chcmkal lllysics 7 (1975) 100-107 0 NOM-HollandPublishingCompany
Technische Hochschule Wien. A-1060
and IBM Research Lobomrory, fan lose,
I 4.
Vienna, Ausnti
Revised manuscript received 7 October 1974
For the Xa- and the Xc&exchange approximation the transition ate concept for estimating ionization energies is analyzed mainly in atomic systems. Comparisons with HF results and experimental dab axe presented in order to put the different theoretical approaches in pro& perspective.
1. Introduction
tion is responsible for the relatively wide applicability of Koopmans’ theorem for valence orbitals.
Because of the rapid prcgress in experimental techniques such as ESCA [l] and photoelectron spectroscopy 121, interest has grown in theoretical models suitable for the calculation of ionization energies. All methods within the HF framework can make use of Koopmans’ theorem [3] in order to approximate the ionization potential 5 of the system by the orbital energy EjHF of the corresponding occupied SCF MO:
4 z -ejHF.
This follows from the fact that thejth HF energy eigenvalue equals the total energy difference between the ground state (atom, molecule) and the ion with the jth electron missing, when one assumes that the orbi. tals do not relax after the removal of thejth electron (indicated by the subscript 0): EjHF
= njfJ)lo -EHF("j=
Orbital relaxation effects can be taken into account by taking the total energy difference AE,, of two separate self-consistent calculations. This scheme of approximating Ij by UHF is superior to Koopmans’ values for many cases, in particular for core levels, where orbital relaxation exceeds the contributions to the ionization energy from ilectron correlation. In the case of valence levels, orbital relaxation and correlation effects are of timilar size but opposite sign [4]. This error compensa-
For many years Slater’s statistical approximation (Xol method [S]) to the electron exchange has been widely used in solid state calculations. More recently the Xor scheme has become one of the concepts upon which the SCF-a-scattered wave [6,7] and discrete variational [8-10) methods are based. These methods represent new techniques for calculating the electronic structure of polyatomic molecules. Another form of the statistical exchange approximation, namely the XF&3 method, has been discussed in a previous paper [ 1 I] and will also be used in the present work. It has been shown [ 5,12,13] that the eigenvalues in the statistical exchange approximations are partial derivatives of the statistical total energy (E) with respect to the orbital occupation number nj which is assumed to be non-integer [ 141:
~j. = aWanj.
This meaning of the one-electron energies Ej differs from HF theory. Koopmans’ theorem cannot be used in the Xa or XF@ method. Therefore an additional concept was necessary to enable the computation of ionization energies, or more generally, excitation energies. Slater’s transition state idea [S, 15,161 has proved to be very valuable in this context. It has been used already in atomic and molecular calculations and has been analyzed from different points of view [17-211.
R Sclr~c~or:/~ansirio,r slate 2. Motivation
of the transition
The ionization in atoms is used in this section in order to demonstrate Slater’s transition state idea. Since in the statistical approximations (Xa or XF@3) the orbital occupation numbers nj are assumed to be non-integer [14] the ionization process becomes continuous. This is illustrated in fig. 1 fo: the 3plevel of the cNotine atom. Within the Xcz method the statistical total energy (EXJ is computed self-consistently for varying occupation number rr3,., and corresponding ionicity. The ground state is given for rrJp = 5 and the ion Cl+, with one 3p-electron missing, is represented by tr3p = 4. The energy eigenvalue ejp is, geometrically speaking, the tangent to (Ex,) according to (3). It can be seen from fig. 1 that, going from the atom to the ion. (EXJ becomes steeper, the eigenvalues mom negative, i.e., the electron is more tightly bound, as one would expect in this case. Using this picture a motivation for the transition state concept can be given by the following arguments: The ionization energy is represented by the total ener-
gy difference AfZ between the atom and the ion, in this mode1 by M = A (I??,). From fig. I it can be seen that the slope of AE/Atr (secant line) is very nearly the same as that of the tangent in the midpoint (halfway between the atom and the ion) which corresponds to the transition state eigenvalue &. Thus one effectively mixes the initial states (atom) and the fiiial states (ion) in the transition state by removing half an electron from the shell under consideration.
of (El
3. Expansion
(E(Iz~)) = (E)o + aj(nj-tIjo) + ei(ni-niO)?
