Plasma plasminogen activator inhibitor 1, insulin resistance and android obesity

Plasma plasminogen activator inhibitor 1, insulin resistance and android obesity

Biomed $L Pharmacother 1999 ; 53 : 455-61 0 1999 Editions scientifiques et medicales Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved Dossier: Diabetes and obesity...

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Biomed $L Pharmacother 1999 ; 53 : 455-61 0 1999 Editions scientifiques et medicales Elsevier

SAS. All rights reserved

Dossier: Diabetes and obesity

Plasma plasminogen activator inhibitor 1, insulin resistance and android obesity J.P. Bastard’, L. PiCroni* 2 Laboratoire

’ Laboratoire de biochimie

de biochimie, Hdpital Tenon, 4, rue de la Chine, 75020 Paris; B, Hdpital de Ia Salp&tri&-e, 47, boulevard de l’Hbpita1, 75671 Paris, France

Summary - Plasma plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 (PAL1) levels are elevated in insulin-resistant subjects and are associated with increased cardiovascular risk of atherothrombosis. Strong association between PAI- and the metabolic components of the insulin resistance syndrome is found in clinical studies, suggesting that insulin resistance may regulate circulating PAI-1. However, the mechanisms underlying increased PAI- 1 levels in such conditions are still poorly understood. Several studies have been carried out specifically in patients with central or android obesity, a major characteristic of the insulin resistance syndrome, and have suggested that visceral adipose tissue may be the major component of the relationship between android obesity and PAI-1. Accordingly, adipose tissue PAI- production was found to be elevated in obese human subjects, particularly in visceral adipose tissue. The genetic background for having high PAL1 levels in several populations have been looked for and its role appeared to be weaker than that of the metabolic condition, High plasma PAIlevels are then clearly related to android obesity and insulin resistance, but the mechanisms whereby PAI-I increases in plasma in these diseases remain to be determined. 0 1999 Editions scientifiques et mtdicales Elsevier SAS adipose

tissue / insulin


/ obesity

/ plasminogen


Insulin resistance includes a cluster of risk factors for cardiovascular disease, such as android obesity (adipose tissue predominant in the upper part of the body), hypertension, a high level of very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) triglycerides, low high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol levels and a dense low-density lipoprotein (LDL) particle pattern. All these metabolic components constitute the insulin resistance syndrome described previously by Reaven [72]. More recently, impaired fibrinolysis due to elevated circulating plasma plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 (PAI-1) was also included in the insulin resistance syndrome [40, 731. This abnormality increases the risk of atherothrombotic complications commonly observed in obesity and noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) [41]. Although hepatocytes [ 1,471 and endothelial cells [80] have been suggested to contribute to elevated plasma PAI- levels in insulin-resistant states, the mechanisms which enhance circulating PAI- in obesity are not yet well understood. In the last few years, several studies suggested that visceral fat would be a major determinant in elevated circulating PAI- levels in android obesity. More recently, the expression of PAI- 1 has been



demonstrated in adipose tissue from animal models and humans [54], and the recent demonstration that visceral adipose tissue PAI- 1 expression is increased in obesity appeared to be of particular interest [3]. The genetic approach was also recently performed to explain elevated PAI- in several populations, but the results obtained are controversial [43]. After a brief survey on PAI- characteristics, the recent literature linking insulin resistance, obesity and adipose tissue to PAIwill be discussed. PHYSIOLOGY


Biochemistry PAI- is a crucial element of the fibrinolytic system, as the main inhibitor of tissue-plasminogen activator (t-PA). Physiologic fibrinolysis is involved in the modulation of haemostasis and thrombosis by dissolving clots. Plasmin, a protease which catalyses the destruction of fibrin, is generated from inactive plasminogen, in the presence of activators, mainly urokinase and t-PA [2,53]. t-PA is the most important activator in humans.


