On the separation of long-range and short-range dipole correlations in polar fluids
Chemical Physics 33 (1978) 451464 0 Xorth-Holland Publishing Company
Chemical Physics 33 (1978) 451464 0 Xorth-Holland Publishing Company
P. BORDEWIJK Gonku~ Laboratories of the Universi~, Department GfPhysical Chemistry, Leyden. The Net’Ierlands Received 30 December 1977
Revised manuscript received 7 June 1978
A new method for the separation of long-range and short-range dipole correlations in polar fleids with pokimble molecules is applied to the correlation functions connected with the static dielectic permittivity, the frequency-dependent Permittivity, and the electrically induced alignment. The method avoids the division of the sample by a distinct boundary into a region considered on a microscopic basis and a surrounding dielectric contikm, and yields rigorous resnhs for a system with identical isotropic polarisabilities on a cubic lattice, among which the E&wood-Friihhch equation for the static permittivity. in other cases it makes sense to replace the dipole moment of the isolated molecule occurring in this equation by an effective value, for which expressions applicable under different conditions are suggested
1. Introduction Information about local order in polar fluids can be obtained f;om the response to a static electric field. This was fast observed by Kirkwood [l], who related the dielectric permittivity to the average ofor an unperturbed spherical sample, M denoting the instantaneous moment of the sphere and M the magnitude of this quarttity- It was pointed out that to obtain information about the local order, this average should be split in terms due POlong-range and short-range dipole correlation. The same holds for the time-dependent function (M(O) -.M(f))o, which is related to the frequency-dependent permittivity G?(W)[2], the function (3(e, *IV)* -M2jo, which plays a role in the theory of the Kerr effect,and of the electrically induced NMR line splitting in polar liquids [3/t] (er denotes the unit vector along the permanent dipole of molecule l), and the function 3(M4jo - 5(M2)& which plays-a role in the dielectric saturation [5]. In performing the separation between long-range and short-range dipole correlations, two problems may arise. One of these concerns the contribution to the averages mentioned by the induced moments in the molecules, which are fluctuating quantities that depend on the positions and orientations of all other molecules. Apart from restricting oneself to a hypothetical system ofnon~polarizablemolecules [6,7];achievements have been made to account for the molecular polarizabilities on a continuum basis, and by using for the induced moment the value from Onsager’s model [8], iu which the surroundings of a single molecule are represented by a dielectric continuum, thus ignoring the fluctuations of these moments. The fast method was introduced by Friihlich [9] to account for the polarizabilities in the calculation of the static permittivity, and was also applied with respect to the dielectric saturation [lo-121 ; this method is very attractive from an intuitive point of view, but the approximations involved stay somewhat obscure. The second method has raised much controversy with respect to the stage of the derivation where the approximation is allowed, yielding conflicting expressions both for the static permittivity [1,3,13-181 and for the frequency-dependent permittivity [19-211. The other problem concerns the introduction in the dielectric of a distinct boundary between a small sphere considered on a microscopic basis and a surrounding dielectric continuum with the macroscopic properties of the sampIe. Such a boundary has been introduced in calculations on the static electric permittivity [9,22], the fre-
P. BordewijklSeparation
of dipole correlations in polarfluids
quency-dependent permittivity [2,6,7,23-251, the alignment [3], and the dielectric saturation [lo-121. In the case of the frequency-dependent permittivity, the time-dependent behaviour of the virtual surface charge at the boundary has been the object of much discussion. Moreover, the method ignores short-range correlations between molecules atboth sides of the boundary, which is not a priori justified, as pointed out by Mandel [26]. In this article the averages uM2)u, (M(0) . M(r))u, and (3(el •LU)~ -M2) will be calculated by a method which avoids either of the assumptions mentioned concerning the induced polarization, and also avoids the division of the sample into a small sphere considered on a microscopic basis and a surrounding continuous dielectric. It appears that for a system with isotropic polarizabihties on a cubic lattice the Kirkwood-FrChlich equation, the expression for the complex permittivity derived by Klug et al. [ 191 and by Rivail [20], and the expression for the alignment derived by Rarnshaw et al. [3] are rigorous results, whereas in other cases a good approximation can be obtained by replacing the dipole moment of the isolated molecule in these expressions by an effective value.
