On a generalized uncertainty principle, coherent states, and the moment map

On a generalized uncertainty principle, coherent states, and the moment map

JOURNAL OF Journal ofGeometry and Physics 12 (1993) 165—182 North-Holland GEOMETRV~D PHYSICS On a generalized Uncertainty Principle, coherent stat...

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Journal ofGeometry and Physics 12 (1993) 165—182 North-Holland



On a generalized Uncertainty Principle, coherent states, and the moment map Mauro Spera’ Dipartimento di Metodi e ModelliMatematici perle ScienzeApplicate, Università di Padova, 35131 Padova, Italy Received 28 August 1992 (Revised 5 February 1993)

It is shown that, undergeneral circumstances, symplectic G-orbitsin a hamiltonian manifold acted on (symplectically) by a Lie group G provide critical points for the norm squared ofthe moment map. This fact yields a “variational” interpretation ofthe symplectic orbits appearing in the projective space attached to an irreducible representation ofa compact simple Lie group (according to work ofKostant and Sternbergand ofGiavarini and Onofri),where the previous function is also related to the invariant uncertainty consideredby Delbourgo and Perelomov. A notion ofgeneralized canonical conjugate variables (in the Kithler case) is also presented and used in the frameworkofa KAhIer geometric interpretation ofthe Heisenberg uncertainty relations (building on the analysis given by Cirelli, Mania and Pizzocchero and by Provost and Vallee); it is proved, in particular, that the generalized coherent states ofRawnsley minimize the uncertainty relationsfor any pair ofgeneralized canonically conjugate variables. Keywords: coherent slates, uncertaintyprinciple 1991 MSC: 58F06, 81S10,81R 05, 81R30,53C15

1. Introduction Let (M, Q) be a symplectic manifold and let ~u:M~~~g* be a moment map associated to a symplectic action on M of a compact, simple, simply connected Lie group G with Lie algebra g (which we identify with g~by means of a G-invariant metric inducing a norm denoted by liii). The function II ~uII 2 then remarkable properties as a minimally degenerate Morse function [19], deeply explored in a number of interesting papers (e.g. refs. [1,14,18,19,24]), where the structure of its critical points and its cohomological implications in geometric invariant theory have been uncovered. The prototype of such a function is the Yang—Mills functional (cf., e.g. ref. [3]). In this paper we investigate further the properties of this function. Supportedby MURST (fondi 40% and 60%).

0393-0440/I 993/$6.00 © 1993 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. All rights reserved


M. Spera / Generalized UncertaintyPrinciple, coherent states and moment map

First, we prove that under very general conditions, any symplectic orbit of Gin Mis always a critical orbit for ~ufl2(theorem 2.1; the converse is, however, false). We apply this remark to the projective space P( V) determined by an irreducible representation ofa compact simple Lie group on a hermitian space V, rendering some results of Kirwan and Ness a little bit more explicit in this particular case (theorem 5.3.). A possibly interesting observation is that I itII2 in this particular case, is essentially (up to a negative scalar and an additive constant) the invariant dispersion first introduced by Delbourgo in ref. [11] (and generalized to the present context in, e.g., ref. [26]). We naturally recover the result that the highest weight (Kähler) orbit (made up of coherent states) minimizes the invariant dispersion [11,26], and at the same time provides a natural “variational” interpretation for the appearance of the other symplectic G-orbits in projective space (theorem 5.3 again). However, the symplectic G-orbits play an important role in the interpretation of the phenomenon of spin migration in the context ofthe degeneracy of Landau levels [12], so our results support a Morse theoretic interpretation of the above phenomenon. We further pursue the uncertainty problem for coherent states in the framework of geometric quantization. It is well known (see, e.g., ref. [261) that the ordinary coherent states possess a number of remarkable physical properties; one of the most characteristic is that they provide minimum uncertainty wave packets with respect to the position operator and its canonically conjugate momentum operator (referred to any particular variable) and, moreover, the dispersions of these observables are equal. We analyze the persistence of this property in the context of the generalized coherent states on a quantizable Kähler manifold introduced by Rawnsley in ref. [28], and further studied in ref. [6], with respect to a suitably generalized concept of canonically conjugate quantum variables. This concept turns out to be state dependent (section 3). This is done by resorting to the geometrical interpretation of the dispersion structure of ordinary quantum mechanics set up in refs. [10,27], which we recall in section 3. We show, roughly speaking, that the minimum uncertainty property still holds in this broader framework (theorem 3.5) and we again examine explicitly the Kahler orbit case (theorem 4.2).

