Brain Research 897 (2001) 180–183 / locate / bres
Short communication
Phase-dependent modulation of cutaneous reflexes of tibialis anterior muscle during hopping a, b a a,c,d S. Hauglustaine *, T. Prokop , K.J. van Zwieten , J. Duysens a Department of Anatomy and Physiology, University of Limburg, LUC-Gebouw D, 3590 Diepenbeek, Belgium ¨ Neurologische Universitatsklinik , Neurozentrum, Gangmotoriklabor, Breisacherstrasse 64, 79106 Freiburg, Germany c Department of Medical Physics and Biophysics, University of Nijmegen, P.O. Box 9101, 6500 HB Nijmegen, The Netherlands d SMK-Research, St Maartensclinic, P.O. Box 9011, 6500 GM Nijmegen, The Netherlands b
Accepted 12 December 2000
Abstract During human gait, the amplitude of cutaneous reflexes in the leg is modulated as a function of the phase of the step cycle. In tibialis anterior (TA) the responses to sural nerve stimulation are facilitatory at end stance while they are suppressive at end swing. To investigate in how far this modulation is specifically related to alternating locomotion, the modulation of such reflexes was studied during a symmetric rhythmic movement, namely hopping (as equivalent of galloping). The end-stance facilitation was present during hopping while the end-swing suppression was absent. It is concluded that the end-stance facilitation is not specific for alternating gait. The absence of the end-swing suppressive reflexes may be related to the absence of heel strike in hopping. 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Cutaneous reflex; Sural nerve; Hopping; Tibialis anterior
During human gait it is well known that there is a phase-dependent modulation of cutaneous reflexes from the foot [5,19]. The source of this modulation is unknown. In the cat there is some evidence that the spinal CPG (central pattern generator) for locomotion can underlie the phase-dependent modulation of some cutaneous reflexes [15]. In humans a similar intervention of a CPG-like center has been proposed to play a role as well (see Ref. [9]). During both walking and running, one of the most consistent features of the modulation pattern for flexor muscles such as TA (tibialis anterior) is that the facilitatory responses are largest near the onset of the swing phase while suppressive responses prevail near the transition from swing to stance [5,19]. Do these modulation features depend on alternating gait? To answer this question the present study was undertaken to examine the phase-dependent modulation of sural nerve reflexes during in-phase hopping on two legs. Hopping can be considered the human equivalent of galloping but for technical reasons the experiments were
*Corresponding author. Tel.: 132-11-268508; fax: 132-11-268599.
restricted to in-place hopping. The joint movements resembled those seen during walking and running except for the heel strike which is absent in hopping. A group of five normal subjects (one woman and four men) aged between 20 and 46 years participated in the hopping experiment. The experiments were carried out in conformity with the declaration of Helsinki for experiments on humans. All subjects had given informed consent and had no known history of neurological or motor disorder. The hopping experiment typically started with several short periods of hopping on the treadmill to adjust to the experimental situation. In this period the subject was trained to hop at a comfortable, constant rhythm dictated by a metronome at 2 Hz, which gave a mean cycle time for the whole population of 540.24 ms (S.D. 31.97 ms) during the real experiment. Foot contact with the split-belt treadmill was detected with two built-in force plates. Bipolar EMG activity was recorded in the ipsilateral leg by means of surface electrodes over the tibialis anterior muscle. Between these training periods, during quiet standing, the perception threshold (PT) was determined psychophysically by gradually increasing and decreasing the stimulus amplitude in at least three series.
0006-8993 / 01 / $ – see front matter 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII: S0006-8993( 01 )01999-0
S. Hauglustaine et al. / Brain Research 897 (2001) 180 – 183
The stimulation electrodes were positioned near the middle of the distance between the external malleolus and the Achilles tendon, where the sural nerve is very close to the skin surface. During the experiment the electrical stimulus intensity was set at 23PT. The electrical stimulus consisted of five rectangular pulses of 1 ms given over a period of 21 ms. A custom-made constant voltage stimulator provided the desired stimulus amplitude. The stimuli were varied with respect to the timing of presentation in the movement cycle. Detection of ground contact could trigger the computer to release a stimulus after a certain delay which is a multiplication of one sixteenth of the movement cycle time. So there were 16 stimulus conditions (timing) and every stimulus was presented ten times. Besides the stimulation the computer also measured ten control activities for each time delay. Hence 320 ad random activities were measured. The EMG analysis started with a procedure for the detection of reflex responses. The 10 trials of each stimulus condition were averaged. For each stimulus phase this resulted in one average ‘reflex’ trial and one ‘average’ control trial. The average control trials were subtracted from the corresponding average reflex trials to obtain the ‘pure’ reflex responses [1,5,6,19]. The subtraction technique allowed both facilitatory and suppressive responses to be measured. The mean EMG values within a by visual inspection set time window (see Refs. [1,5,19] for methodology of window setting) were calculated for the average reflex, control and the corresponding subtracted trials. The resulting data underwent both an amplitude and a time normalization procedure so that a proper intersubject comparison could be made. For the amplitude normalization, the EMG data were scaled for each muscle to the maximum control value in the step cycle. For the normalization of the time axis, the step cycle was subdivided into 16 equal intervals (phases). Phase 1 in the hopping experiment is for all subjects the beginning of the stance phase of the ipsilateral leg. The significance of the difference between the control and reflex activity was tested with a student t-test for paired samples. During the hopping movement bipolar EMG signals of the tibialis anterior muscle were obtained. Goniometric devices at ipsilateral ankle, knee and hip joint detected joint displacements. Two built-in force plates detected foot placement of the ipsilateral and the contralateral foot. Fig. 1 shows the experimental data during a period of 1600 ms of the hopping movement of a single individual. The averaged control activity was subtracted from the reflex activity resulting in the ‘pure’ reflex activity. A time window was set by visual inspection around the midlatency reflexes (P2) and the mean amplitude of this time window was measured. In Fig. 2 the pure reflex activity of one subject of the ipsilateral tibialis anterior muscle is shown. The corresponding mean amplitudes of the control activity and the reflex activity of both muscles were measured for each individual and underwent an amplitude
Fig. 1. Rough experimental data of 1600 ms of hopping movement. TAi, EMG of the tibialis anterior muscle ipsilateral to the stimulation; ANKLEi, goniometry of the ipsilateral ankle joint; KNEEi, goniometry of the ipsilateral knee joint; HIPi, goniometry of the ipsilateral hip joint; FORCEi, force implied to the build in force plate at the ipsilateral side. The indicated scale for the EMG trace is 1 mV. The indicated scale for the goniometry traces is 158, with for knee and ankle joint as reference point 908 and for the hip joint 1808. The indicated scale for the force trace is 50 Nm.
