Precipitation signal in pollen rain from tropical forests, South India

Precipitation signal in pollen rain from tropical forests, South India

Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 114 (2001) 239±258 Precipitation signal in pollen rain from tropical forests, ...

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Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 114 (2001) 239±258

Precipitation signal in pollen rain from tropical forests, South India D. Barboni a,*, R. Bonne®lle b a

French Institute of Pondicherry, BP 33, Pondicherry 605001, India b CEREGE, BP 80, 13545 Aix-en-Provence, France Received 13 June 2000; accepted for publication 7 February 2001

Abstract We have analyzed the pollen content of 51 surface soil samples collected in tropical evergreen and deciduous forests from the Western Ghats of South India sampled along a west to east gradient of decreasing rainfall (between 11830±13820 0 N and 75830± 76830 0 E). Values of mean annual precipitation (Pann, mm/yr) have been calculated at each of the 51 sampling sites from a great number of meteorological stations in South India, using a method of data interpolation based on arti®cial neural network. Interpolated values at the pollen sites of Pann range from 1200 to 5555 mm/yr, while mean temperature of the coldest month (MTCO) remains .158C and humidity factor (AET/PET, the actual evapotranspiration to potential evapotranspiration ratio) remains also included between 65 and 72%. Results are presented in the form of percentage pollen diagrams where samples are arranged according to increasing values of annual precipitation. They indicate that the climatic signal of rainfall is clearly evidenced by distinct pollen associations. Numerical analyses show that annual precipitation is an important parameter explaining the modern distribution of pollen taxa in this region. Pollen taxa markers of high rainfall (Pann .2500 mm/yr) are Mallotus type, Elaeocarpus, Syzygium type, Olea dioica, Gnetum ula, and Hopea type, associated with Ixora type and Caryota. Pollen taxa markers of low rainfall (Pann ,2500 mm/yr) are Melastomataceae/Combretaceae, Maytenus type, Lagerstroemia and Grewia. The proportions of evergreen taxa and of arboreal taxa vary according to rainfall values. Indeed, when rainfall is ,2500 mm/yr, percentage of arboreal pollen (AP) is ,50% and proportion of evergreen taxa is ,20%. When rainfall exceeds 2500 mm/yr, AP values average 70%, and proportion of evergreen taxa increases from 60 to 90%. Moreover, a good correlation between precipitation and proportion of evergreen taxa (0.85) presumes that precipitation can be estimated from pollen data. q 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: modern pollen spectra; taxa markers; precipitation; monsoon climate

1. Introduction This is the fourth paper investigating modern pollen rain from South India. The ®rst study focused on an altitudinal gradient and established a clear distinction between highland vegetation under a mean temperature * Corresponding author. Address: Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry, Postfach 100164, D-07701 Jena, Germany. Fax: 149-3641-643789. E-mail address: [email protected] (D. Barboni).

of the coldest month MTCO ,158C and lowland tropical vegetation (Bonne®lle et al., 1999). The second study focused also an altitudinal gradient, but documented the drier evergreen and deciduous vegetation of the Eastern Ghats hills of South India (Anupama et al., 2000). A more recent study analyzed the pollen response of evergreen forests receiving high rainfall amounts (.2000 mm/yr) to the seasonal aspect of the monsoon climate. It established clear distinction between wet evergreen forests experiencing a dry season ,4 months, evergreen forests under a

0034-6667/01/$ - see front matter q 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII: S 0034-666 7(01)00057-4