2. Preliminaries: symplectic geometry and geometricquantization In this section we shall mostly refer to refs. [14—16,19,20,28,6]. It is mainly intended to fix notation and ensure readability. Let (M, Q, G) be a symplectic hamiltonian manifold acted on by a Lie group G (taken from the outset to be compact, simple, connected and simply con-

M. Spera / Generalized UncertaintyPrinciple, coherent states and moment map


nected), with Lie algebra g, and hamiltonian algebra A and corresponding Gequivariant moment map4u:M~~*g* given by (for meM, Xeg) (2.1) C°°(M)and with < ,) denoting the duality pairing between g and g~.Further, with ~~A’~ X~denotes the fundamental vector field on M induced by Xeg and we have 4


Q(X*,)=d2x. The Poisson bracket {, the standard way,

} on C°° (M)


is defined through the symplectic form in



wheref ~ denotes the smooth vector field on M induced byfvia (2.2) (using the non-degeneracy of Q). We shall always identify g* with 9 by means of a G-invariant metric liii 2~In particular, we may think of the moment map as taking values in g, and consider the G-invariant function on Mgiven by hull2. The remarkable properties of this function are well known (see, e.g., refs. [19,24,2]). However, the following property does not seem to have been explicitly observed before. In order to state it, we first recall that, with the above notation, xeMis critical for I ut?2 if and only if (see, e.g., ref. [19]) (2.4) Theorem 2.1. Let (M, £1, G) be as above. Let xeM. Ifthe G-orbit G~xis symplectic, then x (and hence any point ofthe orbit) is a critical pointfor ~j42 Proof It is obvious that ji(x)eg belongs to 9p(x). Let ~eg, 4(~).

any ~eg,

4~l~, ~#t~)i~


Then we have, for


1(x)= <4u(x), [~,‘i]>

1’~(x)Y~. _v i~e*





which, by the non-degeneracy of.Q when restricted to G~x,yields ~ I = 0. This is valid, in particular, for ji (x). Here K denotes the Kirillov—Kostant—Souriau symplectic structure on the G-coadjoint orbit through ji(x). The same conclusion could have been reached using theorem 26.8 of ref. [16]. The previous result may be used to detect critical points of lull2 in specific examples. We shall be acting in the framework of geometric quantization of Kähler manifolds and their coherent states, referring to refs. [6,28] for a thorough treatment.


M. Spera / Generalized UncertaintyPrinciple, coherent states and momentmap

Let J, here and henceforth, denote the complex structure of the Kähler manifolds involved. Let V be a complex Hilbert space, equipped with a hermitian scalar product < > linear in the second variable. We freely employ Dirac’s bra—ket notation. Let P( V) be its associated projective space, consisting of the one-dimensional complex vector subspaces of V. Ifv is a non-zero vector, we denote the one-dimensional complex vector space it generates by [v]. A point [v] in P( V) can also be effectively represented by the orthogonal projection operator onto [v], namely Ilvil _21 v> and can naturally be interpreted in terms of the moment map for P( V) (see below). We shall often use the shorthand notation as well. Let (M, Q) be a finite-dimensional Kähler manifold, with Q integral and positive, and let L—~.Mbe a hermitian, holomorphic, regular [28,61 line bundle obtained via the geometric quantization procedure (see, e.g., refs. [20,15,16,28,6,13]), whichrealizes the coherent state embedding e: M—P( V), V being the quantum Hilbert space, consisting ofthe square integrable holomorphic sections of L. We shall assume that e*QF=Q, with QF denoting the canonical Kähler (Fubini—Study) form on P( V) (see below for its explicit expression). This condition holds in most interesting examples [71. In this paper we shall mainly deal with a finite-dimensional V. although part of our discussion easily extends to the infinite-dimensional case. For later use we recall that another way of expressing holomorphy is via the notion ofcomplex polarization (see, e.g., ref. [15] for details): [‘(F) will denote the module of sections ofthe antiholomorphic polarization F. Recall that, if). is a quantizable [6] classical observable, namely,). is a smooth function on M such that ).* preserves the anti-holomorphic polarization F (i.e., [).*, [‘(F) I ~F(F)), then it gives rise to a quantum observable Q~on V. ,


