Particulars of the steamer penguin

Particulars of the steamer penguin

46 For the Journal of the Franklin Institute. _Particulars (~ the ~S'teamer _Penguin. Hull built by C. lI. Mallory, Mystic, Conn. Machinery by C. II...

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46 For the Journal of the Franklin Institute.

_Particulars (~ the ~S'teamer _Penguin. Hull built by C. lI. Mallory, Mystic, Conn. Machinery by C. II. Delamater, New York. Owners, Commercial Steamboat Company. Intended service, New York to Providence, R. I. tIvL~.-]~ength on deck, from fore part of stem to after part of stem post, above the spar deck, ][}readtb nf beam at midship section, above the m a i n wales,

])eptb of hold, l , e n g t b of engirle space . . . . Floor timber, at throat--molded, 14 ins.--sided 9 to 11 ins. apart at ceutres, '26 ins. ]Draft of water at load line, " " below pressure and revolutions, Tonnage, . . 460~ A r e a of immel'scd midship section at load line of 12 feet, . . 323 sq. ft. Masts and r i g - - t h r e e - m a s t e d schooner. E s ~ a x r : . ~ V e r t i c a l direct (Eriesaon's patent). Diameter of cylinders, two, L e n g t h of stroke, . M a x i m m n pressure of steam in pounds, 30• M a x i m u m revolutions per minute) 70• B o i z E a s . - - O n e ~ R e t u r n tubular, Lengtb. of boiler, Breadth " IIeight " exclusive of steam chimney, N u m b e r of furnaces, 3~ Breadth " L e n g t h of grate bars, N u m b e r of tubes, 93. Internal diameter of tubes, L e n g t h of tubes, } t e a t i n g surface, . ~000 sq. ftl Diameter of smoke pipe, Height " PnopEr, r,l¢a.-Diametm' of sermv, Pitch " L e n g t h of blades, Number 4,

I~emarks.--Spar deck inclosed•

165 feet• 30 10 I0




8 inches.



48 inches. 2 feet.

20 feet. 14 '. 13 " 4








1 I feet 20 " 4 "

6 inches.




6 inches. 6


C. tI. H.

~leetrie Brakes for ~ailroads. The Cosmos mentions the electric brake of M. AcMrd as having been entirely successful, either for ct~ecking or arresting the motion of the trains. With express trains, whose wheels axe making from 400 to 500 turns in ~ minute, the rotation is stopped in ~ seconds and the train slides over ~ distance of from 60 to 80 metres (yards). It will be remembered that a correspondent in a late number of the Jour-