~____________________~E~D~U~C~A~T~I~O~N~A~L~~M~A_T~E~R~IA__ LS__________________ ___ ~ scripts. The series is relevant to high school and college students and nicely balances the presentatIOn of nutrition issues with practical information.
Child Nutrition: Eating right begins at home, New York State College of Human Ecology, 1981. From Merna Services, AudioVisual Resource Center, 8 Research Park, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14850, 15 min., audiocassette, $10; reel-to-reel tape, $12. Aimed at parents who want to help their children develop good eating habits, this presentation concentrates on four topics: caffeme, the importance of breakfast, the effect of TV advertismg, and child athletes. Interviews with nutritiomsts are interspersed with dialogue from advertisements and make listenmg more mterestmg. At one point, though , an ad begins to mterfere with the mtervlew. The topics chosen are important and often not covered mother materials for the general public, but the treatment of each is somewhat cursory. The tape could be useful as the introductIon to a discussion or adult education class. MANUAL
Food Marketing Alternatives for the Inner City, 1982. From Consumer Division, Community Nutrition Institute, 1146 19th St. NW, Washmgton, DC 20036, 91 pp., $10. Developed for community-based organizations, thiS carefully considered manual offers solutions to the problem of food access In the Inner city. Practical informatIon is given on methods for startIng food cooperatIves, bUYIng clubs, and farmers' markets. Suggestions are made on ways to help prevent local supermarkets from closIng, i.e., by changing the structure of ownership and services. Case studies of successful projects are cited. Lists of funding sources, resource organizations, and useful publications are proVided. PAMPHLET
For Mature Eaters Only, 1981. From National Dairy Council, 6300 North River Rd., Rosemont, IL 60018, 8 pp., 20¢. Overall this pamphlet gives elderly consumers some practical ideas on how to eat well in spite of fixed incomes, chewmg difficulties, and a physiological need for fewer 122
calones. In suggesting ways to reduce energy intake, however, the pamphlet omits recommendation of low-fat meats and darry products.
r\"utrition and Cancer f're\oention: A c.ido to "ood
which could have served to substantiate the information presented and proVided additIonal readIng. Even so, considenng the lack of materials avaIlable on thiS subject, the booklet presents a wide range of tOPICS of use to those caring for handicapped children, and does so In an appealing way.
Nutrition and Cancer Prevention: A guide to food choices, Disogra, C., and L. Groll, 1981. From Northern Cali forma Cancer Program, Box 10144, Palo Alto, CA 94303, 27 pp. , free. Avoiding scare tactics and pronuses of cancer prevention, thiS well-deSigned and easy-to-read pamphlet for consumers describes what SCientists currently know about nutrition and cancer. It discusses the relationships of fat, fiber, additives, alcohol, vitamins and minerals, aflatO}on, and food preparation techniques to cancer risk. Simple gUidelines for good nutntion summanze the information. There are a few inaccuracies in the booklet. It states that saccharin is the only approved low-calorie sweetener currently available (aspartame has recently been approved for certain uses). Also, in attempting to offer alternatives to alcohol, the authors show photographs of only mineral water, a somewhat expensive choice. Overall, thiS IS a evry concise and mformative booklet. PACKET
Nutrition Handbook for Caretakers of the Handicapped Child. 1981. From the John F. Kennedy Institute for Handicapped ChIldren, 707 N. Broadway, Baltimore, MD 21205, booklet for profeSSIOnals, 12 pp. ; 11 handouts for parents, $5.50. Attraclively arranged, thiS booklet contams eleven one-page descriptions of such common problems among handicapped children as feeding, flUid Intake, weight control, and constipation. The controvers i e~ of megavitanun therapy and the additive-free diet are also discussed. In addition, handouts corresponding to most of these same tOPICS are proVided for parents Striking use is made of old-fashioned graphics. There IS a noticeable lack of references
Roly Poly Blues, 1981. From Perenmal EducatIon, 477 Roger Williams, Box 855 -Ravima, Highland Park , IL 60035, Videocassette, 42 mIn. , $300; $30 rental; all Video formats available. With a docu-drama format, thiS professionally produced Videocassette covers the theories of obesity; the genetic, psychological, and behavioral factors aSSOCIated with It; and VariOUS approache5 to treatment. Interviews with phYSICians and obese IndiViduals underscore the seriousness of the problem. The outstandIng feature of the program IS the sensitIve Insighr the viewer gets into the feelings and thoughts of obese per~ons. The Videocassette IS an excellent overview of the problem of obeSity and would be well worth seemg by profeSSionals and the general pubhc alike. It would be particularly useful m hospitals, weight-reducing clubs, clmics, high schoob , and gUIdance a nd counseling center5.
Other Titles of Interest The jollu II'lflg l, sI oj re(('I\'ed edll((J/ionol molen ols does nUl II/IP~I' elldur Selllel1l hy Ihe Suu ely jor NutrllIOn EdllWIIOfi
An Assessment of Ihe Ul1Iled Slale~ Food and A~ncullurol Research Syslelll, Office of Technology Ass es~ ment, 1981 From Supenntendent of Documents, U.S Government Pnn tmg Office, Wa<,hmgton, DC 20402, 212 pp , $7 . Summ a ry repon , 27 pp , OTA-F156, free from Office of Techno logy A ss es~ ment, U S Congress, WashIngto n, DC 20510 Computers /11 NUlntlOn, Dletellcs and FoodserVice Management A hlbliography, Hoover, L W , 1981. From Dept of Human NUlntlOn, Food and Food Systems Management, College of Hom e EconomICs, UniversIty o f Mlssoun , 217 Gwynn Hall , ColumbIa, MO 65211 , 31 pp , spIra l bound, $6 Fmoncwl AId jo/' Mlnonlles m Allied Health, Cofield , L S., and R N. Swann, 1980 From GarreJt P ark Press, Garrett P ark , MD 20896, 58 pp., $ 3 Fmancwl Aldfor Mmonlle5 III SCience, WhIte, S. F , and R. N Swann, 1980 From Garrett Park Press, Garrett Park, MD 20896, 49 pp , .$3 General View of Ihe World Food Siluallon, repnnt ed from Food SilualLOn and Potentwl /I1lh e Aswn and Pacific Region, Pauhno, L., 1981 From Int ernatIOnal Food Poh cy Research InstItut e, 1776 Massachusetts Ave NW , WashIngton , DC 20036, 28 pp., free. VOLUME