+ ___
According to (3) the eigenvalue eI as a function of Ri can be obtained from (4). Three different approximations to Ij can be derived: (i) the total energy difference between atom and ion
series of ‘4
The statistical total energy of either the Xa or the XFctJ method can be expanded in a power-series of the occupation numbers ni [S. 13,161. A non-spinpolarized [S] ground state is taken to be the standard state with occupation numbers nio. For the ionization from orbital j a Taylor’s series expansion of(E) up to third power terms in short hand notation is
+ bj(nj-njo)’ E tata,.
in a power
-918.0 -
ai - 6, + cj - . . . ,
(ii) the transition
-919.5 -
state eigenvalue
(5) e,E is given by (6)
(iii) the eigenvalue
$ which is obtained
as average
from the eigenvalues of the atom $‘lom and the ion e,?” [22], is
-919.0 L
Fig 1. Total energy Etotd of the chlorine atom (ion) as a function of the 3p orbital occupation number nsp. computed
self-consistently within the x0 method. The 3p-energy eigenvalues corresponding to the ion Cl+ kt”n), to the transition state (ES) end the atom (Atom) appey as tingents to Etow_ represents the ionization of one 3p
The secant line &/An
5 = f (+om
A comparison of eqs. (5). (6) and (7) shows that up to second order terms in the expansion of (13 in (4) the three approximations to fi yield the same result. Geometrically speaking, this means that 0 as a function of nr would be represented by a parabola (cf. fig. 1). however, if third order terms are important, then the three estimates for fi according to (5).
___-T ?
K. Schwan/lTonsifion
TJble 2 . Threeapproximations to the ionization energies for the N2 molecule with R = 2.068 au evaluated from results of an SCF-Xa-SW calculation reported in ref. 1201
_L I -
I- - --_
.= AE 7
29.9564 29.9641 29.9752
2.3157 2.3191 2.3272
1.3440 I .3469 1.3549
1.3398 I .3432 1.3512
1.0354 1.0402 1.0499
AU energies are negative and in rydbergs.
Fig. 2. Term scheme for the three approximations
to the ionization energy according to qs. (5). (6) and (7) up to QGrd order terms.
three in the expansion of (E) can be neglected [ 13,161. Furthermore it explains, in a formal way, why en differs from B. Since this difference is found to be small, the transition state eigenvalue e,F is a good approximation to the quantity one wants for computing the ionization energy 4. From a numerical point of view the transition state eigenvalue is easier to obtain than the difference in total energy, which would require extremely high precision of the total energy (especially in the cases of large systems) in order to compute an accurate small difference.
(6) and (7) differ as is illustrated schematically in fig. 2. For the Xa method fig. 2 represents the actual situation very well. as can be seen for the chlorine atom (table 1) and for the N2 molecule (table 2) since the difference between en and AE is about half the difference between AE and F_ The XFcr/3 results of table 1 will be discussed in the next section. This analysis shows that terms of order higher than Table 1 The three approximations eqs. (5). (6) and (7)
cts. AE and bto the ionization energies for the chlorine atom according to
XFQ!3 i IS
208.51754 208.51558 208.51425
et= AE F
208.26 124 208.25890 208.25339
cts AE F
19.67001 19.68033 19.70108
15.5 1486
PE e
15.51485 15.52831 15.55527
ets AE E
I .89466 I.89937 1.90886
0.97943 0.9844 I 0.99442
AE c
19.58792 19.56303 19.61807
15.32944 15.30522 15.36967
1.85308 1.83309 1.86705
0.93301 0.91215 0.94792
ti = 0.72277 in Xu; XF@ refers to XFaallj) as dcfiicd in [ 111. y denotes the results obtained from eigenvalues and a&/an/ indicates the partial derivative resuk Ali energies are negative and in rydhergs.