D. Barboni, R. Bonne®lle / Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 114 (2001) 239±258

dry season of 4±5 months and semi-evergreen forests under dry season .8 months (Barboni et al., 2001). The aim of this study is to focus on the relation between the precipitation amounts alone and pollen taxa distribution. Thus, in order to limit the effect of temperature and drought stress on the composition of the modern pollen, we have limited our sampling to areas where MTCO . 158C and where 65% , AET/ PET , 72%. AET/PET is the ratio of actual evapotranspiration versus potential evapotranspiration. The precipitation signal recorded in the modern pollen rain from the tropical evergreen and deciduous forests of the Western Ghats of South India will be investigated in order to provide estimates of the monsoon rain intensity. Indeed, variations of the intensity of monsoon rain determine geographical distribution of the forest types in southwest India (Pascal, 1982c). 2. Environmental settings The study area is located in the Western Ghats of South India. It lies between 11830±13820 0 N and 75830±76830 0 E, and corresponds to the coastal regions of South Kanara and Malabar, and to the Coorg and Wayanad regions on the Ghats escarpments and Mysore plateau (Fig. 1). As evidenced by the topographic pro®le drawn in Fig. 2, altitude increases sharply from west to east. In the selected area, maximum elevation of the escarpments is of 1300 m and elevation of the Mysore plateau averages 850 m. 2.1. Climate The Western Ghats are under direct in¯uence of the Asian summer monsoon, which brings heavy rains from May to September. The arrival-withdrawal of the southwest monsoon and the limited inland penetration of the rains create strong south to north and west to east gradients of increasing dry season all over western south India. Moreover, this natural barrier creates a strong west to east gradient of decreasing rainfall (Pascal, 1982c; Gadgil and Joshi, 1983; Singh, 1986; Gunnel, 1997). According to the bioclimatic maps for the Western Ghats (Pascal, 1982c), from west to east of the study area, annual rainfall decreases from .5000 mm/yr to ,1200 mm/yr and dry season increases from 3 to

7 months. Temperature of the coldest month is .238C below 650 m and ,158 above 1500 m. The bioclimatic maps, drawn on the basis of both botanical and meteorological observations, provide the geographical distribution of rainfall, temperature, and dry season climatic regimes. However, they do not provide more precise data than climatic ranges. Mean annual precipitation, as well as mean temperature of the coldest month and humidity factor has been calculated at each pollen sites using a method that will be described in part 3. 2.2. Vegetation The vegetation of our study area is almost entirely mapped on the Mercara±Mysore Sheet produced at scale 1:250000 by the French Institute of Pondicherry (Pascal, 1982a). From west to east, a succession of three vegetation types is present (Fig. 2). Under high mean annual rainfall of 2000 to more than 5000 mm/ yr, evergreen forests are well developed. They are present in the Ghats escarpments, but almost absent from the coastal region where human pressure is strong (Pascal, 1988; Buchy, 1996). Eastward, on the plateau, where rainfall is intermediate (1500± 2000 mm/yr), moist deciduous forests replace evergreen forests. Further east, when rainfall is only poorly sustained by the summer monsoon, moist deciduous forests are replaced by dry deciduous formations, better adapted to low annual amount of precipitation, generally lower than 1500 mm/yr (Arora, 1965; Pascal, 1982c, 1988). In the studied region, low and medium elevation evergreen forests are present. High elevation evergreen forests, not represented here as elevation does not exceed 1300 m are well developed southward in the Nilgiri hills. Low elevation evergreen forests (0± 650 m) are characterized by the abundance of tall trees such as Dipterocarpus, Hopea, Vateria (Dipterocarpaceae), Kingiodendron (Fabaceae), Myristica, Knema (Myristicaceae), Calophyllum, Garcinia, Mesua (Clusiaceae), Drypetes, Fahrenheitia, Macaranga, Mallotus (Euphorbiaceae), Syzygium (Myrtaceae), Palaquium (Sapotaceae), Mangifera, Holigarna (Anacardiaceae), Elaeocarpus (Elaeocarpaceae) and Tetrameles (Tetramelaceae). Small trees and shrubs, such as Humboldtia (Fabaceae), Hydnocarpus (Flacourtiaceae), Aglaia (Meliaceae),

D. Barboni, R. Bonne®lle / Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 114 (2001) 239±258


Fig. 1. Location map of the 51 modern pollen sites in the Western Ghats of South India.