Proposition 2.2 (cf. ref. [61). Let). be a quantizable hamiltonian and let Q corresponding quantum observable. Then e*.( Q~>= 2, i.e., o

2 be its (2.7)

This result expresses the fact that the expectation value of a quantum observable on a coherent state equals the value of the classical observable at the point involved, so that it undergoes a classical evolution. We have used a slightly different notation from ref. [6]. We now briefly review the relevant differential geometry of P( V). We mostly

M. Spera / Generalized UncertaintyPrinciple, coherent slates and moment map


refer to ref. [16]. It may also be worthwhile to observe that we shall recoverthe basic results of ref. [27] within our formalism. An advantage ofthe present formalism is that it is completely intrinsic. Let V denote the orthogonal complement to the line in [v] in V (v~0)with respect to < I >. We shall need the following lemma, whichis established through an immediate calculation. Lemma 2.3. Let v, we V, tlvll= 1, w:=w, +w2, with w,e [v], w2e V’. Set v(t) :=v+tw Then (d/dt){’Iv(t)>


This formula says, in particular, that the tangent space T1~1(P( V)) can be identified with V. The projective space P( V) is a U( V)-homogeneous KAhler manifold [with U( V) denoting the unitary group of V]. The Lie algebra of U( V), consisting of all skew-hermitian matrices, will be denoted by u ( V). Due to homogeneity, the tangent space at any point of P( V) is spanned by the fundamental vector fields (evaluated at the point in question) induced by elements in u ( V). The fundamental vectorfieldA# attached toAeu( V) reads, at [v]EP( V) (llvll = 1),

A#I [u] = Iv>


The complex structure Jreads, at [v]eP( V) (IlvIl = 1),

‘I 1~1AI[v]




One immediately gets the formula for the Kähler metric g, ofP( V) and Fubini— Study form QF (cf. refs. [16,9,27]) (where A, B are skew-hermitian, I vll = 1 and we recall that Tr( Iv> < wI)= < WI v> gF[~J (A (~


I 1v1,B#l 1~1)=Re{ } (4*




(TI 4*1 [VJ,_gF[V]~Jl[~]E1 1Ev], =i/2 ~.._.





The canonical inner product in u( V) is given by (A, B) ment map reads (cf.refs. [2,19,241)

~Tr(AB). The mo-

(jz( [v]),A)= —lTr(—ihv>



M. Spera / Generalized Uncertainty Principle, coherent states and moment map

One can easily deduce, by means of the preceding formulae, the following “compatibility” result, whichwill be needed in the sequel. Theorem 2.4. Let us assume that we are given a unitary action ofa compact Lie group G (with Lie algebra g) on Vand hence on P( V) (thus g ~ u ( V)). Then _A#




for anyAeg, and any symplectic G-orbit 0 in P( V). This result applies, in particular to the unique Kähler G-orbit in P( V) (see section 4).

3. A generalized Uncertainty Principle Let us briefly recall the dispersion structure of ordinary quantum mechanics [lO,27].Let ~(v] (B) :=A~~j (B)”2= ( Evl ~vi) 1/2 be, as usual, the dispersion ofthe quantum observable B in the state [v]. We have the following Proposition 3.1. (i) Let A and B be any two quantum observables and let [v]eP( V). Then (Uncertainty Relations) AEvI(A)AEv](B)~~I < [A,B]>

1,~ I



(ii) (cf ref [10]).Let B be a quantum observable. Then A







,_gF~v]~~ui.B Evl,jiiB Evil Proof (i) follows immediately from (2.11) and from the Schwarz inequality. (ii) also follows from (2.11) and theorem 2.4: 2~ ‘B~2 ~F~~u~RI Evl,jiiB [v],gFIv]~ 1Ev], [v]) \ 1Ev] \ /[v] I * I * ~ “iB~’ j~* ‘—‘B (for the last equality see ref. [27] as well). n lv]~


The previous result shows that, in a sense, complex geometry is “stored” in quantum mechanics in a natural way at a fundamental level (see ref. [10], and references therein). We have seen that, within this geometrical reinterpretation, the Uncertainty Relations appear as a restatement of Schwarz’s inequality [this remains true within the C*~algebraicapproach to quantum mechanics as well (by