4. The modifying function of the XF@3 method in connection with the transition state
” AE
The modifying function f which is used in the XFc$ method in order to keep the exchange-inhomogeneity correction (p-term) within certain limits, has been discussed in detail [ 1l] in connection with various total energy terms. It has been mentioned in [ 1 l] that eq. (3) holds rigorously for the XQ method. while for XFq3 it is satisfied only approximately when a modifying function is used. This fact plays an important role in connection with the transition state eigenvalue. The validity of (3) is checked numerically in order to estimate the effect of the modifying function on eigenvalues. For this purpose the ionization energies for all shells in the chlorine atom are computed using the three approximations according to (5). (6) and (7) within both, the Xa and the XFQ$ method (table 1). The quantities ets and Eare obtained once from the corresponding eigcnvalues (table 1, columns labeled by Ej), and once by numerical differentiation (table 1, columns labeled by aE/arri) according to (3). In the case of the Xormethod excellent agieement between the two techniques is found, as it should be, since (3) is obeyed rigorously. This agreement demonstrates that the numerical precision of our computer programs is sufficient for this kind of analysis. In the case of the XF@ method there are small deviations from (3) and therefore the two columns in table I labeled by pi and i3E/anj differ by a few hundredths of a rydberg. If all quantities are obtained from the total energy calculations only (i.e., E& and Care computed from partial derivatives instead of the corresponding eigenvalues), then the term scheme of fig. 2 is valid again, similar to the Xa results. For the 2p-state of the chlorine atom a typical situ. ation is illustrated in fig. 3. The three approximations ; es, AE and Pare compared between the xol and the XF@3 method, in which the two modifying functions f2 and fS are used as defined in [ I 1] _ The XCYresults are shown twice, once on the original energy scale and once shifted in energy such that A/Z matches the corresponding value from XFc@~~). These shifted XQ results agree well with the respective quantities of the XFOpcf,) method corresponding to the derivative values showing that the third order terms are very simila; in the two schemes.
t -15.45
g I
/ I -15.50
Fig. 3. Different approximations to the ionization energy cf Ihe Zpstate in the chlorine atom ax shown using the XQ method (a = 0.72777) and the xFa~3 method with the two modifying functions f2 and fs [ t I] _Tbere~titsobtained Gem eigenvalucs are labeled by ei, those from the pax&l derivative are marked by aElani.
Judging by the results presented in table 1 and fig. 3 one can see the close agreement between the transition state eigenvalue and AE. The various effects of the modifying functions in the XFOQ method on the transition state eigenvalues are all small in comparison to the difference which comes about by approximating exchange via the Xa or the X!%$ method, where even those differences are not very big. Fortunately the choice of modifying function is not too crucial in connection with transition state calculations.
5. Comparison
of different
In order to stcdy the order of magnitude of sume effects which have been discussed in the previous sections, ionization energies for a number of selected atoms are evaluated within different theoretical approaches. All results summarized in table 3 are based on self-consistent XFJ calculations using the modify. ing function f2 as defined in [ 111. The HF results are obtained using the HF formulas but XF@3 orbit&.
