 150 c/deg. Examples of sketches from observer NS of primary and secondary zebra stripes are shown in Fig. l(a) and (b), respectively. The fringe orientation was 60 deg from horizontal for both sketches but the fringe spatial frequency was I 13 c/deg for the primary zebra stripes and 57 c/deg for the secondary zebra stripes. The scale bar represents 30 min of visual angle.

Nonlinear distortion at resolution limit


(a) 113 c/deg

(b) 57 c/deg

Black or dark

Dark greenish



Fig. I. Author’s drawings of the appearance of (a) primary zebra stripes and (b) secondary zebra stripes. The fringe orientation was 60 deg counterclockwise from horizontal and the spatial frequency was (a) I 13 and (b) 57 c/da. The state bar at the bottom represents a visuai angle of OS deg.

(2) The secondary zebra stripes are seen as a pattern of fine wavy lines at the fovea1 center that are slightly darker and greener than the overall fitid. Between these dark green lines are faint stripes that are slightly more reddish than the field as a whole. These color effects distinguish the secondary from the primary zebra stripes, which are seen as fine, red and black lines. (3) Williams (1985, 1988) described the primary zebra stripes as forming an annulus centered on the line of sight whose radius shrinks with increasing spatial frequency. This same behavior can be seen in the secondary zebra stripes although at roughly half the spatial

frequency. However, the observers agreed that the annulus was not as clearly defined as in the case of the primary zebra stripes. (4) The appearance of the secondary zebra stripes must be time-locked to the fringe presentation, which was demarcated for the observer by a tone. This criterion, which is also useful for identifying primary zebra stripes, ensures that the observer is not confusing spatial noise, such as laser speckle, with the phenomenon of interest. The large depth of field of laser interferometers coupled with optical defects inside and outside the eye produce obvious spatial noise or nonuniformities of various kinds in the stimulus

field. In addition, the secondary zebra stripes can be distinguished from the spatial noise because they shimmer or rapidly scintillate, whereas the spatial noise is relatively stationary. (5) The secondary zebra stripes move with the eyes, remaining centered on the line of sight, as do the primary zebra stripes. In general, the spatial patterns of the primary and secondary zebra stripes are not identical, though they share some features. However, for a given fringe spatial frequency and orientation, both the primary and the secondary zebra stripes have the same appearance from day to day. Observer DW has consistently observed both these phenomena since constructing his first interferometer in 1983. The other observer, OP, reported a percept that met most of the criteria described above except that he was uncertain about the color appearance of the pattern. He reported that the secondary zebra stripes were mainly defined by variations in brightness rather than color. Furthermore. with a red (632.8 nm) fringe, there was no spatial frequency for which he was able to set the pattern clearly at the very center of the fovea, though he could see an annular pattern of secondary zebra sttipcs. We also idcntilicd two observers who reported the primary zebra stripes, but could not see the secondary zebra stripes. We have not examined a large number of subjects, so we do not know what fraction of normal observers see the effect. For those observers who do see the phenomenon, it is subtlc and close to threshold, even conditions. The contrast under optimal thresholds for both types of zebra stripes were measured for two observers (DW and NS) with method of adjustment. The observers first adjusted the spatial frequency of a horizontal interference fringe to find the coarsest zebra stripes and then reduced the contrast until the zebra stripes were just barely seen. Whereas the primary zebra stripes required 2@-30% contrast for detection, the secondary zebra stripes required about 80%, very close to the maximum possible contrast of 100%. Therefore, it may be that the effect lies below threshold for many observers. EXPERIMENT 1: THE EFFECT OF SPATIAL FREQUENCY AND ORIENTATION ON PRIMARY AND SECONDARY ZEBRA STRIPES AT THE FOVEAL CENTER

Williams (1988) characterized the dependence of primary zebra stripes on two parameters of a

unity contrast interference fringe: orientation and spatial frequency. He identified which values of these parameters produced so-called moirP zeroes. Moire zeroesoccur when the zebra stripes appear maximally coarse in a relatively locai region of the fringe parameter space. Williams argued that these moire zeros occur when both the following conditions are satisfied: (I) the period of the interference fringe must match the spacing between rows of fovea1 cones. That is, the fringe period at the fovea1 center must be about 0.5 min, corresponding to a spatial frequency of I IO-120 c/deg; (2) the orientation of the fringe must lie parallel to these same rows of cones. For a fringe whose period is matched to the row spacing and which is imaged on a triangular mosaic, the fringe will come into register with the rows of cones with every 60deg of fringe rotation. Our first experiment introduces a new method that confirms Williams’ original findings on the behavior of primary zebra stripes. The method is then used to characterize the dependence of the secondary zebra stripes on spatial frequency and orientation.

Each of two observers (DW and NS) vicwcd a 2 deg field containing a unity contrast intcrferencc fringe. Observer DW used a cylindrical trial lens to correct for astigmatism ( -2.0 D). The purpose of the correction is to superimpose the two retinal images of the circular field stop, one from each of the point sources in the pupil. Without this correction, a double image of the field stop is seen with a lateral shift between the images that could inform the observer about fringe orientation. The cylindrical lens has a very small effect on fringe orientation and spatial frequency, for which the data were corrected. The observer was provided with two knobs, one that controlled the spatial frequency of the fringe and the other its orientation. He adjusted both knobs iteratively to find the coarsest primary or secondary zebra stripes at the fovea1 center. In order to prevent observers from concentrating their settings at a particular fringe orientation, observers were asked to scan over the entire range of the orientation knob before making a fine adjustment in each experimental session. Measurements were made for each observer in three sessions for the primary zebra stripes and three for the secondary zebra stripes. Each session consisted of about 10 settings.

