Normal and anomalous coronary Definitions and classification Paolo Angelini,
MD. Houston,
Coronary anomalies have intrigued clinicians, anatomists, and physiologists for years. Since the introduction of selective coronary angiography in the early 196Os, this segment of the systemic circulation has become a common subject of exploration. Currently, the United States alone, some 900,000 patients per year are being subjected to selective coronary angiography, and more than 300,000 per year are undergoing coronary angioplasty or bypass surgery. Between 1966 and 1987, coronary anomalies were the’ subject of more than 500 English-language articles cited in index Me&us. Whereas several different systems for classifying coronary anomalies have been proposed in the literature,1-23 no clear definition of normal coronary arteries has yet been proposed, and no uniform taxonomic criteria for identifying coronary anomalies have been established. This article surveys current knowledge concerning the embryogenesis of coronary arteries, proposes to define “normality” for such arteries, and suggests an organic method of classifying coronary anomalies, based on an extensive review of the pertinent literature. EMllBRYOLOGY
The genesis of the coronary circulation has received scant attention in the embryology literature.24-31 The available reports originate from general, descriptive embryologic studies. Experimental embryology has not yet devised a suitable animal model, mainly because of the lateness of the appearance of coronary arterial primordia in the chick embryo. (De la Cruz MV. Personal communication, Aug 1987). Most descriptions of the development of the coronary arterial bed mention three separate components (Fig. 1): (1) The sinusoids, which represent a prolongation of the trabeculae characteristic
From the Department of Cardiology, Texas Heart Institute. Received for publication July 18, 1988; accepted Sept. 1, 1988. Reprint requests: Paolo Angelini, MD, P.O. Box 20269, Texas Institute, Houston, TX 77225.
of the spongiosa into the developing myocardium. These channels are the primitive sites of metabolic exchanges between the blood contained in the cardiac cavities and the cardiac mesenchyma, which at this time is composed mainly of cardiac jelly, In humans the heart starts beating as early as the twenty-second day after ovulation (horizon X of Streeter), and ebb-and-flow circulation of the blood begins a few days later (horizon XI). (2) The “in situ” vascular endothelial network, which appears separately in the subepicardium 31 days after ovulation (horizon XV). (3) The coronary buds (sprouts, or anlagen), which arise from the wall of the aortopulmonary trunk as it completes its division into the aorta and the pulmonary artery (horizons XV to XVI).2* Although most investigators have noted the early presence of coronary buds on the walls of both the aortic and the pulmonary trunks, the number of buds reported by different authors has varied 24-26*28-30 According to recent investigations by Conte’et al.,24 the in situ vascular network may actually induce the development of the coronary buds when it approaches the wall of the truncus arteriosus. During horizon XIX (after the completion of aortopulmonary septation and the formation of the semilunar valves), the second and third components of the coronary arterial bed fuse, and the coronary circulation begins to flow normally2s from the aortic trunk into the myocardial capillary network (and then into the coronary veins). Whereas the coronary ostia are probably formed quite early, soon after truncal septation, the distal coronary pattern remains characterized by a loose, intermingling network until the myocardial masses develop. As the coronary arteries become the predominant source of myocardial metabolic exchanges, after horizon XIX, the distribution and size of the major (epicardial) coronary arteries become strictly related to the extent of their dependent myocardium. A lack of coronary circulation during embryologic development would induce hypoplasia of the dependent myocardium; conversely, a relative reduction in the
dependent myocardial mass would cause relative “hypoplasia” of its coronary branch. An extreme example of this phenomenon can be studied by observing the coronary circulation in cases of common ventricle, a congenital disorder in which the ventricular septum does not develop and the left anterior descending artery is absent. It is quite improbable, on embryologic grounds, that a true mismatch between the dependent myocardium and its related coronary arteries could occur. Therefore hypoplasia or atresia of a coronary artery or branch, or “missing” coronary arte~y,~~-~ is frequently a misnomer.37p38 Either the dependent myocardium is also hypoplastic (to designate such cases, one could suggest the term “true or secondary hypoplasia”) or, more commonly, the opposite coronary artery is relatively oversized (in which case it represents an alternative coronary pattern39*40). In both events the coronary circulation is effectively normal in global physiologic terms, and the observer is merely encountering a comparatively infrequent coronary arterial pattern. The fact