304 LIVERPOOL.-NORTHERN COUNTIES NOTES.-SCOTLAND. 1 work in the medical profession carried on for many years is not that chlorodyne was not a poison...

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1 work in the medical profession carried on for many years is not that chlorodyne was not a poison in the meaning of the inconsistent with longevity. For many years Dr. Whittle badAct., but simply a compound of various drugs, of which morphia The judge, however, said he must follow a, large general practice, and was honorary surgeon to thewas an ingredient. 1 decision in Piper’s case, which was exactly similar. He iLiverpool South Dispensary. In 1862 he was appointed the Lecturer on Medical Jurisprudence to the then Royal 1therefore gave judgment for the prosecutors for £5, with scale. His honour refused leave to appeal, Infirmary School of Medicine, which office he retained after costs on the ’it had become the Medical Faculty of the Liverpool University NewcastIe-on-TyBne, Jan. 31st. College, and until some years ago when advancing years .and declining health induced him to resign. Dr. Whittle He was was much respected by his professional brethren. SCOTLAND. twice married, his second wife having predeceased him very OWN CORRESPONDENTS.) OUR (FROM is a well-known recently. His son, - Dr. Glynn Whittle, member of the profession here, and holds several important medical appointments. The Royal Public Dispensary, Edinburgh, Resident Medical Officers’ Certificates and the Police-court. THE annual general meeting of this dispensary was held Respecting the difference between the stipendiary magis- last week, Lord Provost Russell occupying the chair. During trate and the resident medical officer of a local hospital and the past year 6333 persons had obtained advice and medicine one of the local dispensaries the following explanation mayat the dispensary, while 2860 had received treatment at their be given : For many years past it has been the practice for own homes. The total number of patients, including midthe police officers in charge of cases of assault to ask wifery and vaccination cases, amounted to 10,062. The sub. the medical attendant to give a certificate of the state scriptions received during the year amounted to £132 13s. 6d, -of the injured person to produce to the prosecuting solicitor, and the expenditure was £180 13s. lld. - or person acting for him, or to the magistrate. In such The Abuse of Medical Charities in Edinburgh. a city as this, with only one police-court, the work is exIn seconding the adoption of the report submitted to the ’ceedingly heavy, and the task of arranging the cases according annual general meeting of the Royal Dispensary, Edinburgh, as they are for first hearing, or have been remanded, or are Professor Struthers called attention to the excess of medical - cases for summary jurisdiction or for committal to the assizes in the city, and the want of some regulation of it. In or sessions, is no light or easy one. Hence the necessity charity for these certificates, which are willingly given by prac- the city they had four hospitals and ten dispensaries, with out. door departments. In 1890 the in-door patients at the Royal titioners engaged in private practice whose time is valuable. and the out-door patients 26,000. In a case where the injured person was taken to the East Infirmary numbered 8600 At the Sick Children’s Hospital the numbers were 685 and medical officer declined to a certificate the give Dispensary 7610, at Chalmer’s Hospital 229 and 3428, and at the -on the ground that a rule of the dispensaries committee Maternity Hospital 320 and 670, giving a total of 9834 him from so. This was misin 1891 passed prevented doing in-door and 37,708 out - door patients. At the ten represented to the stipendiary, and a case having occurred dispensaries the number of patients during the same .a few days previously in which one of the resident was 55,553, making a total of 93,261 out’door medical officers of the Royal Infirmary had also refused year the 9834 in-door patients at the hospitals With patients. to give a certificate, led the magistrate to make the strong this gave a total of 103,095 patients receiving medical remarks alluded to in THE LANCET a few weeks ago. the year in a city with a population ofa In this city medical witnesses are paid half a guinea for charity during little over 236,000. Even allowing that a number of the attending and giving evidence at the police-court in cases patients were from the country, a large proportion of the with which the magistrate deals summarily, but this is per of the city received gratuitous medical advice. .case, not per day, as in cases committed for triai ; hence population In recent years special dispensaries had arisen in the the certificate asked for is as great a boon to the medical and it seemed to him that some of these were ,attendant as to the magistrate and police. The dispensary city, and bewildering to the public. He did not unnecessary rule alluded to should be modified, and every effort should be hesitate to say that there was an abuse of medical made to continue the cordial feeling which has always existed in the city, especially as regarded the dispenbetween the members of the medical profession on the one hand charity saries. He was aware that the medical educational aspect the and late on the and stipendiary magistrates present of the question had partly led to the development of other ; any disturbance of this is to be deprecated. some of the dispensaries, but he did not admit that the Jan. 30th. interests of that education had been promoted by the development, nor could he admit that some of these institutions had been established in the medical school interest. NORTHERN COUNTIES NOTES. He suggested that an association or committee might be (FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT.) appointed to look into the matter and advise the public which of the institutions deserved support. Lord Provost Carbolic Acid Poisoning. Russell, M. B., who occupied the chair, said he had watched WE have now in Newcastle entered upon a series of the growth of some of the new dispensaries, and he ventured poisoning by carbolic acid. In addition to the two cases I to say that the time bad come when they must do something recorded last week as being almost simultaneous I have to in the way of codifying the medical charities of the city. note another. In this case it was a married woman aged Discussion on Intra-cranial Surgery at the Edinburgh forty-two, who became depressed in mind owing to the Medico- Chirurgical Society. removal of her husband to an asylum. She purchased twohave been made by the council of this society Arrangements of carbolic acid who from a pennyworth supplied for a discussion on Intra-cranial Surgery on the 7th and 21st druggist, it as a disinfectant. This she took, and died in about two of February. Professor Annandale will open the proceed. At the inquest the coroner said that these cases hours. on the 7th. On the 21st the proceedings will begin with ings ,occurred very frequently, and that there should be some an exhibition of patients. It is anticipated that most of the xestriction on the sale of carbolic acid, and the jury agreed work done in in this important department will Edinburgh with him. A short time ago phosphorus was, so to speak, be brought before these meetings, and that it will form a !the popular poison in Newcastle, matches being freely used. valuable contribution to the literature of the subject. The ends were made into a solution and swallowed, but, Small-pox in Edinburgh and Leith. some recoveries having been reported, carbolic acid is now the favourite the During past week seven new cases of small-pox were agent. becoming in Leith and one in Edinburgh. In Leith three reported Sale Poisons. at Stockton : Action of Important died in hospital of small-pox. On Monday last, at the Stockton county court, an action patients was brought against a firm of grocers by the Pharmaceutical Comference in Edinbicrgle on the Local Government (Scotland) Act. Society for selling a bottle of Freeman’s chlorodyne, which, on the evidence of analysts, was found to contain morphia. Last week a conference of representatives from Scottish Dr. Luff of St. Mary’s Hospital, London, showed that morphia county councils was held in Edinburgh for the purpose of was a poison and dangerous to life, especially to children, proposed amendments to the Local Government one-twelfth of a grain having been known to cause the death (Scotland) Act of 1889. The meeting was held on the of an infant. It was contended by the defendant’s counsel of the Secretary for Scotland. A number of



considering suggestion