Nonlinear distortion at resolution timit


of fovea1 cone spacing. as Williams (1988) has previously argued. In addition, the data for each observer falls predominantly into clusters

Fig. 2. Ohscrvcr’s settings in the two-dimensional rdjustmcnt cxpcrimcnt for the primary mhrit stripes (0) and the secondary zebra stripes (0). for obscrvcrs (a) DW and (b) NS.

Figure 2a and b show individual settings plotted in the two-dimensional spatial frequency plane for each of the two observers. The data show the spatial frequencies and orientations that yield individual moire zero settings. in each plot, zero spatial frequency is represented at the origin and spatial frequency increases with increasing distance along any radius from the origin. The inner and outer circles correspond to spatial frequencies of 60 and 120 c/deg, respectively. Fringe orientation is represented on the plot by angle with respect to the origin. Zero and I80 deg correspond to horizontal gratings; 90 and 270deg correspond to vertical gratings. Note that the plot has 180deg rotational symmetry: individual settings always appear as pairs of data points opposite the origin. These pairs can be thought of as the two first-order delta functions of the fringe Fourier spectrum. Solid circles show the settings for primary zebra stripes. Moire zeroes for the primary zebra stripes occur at a nearly constant spatial frequency for both observers, lying in the range l03-122c/deg for DW and I I@-l34c/deg for NS. This agrees well with anatomical estimates

of settings at roughly every 6Odeg of fringe consistent with the triangular orientation, packing of fovea1 cones. Moire zeroes can also be identified for the secondary zebra stripes, and these settings are shown as open circles in Fig. 2a and b. They lie in the range 52-68 c/deg for observer DW and 53-68c/deg for NS. For both observers, the secondary zebra stripe settings lie at about haif the spatial frequency that produces the coarsest primary zebra stripes. Thus the coarsest secondary zebra stripes are obtained when the fringe spatial frequency is near the Nyquist frequency of the cone mosaic. The ratio of the mean spatial frequency settings for primary and secondary moire zeroes is 1.87 for DW and 2.02 for NS. Note that, like the primary zebra stripe settings, the secondary zebra stripe settings also fall predominantly in clusters at orientations that are roughly 60deg apart. Furthermore, these orientations are roughly the same as those for the primary zebra stripes. EXl’ERlMENT 2: THE EFFECT OF ECCENTRKITY WlTlllN TIIE FOVEAL REClON ON PRIMARY AND SECONDARY ZEBRA STRIPES

In expt 2, we examine how the primary and secondary moire zeroes change with retinal eccentricity over a small range within the fovea1 region. Williams (1988) measured the spatial frequencies producing moire zeroes for the primary zebra stripes at a number of retinal eccentricities within the fovea. He showed that these moire zeroes occurred when the fringe spatial frequency matched anatomical estimates of the cone sampling frequency at each eccentricity. We show a similar behavior for the secondary zebra stripes, but at roughly half the spatial frequency at each eccentricity. The results provide additional evidence for the intimate link between the primary zebra stripes, the secondary zebra stripes, and the geometry of the mosaic. Methods

We apply the same technique used by Williams (1988) to examine both the primary and secondary zebra stripes. The technique takes advantage of the fact that there are spatial frequencies for which either the primary or secondary zebra stripes form an annulus centered on the line of sight.




The three observers. DW, OP, and NS all had normal color vision. The test field was 4 deg in diameter for observer DW, and 2.5 deg for observers OP and NS. A dim white ring, whose thickness was 2.5 min arc, was centered on the test field. It was produced by an incoherent (tungsten) light source and a photographic transparency. The observer fixated the center of the ring and adjusted the fringe spatial frequency until the coarsest zebra stripes fell on the ring. In this experiment. unlike the previous one. the fringe orientation was fixed by the experimenter and was either horizontal or vertical. The radius of the ring determined the retinal eccentricity for which a moire zero was to be obtained. This procedure was repeated for rings of various radii from 0.25 to 1.0 deg. For measurements at the fovea1 center, the ring was removed and the observer adjusted the fringe spatial frequency until the zebra stripes were coarsest at the point of fixation. For each observer. data for the primary zebra stripes wcrc collected in two sessions, as wcrc data for the secondary zebra stripes. Within each session, the retinal eccentricities wcrc randomized and obscrvcrs made four spatial frcqucncy settings at each ccccntricity; two with horizontal intcrfcrcncc fringes and two with vertical fringes.