2. The relationship between the instantaneous moment and the polarizabilities As a fmt step, we will derive an expression for the instantaneous morrientM of a spherical system of n polarizable dipoles. We assume that the dipole moment of each molecule is completely determined by its orientation and the electric field working on it, i.e., we ignore fhrctuations of the atomic and electronic polarization. These dipole moments can then be written as: mi=pi+ai-
where mi, pi, andai are the total moment, the permanent dipole moment, and the polarizability tensor of molecule i, E. denotes the external field, and Tji is the dipole-dipole interaction tensor [27] _ Eq. (1) can be written in Sn-dimensional notation [Z&27, sec. 361 m=R+a-(e&-T-m),
where m, p, and e are 3ndimensional vectors whose projections on the three-dimensional subspace i are equal to mi,ti, and the unit vector e ilong the external field E,,, respectively, and czand T are 3ndimensional tensors with projections on the product of subspaces i andi equal to ar Sij and Tii(l - Q), Sii being the Kronecker delta. In contrast to previous articles [22,29,30] in this article we consider a sphere in vacua, so that no contribution due to the reaction field should be incorporated. From eq. (2) it follows: m=(1+a-T)-~-(~+a~eEg)=(l+a-T)-1~~+a~(1+T~a)-l~eEO,
where the last equality can be proved by developing (1 + a - T)-1 and (1 + T - a)-’ into a series. In eq. (3), 1 denotes the 3n-dimensional unit tensor. With A = (1 + T * a)-l, eq. (2) yields iu three-dimensional notation:
where it is used that (1 + u . T)-l is the transpose of (1 + T - a)-l, and Aii denotes the projection ofA on the product of subspaces i andj. From eq. (4) it follows that Zi Aii is a three-dimensional tensor transforming the external field to the part of the local field at molecule i that depends on the external field E,. This tensor is independent of the permanent dipoles; we wilI cah ii the local-field tensor. In the absence of an external field, eq. (4) yields for the instantaneous moment M:
P. BordewijklSeparation of dipole correlations in polarflrtids
where we call
the effective moment of molecule i. This effective moment consists of the permanent dipole moment of molecule iand the moments induced directly or indirectly by this moment in all molecules. In principle, the effective moment, like the moment mi, is a fluctuating quantity that depends on the positions and orientations of all other molecules. In contrast to mi, however, for isotropic polarlzabllities the effective moment does not depend on the orientations of the other molecules. This makes the neglect of fluctuations of the effective moment for given orientation of the molecule, which will be made in the following, a less crude approximation than the neglect of fluctuations OfITZr,which is made in other derivations of the Kirkwood-Friihlich equation. The approximation made here is equivalent with the neglect of fluctuations in the internal field for given orientation of the molecule, when studying the dielectric constant of non-polar systems or the dielectric constant at optical frequencies. Fluctuations of the effective moment still occur due to the translational freedom in liquids, however, and for molecules with non-isotropic polarizabilities due to the orientational freedom; these fluctuations contribute to the SOcalled induced-dipole absorption in the far-infrared frequency range [31]. Eqa.(5) and(6) are valid both for systems of identical particles and for mixtures. In the former case, the average local field tensor will be the same for all molecules, In the second it will be different for different components in the mixture. Since the equations also keep their validity if some molecules do not have a permanent dipole, they can also be applied to solutions of polar compounds in non-polar solvents. For identical molecules where the anisotropy of the polarizability and of the shape can be ignored, the dipoles induced directly by the external field are equal, and their contributions to the local field at a certain molecule cancel after averaging, so that when