that the coronary arteries develop after septation of the aortopulmonary truncus makes anomalous coursing of a coronary artery in the aortopulmonary septum embryologically “impossible.” Nevertheless, the literature includes cases in which a right coronary artery originates from the left coronary cusp and appears to cross the space between the aorta and the pulmonary artery (or vice versa in cases involving an anomalous left coronary artery or branch). In these unusual instances the anomalously coursing artery may actually cross the myocardium underlying the semilunar valves (the conal septum) rather than the aortopulmonary septum. This hypothesis is strengthened by the fact that systolic narrowing is occasionally detected during angiography.41,42 Only precise anatomic observations, however, not angiographic data, can confirm or disprove this hypothesis. The possibility still exists that coronary anomalies of this kind develop after the reabsorption of the aortopulmonary septum; at that stage a coronary bud could conceivably cross the area in question. CORONARY DISEASE
By observing the coronary circulation in patients with congenital heart disorders, the investigator can study the results of nature’s own “experiments.“22,23*43 Although this is a subject that has been inadequately studied and poorly understood, the following comments may be in order: To a great extent the ventricular morphology
4 19
1. Schematic representation of basic components involved in the embryogenesis of coronary arteries. Aorta (AO) and pulmonary (PA) trunks are shown at completion of septation; coronary buds (3a, 3b, 3c, 3d) emerge from semilunar sinuses. Rudiments of right (Ca), circumflex (Cb), and left anterior descending (Cc), coronary arteries are shown as isolated in situ vascular networks. At this stage sinusoids (Sn) are site of metabolic exchanges between intracavitary blood and cardiac jelly. Fig.
seems to determine the coronary pattern. For example, in ventricular inversion the coronary arteries are inverted and correspond to the respective ventricular morphology.” The coronary ostial morphology is quite variable in the presence of major congenital heart defects22~23~46~47 (much more so than in the absence of such defects); nevertheless, the coronary arteries tend to arise from the two aortic cusps, which are situated next to the aortopulmonary septum.“p48,4g Obviously this landmark is lost in common truncus arteriosus but not in pulmonary or aortic atresia. It is quite remarkable that in aortic atresia the coronary arteries still arise from the extremely hypoplastic aorta (the flow of which is inverted) and not from the pulmonary artery. The origin of the left anterior descending coronary artery is influenced by the development of the pulmonary conus. In tetrology of Fallot, which is characterized by uneven septation of the conus and the truncus arteriosus (at the expense of the pulmonary side), hypoplasia of the pulmonary infundibulum seems to be associated with a high probability of abnormal origination of the anterior descending branch from the right coronary artery (this anomaly is known as right anterior descending artery).60-55 A posterior pulmonary infundibulum, as in transposition of the great vessels, is most frequently crossed anteriorly by the left coronary artery. This
arrangement is especially important in cases of pulmonary infundibular stenosis, when infundibular resection and patch repair, as are commonly done for tetralogy of Fallot, would compromise the anomalous coronary artery. During maturation of the fetus the primitive sinusoidal network gradually regresses simultaneously with the development of the compact outer layer of the myocardium.27,31 Trabeculae are still present in the mature heart, but their connections with the coronary arteries are small and physiologically insignificant, and their flow is directed toward the cardiac cavities (see “coronary-camera1 communications”). In two congenital anomalies-pulmonary atresia56-5s and hypoplastic left ventricle5gwell-developed, direct communications (sinusoidal channels) are frequently observed between the ventricular cavities and the epicardial coronary arteries. These “ventriculocoronary connections” are characterized by systolic flow from the suprasystemic pressure ventricular chamber into the aorta and thereby function as “venting” channels. Occasionally coronary arteries that may have been essentially normal during early development of the embryo will become obstructed or even totally occluded in later (fetal or neonatal) life. Such obstruction is typical of coronary ostial hypoplasia or atresia in the presence of a definite distal coronary bed that is supplied by collateral circulation from the opposite side. Congenital atresia of the left coronary ostium should be considered totally different from single (right) coronary artery, even though the right coronary artery supplies the entire coronary circulation in both conditions. Physiologically, coronary ostial atresia is usually associated with ischemic manifestations, whereas single coronary artery is not. Ontologically, the defects that lead to coronary ostial atresia must be acquired during later stages of fetal life (after horizon XIX), whereas single right coronary artery atresia is determined at an early stage (horizons XVI through XIX). Similarly, longer segments of a coronary artery or branch are occasionally found to be diffusely hypoplastic. These usually involve hypoplasia of the lumen (associated with a normal outer diameter) resulting from an endoproliferative process, with or without an inflammatory component, that occurs during fetal or neonatal life.38p60 This entity is different from primary coronary “hypoplasia” (in which the outer diameter is also diminished). NORMAL