Settings could only be made up to 0.75 deg of retinal eccentricity for observers DW and OP and 0.625 dcg for NS. At larger eccentricities, the secondary zebra stripes were no longer visible. Also, observer OP could not identify the secondary zebra stripes at the fovea1 center. All observers agreed that the secondary zebra stripes did not form as clear an annulus as did the primary zebra stripes. Figure 3 shows the mean settings for each of the three observers. Data for horizontal and vertical fringes have been averaged. The lower panel shows how the fringe period producing the coarsest primary and secondary zebra stripes depends on retinal eccentricity. Solid and open symbols represent the mean settings for primary and secondary zebra stripes, respectively. Error bars indicate &I SEM. The results show that the fringe period that produces the coarsest primary zebra stripes increases with retinal eccentricity in a similar manner for all three observers. These data are compared with the anatomical data of Msterberg (1935). shown as the solid line, and Curcio,

Ct al.

Sloan, Kalina and Hendrickson (1990). shown as the broken line (mean of seven human eyes). There is good agreement between our psychophysical data and the anatomical measurements. Similar to the case of the primary zebra stripes, the fringe period that produces the coarsest secondary zebra stripes increases with retinal eccentricity, in a manner that keeps roughly constant the ratio of the spatial frequencies corresponding to the primary and secondary moire zeroes. This ratio is plotted in the upper panel of the Fig. 3. The mean ratio is I X3, 1.65 and 1.76 for observers DW, OP. and NS, respectively, close to though slightly less than the factor of 2 relationship suggested by expt I. Williams (1988) found that. at any fovea1 location. the fringe period producing the coarsest zebra stripes was about 16% higher for vertical than for horizontal fringes. His inference from this observation was that cones were

ECCENlRIClTY (dcg) Fig. 3. Bottom
of annulus matching data for

the secondary zebra stripes (open symbols) and the primary zebra stripes (solid symbols). The data for horizontal vertical

gratings were averaged.

pared with the anatomical The

solid line represents


retinal meridian.

measurements data


These data are also comfrom

of human





The broken line represents data

from Curcio et al. (1990). which is averaged for seven eyes and also for four mcridia: inferior

retinal meridia.

nasal, temporal,


Since both sets of anatomical

and data

were expressed in concs;mm2. we converted it to the angular spacing


rows of cones

packing as described by Williams

by assuming (1988).


triangular ratio of

fringe period for coarsest secondary zebra stripes to that for the primary

zebra stripes. For


represents a different

panels, each symbol




packed more closely together in a vertical than a horizontal direction at every point across the fovea. This same anisotropy was clearly seen in all three observers in the present experiment. for both primary and secondary zebra stripes. The fringe period yielding the coarsest primary zebra stripes averaged across retinal locations was 14%. 17% and 11% larger for vertical than horizontal fringes for observers DW, OP and NS. respectively. For the secondary zebra stripes, the corresponding figures were quite similar: 13%. 8% and 11%. In a number of ways the secondary zebra stripes seem to parallel the primary zebra stripes. Even the anisotropy in the primary zebra stripes is mimicked by the secondary zebra stripes. Because we already have good evidence that the primary zebra stripes reflect the geometry of the fovea1 cone mosaic, these data suggest that the explanation for the secondary zebra stripes must also implicate fovea1 cone sampling. These data constrain models for the generation of the secondary zebra stripes: an adequate model must gcncratc secondary moire zeroes at roughly half the spatial frequency that generates primary moire zeroes. The model must also predict that the three orientations that product the coarsest secondary zebra stripes arc the same as those that product the coarsest primary zebra stripes.

Below we describe two distinct hypotheses for the origin of the secondary zebra stripes. Both hypotheses are consistent with the data presented so far.

at resolution



frquency superimposed on this mosaic. In Fig. 4b, the bright bars of the grating are in register with the M cones. which would produce a higher fraction of photons caught by the M cones than would a uniform field of the same space averaged luminance. This would shift the chromaticity of the patch toward green. On the other hand, in Fig. 4c, the dark bars of the grating are in register with the M cones, which would shift the chromaticity in this patch toward red. Small departures of fringe frequency from the Nyquist frequency would cause both reddish and greenish shifts to occur but in different retinal locations. depending on whether the fringe happens to be in or out of phase with the bf cone mosaic. The result would be a regular. low spatial frequency modulation in chromaticity. Of course, real photoreceptor mosaics have some disorder in them. and the result of this disorder would be to distort these regular red-green variations into red-green zebra stripes. a result that we have successfully simulated on a computer. So far we have neglected the effect of eye movcmcnts. Movemcnts of the eyes rclativc to the grating cause 3 translation of the alias. but have only a minor


CAromuric uliusing hypothesis This hypothesis attributes the secondary zebra stripes to aliasing by the submosaics of M and L cones. (We do not consider the S cones here because they are insensitive to the wavelength of the stimulus we used in our observations, 632.8 nm, and arc rare in the retina and the fovea in particular, Williams, MacLeod & Hayhoe. 198la,b.) Regular packing arrangements of M and L cones can in principle produce low spatial frequency red-green moire patterns from monochromatic gratings, as illustrated in Fig. 4. To illustrate this, we use a mosaic with a ratio of L to M cones of 3:l. Figure 4a shows a particular regular packing scheme in which the M cones are shaded and the L cones are unshaded. Figure 4b and c show a grating with a fundamental at the Nyquist


Fig. 4. The chromatic

aliasing hypothesis. (a) M and L cone

submosaics consistent with the results from the two-dimcnsional adjustment bctwecn maximum

a grating


(b. c) The phase relationships

and a cone mosaic




color effect. (d) Predicted moir6 zcrocs of primary

zebra stripes (solid symbols) and those of secondary zebra stripes (open symbols). iv represents the Nyquist of the cone mosaic as a whole.




effect on its form, due to disorder mosaic.

in the cone

The exact behavior of these moire patterns is critically




on the particular there

concerning the packing arrangement L cones in the human. tainty



is no evidence of ,2f and

and even some uncer-

the relative


of the two

cone types. Estimates of the ratio of L and izf cones range from I .5 : I to 4: I (Vos & Walraven. 1971; Walraven. Vimal.

