Oral microbiology, 2nd edition

Oral microbiology, 2nd edition

J. Dent. 1994; 22: 319-320 Book Reviews Section Editor: P. N. Hirschmann Oral Microbiology, 2nd edition. P. Marsh and M. Martin. Pp. 244. 1992. Cha...

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J. Dent. 1994; 22: 319-320

Book Reviews Section

Editor: P. N. Hirschmann

Oral Microbiology, 2nd edition. P. Marsh and M. Martin. Pp. 244. 1992. Chapman Et Hall. Softback, f 12.95.


Oral Microbiology, when it was first published in 1980, filled a niche in dental education by bridging the gap between the mouth as a natural microbial habitat and the role of oral microbes as opportunistic pathogens. In this second edition the authors have managed to retain this appealing and interesting ecological approach. After setting the scene by characterizing the physical and chemical attributes of the mouth, the authors survey the oral flora, describing clearly the multitude of changes which have occurred recently in the taxonomy of many of the resident bacteria. The ecological approach is developed in a chapter describing the acquisition and distribution of oral microbes and then extended to include the development and structure of dental plaque with examples of metabolic interactions. The remainder of the book is devoted to the more clinical aspects of oral microbiology and prominence is given, quite rightly, to the two major oral diseases, dental caries and periodontal disease, for which dental plaque is the prime aetiological agent. The concluding chapter on cross-infection control is an acknowledgement to the need for a heightened awareness of this important aspect of dental practice. This book serves as a good introduction to the general area of oral microbiology and demonstrates the relationship between the normal flora and disease. The reader is lead through the text by good use of subheadings and the authors have included a glossary to define some of the specialist terminology. A summary and suggestions for further reading are included at the end of each chapter. Dental students undertaking courses with a recently extended science base and postgraduate science students entering the field for the first time will find Oral Microbiology of considerable value. S. D. Hogg

Periodontology 2000, Vol. 1, No. 1. Edited by J. G. Caton. 1993. Copenhagen,


Periodontology 2000 is a new publication from Munksgaard which will appear as a series of three monographs each year in 4-year cycles. They are intended both for periodontists and general practitioners with a special interest. The first monograph is concerned with periodontal regeneration. The presentation of the articles is excellent and the quality of tables, figures, clinical photographs, radiographs and histology extremely high. All the authors give a detailed review of the individual topics and identify limitations in knowledge and areas for future research. Given the depth to which each subject is %I1994 Butterworth-Heinemann 0300-57 12~94/0503 19-W


discussed, it is not for casual reading. Readers will derive most benefit if they set aside the time to study the individual articles and therefore this and future monographs will be particularly valuable to postgraduates. This issue contains a series of 12 papers, the first of which gives a succinct overview of the subject of regeneration and is a valuable introduction to subsequent papers. The next four papers are concerned essentially with guided tissue regeneration and are nicely sequenced. They provide the reader with basic biological principles of wound healing and cell lines, the biological principles of guided tissue regeneration, through to the types and properties of the exclusionary membranes, finally discussing and describing clinical procedures for guided tissue regeneration. The next paper considers the role of root surface demineralization in the regenerative process and concludes that there are additive benefits to be obtained from these procedures. A rather interesting, albeit largely theoretical, paper considers polypeptide growth factors and attachment proteins in healing and regeneration, clearly setting the scene for future research and development in the area. Two reviews are given over to natural and synthetic bone grafts, both of which describe the pros and cons of the methods and point out limitations and unpredictability of the techniques. The final three papers are useful reviews of clinical procedures and are concerned with flap management, combination techniques and gingival grafting. As such these will be of particular interest to the practising clinician. Overall, only one minor criticism becomes apparent and that is the failure of some authors to provide a conclusion section to their manuscript. In essence, therefore, this limited monograph has set the scene for a very valuable series of publications. Periodontology 2000 certainly fulfils the need, if not the demand, for detailed updates on this rapidly and ever expanding subject. M. Addy

A Simple Pain-free Adhesive Restorative System by Minimal Reduction and Total Etching. T. Fusayama. Pp. 128. 1993. Lancaster, Gazelle. Hardback, f83.50. This book brings together in a single volume the work of Professor Takao Fusayama on the nature and conservative management of dental caries. The six chapters of the 127 page-long text deal in turn with: the author’s concepts of the pathology and treatment of dental caries, aspects of a selection of ‘chemically adhesive’ resin composite systems, the Fusayama approach to cavity preparation, the surface treatment of prepared and adjacent unprepared tooth tissues, including the total-etch