In biologic events the concept of normality can only be statistical. Whereas with some variables it is
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relatively easy to define normality (“a human being normally has two eyes”), with other variables it is more difficult (“What is the color of the normal eye, and what colors should be considered abnormal?“). With respect to quantifiable variables, normality can easily be based on a statistical criterion (the interval that comprises two or three standard deviations from the mean in a gaussian curve distribution); with respect to nonquantifiable variables, however, the establishment of normality can be more difficult. Moreover, on clinical grounds, a further complication arises from the observer’s implicit or openly expressed interest in the clinical relevance of a given variable. A clear example concerns one of the simplest aspects of the human coronary system: the number of coronary arteries. Most experts claim that there are normally two coronary arteries-the right and the left-thereby implying that the presence of three such arteries is abnormal. At the same time most authors accept that in close to 50% of the cases the conal artery arises independently from the aortic wall and has an ostium separate from that of the right coronary artery.“1*61*62 Because the clinician and the pathologist have little interest in this small artery, the typical description of normal coronary arteries omits it entirely. If the interest of the observer were the prevailing criterion, clinicians would be satisfied with a description of normality that included every variation that does not cause a clinical manifestation.K63 Such an attitude might have been justified in the early stages of our knowledge but is currently quite inadequate. Besides being illogical and scientifically inappropriate, the use of nonmorphologic criteria for defining and classifying anatomic events can also prove treacherous, since some conditions (such as muscular bridges or anomalous coursing of a coronary artery between the aorta and the pulmonary artery) have not yet been fully understood on clinical grounds. Consequently, the concept of normality that results from classifying coronary artery anomalies as “major” and “minor” or “significant” and “insignificant” is vague and confusing. It is proposed herein that normality be defined as “that which is observed in at least 1% of unselected cases.“64 This definition would allow for variations within normality (normal variants) and for less frequent morphologic entities (anomalies) that lie outside the 99% range of the normal spectrum but do not necessarily denote disease. Designating 1% as the cutoff point between normal and abnormal may seem rigid, empirical, or irrelevant. Such a criterion is indeed rigid, since it artifically differentiates between variations that form a continuous
Coronary anomalies
42 I
2. Diagram of aortic root (AR) and the aortic valve (AV), with suggestedapproach to determining “normal” site of right (R) and left (L) coronary ostia, respectively, in horizontal plane (circle) and longitudinal axis (vertical bars). Observed incidence of each coronary ostial site is expressedaspercentage of incidence encountered in normal population (in sectorsof aortic circumference for lateral variations; in 1 cm segmentsabove or below upper edge of sinus of Valsalva for longitudinal variations). Fig.
spectrum. Unfortunately, all biologic taxonomic systems are subject to this objection. Although such systems tend to be empirical, historical, and relative, this does not mean that they cannot still be useful and relevant. Whereas the preceding proposed criterion is easily justifiable (1% corresponds to two or three standard deviations) and readily applicable, it is based on the presumption that the incidence of a definite event is a known entity; this may be untrue, may be disputed from time to time, or may vary with different human races (Fig. 2). AlI of these considerations underscore the relatively of any taxonomic endeavor. Nevertheless, the need to demystify the term “coronary anomaly” and free it from clinical or physiologic implications should be obvious: as noted previously, a coronary anomaly is neither necessarily a congenital heart defect nor does it always cause a pathophysiologic repercussion. Essentially the coronary arteries can be described61 in terms of their ostia (with respect to number and location), main trunk (with respect to course, pattern, and size), primary branches, secondary (extramural) branches, intramural arteries and arterioles, and termination.