1974; Smith & Pokorny.



Cicerone & Nerger,


1975; 1989;


the chromatic




Zf *






aliases it would

we can deduce

data the packing





that would be required if the chromatic


hypothesis were correct. The particular


scheme illustrated


and L cone packing

make a firm quantitative





1989). Thus there is insuf-

ficient evidence about the arrangement





in Fig. 4 is what is required

to produce moirt; zeroes for the secondary zebra stripes under the conditions

other packing .schemc for the izf and L cows. (a) The ,\I and

whcrc they wcrc

obscrvcd (see Fig. 2). The theoretical


of the primary and secondary moirti zcrocs that



Fig. 5. The chromatic

hypothesis applied

L cone submosaics proposed by Walravcn phwz



(b. c) The

hctwccn ;I praring and ;L cow

th;it producc the maximum

lo an-


color cl~cct. (d) Prcdictcd moire

this mosaic would product arc shown in Fig. Jd.

I’crocs of the primary rchra slripcs (solid rymhols) and those

and they rcscmblc the psychophysical

of rhc sccond:~ry rcbr~i stripes (open symbols). /; rcprcscnts

l:ig. 2.




cone types. the f\f cones


in this case. must form a triangular the






results of

zcrocs for the

as they did psycho-

physically. Moreover,

the spacing between rows

Of course. other packing arrangcmcnts than those


arc possible,

that is consistent

rows of cones as a wholc.

sults. (There arc variations

secondary spatial





stripes to occur at half



produces the primary

For example. cones of Fig.

the ;\I and




that would product

by Walravcn


but would not rcproducc the particular

aliasing, form of

our psychophysical data. Figure 5b and c shows

the basic

the psychophysical


on this scheme that

and that

on the KIti




also work



zebra stripes, consistent with the psychophysical Figure 5a shows another packing schcmc for


scheme in Fig. 4 is the only one we have found

of itl cones must be twice the spacing bctwccn This

moir2 /cro for

that which produced ;I chromatic the previous mosaic.

primary and secondary zebra stripts to occur at the same fringe orientations,

frcqucnoy of IIIC cwc’ mos;~ic as ;I whole.

Iattics with

as the cone mosaic as ;I the moire

lhc Nyquist

relax the


of L to A/ cones of 3: I.

if some fraction

of the L and M

4 were randomly

selected and

replaced with the opposite cone type. the fringe parameters that would produce the moirt; zeroes of



bc osscntially



changed though



the chromatic

contrast would be reduced.)

an example of ;I sampled intcrfcrcncc fringe that would product a chromatic moirti zero. f’rcdieted moir6 zcrocs of primary and secondary (open symbols) based on this

(solid symbols) zebra stripes

packing scheme are plotted


Fig. 5d. In this case. the fringe spatial frequency that products a chromatic moir6 zero is 2,‘,‘3 times the cone Nyquist

frcqucncy (instead of

equal to the Nyquist frequency) and the fringe orientation must be rotated 90dcg relative to





the scc-

ondary zebra stripes in a different way. that does not invoke the separate packing geometries of the M and L cones. Instead. the contrast


pothesis accounts for the secondary zebra stripes with a two stage process where the first stage is cone sampling and the second stage is a local








sampling stage, namely, the effect of the cone mosaic on a grating with a spatial frequency near the Nyquist frequency, as shown in Fig. 6a and b. In Fig. 6a, the bright bars of the grating happen to be in register with rows of cones, which produces a large difference in photon catch between adjacent rows of cones. This makes the retinal contrast in this patch high. Consider, however, a nearby patch of retina at the same instant in time, as shown in Fig. 6b. In this case, due say to some disorder in the mosaic between the patches in a and b, the bright bars of the same grating happen to be out of register with rows of cones, so that all cones receive the same quantum catch. Thus the retinal contrast in this patch is low. Real photoreceptor mosaics, which have some disorder in them, can therefore produce a low frequency spatial variation in contrast when sampling a grating near the Nyquist frequency. So far, it is clear that a Nyquist frequency fringe imaged on the cone mosaic could produce zebra stripes defined by variations in contrast, but how would this hypothesis account for the hue and luminance variations associated with the secondary zebra stripes? The second stage of (b)

1r. b 100





Fig. 6. The sampling


a fringe



near profile

viewing the harmonic

the cone


moirC zeroes of


of an appropriate

60 and 70 c/dcg interference dicted


(a. b) The

cone mosaic frequency.