translational fluctuations are ignored, or the molecules are situated on a cubic lattice, the tensor Xj Aii reduces to the unit tensor. This does not hold for molecules which are near to the boundary of the sample, but for a macroscopic sphere this regards only a negligible fraction of the molecules. It follows that for identical molecules where the anisotropy of the polarizability and of the shape can be ignored, the effective moments are equal to the permanent dipole moments of the isolated moIecules. This holds rigorously if the molecules are situated on a cubic lattice. In other cases, more drastic approximations should be made. If the molecules are not identical, the neglect of translational fluctuations is an approximation even if the molecules are situated on a cubic lattice, and if the anisotropy of the molecular shape and of the polarizabillties cannot be ignored, the neglect of fluctuations of the effective moment involves not only a neglect of translational fluctuations, but also ofcertain orientational fluctuations. Making this approximation, the tensor Xi Aij can be estimated from the model of a molecule in a cavity in a dielectric continuum with permittivity equa1 to the dielectric constant of induced polarization E, of the system under Investigation. It is known that such a model may yield results different from a corresponding model with point polarizablhties [32], but this does not necessarily invalidate the continuum model, since, in a way, it accounts for the extensiveness of the polarizabilities, which is ignored in the model of point polar&abilities. In fact, for solids of elongated molecules the point-polarizability approach was shown to be inapplicable [33]. Assuming an ellipsoidal shape of the cavity, with the dipole along one of the axes, and the induced dipole distributed homogeneously over.the cavity, one obtains the Beld E, working on the molecule, from the cavity field&:
(7) where eqs. (2.84), (4.100) and (2.71) from ref. [27] are used. In eq. (7) cr3 denotes the component of the polarizability along the dipole, Q, b, and c are the half axes of the
P. BordewdkjSeparation of dipole correlations in polar jhids
~chfpsoidal cavity, and A is a shape factor. From eq. (7) it follows: ‘*=‘(e_,
3% +2){e,__+(1-&4[1+3~~(1-&~~c]}’
If the dipole is not along one of the axes of the ellipsoid, the components of the effective moment along the different axes should be calculated separateIy with eq. (S), using the appropriate value of the polar&ability and the shape factor for each axis. Although in that case the effective moment has not the same direction as the moment of the isolated molecule, it is still fiied in molecular coordinates. Since in eq. (8) the polarizabihty is thought to be distributed over the ellipsoid, it can be related to an internal dielectric constant Ei,3 by: ~~ ‘U~C(Ei,3 - 1)/3 [I + A(Ei,J - l)] ,
For dilute solutions, E, may be taken equal to e, and eq. (10) changes into an expression for the moment in solution derived by Ross and Sack [34], if the internal dielectric constant Ei,3 is taken to be isotropic and equal to the square of the refractive index of the pure solute. The assumption of an isotropic internal dielectric constant seems to underestimate the anisotropy of the polarizability, however. For, if in the crystal the moIecule can be represented by an ellipsoid with the same shape as io the liquid, filling up a cavity with volume equal to the volume available to each molecule, the assumption of an isotropic internal dielectric constant yields an isotropic dielectric constant of the crystal with the same magnitude, from which it follows that the anisotropy of the dielectric constant of the crystal is ignored in this way. Therefore, for compounds crystallizing with all molecular axes parallel; it should be preferred to take the internal dielectric constant equal to the dielectric constant of the crystal in the corresponding direction. If apart from the anisotropy of the dielectric constant, also the shape anisotropy cm be ignored, one has A = :, and eq. (10) changes into cr* = [3E,(fi+ 2)I(E, c 2)(2~~ f Ei)] 12.