bronchi, branch” used.65
left anterior descending and circurnfIex branches to have a split origin from the aorta. This phenomenon
This term indicates a vessel that supplies myocardial blood flow. A subclavian artery that gives off an anomalous branch that feeds the myocardium is said to have a coronary branch. If a coronary artery gives off a branch that feeds the Coronary.
the term “anomalous origin of a bronchial (not “of a coronary branch”) should be ostia
Location. It is normal for coronary ostia to be located at the right and left aortic sinuses (the “coronary” sinuses). The ostia should be located in the center of each sinus, close to the free edge of the aortic cusp (Fig. 2). Adequate data are not yet available to identify exactly which portion of the aortic root is normally expected to have coronary ostia, but ostia located near the aortic valve commissures, in the posterior (noncoronary) sinus, or high in the aortic root (more than 1.0 cm above the cusp?) are definitely abnormal. Number. Two coronary ostia (one in each sinus) is the minimal requirement for normality, but three and four are considered normal variants. The third coronary ostium is usually the result of the conal branch originating independently from the aorta (rather than from the right coronary artery). The conal artery is present as a small accessory artery in 30 % to 50 % of normal human hearts.6l 62The second most frequent type of accessory ostium results from the absence of a left main trunk, which causes the
is said to occur in 0.5% to 8.0% of otherwise normal hearts?* The variance in the reported incidence of absence of the left main trunk is mostly due to the lack of a universally accepted terminology.66 If the
Fig. 3. Three types of aortic origination of coronary arteries, according to orientation of proximal coronary segment. A, In most common pattern coronary artery is nearly orthogonal to aortic wall (both in vertical and horizontal axes). B, Less frequent variant shows nearly tangential origin. C, In an unusual anomaly, intussusception of coronary artery, proximal arterial segment is embeddedin aortic wall.
for this anomaly
is the presence of two
well-separated ostia, the incidence is probably less
than 1% ; if the criterion is the absence of a proper left main trunk, however, the incidence is more than 1%. More commonly, the aortic wall contains a single niche within which the ostia of the two left coronary branches (the left anterior descending and circumflex) are juxtaposed. Size. Rather than being described in arJsolute terms, the normal size of a coronary ostium should be defined according to the size of the related artery. Normally the aortic opening is equal to or larger than the diameter of the artery that originates from it. Orientation of coronary stems. The angle between the aortic wall and the proximal right and left coronary arteries is a relevant variable. Typically the proximal coronary arteries are oriented perpendicular to the aortic wall, but some variation in angula-
February 1989 Heart Journal
tion is commonly observed. Further studies are required to establish the limits of normality and thus clarify the definition of anomalies such as slitlike (tangential) origin of the coronary arteries, which involve extreme deviation from the normal orientation (Fig. 3). Coronary arteries. Although three or four separate arteries can originate from the aorta without being considered anomalous (see the foregoing section), an individual normally has only two main coronary arteries (or coronary systems&-the left and the right. For describing split origin of the conal branch or of the left anterior descending and circumflex branches, the term “normal variant” is appropriate. “Single coronary artery” (see below) refers to origination of both the right and left coronary arteries (as defined herein) from a single ostium; in such instances the presence of a separate conal-branch ostium is irrelevant. Left coronary artery. The left coronary system can best be defined according to its main stem and its two primary subdivisions: the left anterior descending and circumflex branches. Valid arguments have been advanced for designating the right, left, left anterior descending, and circumflex vessels as “arteries” and for referring to the more distal secondary vessels as “branches.“61 In 92.0% to 95.5 % of autopsy cases,‘jl, 67-69 the left coronary artery has a single initial stem or trunk of variable length (2.0 to 40.0 mm; mean 13.5 mm) and size (2.0 to 5.5 mm; mean luminal diameter 4.0 mm). It is essential, for normality, that both the left anterior descending and the left circumflex artery originate from the left coronary cusp, either directly or indirectly through a left main stem. The left anterior descending artery, a segment of the left coronary sytem, is characterized by its course along the anterior interventricular groove (sulcus). It is not essential for this artery to reach the cardiac apex or to have well-defined septal or diagonal branches, although it usually does both. Occasionally the left anterior descending branch proper reaches only the proximal portion of the anterior interventricular sulcus. In these instances the distal territory may be supplied by unusually long diagonal or right coronary branches (normal variants?).7n The circumflex branch, which is also a main segment of the left coronary system, is characterized by its course along the left-sided atrioventricular groove. It is not essential for the circumflex artery to have a branch that reaches the obtuse