M. Spera / Generalized UncertaintyPrinciple, coherent states and moment map


the Gelfand—Naimark—Segal theorem)]. This elementary fact will be important for what follows. Let (M, Q) be a Kähler manifold, with complex structure J. Definitions 3.2. (i) Let 2 be a hamiltonian (classical observable) and let ).* be its corresponding hamiltonian vector field on M. A canonically conjugate classical observable to 2 at xeM is a hamiltonian).’ such that its hamiltonian vector field ).~#equals J).# when evaluated at x ~,#I “





(ii) Similarly, QA’ will be a quantum observable canonically conjugate to QA at e(x), provided both exist. Notice that, if).’ is canonically conjugate to 2, then 2 is canonically conjugate to —2’, as J2= —L Moreover,).’ is not unique. For the sake ofbrevity, we declare two hamiltonians to be canonically conjugate at x if their corresponding vectorfields, at x, differ by the action of ± .1. The geometrical reason for these definitions is again simply that the Schwarz inequality for the K~h1ermetric g corresponding to Q reads I

(2~l ).#~ \1/2 i ( Ix, IXI g~ji




2a (J Ix, XI ~ ~ I I ‘~l/ I (~#I TI #1 \I —I~,V. Ix,”Ixji Ix)I —


i,# .~..



~, j~Ix?,,# Ix, 1/2 ‘~

with equality holding (at x) ifand only if 2* h~=JI ~ L~i.e., if). is canonically conjugate to 4u at x. Observe that, at least locally, given a hamiltonian, one can construct a canonically conjugate hamiltoman to it. In fact, taking a non-characteristic hypersurface containing x for the linear partial differential equation (in the vector field X) L~Q=i~Q=0,subject to the condition XI~=JI~2* ~ we see that it is locally solvable by standard methods. Otherwise one can employ the Darboux theorem, and further observe that at the origin x ofthe Darboux coordinates, the complex structure J is given by the standard complex structure in C’s. These definitions are physically justified by the fact that the position and momentum observablesofordinary Schrödinger mechanics indeed satisfy them (and are actually state independent). This is the content ofproposition 3.4 below. The necessity of giving a state-dependent definition of canonically conjugate variables also stems from the fact that, if a vector field ~ is hamiltonian, this does not imply in general that J~]~ is still hamiltonian (nor even symplectic). However, we shall see that many physically interesting observables are canonically


M. Spera / Generalized UncertaintyPrinciple, coherent states and moment map

conjugate with respect to our definition (proposition 3.4 and theorem 4.2 below). Nevertheless, the following is true. Proposition 3.3. Let X be a simply connected Kähler manifold. Let ~ be a hamiltonian vectorfield, with hamiltonian ).~. Then 1fJ~*is hamiltonian (with hamiltonian ~.R) then ~ is quantizable. Proof The proof follows by direct computation or by resorting to ref. [15], theorem 4.5. In fact, if~ preserves F (i.e., [~, [‘(F)] ~I’(F), where [‘(F) denotes the module of sections ofF), then J~*preserves Fas well; so, provided it is hamiltonian, its hamiltonian is quantizable as well. 0 Proposition 3.4. Let X= C “, equipped with its standard symplectic Kähler form, and let it be quantized in the usual way (a Ia Bargmann—Fock, see, e.g., refs. [6,26]). Then the hamiltonians representing the position and momentum observables, respectively, are quantizable and canonically conjugate in the above sense. Sketch ofproof The vector fields attached to these observablesare (up to signs) partial differentiation operators with respect to the canonical coordinates and, having constant coefficients, preserve F, and are clearly hamiltonian. This also follows from the discussion of this example given in ref. [61, part I, where all quantizable functions are explicitly determined. 0 Again from ref. [61,we know that there may be only a few quantizable functions, in general (Groenwald—van Hove phenomenon, see, e.g., ref. [16] for a detailed discussion). Nevertheless, in the compact case and when the quantizations ofL” are regular (for all k>~1) there is a dense set of quantizable functions [6]. The following is the basic result of this section. Observe in particular that (ii) will yield a somewhat intrinsic characterization of the dispersion of a quantum observable in a coherent state in terms ofthe KAhler metric of the coherent state manifold, and provide a natural generalization of the basic observation of ref. [10] (see also ref. [27]). Theorem 3.5.