consisting of the sum of a

fringe of 632.8 nm. (d) Pre-

the primary

symbols) and those of the secondary


stripes (solid

zebra stripes (open

symbols). IV represents the cone Nyquist


at resolution



the model, a nonlinear relationship between local photon catch and perceived brightness and hue, converts these contrast variations into secondary zebra stripes. Evidence for such a nonlinearity comes from observations of stimuli other than those which generate the secondary zebra stripes. Burton (1973) showed that the sum of two interference fringes of slightly different frequency reveals a nonlinearity that can distort a modulation in contrast, converting it into a modulation in luminance. MacLeod, Williams and Makous (1985) and Makous, Williams and MacLeod (1985) made a more elaborate study of this same phenomenon. attributing it to a compressive nonlinearity. Figure 6c shows the one dimensional profile of an appropriate stimulus for viewing this harmonic distortion, consisting of the sum of 60 and 70 c/deg interference fringes of 632.8 nm. The low contrast regions, indicated by the right arrow above the profile, have about the same brightness and color as a uniform field of that wavelength. However, the high contrast regions, indicated by the left arrow, appear dark and greenish. We have confirmed these brightness and hue shifts with a matching experiment. When WCconsider a nonlinearity right after the sampling process, the brightness shift caused by the local difference in contrast can produce zebra stripes. The results of the matching experiment are shown in Fig. 7. The hue shift can be impressive. with the high contrast regions exhibiting shifts in apparent wavelength of up to 100 nm. (Refer to the figure caption for details.) Thus a Nyquist frequency grating sampled by the cone mosaic and the sum of two interference fringes can both be described as a low spatial frequency modulation in contrast. From the observations of the sum of two gratings, it is clear that such modulations in contrast appear as spatial variations in hue and brightness, so it is reasonable to suppose that the subjectively similar hue and brightness shifts that characterize the secondary zebra stripes have a similar origin. Figure 8 shows a computer simulation of secondary zebra stripes produced by a nonlinearity. The cone locations from the central I dcg of the monkey fovea were used to sample a sinusoidal grating with a spatial frequency near the cone Nyquist frequency. In Fig. 8a, the sampled image was passed through a point nonlinearity and then low pass filtered with a gaussian filter that removed spatial frequencies above the cone Nyquist frequency. A clear zebra



c,w D

CONTRAST (%h) Pig. 7. Mcasurcmcnts hue on the local Observers

of the depcndencc of brightness and


n~~~~~latcd intcrfcrcncc matching fcrcncc

of a lint

viewed a 2dcg




held with a contrast-

fringe in one half and a uniform

tick! in the other. The contrast “.modu!ntcd interfringe

was the sum of two

63?.X nm with a total spaceavcragcd




retina! illuminancc


?t!Ot_!td. The


slightly from

horiLontu1 so that they produced

contrast modulation

of the two

at !Oc/dcg.


wcrc tilted a vcrtica!

The observer adjusted the

luminance and wavclcngth of an incoherent mon~hr~~mafic light in the matching

field to match cithcr the high contrast

or the low contrast region of the contrast-modulated fcrcncc fringe. The horizontal contrast

in the high

represents required




the retina!



match (upper pane!)

ticld required


axis rcprcscnts the maximum The


to match (lower panel).

Rcld in the

Each plot

represents the mean of six settings for each observer and error

bars show


rcspcctivcly. obscrvcrs’




the settings Open


Squares, observers



triangles, DW.

and circles


solid symbols

settings for the high contrast



= {g(,u,~)*rJ(x,p)jm(.r,y);


where a(.r,.v) represents the cone aperture and e denotes convolution. The nonlinear process follows the sampling operation, operating on T(.T,I.). The nonline~~rity can be described as a power function of the input luminance: r’ = k /P;



in the matching or the wavelength

lates the L cones much more than the M cones, so the two cone types may be operating on different portions of the nonhnear functions that define their response to intensity. This could change the ratio of L to M cone signals and change the perceived hue in the high contrast regions of the sampled pattern. Higher level mechanisms such as simultaneous color contrast could also play a role here, but the precise mechanism for the hue shift remains speculative.) Figure 8b shows the same simulation but with no nonlinear stage. In this case, though the model output is not perfectly uniform, there is no secondary zebra stripe pattern produced, clarifying the role of the nonlinearity. We now propose a quantitative description of the contrast hypothesis so that we can generate predictions about what spatial frequencies and orientations should produce the coarsest secondary zebra stripes. Consider an interference fringe with a spatial intensity distribution, g(x. _r). sampled by a cone mosaic, m(.r. v). The spatial distribution of the cone output is represented by:




where k and p (0

and low

contrast region, rcspcctively. The cffccts for both brightness and hue in the high contrast

region are remarkably

whereas those in the low contest brightness


the high



region are small. The region

was reduced


IO-2546 of its original brightness level and the perceived hue of the high contrast

region shifted nearly

green under maximum

100 nm toward




stripe pattern can be seen. (The black and white simulation does not capture the red-green hut variations reported in the psychophysical observations. However, it is easy to elaborate the model to account for the hue shift as well. For example, a 632.8 nm interference fringe stimu-

where the cone mosaic function, ~(x,J), is expressed by a sum of delta functions, each of which corresponds to a cone center (see Williams, 1988). Equation (3) shows that the nonlinearity can be applied directly to the input stimulus after it has been blurred by the cone aperture. That is the order of the sampling and

Fig. 8, Silaulatian

of the wrondsry

zebra stripes produc&

by the contrast hy~tk~s~s.

i&g of the primstc fovea sampting a unity contrast 5inusoidaI fhc And stageof the simu~;tti~n was a Gaussian tow-P;ISS filter

Each pant9 shuws

the cerltr3l I I

grating ofnuar


lhat tcmoved spatial frequcnei~z

abuvc the cone Nyquist

frcqucncy. (al In this cast the image. after sampling by the cant mosaic, has been

passed thr ,ough an intensive nonli~~arity, the nanfin tcarity us& fourth

and then low pass liltsrcd.

here was exaggerated to product

po wcr of the input sensitivity.)