margin of the heart, although it commonly does have such an extension (the obtuse marginal branch). The ramus intermedius, or medianus-a secondary nonessential branch of the left coronary
defined by its distribution, intermediate between the diagonal and obtuse marginal branches; the medianus may arise from the left main trunk itself (trifurcation) or from the proximal left anterior descending or circumflex branch. Right coronary artery. This artery, which courses along the right atrioventricular groove, normally originates from the right coronary cusp and reaches (at least) the acute margin of the heart. The posterior descending artery is not an essential branch of the right coronary artery, since the former vessel may arise from the terminal portion of the circumflex artery (although this happens rather infrequently). The dominance pattern in a given case (i.e., the presence of right or left coronary predominance or balanced circulation) depends on the number of posterior descending arteries and their type of origin.71 All three above-named variants are normal, inasmuch as each can be found in more than 1% of human hearts.61,68,71.Is it normal for the acute marginal branch or anterior right ventricular branches to arise from the circumflex artery? Probably not. “Extreme” dominance of the left circumflex artery should therefore be classified as single left coronary artery (the dimunitive coronary branch that arises from the right cusp should then be called the conal branch). The exact dividing line between a normal variant and an anomaly can be established only by means of ad hoc statistical studies. Until such studies become available, the acute marginal branch appears to be a logical dividing line. At the other end of the spectrum, the obtuse marginal branch is probably the last vessel on the posterolateral left ventricular wall that can be thought of as originating from a normal right coronary artery. Beyond this point it is probably appropriate to refer to “extreme dominance of the right coronary artery” (an anomalous variant that could include both the origin of the circumflex branch from the right coronary artery and the single right coronary artery). With respect to the most distal secondary branches, only a few patterns are consistently observed and can therefore be considered as defining normality: 1. Anterior septal branches originate from the left anterior descending artery. It is abnormal for these branches to arise from other extramural vessels (the diagonal, ramus medianus, circumflex, and right coronary branches or the left main trunk). 2. The left anterior descending artery does not give rise to large epicardial right ventricular branches. 3. Extramural arteries do not cross each other. Therefore it is abnormal for one branch to cross an
adjacent branch.72 Angiographically such crossing is sometimes mimicked by subendocardial vessels, which are occasionally quite large (especially in the presence of total occlusion of another branch, when they form part of a collateral circle). 4. Extramural arteries are expected to plunge into the myocardium only once, at their distal end. “Muscular bridge” or “intramural coronary artery” is the term used to denote an exception to this ru1e.73-75 5. Although still being investigated, it is probable that an ideal ratio exists with respect to the number of arterioles (and capillaries) per gram of related myocardium. This ratio could be altered congenitally (by an anomaly) or by an acquired condition. Patients who have angina in the presence of “normal” coronary arteries may indeed have a problem of this kind, either because of a congenitally inadequate number of small coronary ramifications or because of acquired myocardial hypertrophy. Theoretically it is conceivable that an individual could be born with “hypoplastic coronary arteries,“76’77 that is, vessels inadequate to meet the maximal metabol,ic needs of the dependent myocardium (diminished coronary reserve). As previously noted, however, a newborn coronary artery “too small” to meet basal metabolic needs could not support the growth of an adequate myocardial mass.38 6. Coronary arteries subdivide into smaller branches until they reach the arteriolar level where they terminate in the capillary network. Occasionally a small coronary artery will communicate with a cardiac cavity, producing a diminutive coronarycamera1 or coronary-sinusoidal connection. A limited number of these connections are commonly present in human hearts, especially in the left and right ventricles.61 How many of these are required for “normality” is not yet clear. A few hearts have been observed angiographically to have extremely numerous coronary-cameral communications of this kind (an anomaly that will be discussed later). 