(i) (coherenceproperty) (1I

f~l 111/

1~1 Ix,1”2 Ix)~~FIe(x)’,’




A g’ £e(x)k




I., Ie(x), 1 *


~2Ie(x) #1

\_ (~# xe”~#I Ixl\1/2 A)—~ x~J’

(iii) The dispersions ofany two canonically conjugate quantum variables QA and Q~,(when they exist) in a generalized coherent state are equal and minimize the Uncertainty Relations.

M. Spera / Generalized UncertaintyPrinciple, coherent states andmoment map


Proof (i)







Ie(x), \1 /


8(x) (iQ~,lE(x), iQr2

=QFI8(x) I”%


A I ae(x)

~2...... I I A) —gF I e(x)

/ \1




I e(x),

/~ \1

A~1 Ie(x)


8(x), iQ~h~(X)) \*~


‘~_ I fl*~ 2*1 Ie(x) I —gixv’ Ix,” Ix

(since e~gF=gande*


=g~~().*~~, ~ I



2’*I Ix,”


\I/2A Ixi —

( e(x)~ 2’

Moreover A8(X)(QA)v18(X)(Q~.)=g~~().#~~,).#l~) flI


~Ix’,!’ I











Ix~,~LIx, /

Ie(x), \1

\#I ),‘)




=~I<[QA,QA’]>e(x)I so the Uncertainty Relations are minimized.


4. The projective space associated to an irreducible representation of a compact semisimple Lie group: the Kähler G-orbit In this section we specialize the general discussion given in the preceding sections to the projective space associated to an irreducible representation space V ofa compact, connected, simply connected, simple Lie group G. We shall make free use of the basic notions and terminology pertaining to the theory ofcompact semisimple Lie groups, which is discussed in full detail in many excellent treatises (see, e.g., ref. [17]; see also refs. [26,16,4]). Let us denote by ~, a fixed Cartan subalgebra ofg (the Lie algebra ofa maximal torus H ofG). The adjoint action of H on 9c, the complexification of g, gives rise to an orthogonal decomposition (using the G-invariant scalar product inducedby the Killing form B) 9~=~~El~ ~CEae



(the sums ranging over the positive roots, with respect to a given positive Weyl


M. Spera / Generalized UncertaintyPrinciple, coherent states and moment map

chamber, in ~ ~ ~, denoted by ~, +). The roots can be interpreted as vectors in the real vector space ~, ~, which comes endowed with a natural G-invariant scalar product denoted by~. Let R denote the set of all roots. Recall the following relations: ifa+fl (,~0)is a root,

[Ea,Ep]=NapEa+p, =0





(H,HaE~) ,

where the Nap can be chosen to be integers and obey identities (which we shall not need) reflecting the Lie algebra relations. We noticehere that, if). is a weight for some representation of G, then 2 (iHa) =).~a (see, e.g., ref. [17], and below), where). is interpreted as an element of i,” in the l.h.s. and as an element of ~, in the r.h.s. In the sequel we shall need the following Lemma 4.1. Let us consider the direct sum decomposition ~




(the sums ranging again over thepositive roots) corresponding to (4.1). This decomposition is indeed orthogonal with respect to the (negative) Killing form B (restricted to g). Proof The lemma is easily proved via direct computation by observing that B is symmetric on k and that B(Ea, E~)= 0 for a+ fl~0. 0 From now on let


ra, sa} be an orthonormal basis in g corresponding to the

above decomposition, with =



(i/~,,/~ ) (Ea +E_a)



It will be often convenient to switch to hermitian operators, adhering to the physical literature convention, and define ‘~a~’a,SaiSa,





We record the formula for the second-order Casimir operator C2, 2= ~:t~+ yj~÷~~ k a a C2= ~e~ =