The comprcssivc

Tkc resulting


For the purposes of d~rno~st~t~~n,

a high contrast nonliaerrity

much less scvcre than this, tend would have generated a zebra strip threshold.

the cone Nyquist

zebra stripe. (WC computed the

that rcsidus in the visual system is in the m&l

that was near contrast

shows the tucat diffcrunce in contrast that has tkc spatial configuration


zebra strir 9s. (b) in this case the grating was sampled by the cone mosaic and few-pass fittered in the same way a5 in a above, but the nonfincarity

was not appticd. showing

produce secondary zebra stripes

that the nonlj~~a~ty

and that they do not arise from sampling

is required





nonlinear process is not critical.7 This is a useful result because it allows us to more easily predict the stimulus conditions that will generate the secondary zebra stripes. The input interference fringe is modified by the nonlinear function and can be represented by the Fourier series expansion. For simplicity, we describe it with a one dimensional representation: r’(x) = k {L(l + CR,(/) cos 27cf~))P = k f qcos Zn#?;

(4) (5)


where R,(f) represents the contrast reduction caused by the cone aperture as a function of the input spatial frequency./: L and c represent the mean luminance level and contrast of an input fringe, respectively and J’ indicates the order of the harmonic. This shows that the nonlinear process produces higher order harmonics of the original spatial frequency. For example, if the input spatial frequency is near the cone Nyquist frequency, the nonlinear process will generate a number of frequency components. The one of particular interest for the present purpose is the frcqucncy doubled component which is near the cone sampling frequency. or about I20 c/dcg. Since equation (3) shows that we can treat the nonlinear process as preceding the sampling operation, it bccomcs clear that this frequencydoubled harmonic will produce a zebra stripe near zero spatial frequency just as a real 120c/deg grating would (Williams, 1988). Consequently, the contrast hypothesis generates secondary zebra stripes with moirb zeroes at the same orientation, but half the spatial frequency of the moirf zeroes of the primary zebra stripes as shown in Fig. 6d. This is consistent with the psychophysical results described in Fig. 2. EXPERIMENTAL







The chromatic aliasing hypothesis and contrast hypothesis described above make very tThe cone mosaic function. m(.r. J-). is described by a set of delta functions. (Williams.

each of which represents cone locations

1988). Thus (m(x. y))’ requires a definition of

(6(x. v))p (0
< I). Strictly speaking.

it is impossible

to define this mathematically.


usage of the delta

as just indicating



of cones,


to the delta

locations. m(.r. Y).

we may consider functions

if we restrict the that


the lopowers

have no effect on their

In this sense. {m(.v,).)}P

can be reduced


at resolution



similar predictions, and both could account for the experimental data described so far. However, the two hypotheses do make different predictions under other experimental conditions, and we devised two different experimental tests to distinguish between them. (I) Can dichromats see secondary zebra stripes? The chromatic aliasing hypothesis predicts that secondary zebra stripes should be absent in dichromats who lack either the L or the M cones, since the hypothesis is based on spatial sampling by at least two interleaved submosaics. However, the contrast hypothesis predicts that the secondary zebra stripes should be visible in dichromats, at least if they exhibit the same intensive nonlinearity found in color normal observers. Though one might not expect a dichromat to report hue variations in the secondary zebra stripes like the normal, the contrast hypothesis predicts that dichromats should be able to see secondary zebra stripes as variations in brightness. Subjects were four dichromats. three protanopes and one dcutcranopc, diagnosed by Raylcigh matches. Maxwell matches. and neutral point matches (Alpern & Wake, 1977; Wyszccki & Stiles, 1982). These observers reported low frequency distortion products when viewing the sum of two high frcqucncy interfcrence fringes, suggesting that, though they lack a cone type, they possess a compressive nonlinearity akin to that found in color normals. The dichromats reported the contrast-dependent brightness shift but no contrast-dependent hue shift. They were all inexperienced observers and were naive concerning the purpose of psychophysical experiments. They viewed interference fringes spanning extensive ranges of spatial frequencies and orientations were asked for subjective reports, without coaching. Four of the five criteria for identifying secondary zebra stripes in normals, described above, were applied to determine if a dichromat could see the secondary zebra stripes. (The requirement that they see color variations was not included on account of their color deficiency.) All four dichromats reported the primary zebra stripes at the fovea1 center for spatial frequencies near I lOc/deg. just like most normals. One of these observers, protanope TH, reported the presence of the zebra stripes at about 55 c/deg. He described the secondary zebra stripes as variations in brightness.