R SchwanJlhnri~ion
Table 3 Comparison of different theoretical approaches for e&nating
ionization potentials Ii of several xkcted
He 2
IS 22
20.1036 0.9584 0.3259
22.7346 1.4598 0.8249
21.8103 1.3205 0.73 18
22.4205 1.3892 0.7045
22.3582 1.3809 0.7199
61.0253 2.602: 0.9019
65.6361 3.9316 1.7682
63.8207 3.6122 1.4492
64.6349 3.2713 1.5307
64.6322 3.2885 1.5596
130.96f.3 10.1637 6.9575 0.7305 0.2477
137.6885 12.3610 8.5710 1.1009 0.5617
135.6078 11.8075 7.9488 1.0254 0.5217
136.5671 11.1424 8.0008 1.0226 0.4982
136.5369 11.1396 8.0017 1.0424 0.5091
228.4268 21.6195 lb.8152 1.6979 0.6859
237.2660 24.6740 19.1843 2.5739 1.1972
234.8312 23.8683 18.2843 2.4366 1.0833
235.8863 22.8653 18.2333 2.1373 1.0779
235.8807 22.9007 18.2601 2.1600 1.1048
355.6077 38.9869 32.5256 4.4868 2.7870 0.2557 0.2724
366.6141 42.9133 35.6600 5.8057 3.6452 0.7963 0.4533
363.8300 41.7622 34.3953 5.4486 3.3065 0.6145 0.4180
365.0346 40.4812 34.3104 4.9962 3.2680 0.6250 0.4485
364.9854 40.4866 34.2950 4.9826 3.2609 0.6405 0.4765
509.7279 51.0691 6.6952 4.3108 0.4939 0.3235
522.8935 64.0347 54.9991 8.4718 5.6147 1.2661 0.5354
519.6000 62.4005 53.2335 7.9197 5.0833 0.8746 0.4884
520.9732 60.8547 53.0017 7.2566 4.8551 0.9549 0.5262
520.9321 60.8657 53.0758 7.2540 4.8556 0.9703 0.5665
904.3191 114.7631 103.0020 15.0882 11.0485 3.5192 1.1556 0.4172
921.8350 121.44so 108.6543 17.9597 13.4202 5.3940 1.7073 0.7974
917.9145 119.3846 106.4133 17.2431 12.7075 4.6863 15999 0.7287
919-.4868 117.0495 105.8626 15.9019 11.8512 4.6834 1A901 0.7066
919.4633 117.0843 105.8761 15.9216 11.8720 4.7148 1.5178 0.7281
1420.6174 197.1959 1815716 33.3764 27.3776 16.4115
1442.5613 205.8596 189.0569 37.3155 30.7267 18.7286
1438.1704 203.4708 186.4498 36.2942 29.6854 17.7152
1439.8913 200.2710 185.4269 34.3641 28.3812 17.4741
1439.8570 200.301 I 185.4311 34.3883 28.4033 17.5025
2P Ne 10
1s 2s 2P
Si 14
IS 2s 2P 3s 3P
IS 2s 2P 3s 3P
Ti 22
IS 2s 2P 3s 3P 3d 4s
Fe 26
1s 23 2P 3S 3P 3d 4s
Se 34
1s 2s 2P 3s 3P 3d 4s 4P
Mo42 E 2P 3s 3P 3d
o# eigcnvalue
Koopmans theorem
Total energy difference (atom-ion)
Trandtion State eigenvalue
K. SehwarzflFansirion
Table 3 (continued) Atom
4s 4P 4d 5s
Sn 50
2s 2p 3s 3P 3d 4s 4P 4d 5s 5P Ce 58
1s 2s 2P 3s 3P 3d 4s 4P 4d 5s 5P
4r Sd 6s
Koopmans’ theorem
Total energy difference (atom-ion)
Transition stale eigenvalue
4.3961 2.7027 0.2276 0.2260
5.6546 3.5667 0.6497 0.4259
2056.1156 303.3009 283.6557 58.2663 50.1783 35.2122 9.0434 6.3580 1.9277 0.6521 0.2208
2082.5097 314.0159 293.0498 63.2441 54.4719 38.3876 11.0688 7.9788 2.1116 0.9750 0.4990
2815.3293 437.6962 413.8983 94.0916 83.8213 64.7344 18.8517 15.0191 8.3069 2.6624 1.6281 0.5731 0.2113 0.2092
2846.2144 450.5039 425.2460 100.1408 89.095 1 68.7691 21.6090 Ii.2983 9.6299 3.5047 2.1484 1.3475 0.5 154 0.3451
A% 4.7821 3.0720 0.5111 0.355 1
4.8056 3.0904 05343 0.4219
2017.7750 311.4031 290.187 1 62.0649 53.2565 37.0560 10.6323 7.5686 2.4379 0.9100 0.4107
2079.6175 301.213 1 288.6181 59.5623 51.5218 36.7072 9.6178 6.9101 2.4065 0.8964 0.4172
20195613 307.2924 288.6079 59.S829 5LJ370 36.7255 9.6285 6.9202 2.4224 0.9269 0.4452
2841.2443 447.7500 422.2196 93.8314 87.1440 67.2732 21.0628 16.7650 9.1277 3.3491 2.0103 1.0252 0.4678 0.3296
2843.1551 442.6336 420.0472 95.1205 85.5319 66.6946 19.5756 15.7243 8.9644 3.0194 1.9573 1.0935 0.4353 0.3362
2843.0191 442.6349 420.0149 95.7259 85.5292 66.6937 19.5715 15.7208 8.9670 3.0194 1.9562 1.0984 0.4536 0.3677
5.2834 3.2379 0.4797 0.3823
Q@refers to XFo$cfz) as detined in [ 111. lhc HF results are obtalned using the HF expressions negative and in rydbcrgs.