J.P.Bastard, L. PiCroni

Its inhibition by PAI- 1, in the absence of fibrin, occurs in a rapid and stochiometric manner, resulting in a covalent bond between the two molecules. PAI- is consumed in the process and is called ‘suicide inhibitor’. PAI- is a single-chain glycoprotein of molecular weight 50,000 and belongs to the serine protease inhibitors (serpins). It is synthesised in its active form in a number of cells, especially in endothelial cells, mononuclear cells, hepatocytes, fibroblasts and adipocytes [48, 761. PAI- is also present in platelets, where it is stored. The majority of blood PAI- 1 is active and circulates in a complex with the glycoprotein vitronectin, which stabilises the active conformation and increases its biological half-life [93]. Regulation

of PAI-


There is a circadian variation of PAI- 1 levels, the highest occurring between midnight and 6 a.m. [48]. The low plasma concentrations rapidly increase in response to a variety of agents and changes in physiological states, indicating that the regulation of PAI- levels is a complex process. In-vitro studies have shown an increase in PAIrelease by endothelial cells, in the presence of several inductors. These inductors are cytokines, such as TNFa [75, 771, insulin and growth factors such as IGF-1 [5, 67, 78, 801, TGFP [77], endotoxin [75, 771, lipoprotein a (Lpa) [26], VLDL triglycerides [61, 821, unsaturated fatty acids [65] or angiotensin II [29, 951 and IV [45]. Injection of TNF-a, TGF-P or insulin in animals induces an increase in PAT- 1 mRNA expression in adipose tissue [55, 75, 761. Furthermore, injection of angiotensin II in humans also induces an increase in plasma PAI- levels [74]. GENETIC



Several polymorphisms of the PAI- gene have been described. They include two dinucleotide (CA) repeats in the promoter and in the intron 4 [22,56], a Hind III restriction fragment length polymorphism [46] and an insertion (SG)/deletion (4G) polymorphism at position 675 of the PAI- 1 promoter [23]. More recently, four other polymorphisms have been identified [36]. They are two G-to-A substitutions at position -844 and +9,785, a T-to-G substitution at position +11,053 and a deletion of nine nucleotides from a threefold repeated sequence between nucleotides +11,320 and 11,345. The most significant association between polymorphism of the PAI- gene and plasma PAI- levels concerns the polymorphism at position 675 in the promoter. Subjects

homozygous for the 4G allele present higher plasma PAI- levels, either in patients with previous myocardial infarction [22, 981, in non-insulin-dependent diabetics [68] or in healthy subjects [27, 981. In patients aged 3545 years, the prevalence of the 4G allele is significantly higher in subjects with myocardial infarction than in controls [27]. However, this relation was not confirmed in patients with myocardial infarction aged 25 to 64 years [98]. In diabetic patients, the correlation between PAI- activity and serum triglycerides is stronger in subjects homozygous for the 4G allele than in subjects heterozygous or homozygous for the 5G allele [68]. Studies on the Hind III RFLP demonstrate that the plasma PAI- 1 level is lower in patients with an additional Hind III site, in controls and in patients with myocardial infarction [22,57]. In healthy subjects, the genotypes A-844G, -675 4G/5G and G+12078A polymorphism are associated with elevated plasma PAIlevels, but insulin resistance has a larger contribution for PAI- variability than polymorphism [36]. Furthermore, no increased risk of myocardial infarction was observed in carriers of the 4G allele and no association was found between the 4G/5G polymorphism and PAI- antigen levels in control subjects, but other cardiovascular risk factors, such as obesity, smoking habits or hypertension are associated with higher PAI- 1 levels [25]. Thus, the contribution of genetic factors to phenotypic variation in PAI- levels has to be considered, though further studies are still required to determine the role of genetic and environmental factors on PAI- 1 levels. PAI- AS A RISK FACTOR FOR ATHEROSCLEROSIS Clinical manifestations of coronary heart disease result from the progressive development of atherosclerotic plaques. Disturbance of the haemostatic system favours vascular damage and thrombus formation at the site of a suddenly ruptured atherosclerotic plaque. Indeed, fibrin deposition induces occlusion of coronary arteries [2 I] and plays a role in the development of atherosclerotic lesions [2, 13, 871. Fibrin is a component of the atherosclerotic plaque. It may contribute to plaque growth by stimulating cell proliferation [64], and binding and accumulating LDL, especially Lpa [83]. Hypofibrinolysis, which increases fibrin deposition, could play a major role in the development of atherothrombosis [42]. In this context, experimental studies have shown that increased levels of PAI-1, which lead to impaired fibrinolysis, enhanced the progression of thrombosis [94], and that antibodies



and obesity

directed against PAI- prevented this progression [52]. Clinical studies have demonstrated an association between high levels of PAI- and myocardial infarction [4, 341 or recurrence of myocardial infarction [35], coronary heart disease [66] and insulin resistance syndrome [43]. PAI-1, OBESITY