7. The small ramifications of the extramural coronary arteries tend to be of the terminal type, but diminutive (20 to 250 pm in diameter) anastomoses between adjacent territories (or collateral vessels) do exist in normal human hearts6’ The quantification of collaterals with respect to number and size has not yet been accomplished, but is likely that a wide spectrum exists. Anastamoses are sometimes present, also normally, between the coronary arteries and the systemic arteries of adjacent organs,61 including the vasa vasorum of the aorta, of the superior and inferior venae cavae, and of the pulmonary artery, as well as the pericardial arteries (along
the reflection of the pericardium). Only rarely do contiguous coronary arteries have large (more than 250 h in diameter) connecting vessels in the absence of occlusion of an involved branch.78 Termination. Coronary arteries normally end in the myocardial capillary bed, but some communicate directly with the cardiac cavities. The difference between arteriocameral communications and coronary venous passageways to the cardiac cavities (Thebesian veins) is still’ open to discussion.61 Apparently, small arteriocameral communications (50 to 250 P in diameter) are frequently seen in human hearuP and should therefore be considered normal. CORONARY
Once the criteria for coronary artery normality have been established, the definition of coronary abnormalities has also been implicitly achieved; any anatomic feature that does not fulfill the criteria for normality is automatically an anomaly.5 Because anomalies are deviations from normal anatomy, their interpretation could be based on their mechanism of origin.7g Unfortunately, because advances in both descriptive and experimental embryology are lagging behind the insights of pathologic anatomy, or current understanding of normal and abnormal coronary embryologic development is conjectural and incomplete. The following summary of coronary anomalies is based on the observations concerning normal embryology presented earlier in this article. Because inference is a potentially dangerous logical process,8o its use will be proposed sparingly for the purpose of stimulating further study. A detailed description of the anatomic and clinical features of each coronary anomaly is beyond the scope of this presentation; interested readers are referred to the pertinent literature cited within the text. CLASSIFICATION
Coronary atresia. In a very few instances the extramural coronary arteries are totally absent (usually in the context of pulmonary atresia).81-85. Intrinsic coronary ostial anomalies. The coronary ostium in itself can be abnormal with respect to its intrinsic anatomy (within the proper aortic sinus) or size (ostial hypoplasia,@ fibrous endoproliferation 60,87,8a or atresia8g-g5). Usually associated with ectobic ostia, tangential origin of a coronary artery from the aortic wall (Fig. 3) is characterized by the fact that the proximal segment of the afFected artery is obliquely oriented with respect to the aortic wa11.96-101 Sometimes this course is also intramural,
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and the artery becomes embedded in the aortic wa11,*02a condition called “intussusception.” Ectopic coronary origination. This pattern is the result of the persistence of ectopic, additional, or atypical coronary buds, which connect with the right or left coronary artery or one of their branches,lo3 or are associated with anomalous connection of a coronary artery with the opposite coronary sinus or some other arterial structure. The various forms of this anomaly include: 1. Anomalous origin of the coronary arteries (involving one artery, one branch,104-1’0 or both111-“7) from the pulmonary trunk.161 63*gl, 118-173 In this disorder the anomalous orifice is located within either of the two semilunar sinuses, next to the aortopulmonary septum. 2. Anomalous origin of the coronary artery from an atypical aortic wall site174 (the noncoronary CUSP,‘~~ the aortic wall above the sinus,g8, ‘~-l~* or the coronary sinus opposite the one expected [see next section]). As mentioned previously, separate orgination of a conal branch from the right coronary CUSP’~$ or separate origination of the circumflex and left anterior descending branch from the left coronary cusp lies within the normal spectrum. However, origination of a septal branchlm directly from the aorta is considered an anomaly. 