P-01 Male sexual dysfunction Methods: We applied LIST to 64 middle- aged men, mean age 54 years, with mild to moderate vasculogenic ED who responded well to the use of PDE5i. The treatment protocol consisted of one treatment sessions per week for 6 weeks, a 6 -week’s no-treatment interval. Each session comprised the application of 3000 shock waves (energy intensity of 4 mJ/mm3) to each penile shaft and 1000 shock waves for each crura. Results: The results showed that 6 weeks after treatment, erectile function improved in the 85% of the case, good result in 10% and no results in 5% of the patients. The average increase in the IIEF-EF domain score was 8.8 points. Furthermore, erectile function and penile blood flow were measured by using nocturnal penile tumescence (NPT) and color-power Doppler of the penis. All NPT parameters improved as recorded by significant increases in the duration of the erections and penile rigidity. Penile blood flow also improved significantly at the 2-month follow-up examination. Conclusion: The treatment options for ED have greatly expanded and include PDE5i, intracavernosal injections, and penile prostheses. Our experience presented here demonstrate that LIST of the corpora cavernosa is a novel therapeutic option for ED. LIST may have a fundamental effect on penile endothelial function, increasing penile blood flow, and improving erectile function and consequently sexual satisfaction. Policy of full disclosure: None P-01-076 TACHOSIL GRAFTING PROCEDURE FOR THE SURGICAL TREATMENT OF PEYRONIE’S DISEASE Fliatouras, C.1; Konstantinidis, K.2 1 Andrology Institute, Athens, Greece; 2Andrology Institute, Athens, Greece Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of Tachosil grafting for the surgical treatment of peyronie’s disease. Methods: From January 2016 since today 24 patients underwent surgical treatment with the Egydio’s technique and Tachosil grafting. Mean age of the patient was 56,4 years. There were a dorsal curvature in 75% of all patients and lateral in 25%. Partial plaque excision was performed in 4 patients. In all cases we performed the Egydio’s technique and Tachosil grafting.
e181 Results: Mean operative time was 37 minutes. 10 patients (41,6%) had presented postoperatively subcutaneous hematoma not requiring drainage. Totally straightness was achieved in 84,6% at 3 months follow up. Conclusion: Grafting by Tachosil in peyronie’s disease treatment seems to be feasible and promising. Major advantages are decreased operative times and easy application. Moreover, an additional haemostatic effect is provided. However, long-term clinical outcomes are necessary to confirm these encouraging findings. Policy of full disclosure: None
P-01-077 EVALUATION OF ETIOLOGICAL FACTORS IN ACQUIRED PREMATURE EJACULATION: PRELIMINARY RESULTS Culha, M.G.1; Tuken, M.2; Gonultas, S.2; Cakir, O.O.2; Serefoglu, E.C.2; Cakir, O.O.1 1 Istanbul Training&Research Hospital, Urology, Istanbul, Turkey; 2Bagcilar Training & Research Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey Objective: Although premature ejaculation (PE) is a common male sexual dysfunction, its pathophysiology has not been fully elucidated. Several medical problems such as erectile dysfunction (ED), depression, anxiety, hormonal disorders and chronic prostatitis may play a role in the aetiology of acquired PE. However, it is not known how often these etiological factors are detected in patients with acquired PE. This study aims to evaluate the frequency of etiologic factors diagnosed in patients with acquired PE. Methods: Between May- July 2016, 22 male patients between ages of 18-65 years were included in the study. Intravaginal ejaculation latency time (IELT) of these patients was recorded along with their medical history and physical examination findings. Moreover, international index of erectile functionerectile function domain (IIEF-EF), premature ejaculation profile (PEP), anxiety and depression scales (STAI-1, STAI-2 and BECK) and chronic prostatitis symptom index (NIH-CPSI) were administered. Peripheral blood sample of all patients were taken in the morning from 8:00 to 11:00 o’clock and fasting plasma glucose, follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), prolactin (PRL), total and free testosterone, total prostate specific antigen (tPSA), T3, T4, and thyroid stimulating hormone levels were measured. Urine analysis and 2 cup tests were also studied. Results: Mean age of the patients was 41.86 ± 11.47 (22-60). Mean duration of the PE complaint was 47.68 ± 46.51 (1-144) months. Mean IELT time of the patients was 35.14 ± 22.15 (3-90) seconds. Of the patients 54.55%, 36.36%, 31.82%, 18.18%, 13.64%, 9.11% and 4.55% had anxiety, chronic prostatitis, depression, testosterone deficiency, hyperprolactinemia, elevation of FSH and hyperthyroidism. There were no pathological findings in the urine analysis and 2 cup tests. Conclusion: The preliminary results of our study revealed that anxiety disorders, depression and chronic prostatitis can play role in the aetiology of acquired PE. There is a need for further researches related to the aetiology of acquired PE with larger number of patients. Policy of full disclosure: None P-01-080 BETTER UNDERSTANDING IN WIDER CONCEPTS AND TREATMENTS FOR ONCOLOGIC PATIENT’S SEXUAL DYSFUNCTION - A STATUS UPDATE 2017; THE NEED FOR ESTABLISHING PRACTICE GUIDELINES Peleg Nesher, S. Tel Aviv Medical Centre, Oncology, Tel Aviv, Israel
Figure 1. J Sex Med 2017;14:e107ee197
Objective: During the last decades the main occupation was to establish the connection between breast, genitals, prostate cancer’s treatments (radiation, surgery and chemotherapy) and sexuality. Increasing healthcare’s awareness as