~ i~+~ k

Also notice the formula




M. Spera / Generalized UncertaintyPrinciple, coherent states and moment map




A characteristic property of the positive Weyl chamber ~ is that any adjoint orbit of G in g meets ~‘+ in one and only one point, so that it may be used as a “moduli space” for the adjoint orbits [14,18]. Recall that the moment map in this framework reads (refs. [2,19,24], with different normalizations) ,t([v])=—ilv)

lTr( —ii v>
~ ~



(we have used lemma 4.1). The action of Hon V decomposes it into an orthogonal direct sum of weight spaces. We identify, as usual, a weight 2 with its differential at the identity, namely, an element in ~ ~ From a physical point of view, a state [v] corresponding to a weight vector v is a pure state with respect to the Cartan subalgebra ~: the observables of the form ih, he ~, form a maximal set of commuting observables. We have ihv=). (ih ) v for a weight vector corresponding to)., and we shall often write, in this case, v= I).>. Any vector state [v] can be seen as a mixture ofpure states: if v= ~, cv1, with {v1} an orthonormal basis of Vconsisting ofweight vectors, and hivu =1, then

2[v [v]= ~ 1c1I 1],


(upon restriction to i,). Any irreducible representation of G is described in terms of the so-called highest weight and according to the celebrated Borel—Weil—Bott theorem (see, e.g., ref. [5]), the representation space Vcan be viewed as the space of holomorphic sections of a suitable homogeneous holomorphic line on a natural Kähler manifold naturally associated with G (see also refs. [251 and [8]). Let I).> denote a unit highest weight ~.) vector, namely Ea I).> = 0 for any positive root a, and assume, for simplicity, that 1 is regular, namely that the stabilizer group of I~>coincides with ~,. (This is equivalent to the condition ).a#0. However, the whole discussion carries with minor modifications through the singular case.) The G-orbit through I).> is a Kähler submanifold of P( V) diffeomorphic to

M. Spera / Generalized UncertaintyPrinciple, coherent states and moment map


G/H (and denoted by 02) and called the coherent state manifold; this is easily checked to be consistent with the general scheme recalled in section 2. The complex structure of 02 manifestly shows up upon recalling that 02

~ G/H~GC/B +

where B + denotes the Borel subgroup of Ge, whose complex Lie algebra is generated by ~‘c and {Ea}. This can also be directly ascertained by using the explicit formulae describing the differential geometry of P( V) discussed above, and observing that the tangent space to 02 at I).>, say T1 IA> ] 02, is generated by the fundamental vector 5a above. On has fields at [v] associated to the operators r~and r~iEv]=Iv><&avI—IEav>

(1/,,,,h) ( iv>


so *1


T ~‘


Evira I (vJ

We are now in a position to state the following Theorem 4.2. Let 02 be the Kähler G-orbit in P( V) determined by the highest weight vector I).> corresponding to the (non-singular) highest weight).. Then, if a is a positive root: (i) the hamiltonians corresponding to ra and 5a are canonically conjugate at

I).>; (‘ii)


1(Fa)A2(~a)1 I <1h Era, .~a1~> I ).~a>0.

Proof (i) We have

j•/ “s~~(2>1 =






~1k1ra 11 *1 IEIA>])=~’~I \ ITI EIA>lra * (IA>] 2lc,,Sa / I (IA>] — ~‘~





Ji [IA>]2rai(IA)i

[by(4.10) andtheorem2.4]. (ii) Follows from (i) and theorem 3.5, recalling that [Ea,E_a]=iHa.


Remarks. (i) As an easy application of the preceding theorem [part (i)] we recover in particular the well known formulae for SU (2), where ra and Sa are the components J~and J~,,of the spin operator (see, e.g., ref. [261). Notice that, given the result for SU (2), the general case is to be expected intuitively since any simple

M. Spera / GeneralizedUncertaintyPrinciple, coherent states and moment map


Lie algebra is made up by suitably “pasting” together copies of su(2) [cf. (4.2)1. (ii) It is well known that the quantities 2 (2~a/a•a), with a ranging over the simple (hence positive) roots, can be effectively used as representation labels, being the components ofthe highest weight with respect to a basis ofsimple roots (see, e.g., ref. [22]). The preceding theorem provides a direct physical interpretation of these quantities, at least in the case of simply laced groups (where a~ a is constant for all roots) in terms of minimum uncertainty of the corresponding canonically conjugate variables when they are measured in the highest weight state.