For dilute solutions, this corresponds with the ratio between the apparent moment and the moment of the isolated molecule given by Onsager [a]. For the pure compound, E, and Ei should be taken equal, and the effective moment is equal to the moment of the isolated molecule, as for isotropic point polarizabilities on a cubic lattice. A different relationship between the internal field and the Maxwell field has been shown to be applicable for compounds forming a liquid crystalline phase [35] : Ei=K-E,
with KgJ
(1 - 47rN&)-’
where Qand t refer to the principal values along and transverse to the long axis of the molecule. In this way one obtains for the components of the effective moment. P;,t = 3Pp,&o
+ 2)(1 - 47n%,,~,,t)
The effective moment p* should be distinguished from the moment pd used in ref. [30]. With eq. (9), eq. (14) can be rewritten to: P& = ]3Pa,tI(e~ + 211[I -AQ,,+A&~(EiA?,J -
Thisis identical
to eq. (10) for fi = E,, but not for other cases.
P. BoniewijkSeparationof dipolecon-elations in polar fluids 3.
The Kirkwood-Ftihlich
The average value of the total moment of a sphere with radius a in an external field can be written in terms of the dielectric permittivity, but can also be obtained from eq. (4):
where only effects linear in the applied electric field are considered. If in the last member of eq. (16) the permanent dipoles are ignored, the remaining term is related in an analogous way to the dielectric constant of induced polarization
3@ - CJ @ + 2k
Q3&-, = c
+ 2)
or [28;27, sec. 361
where U= U. -Mm E. f O(E$ is the energy of the system. Eq. (19) shows the relationship between the permittivity and the average Gl@>o . For a further evaluation, we consider the average value of the moment M for. fmed orientation of mplecule 1, which can be written, if only one polar compound is present, as:
where el denotes the unit vector along the effective moment of molecule 1, r12 the angle between the effective moments of molecules 1 and 2, and n the number of polar molecules. To obtain from the average (WeI) an expression accounting for local order only, it should be reduced to: (21) vIR ‘,m
where ri is the distance from molecule i to molecule 1, and the super index m in the last member indicates that tire average is taken over a macroscopic sphere (with radius R) surrounded by an infinite sample of the same composition. The symbol g stands for the Kirkwood correlation factor defmed by:
(22) To perform the reduction, we start from the average potential outside the sphere, for fmed orientation and position of molecule 1, using polar coordinates with the origin at the centre of the sphere and the z axis parallel with el :
n (~llel>o
= U.flel>O
cos e/r2 + n12
f3) eim@ ,
P. BordewijkjSepararion
of dipole >orrelations in polar fluids
where the terms in Bfm) account for the higher electric moments, PLm)(cos 0) denoting the associated Legendre polp~tials. In eq_ ($3) it is assumed that the average dipole moment of the sphere is independent of the position of the molecule, which seems appropriate as long as molecule 1 is not near the boundary. The constraint imposed at the averaging, i.e., the fixed orientation and position of molecule 1, does not affect the behaviour of the sample at the boundary as a dielectric continuum, except if molecule 1 is kept near the boundary, which case yields a negligible contribution to ( p=iM), however. Therefore, at the boundary the electric potential and the normal component of the dielectric displacement should be continuous_ From this it follows for the average potential inside the cavity [21]
(24) The terms in negative power of r are related to a field with its sources inside the region of the sphere that may not be considered as a dielectric continuum due to the constraint_ This field vanishes after averaging outside a small sphere around moIecuIe 1 which contains the region where it has its sources. The term in r accounts for a homogeneous field -2(~ - 1)(Mlet)/3s03, the field corresponding with the terms in higher powers ofr vanish after averaging over the sphere, due to the orthogonality of the associated Legendre polynomials. The average vaIue of p* for given value of Ecan be inferred from eq. (18):
(25) One thus obtains from the homogeneous field corresponding with the second term of eq. (24), for molecules far from molecule 1, i.e., in the region that can be considered as a dielectric continuum: lim C$ leljo = -[2(15 - I)(E - e,)/3e(e,
+ 2)nl LWel)o .
Subtracting these contributions from (Mlet),,, one obtains: g$