A high level of PAI- is associated with obesity, and both PAI- [41] and obesity [7, 371 represent independent risk factors for atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases. To date, the mechanisms underlying increased PAI- levels in obese subjects are unknown. At least three sources of increased PAI- 1 levels in plasma may be involved: adipocytes, liver cells and endothelial cells (figure 1). Previous studies have shown that hyperinsulinemia is associated with high PAI- 1 levels in obesity [90] and non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) [39], suggesting a possible link between insulin resistance and elevated PAI- levels. However, whether insulin acted directly or via insulin resistance to enhance circulating PAI- levels is not clear. PAI-

insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia

Studies performed in vitro have shown that insulin enhances PAI- expression in arterial endothelial cells [79, 801, in human hepatocytes in primo culture [47] and in the Hep G2 hepatoma cell line [ 11, while it is not the case in the human umbilical vein [ 11.Although positive correlations between plasma PAI- 1 levels and fasting insulin were found in cross-sectional studies [89, 903, studies performed in vivo in humans showed that acute hyperinsulinemia did not modify plasma PAIconcentrations [33,5 1,69,96]. Several other studies have examined the relationship between PAI- levels and insulin resistance directly assessed in vivo, either by the hyperinsulinemic euglycemic clamp [49,50,70] or by the minimal model [6, 631, and reported conflicting data. With the hyperinsulinemic euglycemic clamp method [24], Potter Van Loon et al. found that, among the following parameters, insulin resistance, diastolic arterial blood pressure, body mass index (BMI) and waist-to-hip ratio, insulin resistance was the major determinant explaining PAIvariation in obese subjects, diabetic or not [70]. By using the minimal model [12], multivariate analysis showed that plasma triglycerides [6,63] and BMI [63] and not insulin resistance were the major determinants that could explain plasma PAI- variations in males. However, in females the major determinants that could


c/ If







0 Platelets

c7 t VLDL



Figure 1. Plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 (PAI-1) in patients with insulin resistance syndrome. Increased plasma PAI- levels might arise from adipocytes, liver cells (possibly liver with steatosis) and endothelial cells. NEFA: nonesterified fatty acids; VLDL: very low density lipoprotein.

explain plasma PAI- variations were different and more complex since they included triglycerides, HDLcholesterol, BMI and 2 h post-load insulin concentrations [63]. Nevertheless, all these metabolic components are included in the insulin resistance syndrome, particularly lipid abnormalities, which are frequently associated with elevated PAI- levels [40-43,911. PAI-

insulin resistance and lipid abnormalities

Several studies have shown an independent positive correlation between PAI- and VLDL triglycerides after adjusting for potential confounding components of the insulin resistance syndrome [ 18,57,68]. Accordingly, studies performed in vitro showed that VLDL from hypertriglyceridemic subjects increased PAI- 1 production in endothelial cells more importantly than did VLDL from controls [61, 821. These results were also found in liver cells [62]. However, Raccah et al. studied PAI- 1 activity in three highly selected groups of


J.P. Bastard.

