Practical Medicine: Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat

Practical Medicine: Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat

BOOK NOTICES mund Carsten of Copenhagen on color perception in various illuminations, and by J. Burdon Cooper on canals in the vitreous; and by Marga...

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mund Carsten of Copenhagen on color perception in various illuminations, and by J. Burdon Cooper on canals in the vitreous; and by Margaret Dobson on "insufficiency of accommodation, a factor in causing cataract". The earlier volumes of these transac­ tions are remarkable for the number and wide variety of clinical cases briefly reported in them. But since the monthly meetings have been replaced by the annual congress, such reports have become the rare exception. How­ ever, this valuable feature has not been entirely lost, for the proceedings of the affiliated societies—Midland, North of England, and Irish—are almost wholly occupied by such cases; there being one hundred and three of them in this volume. The practical common sense character of the transactions is well maintained. E. J. Transactions of the Indiana Academy of Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology, tenth annual meeting, De­ cember 14 and 15, 1927. Edited by the Secretary-Treasurer, C. W. Rutherford, Indianapolis. Paper, 124 pages. This carefully prepared and well printed volume of transactions con­ tains, in addition to some reports, twelve papers including the address of the president, B. W. Egan, C. P. Clark's thoroughly studied case of atypical conjunctivitis tularensis (pub­ lished in this Journal), and a paper by Emory Hill, the guest of honor, on ophthalmologic studies in the diagnosis and localization of brain tumors. An "analysis of the drifting patient" by H. W. Eby, brought out a very amus­ ing discussion of this feature of the practice of medicine. „. „ „ W. ti.


Transactions of the Pacific Coast Otoophthalmological Society, 1927. Paper, octavo, 133 pages, 32 illus­ trations. Published by the Society, Walter F. Hoffman, M.D., secre­ tary. Seattle, Washington, 1928. The nine papers on ophthalmology occupy 77 pages in this volume, and some others are partly for the ophthal­ mologist. Most of the papers are brief


and practical, and gave rise to interest­ ing discussions. The following subjects of especial interest were considered in them: sympathetic ophthalmia, car­ cinoma of the choroid, vision in rela­ tion to industry. There were also longer papers on ocular deviations, their diagnosis and treatment, hypophyseal tumors in relation to eye and nose, binocular corneal microscopy, ex­ traction of intraocular foreign bodies (see this Journal, vol. 10, p. 919), choked disc with intracranial lesions, fundus changes in cardiovascular renal disease. The volume is out earlier in the year than was its immediate prede­ cessor, and compares favorably with it. But the small type in which it is printed prevents it from being impos­ ing in appearance. E. J. Practical Medicine: Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat, edited by Charles P. Small, Albert H. Andrews, and George E. Shambaugh. Series 1927. Chicago, the Year Book Publishers. This annual volume of 526 pages, in­ cluding a careful index, selects some of the essays showing value in the study of the eye, ear, nose, and throat during the previous year; the selections usu­ ally being appropriate. Abstracts on the eye occupy 204 pages. Hereditary anomalies were dis­ cussed by Madge Winslow MacKlin. Burch is given an exhaustive abstract of his paper on ophthalmoscopic evi­ dence of general circulatory disease ("Practically all visible retinal pathol­ ogy results from causes which mani­ fest themselves through vascular changes") which is accompanied by two good colored illustrations. Peri­ odical eye examinations were recom­ mended by W. Holbrook Lowell and Ida Mann. Slitlamp microscopy and photography of the fundus come in for comment from Harrison Butler, Von der Heydt, and Boyce. The psychologic aspect of refraction was discussed by J. F. Edwards, and refraction changes by Ellett. We find quoted some dangerous ad­ vice offered by Lewis Weiss, and that



is the treatment of ophthalmia neonatorum by instillation of four per cent cocaine solution once a day for seven days for prophylaxis; and for treat­ ment the same cocaine solution every two hours or oftener, with no use of the silver compounds, iced compresses, or anything, else except wiping away the discharge. It is to be regretted that this article (of which the editor ex­ presses his decided disapproval) was ever published, and the inclusion of such rank heresy and folly in the pages of a book devoted to the advance of medical science is in the reviewer's opinion a crass error. For some mis­ guided novice in our art may follow the advice of the author, and not only blind the eyes of the babies but subject himself to the accusation of malprac­ tice, and the profession to disrepute. Does not the author know that co­ caine cuts off the canal nutrition and that there is great danger in such oph­ thalmias? Has he had so little experi­ ence that he has never seen exfoliation of the corneal epithelium from the op­ erative use of cocaine? Does any reli­ able practitioner give cocaine drops into the hands of the patient?

and other parts of the world. Only less important is the list of hospitals in the United States that have accepted and carried out the conditions promulgated by the College for hospital standardiza­ tion. There is also much information of interest regarding activities of the College, and the lists of its officers. E. J. OBITUARY Hjalmar Schiotz (Summarized from an obituary by Pro­ fessor Hagen, Oslo, in the Klinische Monatsblatter fur Augenheilkunde.)

Professor Hjalmar Schiotz, inven­ tor of the tonometer, and joint inventor with Javal of the Javal-Schiotz ophthalmometer, died in Oslo, Norway, on December 8, 1927. He was almost seventy-eight years old, and had been actively at work when stricken with apoplexy a few days before his death. His whole life had been devoted to the solution of ophthalmologic prob-

Other papers quoted are by Khanka on intracapsular extraction without iridectomy, Fisher on his modification of the Smith operation, McReynolds on glaucoma and Lane, and also Franklin and Cordes, on radium therapy. There are other eye articles worthy of notice. H. V. W. American College of Surgeons, fif­ teenth year book, 1928. Cloth, oc­ tavo, 868 pages. Published by the College. This volume, which goes out to all the Fellows of the College, is of value as a directory of the thousands of Fel­ lows who are engaged in surgical prac­ tice and the surgical specialties, includ­ ing ophthalmology and otolaryngology. The geographical list of Fellows in­ cludes 945 who are engaged partly or exclusively in ophthalmic practice. Some are given from each of the United States as well as from Canada, Cuba, Central America, Colombia, Bra­ zil, Chile, Peru, Panama, Venezuela,

Professor Hjalmar Schiotz, died December 8, 1927

lems. His tonometer was demon­ strated for the first time in the Nor­ wegian Medical Society in May, 1905, after the inventor had worked on it for three years. The Javal-Schiotz