5. The projectivespace associated to an irreducible representation ofa compact semisimple Lie group: the symplectic 6-orbits Let us now extend our discussion to the other symplectic G-orbits in P( V). It is shown in ref. [211 (see also ref. [16]) that a G-orbit in P( V) is symplectic (with the induced symplectic structure) if and only if it contains a weight vector I).> such that ).a=0 entails E±aI).>=0. In particular this orbit is K~ihlerif and only if I).> is a highest weight vector. This can be also checked by means of the explicit formulae given above. The existence of symplectic, non-complex orbits has independently been noticed and exploited by Giavarini and Onofri in ref. [12] to understand the migration of spin in the context of degenerate Landau levels. In view of theorem 2.1, the symplectic orbits provide critical orbits for izii 2~ Thisconclusion mayalso be reachedthrough the remark ofNess [241 that weight vector orbits are always critical (see below). The converse to the preceding assertion does not hold. This will follow from the discussion below, but is also apparent from the combination of the Ness and Kostant—Sternberg theorems, since there are examples of weight vectors which do not give rise to symplectic orbits. Moreover, it will follow from the result described below that suitable mixtures of weight vector states may appear among the critical points of Ii ~ii2~ We are now going to describe somewhat more explicitly the structure of the critical points of iiAuII2 in P( V). First of all, we recover, within our formalism, Ness’ General Example [241: Proposition 5.1 [24]. Weight vectors (and hence their G-orbits) provide critical points of Iii’ii 2, Sketch ofproof We have to check that, for any Be u ( V), B*(ii~uhi2)I(V]=0,



Spera / Generalized UncertaintyPrinciple, coherent states and moment map

and this is easily achieved upon recalling that Ky I ray>


= =



Now recall, from ref. [191, that the critical points of Ii ~uiii2n a projective space are a union of sets on the form C~,fle~, with Cp:=G(Zpr~/1’(fl)),and Z~ consists of the points [v] eP( V) such that, if v= ~, cv~,~, Ic 1 2 = 1, with respect to an orthonormal basis of V consisting of weight vectors v- corresponding to weights )., the only non-vanishing coefficients c are those for which )., . fl fl~ 2~ The coefficients Ic, 2 ofthe mixture [v] = >, Ic1 2 [v1]are determined by requiring fi to be the closest point to the origin in ~ lying in the positive Weyl chamber +. This description follows from the observation that the image of the moment map ofa torus action on P( V) is a convex polytope (its vertices being the weights of such an action). The corresponding result for a general symplectic manifold is a celebrated result of Atiyah [1], and Guillemin and Sternberg [14] (see also ref. [18] for further developments). We shall also need the following lemma, which is established through an immediate calculation (via 2.11). Lemma 5.2. Let v be a (unit) weight vector in V. Let Ac u ( V). Then 14*! gF(v]~.(1 I(v]~





ra I[v])_1’~~e\f1vITav/


with a similarformulafor 5a


Remark. Notice that (5.1) keeps trace only of the part ofAv lying in the orthogonal complement V in V of the line [v] (as it should do, also in view oflemma 2.3). Also observe, for the sequel, that any vector in V’, say öv, can be realized either asAv or as By, with some A (B) in u( V) (iu( V)). This implies that 8V*i[v]


is orthogonal to r~h ~ if and only if Re<~viFav>=0. The following theorem specializes some general computations of Kirwan and Ness [19,24] to the particular setting of this section, and also provides a generalization of a result of Delbourgo [11,261. Theorem 5.3. (i) Let C2 be the second-order Casimir introduced in section 2~a>2 4 and let ~





be the Delbourgo(—Perelomov) invariant dispersion. We have

M. Spera / Generalized UncertaintyPrinciple, coherent states andmoment map


179 (5.2)

whence AC 2have the same criticalpoints. 2 and [vJeZ~~P( jz~ (‘iQ The point V), fle~,+,is a critical point for II 2 if and only if for any positive root a (and hencefor all roots) with respect to4UII the above decomposition v= ~ cv 1, ~, Ic1 2=1 we have —




(iii) Thus, a sufficient conditionfor [v] as above to be a criticalpoint of hi ~2 is that in the decomposition v= >~c,v1 no weight vectors are present which give rise to weights that differ by a root. (iv) The restriction of the Hessian of AC2 at [V] (with v a normalized weight vector corresponding to a weight).) to the normal bundle with respect to the G-orbit through ~vi reads HEy] (6v, ~v)= ~<6v, H6v>

withH:= ~h ). ( th)


= ~g[v]

( 6v, H8v)