3. Anomalous origin of the right coronary artery,*sl-‘ss the left coronary artery,186v187 or the anterior descending,la circumflex, or septal branchlsg from the opposite coronary artery or sinus After arising abnormalwith respect to normal. 1go-1s4 ly, a coronary branch can arrive at the opposite side of the aorta by coursing1g5’ lg6: (1) posterior to the atrioventricular valves (as in most cases of single coronary artery), (2) posterior to the aorta,1g7-199(3) between the aorta and the pulmonary artery,198~200-207 (4) within the crista supraventricularis208 and the ventricular septum,20g-212 or (5) anterior to the pulmonary infundibulum213,214 (Fig. 4). When a coronary artery in its entirety arises from the opposite ostium, the term “single (right or left) coronary The determination of “right” artery” applies. 208,215-2zo or left” depends entirely on the aortic sinus that gives origin to the single coronary artery. 4. Ectopic origin of a coronary artery from an extracardiac vessel such as an innominate,221v222 subclavian, mammary,223 or carotid artery, a bronchial artery, the descending aorta,224 or a pulmonary branch.225-22g 5. Ectopic origin of a coronary artery from a ventricular cavity. In the absence of normal connections to the proper coronary ostium, a coronary artery may arise from the right or left ventricular
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cavity. This anomaly probably results from the development of exclusive connections between the in situ coronary network and the primitive myocardial sinusoids. The coronary-sinusoidal connections seen in cases of pulmonary valve atresiaBO have a different significance, since they coexist with otherwise normal coronary orifices and distribution patterns. Intramural coursing of a coronary artery (muscular bridge). In human hearts the main coronary arteries
and their branches are expected to course extramurally (epicardially). Sometimes, however, one of these vessels will have an abnormal subepicardial course (i.e., will become intussuscepted into the myocardium).231,232 Occasionally the intramural coronary artery will become intracavitary or subendocardial.233-236 The midsegment of the left anterior descending artery may be considered an exception, since it is intramural 5% to 80% of the time74); hence, a muscular bridge at this level should be considered a normal variant. Abnormal distal connections or termination. The development of abnormal connections between the coronary arterial network and its neighboring structures results in abnormal communications that may resemble fistulas. The fistulous character of a communication depends on the presence of a marked hemodynamic gradient and limited resistance (a large channei). As a consequence of torrential flow, there is a tendency for such communications to enlarge with time, although spontaneous closure is The following types have occasionally reported. 237-23s been described.240-2” 1. Connections with a cardiac cavity (the right or left atrium or ventricle), or coronary-cameral communications (fistulae). These may result in a wide spectrum of entities: small, normal, isolated arteriocame& fistulas255,256that differ from the Thebesian veins (which connect coronary veins with cardiac cavities), large arteriocameral flstulas (“functional” coronary fistulas),257-264 multiple small arteriocameral fistulas to the left ventricle,26s and arteriosinusoida1 connections (which are essentially identical to arteriocameral fistulas). Finally, “aorto-left ventricular tunne1s”266* 267probably result from direct communication between an abnormal coronary bud and a left ventricular sinusoid. 2. Coronary arteriovenous fistulas. These anomalies, which are the consequence of abnormal direct communication between in situ arterial and venous coronary plexi, may take the form of a single, large arteriovenous coronary fistula26s-271or multiple small fistulas272 or racemose angiomas.273 Because the presence of arterial flow in veins induces intimal and
4. Schematic view of coronal plane of heart showing possible variations in origin and course of coronary arteries as related to semilunar valves, atrioventricular valves, interventricular sulci, and cardiac margin. Anomalous arteries can take five possible routes: posterior (I), retroaortic (II), intertruncal (between aorta and pulmonary artery, III), intramuscular (within crista supraventricularis and ventricular septum; IV), and anterior (within pulmonary infundibulum; V). a, anterior interventricular sulcus; b, obtuse cardiac margin; c, acute cardiac margin; d, posterior interventricular sulcus; Ao, aorta; MV, mitral valve; Pa, pulmonary artery; TV, tricuspid valve. Fig.