normalization with the maximum control activity equal to 100%. The amplitude normalization makes it possible to look upon the mean control and reflex activity of the whole population (n55). During the hopping movement the responses in the ipsilateral tibialis anterior muscle were most strongly facilitated near stance swing transition (phases 7–9). During the other phases of the hop cycle there is no important significant difference between control activity and reflex activity after sural stimulation (see Fig. 3). The present work shows that, for some aspects, the phase-dependent modulation of sural nerve induced responses in TA during hopping is similar to the modulation seen during locomotion. It was seen for TA that ipsilaterally the reflexes are enhanced at the stance swing transition (phases 7–9) which was also seen during running [17] and walking [5,7,18–20]. In accordance with previous work it is proposed that this enhancement of P2 responses prior to the onset of the swing phase reflects an opening of pathways which could assist or exaggerate flexion in the ensuing swing phase [4,7,10]. Supporting this idea it was found that the TA activations were correlated with induced extra ankle dorsiflexion [7,18,20].
S. Hauglustaine et al. / Brain Research 897 (2001) 180 – 183
Fig. 3. Plot of the mean control and reflex activity of the whole population (n55) of the ipsilateral tibialis anterior muscle during the hopping movement. The phases with a significant difference between control and reflex activity are indicated with an asterisk (P#0.05 after a Student t-test for paired samples). Horizontal bars: eccentric phase (gray), concentric phase (black) and swing phase (white). The data were normalized for each subject to improve intersubject comparison. This explains why the mean of the background activity does not always reach 100%.
Fig. 2. The hopping data of the ipsilateral tibialis anterior (TAi) muscles of one subject. Phase-dependent changes in the subtracted and averaged (n510) responses of TAi. Window settings (full vertical bars) show the periods taken for measurement of the reflex activity, starting at about 80 ms after cutaneous stimulation (S; vertical dashed line) during 16 different phases of a hopping cycle.
How is this pre-swing facilitation organized? Does it originate from the output of a locomotor CPG circuitry? Or is the cortex involved, perhaps through activation of a CPG-like circuitry? Cortical involvement in the pre-contraction TA facilitations of reflexes seems to be important since several studies have shown that TA is easily recruited by magnetic stimulation of the motor cortex in periods preceding TA activation either in locomotor tasks [14,16] or at the onset of voluntary contractions [2]. Is this due to a direct activation of TA motoneurons or to an indirect activation through excitatory pathways projecting to these motoneurons? The latter is an attractive alternative since Pijnappels et al. [14] and later Christensen et al. [3] have shown that sural nerve evoked facilitatory responses in TA are potentiated by TMS (transcranial magnetic stimulation) at the transition from stance to swing. Some differences between hopping and alternating gates were observed as well. The suppressive response at end swing seen during walking [5,8] is absent during the hopping movement. Preliminary results [11] on cutaneous reflexes during different locomotion tasks (walking, running and walking with one stiff leg) show that the end stance facilitations are locomotion-related but that the end-swing reflexes differ between the different locomotor tasks. The end-swing suppression of TA during walking is absent during running where more propulsion force is needed. This is also seen in the results of this hopping study where no significant reflex activity of TA at end swing is seen. It is suggested that this is due to the difference in landing (no heel strike in hopping). A preprogrammed cocontraction of the triceps surae and TA
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is seen during the end-swing phase of the hopping movement [12,13]. Both muscles create together a spring unit that enhances the elastic properties of the lower leg during the hopping movement. Suppression or facilitation of the muscle activity would disturb the foot placement in this period of the movement cycle causing lowering of the kinetic energy build-up in this spring unit. Hence it is proposed that the absence of TA reflexes in this phase of the hopping cycle is important to avoid disturbance of the normal hopping movement. It can be concluded that in general the phase-dependent modulation during hopping resembles the one seen during alternating gait except when movements are different (e.g. heel strike).
Acknowledgements We gratefully acknowledge I. Schillings, B. Van Wezel, H. Van de Crommert, A. Boehme and G. Haver for their participation in the experiments. It is also a pleasure to thank U. Roemmelt and U. Moellinger for their pleasant technical cooperation and expert help. This work was supported by a grant from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (BE 936 / 4-1), the Bundesministerium fuer Forschung und Technologie (01 KL 9402), by funds from Esprit (BRA 6615) and by a NATO twinning grant (910574) to J.D.
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