—2 ( th)). From this, we get thefollowing inequality [24]:

index(H(V]) ~#{v(weight)/).~ v> iI).I12, v~).+a,aeR}. Proof



~ <~>2_ k

~ a


and the assertion follows since C2 is a multiple of the identity due to the irreducibility ofthe representation. (ii) Let [v] E Z~.We have 2u([v])= ~ tk-~-~ ?a+ ~ k





~ c,~cmt,c+ ~ k,I,m


+ ~



~ C,cmt~+ ~



+ ~ a.t.m

So, in order to have 2jt ( [v] ) = fle ~,+ we must ensure that the coefficients of ra


M. Spera / Generalized UncertaintyPrinciple, coherent states and moment map

and ~a vanish identically, and this easily leads to (5.3) for any positive root. But, exploiting the fact that E~=E_a we see that upon conjugating (5.3) with a positive, we get (5.3) for —a as well. So, if (5.3) holds, we have 2u([v])=


iciI2).i(i~)~= ~fl(i~)i,



i.e., 2jt([v])= ~ [c,I2).,=fl, which allows one to determine the mixture coefficients Ic, 12 in view ofthe above remarks. Each c, remainsundetermined up to a phase. (iii) Follows immediately since is zero whenever A, ~ m + a. As a retrospective check, we see that 2jL ( [v] ) = fi stabilizes Eu], as it should do (since 2v). flv= 11fl11 (iv) Follows by the straightforward computation of ~(d2/dt2)lt,LIj2([u(t)] ) 11=0, where [v(t)]


[v+ toy] = IIv+t OvII


Iv+t Ov> < v+t OvI

and in which we make use of the orthogonality (with respect to the metric g~) condition to the tangent plane to the G-orbit in [v], which reads (by lemmata 2.3, 4.1 and 5.2, and taking the remark preceding this theorem into due account) Re=0,


We may obtain a more explicit formula as follows. Let {Vk> be an orthonormal set of V’ [with respect to K I >1 consisting of weight vectors pertaining to the representation weights 1k such that 1k ~ ).+ a, for any root a; then {Vk, v’~ ~Vk } provides an orthonormal set with respect to gF, spanning a vector space W. Let ck = ak + ibk and let Ov= ~k ckvk + Ou’ = ~k akvk + bkv’k + Ov’, with Ov’ orthogonal to Wand T 1v102. We finally get 2H1y1( Ov, Ov)


~ ).~(A—Ak) (a~+b~)+

whence, in particular, Ness’ estimate [241 also follows. Observe that the minimal invariant uncertainty is realized highest weight ~.) orbit (and we recover2Delbourgo’s theorem and it is also easy to this case 41I ~ 2 attains its maximum I).II (so the Hessian is positive definite). We already observed that, if v= v, for a single weight )., in ~


precisely on the [11]); fact{0} in see thatinW= the orbit G [v]

M. Spera / Generalized UncertaintyPrinciple, coherent states and moment map


is critical, and it is symplectic if the Kostant—Sternberg criterion [21,16] is satisfied. If)., is not in ~÷, then it is Weyl-conjugate to a unique weight).~in ~ and the G-orbit passing through [v~] (obvious notation) contains [v1];in fact, let Iv’> =wlv> [we W, the Weyl group associated to G)]; then, if Iv> is a weight vector for )., then Iv’> is a weight vector for ).~w,upon defining, for tH, ().‘w) (t) :=).(Ad~_i(t)). Remark. The non-minimal critical points are unstable in the sense of Mumford and ofGuillemin and Sternberg, and live in the null cone ofP( V) [24,23]. Let us also finally notice the following Corollary 5.4. Let x andy (in P( V)) belong to different symplectic orbits of G in P( V). They do not lie on the same orbit ofGc. Proof x andy are critical points of fromtheoreml.1 of ref. [24].

j~fl2, by theorem

2.1, so the assertion follows 0

Final remarks. In this paper we focussed our attention on compact, connected, simple (or semisimple) Lie groups. We expect the basic picture outlined here to hold in the non-compact semisimple case as well. This question will possibly be addressed elsewhere. The author is grateful to M. Rasetti, V. Penna, G. Valli and R. Picken for stimulating discussions and encouragement. He also thanks I. Mladenov for kindly reading the manuscript and for useful comments, and D. Trifonov for enlightening discussions and for pointing out ref. [27]to him.

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