but @3 orbitals. AU energies are
For every ionization energy I’ five estimates are presented in table 3: first, the XFc$ eigenvalue eias which would be a poor approximation to 5; second, the HF one-electron energy eiHF which corresponds to Koopmans’ theorem [3]; next, the total energy difference AE taken between atom and ion of two separate self-consistent calculations once computed with the HF and once with the statistical ((EXF,&) total energy E,,g and last, the transition.state eigenvalue
table 3 exhibiting the significant numerical difference between these two quantities. Orbital relaxation effects are responsible for the difference between eiHF and The deviations of AL$HF from tiiGJ are due lo the different treatment of exchange in the total energy in HF and XF&. respectively. The relatively close agreement between AEjmB and E& has been discussed in section 4 in more detail.
e,&?That ejas and e,xF have a different meaning according to (2) and (3) has been mentioned in the introduction and becomes apparent from the results of
6. Comparison with experiment
With all the studies made in the previous sections we now can compare experimental data with the dif-
K. Schwarz!~ansition
ferent models for computing the ionization potentials
atom that in the Xa method a Taylor’s
tion state eigenvalues eErr and e,” in both the XF@ and the Xn method, respectively, are given in table 4. Since HF theory is the theoretical counterpart to the statistical methods, its estimates to Zi are also pre-
sion of the ionization energy agrees very well With the transition state energy which’is the first tern in the
scnted. According to Koopmans’ theorem the HF oneelectron eIlergieS E~HF are approximations to fj. Orbi-
series. Using his result we have completely neglected
tal relaxation effects are accounted for by taking the HF-total energy difference A,!?,, (table 3). The quantities ~~~(43) and AEHF(Qp) are again obtained using the HF formulas but XF& orbitals. The energies EHF(4) are Seen to agree wc!g With true HF values eHF obtained by Mann [25) showing the close agreement between XFc@ and HF orbit& in accord with the situation which has been discussed in [ 1 l] in connection with the HF-total energy.
higher order corrections
has shown
for the chlorine series expyl-
in the present
The chlorine atom is also chosen for our comparison with experiment. The multiplet splitting of each configuration has not been taken into account in the present study. We consistently use the average of the configuration. Based on experimentll data these averages have been estimated by Slater [23]. Since all approximations to Ii which we want to discuss here are nonrelativistic, the experimental data are corrected to nonrelativistic values (table 4) where the relativistic corrections are obtained within the XF@ method by first order perturbation theory as discussed in [24]. Six theoretical estimates for Ii are presented in table 4 for a comparison with the non-relativistic experimental data. As has been mentioned before, the one-electron energy eigenvalues eipa in the XFoIp method would be a poor approximation to Ii, a fact which is now well understood [5,13]. From the three quantities E,~. aEj and 5 which are the proper estimates for Ii within the statistical methods and which have been compared in the previous section, only the transi-
Table 4 EStimateS of ionization potentis xF0gf.f~) method [ 1 I ]
Zj for the chlorine atom, where a=
7. Conclusion Judging by the agreement
with experiment
The transition state which effectively takes orbital relaxation into account, is a very useful concept. It has
computational advantages, and leads to close agreement with experimental data. The modifying function
in the Xa
and 4
experiment [ 23) r&tilJiStiC corrections non-relativistic experiment
g eHF(@) -F-
UHF(&) All energies are in rydbergs.
we can
conclude that in the statistical methods, Xa or XFc@, we are forced to go beyond the one-electron energy cigenvahres, if we are interested in ionization potentials, because Koopmans’ theorem cunnof be used.
to the
208.2612 21)8.517.5 201.5285
18.3819 19.6700 19.5819
15.5148 13.9829 15.3294
1.8531 1.4239 1.8947
0.9194 0.5488 0.9330
209.7678 207.4722
21.2148 20.5036
16.1444 15.3568
K. Schwarz/Ttansition
in the XFcq3 methd is no severe complication, although it is responsible for small deviations from (3) (section 4). Differences between XQ and XF@ results exist. but based on the results of the present does not seem that one method is sipifi-tly
ior to the other.