hypertriglyceridemic subjects with different degrees of insulin resistance and found that hypertriglyceridemia was not always associated with elevated PAI- levels [7 11. Thus, as for hyperinsulinemia, studies performed in vivo in humans did not confirm results obtained in vitro in culture cells. The antilipolytic effect of insulin, which can be evaluated in viva by nonesterified fatty acids (NEFA) clearance during a hyperinsulinemic euglycemic clamp, is also impaired in insulin resistance [30]. Studies were performed to investigate the relationship between insulin resistance of antilipolysis and alteration of fibrinolysis in several insulin-resistant states [8, 16, 881. They showed that insulin suppression of NEFA during the hyperinsulinemic euglycemic clamp was inversely correlated with plasma PAI- levels [8, 16, 881, suggesting a possible relationship between increased PAI- levels and insulin resistance at the level of lipid rather than glucose metabolism. It was then hypothesized that insulin resistance of adipose tissue, resulting in increased plasma NEFA concentrations, could participate in elevated PAI- levels in obese subjects. Accordingly, unsaturated fatty acids were shown to increase PAI- transcription and secretion in endothelial cells [65]. Regarding the mechanism of the fatty acids on the regulation of PAIgene expression, two recent studies have pointed out the role of the peroxisome proliferator activated receptor-y(PPAR-y) [44,58]. Interestingly, PPAR-yis also the receptor of thiazolindindione, a new class of antidiabetic agent, and seems to be involved in insulin resistance [84]. PAI-

and liver dysfunction

Another mechanism emerged from several clinical studies showing a significant correlation between PAI- levels and gamma glutamyl transferase (GGT) [6, 10, 151. It was hypothesised that liver steatosis was related to elevated circulating PAI-I levels in humans [lo, 151. A strong correlation was also found between PAI- 1 and GGT in insulin-resistant obese subjects [9] in whom steatosis and liver abnormalities were also a common feature [14, 971. However, the mechanisms whereby insulin resistance induces such liver damage, and consequently an increase in PAI- levels, remain unclear. It was hypothesized that insulin resistance of the antilipolytic pathway, with increased NEFA in the portal circulation, was one explanation for the fat deposition observed in the liver in obese patients with or without NIDDM [92]. The relation between insulin resistance of the antilipolytic pathway and PAI- lev-

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els in android obese subjects [8], NIDDM women [ 161 and more recently in hypertensive subjects [88] supports this hypothesis. Hence, the metabolic insulin resistance syndrome, consisting of an increased fatty acid influx into the liver, may overburden the ability of the liver to metabolize or resecrete the fatty acids into the circulation, and so may induce storage of triglycerides within hepatocytes, i.e., liver fat. Interestingly, Cigolini et al. recently found that liver steatosis, evaluated by ultrasonography, correlated specifically with PAI- and suggested that this relation was mediated by concomitant alterations in plasma insulin and triglyceride levels [ 191. Therefore, steatosis could be an additional characteristic component of the insulin resistance syndrome related to increase PAIlevels. PAI-

and adipose tissue

It has been recently proposed that adipose tissue itself may directly contribute to the elevated PAI- levels in obesity [54]. Indeed, several intervention studies have shown a significant reduction in PAI- levels after weight loss either by dieting [17, 31, 59, 851 or after jejuno-ileal bypass [86] in obese subjects. Moreover, it has been shown that the decrease in circulating PAI- levels after weight loss was only related to the degree of weight loss and not to changes in metabolic variables such as plasma insulin or triglycerides [3 1, 591. Therefore, the participation of adipose tissue in the PAI- increase in obesity was highly suggested. Thereafter, the expression of PAI- has been demonstrated in cultured adipose cell lines [55] and in adipose tissue from rodents [75] and humans [3, 281. In addition, it was demonstrated that adipose tissue PAI-I gene expression and release of PAI- were increased in obesity [28], and that visceral adipose tissue produced more PAI- than subcutaneous adipose tissue [3,60,81]. All these results are in line with several clinical studies suggesting visceral adipose tissue as a main determinant of elevated PAI- in humans [20, 32, 381. However, it was recently shown that PAI-I gene expression increased during very lowcalorie diets in subcutaneous abdominal adipose tissue from obese subjects, while plasma PAI- levels decreased [ 111. Therefore, the mechanisms responsible for the increase of PAI- 1 expression in adipose tissue in obesity is still unclear. Additional studies are thus required to elucidate the precise mechanisms involved in the regulation of circulating PAI- levels in obesity, particularly during diet therapy inducing weight loss.

PAI- 1 and obesity

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