The spatial frequency and orientation adjustment experiment described earlier was conducted on this protanope. Figure 9 shows the results. This observer’s settings were much more variable and there is no evidence for the six clusters of settings that would reflect triangular packing. However, the failure to observe these clusters is unlikely to be characteristic of dichromats; many color normal observers do not show clear evidence for triangular packing though primary zebra stripes are reported (Williams. 1988). What is clear in the data is the factor of 2 relationship between the spatial frequencies generating the primary and secondary moire zeroes, which is similar to normals. The moire zeroes of the secondary and primary zebra stripes lie in the range of 48-60c/deg and 94-122c/deg, respectively and the ratio of the mean spatial frequency settings for primary and secondary moire zeroes is 1.99. Though only one of the four dichromats tested produced clear evidence for secondary zebra stripes, this low yield is not surprising given that some fraction of normals do not report this subtle effect and given that the dichromats were not expericnccd observers. This result indicates that secondary zebra stripes do not require the presence of both L and M cones so that chromatic aliasing is not a ncccssary condition for their production. The results are consistent with the contrast hypothesis. (2) Aw secondury xhru grutings of neutral hue?


cisible with

The chromatic aliasing hypothesis predicts that the secondary zebra stripes should still appear chromatic when viewing a white instead of a red interference fringe. A white fringe of

Fig. 9. Settings made by the dichromatic the two-dimensional

observer (TH)

adjustment experiment.


Solid and open

circles represent the settings for moirk zeroes of the primary and secondary zebra-stripes.


the appropriate spatial frequency will shift in and out of register with the L and M cones in the same way that the red fringe would. Indeed, because red-green color discrimination is optimal when the background hue is neutral (Le Grand, 1949), the use of a white interference fringe should, if anything, enhance the visibility of the hue variations associated with the secondary zebra stripes. Two color normal observers (DW and NS) observed a white interference fringe produced with a point source of tungsten light and a Ronchi ruling. A pair of first order spectra from the diffraction pattern of the Ronchi ruling were used as two point sources at the entrance pupil of the observer’s eye, forming the white interference fringe on the retina. The fringe spatial frequency was set at about 60c/deg and orientation was horizontal. Space-averaged luminance was about 1500 td. Each observer independently reported the secondary zebra stripes and described their appearance. Both observers described the secondary zebra stripes as variations in brightness alone without the rod-green hue variation seen with red intcrfcrcnce fringes. This same result was obtained with a 594 nm interference fringe obtained with a Hc-Nc Inscr. Though 594 nm is slightly reddish. it is much less red than 632.8 nm. and it produced a large diminution in the hue variations associated with the secondary zebra stripes for both observers. These observations arc inconsistent with the chromatic aliasing hypothesis, since it would predict a variation in hue. The contrast hypothesis makes the opposite prediction, namely that the hue variations in the secondary zebra stripes should be reduced. The prediction is based on independent observations of the hue shift that is essential to the contrast hypothesis. The same observers viewed a vertical contrast-modulated interference fringe, which was produced by adding two white interference fringes (both were 56c/deg but slightly different orientation from horizontal). The spatial frequency of the contrast was 8 cideg. Both observers modulation independently described the 8 c/deg distortion product as defined by variations in brightness, with no variation in hue, though the red-green hue variations could be seen by introducing a red Wratten (no. 26) filter before the eye. Whatever the mechanism for the generation of the contrast-dependent hue shift, it is not apparent with neutral stimuli. Since the secondary zebra

Nonlinear distortion at resolution limit

stripes also acquire a neutral appearance with white stimuli, their behavior is entirely consistent with the contrast hypothesis, though not the chromatic aliasing hypothesis.

DISCUSSION T’he secondary zebra stripes are subtle even under the best conditions, and the low contrast sensitivity to them makes it an exceedingly difficult phenomenon to study. Nonetheless, the evidence we have been able to obtain from a dichromat suggests that chromatic aliasing is not necessary for their production. Furthermore, the fact that the hue variations in the secondary zebra stripes are diminished when a neutral interference fringe is used instead of a red one also argues against chromatic aliasing as the explanation. The available evidence points toward the contrast hypothesis to account for secondary zebra stripes. Indeed, the calculations below suggest that the form of the compressive nonlinearity described by Makous et al. (1985) is just what is required to predict the ratio of contrast sensitivities observed psychophysically for primary and secondary zebra stripes. According to equation (3) the contrast hypothesis predicts that the output of the nonlinear process depends only on the attenuation by the cone aperture and the form of the nonlinearity. Thus, these two factors alone should account for the difference in contrast sensitivity to primary and secondary zebra stripes. If the attenuation by the cone aperture and the form of the compressive nonlinearity are sufficient to explain the observed ratio of contrast sensitivities, the calculated ratio of the amplitude of the fundamental component for the primary zebra stripes to that of the second harmonic for the secondary zebra stripes should be unity. Here we rewrite equations (4) and (5) described above.