medial hypertrophy, it may be difficult, even from a histologic standpoint, to demonstrate the coronary venous segment of a large fistulous tract. These fistulas usually terminate in the coronary sinus, as expected, because this structure is the normal drainage site for the coronary veins.27o 3. Coronary-to-extracardiac arterial or. venous connections. These structures result from the persistence of a vascular communication within the mediastinal mesoderm that may be normal in early embryogenesis; Examples include coronary-pulmonary fistulas (which usually involve small branches of the proximal coronary arteries)265,274-283and coronary-bronchial,66 coronary-pericardial, or coronaryphrenic communications. Diminutive, inconsequential connections between coronary and mediastinal systemic arteries are so commorP that they should probably be considered normal in humans, even though these connections are rarely recognized angiographically. Coronary-pulmonary fistulas may also be the result of the anomalous origin of supernumerary coronary arteries from the pulmonary artery. Indeed, in such instances, the normal anastomotic
circles would elicit fistulous behavior as soon as the pulmonary pressure decreased below the systemic level shortly after birth. Fistulas between a coronary artery and an extracardiac vein (most frequently the superior vena cava%) are quite rare. Anomalies of coronary size. The diameter of a coronary artery can be congenitally too small (hypoplastic) or too large (e&sic). As discussed previously, the “ideal” normal diameter of a coronary artery or branch is a difficult concept to define. Theoretically it is easy to define as hypoplastic an artery that is inadequate to provide normal blood flow to the dependent myocardium (including the maximal blood-flow requirement, or “coronary reserve”). A practical definition of hypoplasia awaits the developments of scientific methods for determining the normal coronary reserve and cannot be established on purely anatomic grounds (the ideal “coronary size/dependent myocardial mass” ratio is difficult to determine on the basis of purely anatomic findings). Similarly the definition of coronary ectasia should be based on the expected “normal” luminal diameter, an as-yet vague variable that is best measured in terms of blood-flow velocity. Segmental ectasia (or hypoplasia) of a coronary artery, in which the disproportion to the distal coronary bed is obvious, is the only form of ectasia whose definition is currently agreed on by purist observers. Most cases of coronary ectasia or aneurysm285-28s are secondary or acquired (as a result of arteritis, trauma, or atherosclerosis) rather than primary congenital anomalies. Conclusions. The foregoing considerations were born out of current frustrations that the author has experienced in dealing with isolated reports of “new coronary anomalies.” An explicit description of normal coronary arteries is, de facto, the critical element missing from the current literature.21 The classification scheme proposed herein is partly tentative and is therefore open to discussion, common agreement, or both. If current technical difficulties related to the viability of an experimental model (the postloop chick embryo) are overcome, experimental embryology will come closer to providing a fundamental knowledge of basic morphogenetic mechanisms. Currently such mechanisms can only be inferred on the basis of human congenital abnormalities, which represent naturally occurring experiments. In itself the spectrum of coronary anomalies not only suggests that the coronary ostia and arterial trunks are subject to independent variability but also confirms the embryologic concept of separate primordia (mainly the coronary buds and the in situ vascular network). The recent interest in certain
coronary anomalies as possible causes of myocardial ischemia201* 232*2*g-314further stresses the importance of adopting a clear, universally accepted scheme for defining and classifying these heterogeneous entities. It is hoped that the foregoing discussion will stimulate-and help organize-further studies of normal and pathologic coronary anatomy and pathophysiology. GLOSSARY
Deviation (or variation) = a nonspecific term referring to an entity that is “different from” normal. Normal variant = a relatively infrequent deviation that is nevertheless within the spectrum of normality. Anomaly (anomalous variant or abnormality) = any congenital deviation that .is seen in less than 1% of otherwise normal individuals. Congenital malformation, defect, or disease = a congenital anomaly that has a negative functional or prognostic consequence. Only certain coronary anomalies qualify as a form of congenital heart disease. SUMMARY
Results of a comprehensive survey of the literature concerning coronary artery anatomy, embryology, and pathophysiology show the lack of an adequate definition of normal coronary arteries. To fill this gap, the present review considers the available data concerning, the embryogenesis of the coronary arteries and proposes a new definition of normality that refers to essential anatomic features. The concepts of normal variant versus anomaly are introduced, based on a statistical definition of the normal range (99% of the presentations observed in a normal, unselected population). Coronary anomalies are defined as those patterns found in less than 1% of the cases. The wide spectrum of coronary abnormalities is then organized according to a comprehensive classification scheme. For clinic&l purposes the conceptual difference between anatomic and pathophysiologic anomalies is stressed. The current paucity of experimental studies concerning normal and abnormal embryogenesis of the coronary arteries is found to be the major limitation to an understanding of this subject. ADDENDUM
Since the preparation of this article, a new report by Hutchins et al. has been published (Development of the coronary arteries in the embryonic human heart. Circulation 198&77:1250-7) regarding the
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development of the coronary arteries in 351 embryonic human hearts. Their findings essentially confirm those of previous reports. The hypothesis is proposed that the site of normal origin of the coronary arteries is determined by the configuration of the roots of the great arteries. REFERENCES
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