842 to pressure and irritation of the The following specimens were shown :right pyramidal tract in the pons, the left side of which was completely br...

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842 to pressure and irritation of the

The following specimens were shown :right pyramidal tract in the pons, the left side of which was completely broken up Dr. LiMONT: (1) Three specimens of Aneurysmal and by a recent haemorrhage. He considered that wrist-drop Atheromatous Disease of the Aorta ; (2) Heart and Lungs could be best accounted for by cervical poliomyelitis. and the other contents of the Thorax from a case of Morbid Speciniens.-Mr. W. MnmnG JONES showed Hodgkin’s Disease; (3) Spleen and Liver from a case of (1) Tumour of the Anterior Mediastinum (from a boy aged LeucocytliEemia; (4) Ovarian Cyst removed from a woman eighteen, who had been suffering for about fifteen months), aged seventy-six by Mr. Page. Remarks were made on the dislocating forward the sternal end of the left clavicle, latter specimen by Professor Philipson and Dr. Murphy. protruding between the fourth and fifth left costal Dr. OLIVER: (1) A Mediastinal Tumour from a boy aged cartilages, compressing the left subclavian artery, and fourteen; (2) a specimen in which a Tumour existed in the eventually causing death by paralysis, from pressure on the wall of the large intestine near the ileo-csecal valve, causing cord. The tumour decreased very much during the inunc- intestinal obstruction. tion of mercurial ointment, increasing on its discontinuance, Mr. BLACK: Upper Epiphysis of Femur, which he had and decreasing again on its resumption. At the necropsy removed. the growth was seen to fill the anterior and posterior mediaThe PRESIDENT: An Aneurysm arising from the transstinum and upper half of the left lung. There was no verse part of the Arch of the Aorta. No physical signs of erosion of the ribs of the vertebrae. The tumour was a detected during life-a point remarked upon aneurysm were sarcoma. of Cancer Flexure. (2) spindle-celled Sigmoid The age of the patient was forty-two. There were diarrhoea by Drs. Oliver, Philipson, Coley, and Drummond. Dr. DRUMMOND ; A Calcareous Heart and Pericardium. and increasing emaciation during six months, but no other Dr. BRADLEY: An Umbilical Cord with a Knot upon it. At the physical signs. necropsy the great omentum and transverse colon were found studded with nodules, varying in size from that of a pea to an almond. At the junction of the sigmoid flexure there was no true ulceration, but the bowel was indurated and much contracted for a space of two inches. (3) Cancer of Ovary. The patient was sixty-two years of age. The tumour was on the right side, and had Reports from, the Laboratory of the Royal College of been slowly growing for nine months. Jaundice supervened three weeks before death. At the necropsy, the right Physicians, Edinburgh. Edited by J. BATTY TUKE, 11Z.D., ovary was found to be cystic, and was adherent to the and G. Sm.s WooDllEAD, M.D. Vol. 1. Edinburgh and bladder; the left was also cystic; the visceral peritoneum London : Young J. Pentland. 1889.-This volume more was studded with small growths, and there were extensive than meets the expectation of those who were interested adhesions, especially of the large intestine, to the liver. in the recent foundation of a Pathological Laboratory by Section of the ovary under the microscope showed appearthe Edinburgh Royal College of Physicians, for, notwithance of cancer. standing the brief period since the institution was opened, it is evident that it has been put to good use, and that NORTHUMBERLAND AND DURHAM MEDICAL the workers therein have been industrious and painstaking. SOCIETY. The reports open with some notes on the Equipment of Dr. Woodhead, the able superintendent. A MEETING was held on March 14th, the President, the Laboratory, by These show how fitted is the building for all its. admirably Dr. Murphy, in the chair. not only original investigations, which include purposes, Dr. LIMONT exhibited a man suffering from Hsematinuria, in whom a history of ague dating back seventeen years ago but the examination of specimens and analyses made for existed ; a man, a lead packer, suffering from Double Fellows of the College and others. During the year Wrist-drop; a man with Thoracic Aneurysm, cured three twenty-two medical men have been engaged in original years ago, but in whom the disease had again returned; research in the building. Dr. Berry Hart and Mr. J. T. also a man suffering from Abdominal Aneurysm; in this Carter contribute a paper on the Sectional Anatomy of latter, under the influence of iodide of potassium the Advanced Extra - uterine Gestation, which proved the. aneurysm had diminished much in size. A boy operated upon for Genu Valgum was shown by Mr. extra-peritoneal character of the gestation that probably BLACK ; and a woman whose left lower jaw had been excised commenced in the right Fallopian tube. Three wellfor Sarcoma was shown by the PRESIDENT. executed plates illustrate the text of this article, which Dr. HUME exhibited a girl aged fourteen, part of whose forms a welcome contribution to an obscure subject. Dr. Thyroid Gland he had removed. The patient had latterly Woodhead has a paper on the Use of Mercuric Salts in suffered from constant dyspncea, and was cyanotic. She had made a good recovery, and did not look in the least Solution as Antiseptic Surgical Lotions, in which he urges degree anaemic. The dangers of the operation and of inter- the superiority of the biniodide over the perchloride, in that ference with the thyroid were alluded to in the remarks it is not so poisonous, that it does not form an albuminate, made by Drs. Gowans, Oliver, and Drummond. that it may be used with other acids or alkaloids, and other A new physical sign in Thoracic Aneurysm was demonone important one being its remaining of constant strated in a case exhibited by Dr. DRUMMOND. The two reasons, radial pulses were unequal, and during inspiration he had strength. Dr. B. Hart discusses the Mechanism of Sepanoticed that the right (the smaller) became quite equal to ration of the Placenta and Membranes during Labour, the left (the larger). During inspiration, he contended that which he shows is initiated, on the relaxation of the pressure upon the aneurysm was relieved by the expansion uterus after the birth of the child, by the diminution in size of the chest. of the placenta from the withdrawal of the fcetal blood, and A case of Excision of the Elbow-joint, with good result, a consequent disproportion in area of the placental site and was shown by Dr. GOWANS. A case of Cauliflower Excrescence of the Larynx, requiring the placenta itself. Dr. Alex. Bruce describes a case of the performance of tracheotomy, was exhibited by Dr. Absence of the Corpus Callosum in the Human Brain, and ROBERTSON. Since the operation the patient had consider- appends a full abstract of recorded cases. The paper is ably improved. illustrated by many plates. Dr. Nasmyth A paper on Catheter Retention for Twenty-two Years was copiously furnishes a valuable report on the Air of Coal Mines, with read by Dr. COLLIE. There was the usual history of gonorrhoea, followed by stricture, perineal abscess, and fistula. fairly satisfactory result showing the efficiency of modern During all these years the patient had gone about with a soft methods of ventilation. Mr. T. A. Helme, M.B., concatheter in his urethra, suffering from no bad effects whatever. tributes Histological Observations on the Muscular Fibre From time to time he replaced the old by a new catheter. and Connective Tissue of the Uterus during Pregnancy and Notes on a case of Pernicious Ansemia were read by the Puerperium. Dr. Macleod and Mr. Milles give their Professor PHILIPSON. Arsenic had been followed by Observations on the Cholera Bacillus, with which our satisfactory results. Other papers by Drs. Oliver, Drummond, and Robertson readers have been lately made familiar; and the volume were taken as read. also contains contributions by Dr. J. W. Martin on

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