= k 1 “L/cos 2nit3.



a, in equation (5) provides the amplitude of each frequency component in the signal resulting from attenuation by the cone aperture and the effect of the nonlinearity. (The MTF of the cone aperture was assumed to be a Bessel function of the first order, Snyder & Miller, 1977.) Measurements of the power function describing the


compressive nonlinearity (p = 0.241) as well as the diameter of the fovea1 cone aperture (I .7pm) were available from previous work for one observer (DW) (MacLeod et al., 1985; Makous et al., 1985). We wish to calculate the ratio, Q, (at 112 c/deg)/a, (at 56 c/deg). a,, the amplitude of the fundamental frequency of the distorted signal resulting from an interference fringe with a spatial frequency equal to the cone sampling frequency was calculated from equations (4) and (5) by setting c to 20% at a spatial frequency (f ) of 112 c/deg, as measured psychophysically in observer DW. a, calculated here is the amplitude required to generate a threshold percept of the primary zebra stripes. We also wish to calculate a2 for the second harmonic of the distorted signal that would result from a fringe at the Nyquist frequency. The contrast of the input fringe in this case is set to the threshold contrast for secondary zebra stripes (75% at 56c/deg). According to the contrast hypothesis, this aI is the amplitude of the signal available to generate a threshold percept of the secondary zebra stripes. The ratio of amplitudes calculated from threshold data was I.12 which corresponds to 0.05 log units and is quite close to the ratio of 1.0. Thus the attenuation by the cone aperture and the form of the compressive nonlinearity explain the observed ratio of contrast sensitivities for primary and secondary zebra stripes, which is predicted by the contrast hypothesis. The calculation shows that the compressive nonlinearity, for which there is substantial independent evidence, ought to produce suprathreshold secondary zebra stripes when viewing high contrast interference fringes that are near the Nyquist frequency. Another prediction of the contrast hypothesis is that the primary and secondary zebra stripes should have a similar spatial configuration, when the spatial frequency used to produce the primary zebra stripes is exactly twice that producing the secondary zebra stripes. However, though both observers (DW and NS) saw similarities in the two patterns, they did not seem to be identical. We have not taken this as compelling evidence against the contrast hypothesis, however, because the fringes required to produce the two effects could be subject to different phase distortions from the optics of the eye. Phase distortion would alter the spatial configuration of both kinds of zebra stripes. Different phase distortions are plausible because the light forming the fringe required to produce

the primary zebra stripes enters through different points of the pupil than that which produces the primary zebra stripes. A central prediction of the contrast hypothesis is that. at any retinal location. the spatial frequency that produces a moirk zero for the primary zebra stripes is twice that for the secondary zebra stripes. The data agree fairly well with this prediction: at the fovea the ratio is 2.02 and 1.87 for two observers. However, there is a slight tendency for the ratio to be less than two overall (for example, see Fig. 3). The reason for this discrepancy is not known. It is possible that the settings observers make of the primary moire zeroes are somewhat biased toward lower spatial frequencies, due to the reduction in contrast

or the reduction

in the area over which

zebra stripes can be seen as spatial frequency incrcascs. Also, the moir6 zero settings for the secondary zebra stripes, which occur right at the resolution limit. may be biased upwards in spatial frequency. At lower Spatial frcquencics, the original intcrfcrenco fringe can bc resolved which






the subtle






could in principle product moirk zcrocs like the scc“spurious”



others would ;I spatial product which

A simple


bc frcqucncy-tripling



;I distortion could




zebra stripe.

the third harmonic



product produced


I20 c/dcg.


a low



in which cast




the amplitude


by the nonlinearity

is much less than that of the second harmonic,

zeroes protfuccd in this way was unsuccessful. This is not rcry surprising, given the Fact that the secondary and ;I starch


for additional

of conditions. Williams (1988) developed that




under the best


by the cone aperature,

of fovea1



conby the


is csscntially to intcrpolatc between the cones. The parameters of this stage specify which alias (of many) will actually be chosen by the visual

system as the interpretation




is known


be inherently





zebra stripes was that they might

the packing



L cones.

of M and


since we have been lead to reject the


zebra stripes as a candidate

matic not

aliasing. provide


this phenomenon information

geometry. exclusive,

cones. Moreover.



of chromatic



we found


1991). Brcwstcr and


for cxumplc





WC confirm





can appear




that are scvcral

the bars of the grating. zebra stripes.


(1832) reported

red and green splotches secondary

for Haake.






candidate Sekiguchi.



an example

a punctate

an additional


9r Packer.


and M

1964, 1978; Cicerone

1989) is probably

is a promising


by the L

at the fovea sometimes




do not preclude


red or green (Krauskopf, &



the fact that tiny, brief yellow

flashes presented



the submosaic

the chromatic


and our


for chro-








this is just the kind

effect one might

expect from chromatic

by a disordered


Ack,row/r~.~~~lenrs--Wc Curcio and Walter and




of M and L cones.

of the stimulus.


simplicity. the spatial filtering stage was rcpresented as a linear spatial filter. The existence of secondary zebra stripes that arise from an early nonlinearity in the visual system requires modification of the linear model. At the very Icast, a nonlinear stage would need to be








for providing









for useful suggestions on an earlier version of this


a model

cone locations, and tinally low pass spatial tiltcring. The function of the final stage array




stripes are only just visible






interposed between the sampling operation and the linear spatial filter. This kind of modification should not be too surprising. since the final stage of the model is a crude representation of the entire visual system beyond the photo-

Wr also thank Bill Haake for his contributions

this work











Clill was


Conklin supported



for by and


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