Syzygium (Myrtaceae), Ixora, Psychotria (Rubiaceae) and Olea (Oleaceae) are very common in the undergrowth. Herbaceous components are rare under these closed canopy forests, and lianas, mainly represented by Gnetum (Gnetaceae) and Piper (Piperaceae), are

well developed in the natural openings or at the edges of the forests (Arora, 1964, 1965; Pascal, 1988, 1991). Low elevation evergreen forests are mapped as the type Dipterocarpus±Kingiodendron±Humboldtia, which is a transition between the wet evergreen and the


D. Barboni, R. Bonne®lle / Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 114 (2001) 239±258

Fig. 2. West to east topographic pro®le through the Western Ghats at the latitude 12820 0 N, showing the actual distribution of the forests types and degradations (after the unpublished updated Mercara±Mysore map of Pascal, 1982a).

semi-evergreen forests well developed south of 118N and north of 138N, respectively (Pascal, 1988, 1991). At medium elevation (650±1400 m), evergreen forests are dominated by Cullenia (Bombacaceae), Palaquium (Sapotaceae), Mesua, Calophyllum (Clusiaceae), Aglaia (Meliaceae), Agrostistachys, Mallotus and Drypetes (Euphorbiaceae). Trees of Anacardiaceae, Dipterocarpaceae (Hopea, Vateria), Elaeocarpaceae, Flacourtiaceae, Lauraceae, Myristicaceae, and Myrtaceae are also well represented. Spatial structure of these forests resembles that at low elevation, where tall trees form a closed canopy. Medium elevation evergreen forests belong to the Cullenia±Mesua±Palaquium type, but north of 11855 0 N, Cullenia exarillata disappears (Arora, 1965; Pascal, 1988, 1991). In the region of Agumbe (between 13805 0 N and 13855 0 N), where annual rainfall exceeds 5000 mm/ yr, evergreen forests are constituted by a plant community where Poeciloneuron indicum (Clusiaceae) is the single dominant both at low and medium elevation (between 350 and 1250 m). It accounts for 10 to 20% of the tall trees in association with other species according to altitude zoning (Arora 1966; Pascal 1988). Moist deciduous forests of the Western Ghats are rich in tree species from Buchanania (Anacardiaceae), Careya (Lecythidaceae), Bombax (Bombacaceae), Terminalia (Combretaceae), Emblica (Euphorbiaceae), Cassia (Caesalpiniaceae), Dalbergia (Fabaceae), Acacia, Albizia (Mimosaceae), Lagerstroemia (Lythraceae), Ziziphus (Rhamnaceae),

Grewia (Tiliaceae), Tectona (Verbenaceae). Poaceae, such as Dendrocalamus, Cymbopogon and the bamboo Bambusa are common in the under story. Lianas are rare. The canopy, composed of deciduous trees, is loose (Arora, 1966; Pascal, 1986; Ghate et al., 1998). Further east, dry deciduous forests are nowadays highly degraded due to over-grazing and ®rewood gathering. They resemble woodlands where trees of Careya (Lecythidaceae), Bombax (Bombacaceae), Anogeissus, Terminalia (Combretaceae), Bridelia, Emblica (Euphorbiaceae), Dalbergia (Fabaceae), Acacia, Albizia (Mimosaceae) Grewia (Tiliaceae) and Tectona (Verbenaceae) are very common. Among the herbaceous components, Poaceae such as Aristida, Cymbopogon, Dendrocalamus and Themeda are abundant. Lianas are rare (Pascal, 1986; Ghate et al., 1998).