Within HF theory
the one-electron
energies cdn
used to approximate ionization energies according
to Koopmans’ theorem. As consequence of a compensation of errors due to orbital relaxation and correlation effects, Koopmans’ values are often relatively good estimates. In particular for core levels, however, the total energy differences yield better results and are in general of quality comparable to the transition state estimates (table 4). When comparing statistical methods with HF. for example in connection with molecular calculations performed with the SCF-X&W method [6,7], one should keep in mind the level of sophistication of computing ionization energies. Thus for example, the question whether or not orbital relaxation is accounted for in both schemes, should be answered for a fair comparison.
[ 11 K. Siegbshn, in: The As&mar conference.: EIectcon D.A. Shirley (North-Holland, Amstecdzn. 1972). and references therein. [Z] D.W. Turner, C. Baker, A.D. Baker and C.R. Brun~lc, Molecule photo&&on spectroscopy (Wiley-interscience. London, 1970). 131 T. Koopmans. Physica l(1933) 104. 141 W. Meyer. 1nte.m. J. QuantumChcm.5 (1971) 341. [S] J.C. Slater. in: Advances in quantum chemistry. Vol. 6 (Academic Press. New York. 1972) p. I. 161 K.H. Johnson, in: Advances in quantam chemistry. Vol. 7 (Aademic Press, New Y&k, 1973) P. 143. I71 J.C. Slater and K.H. Johnson, Phys. Rev. 65 (1972) 844_ [S] D.E. Ellis and C.S. Painter, Phys Rev. B2 (1970) 2887. 191 E.J. Eiacrends, D.E. Ellis and P. Ros, Chem. Phys. 2 ‘(1973)41. [IO] E.J. Baezcnds and P. Ros. Chcm. F’hys. 2 (1973) 52. [ 111 K. Schwarz, Chcm. Phys. 7 (1975) 94. [ 121 J.C. Slater, TM Wilson and J.H. Wood, Phys. Rev. 179 (1969) 28. [ 131 J.C. Shter and J.H. Wood, Intern. J. Quantum Chem. 4s (1971) 3. [ 141 J.C. Slater. J.B. hlann. T.M. Wilson and J.H. Wood, phys. Rev. 184 (1969)672. 1151 J.C. Shter. Inwrn. I. Quantum Chcm. 3s (1970) 727. [ 16) J.C. Slater. in: CompulationaJ methods in b3nd theory. eds. P.M. hkucus, J.F. Janak and A.R. Wtiiams. (Plenum
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The author is pleased to acknowledge the encouragement and many helpful discussions with professor A. Neckel. It is a pleasure to thank Dr. F. Herman for his interest and critical comments. The author wishes to express his gratitude to IBM World Trade Corporation and IBM Austria for enabling him to spend a period of time at the IBM San Jose Research Laboratory as a World Trade Fellow. He is also grateful to IBM San Jose Research Laboratory for the kind hospitality he enjoyed.
Letters 22 (1973) 167. [18] S.B. Trickey. Chem. Phys. Letters 21 (1973) 581. [ 191 P. Jbrgensen and Y. ehm. Phyn Rev. A8 (1974) 112. [20] P. Weinberger and D.D. Konowalow. Intern. J. Quantum Chem. 7s (1974) 353. (211 N.H.F. Beebe. Chem. Phys. Letters 19 (1973) 290. (221 D.A. Libennan. Boll Amer. Phys. Sot. 9 (1964) 731. 1231 J.C. Slatcr. Phys. Rev. 98 (1955) 1040. [241 F. Herman and S. Skillman. Atomic Structure CslcuIalions (Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, 1963). 1251 J.B. Mann, Atomic Structure Calculations I. HarUeeFock Energy Results for the Elements Hydrogen to Lawrencium. Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory Report LA-3690 (1967). unpublished.