3. Material and methods 3.1. Pollen data Fifty-one surface soil samples have been collected in the Mercara±Mysore region, along a west to east transect through the Western Ghats escarpments and on the Mysore plateau (Fig. 1). Sample list with details about geographic location (altitude, latitude, longitude) and vegetation (vegetation type, physiognomy, ¯oristic type) is given in Table 1. According to the vegetation maps (Pascal, 1982a,b), distribution of the modern

D. Barboni, R. Bonne®lle / Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 114 (2001) 239±258

pollen samples is the following: 21 samples are from evergreen forests, 10 from secondary moist deciduous forests, and 19 from moist and dry deciduous forests and woodlands. The sampling method of modern pollen rain that has been used consisted in collecting 20±30 subsamples of surface soil, moss pollsters, and aeolian dust deposited in tree hollows, by wandering at random over an area of about 500 m 2. This method is similar to that applied recently for other pollen studies in South India (Bonne®lle et al., 1999; Anupama et al., 2000; Barboni et al., 2001). The chemical treatment of the samples follows the standard method of acetolysis. Pollen counting has been carried out under optical microscope ( £ 500 and £ 1000). The number of grains counted varies from 200 to 600, according to the taxa diversity recorded by the pollen spectra and evaluated during microscope analysis by drawing a curve corresponding to the number of grains counted versus the number of taxa found (Barboni et al., 2001). About 450 pollen grains have been counted for the samples from evergreen forests and 350 for those from deciduous forests. Pollen identi®cation was based on comparison with reference slides available at the French Institute of Pondicherry, photos and descriptions in pollen atlases (Guinet, 1962; Huang, 1972; Vasanthy, 1976; Nayar, 1990; Tissot et al., 1994). 3.2. Climate data The modern values of climatic parameters at each sampling site have been calculated by two different procedures. In the ®rst step, mean monthly values of temperature, precipitation and cloudiness have been interpolated from compiled meteorological data. Among the existing methods of space interpolation, we have chosen the Arti®cial Neural Network (ANN) method, which is adapted to solve non-linear problems such as the relationship between geographic coordinates and climatic parameters, notably rainfall (Guiot et al., 1996; Peyron et al., 1998). The ANN method can be compared to a non-linear multiple regression. From an input signal (here, latitude, longitude, altitude), the ANN is trained by several iterations to give an output signal (here, the climatic variables), with a high ®tting between observed and interpolated data. In the second step, mean annual


precipitation (Pann, mm/yr), mean temperature of the coldest month (MTCO, 8C) and AET/PET (the ratio of actual evapotranspiration to potential evapotranspiration, %) have been calculated with the BIOME1 model of Prentice et al. (1992). AET/PET is a humidity factor that integrates the measure of the seasonality of precipitation and the available watercapacity of the soils (Prentice et al., 1992). It is a biologically meaningful parameter used to estimate the growth-limiting drought stress on plants (Stephenson, 1990). AET/PET proved to be ef®cient to explain the global distribution of dominant plant types (Prentice et al., 1992). The interpolation has been made from two meteorological datasets. The ®rst set corresponds to mean monthly rainfall and temperature data collected by the French Institute of Pondicherry (FIP), from respectively 49 and 16 meteorological stations localized in the hilly region of the Western Ghats. These stations record temperature over 10 to 33 years, and rainfall over 29 (time period 1950±1979) to 79 years (1901±1980). The second meteorological dataset was compiled and homogenized over a period of 30 years (1960±1990) by Leemans and Cramer (1991) (LC). It provides for western South India (8±168N and 74± 788E), the mean monthly values of temperature, rainfall and cloudiness of 22 stations. The combined use of these two data sets, which furnish climatic records over different years and periods, is necessary to calibrate the function of interpolation, especially for rainfall. Indeed, preliminary tests based on the single use of the LC data set produced unrealistic rainfall estimates, due to the fact that LC meteorological stations are located in the coastal region and on the Mysore plateau, i.e. in two different climatic contexts from the one encountered in the Ghats hills. By adding the FIP rainfall data, which are abundant in the Western Ghats, we improved the estimation of rainfall amounts for this particular region. We presume the error induced by non-homogenized FIP records lower than the error that could have been produced by a too low number of stations. Scatter plots of interpolated modern climate versus observed modern climate from the meteorological stations, are given in Fig. 3. We have obtained a good linear correlation of 0.83 between observed and estimated mean annual precipitation (Pann). The mean error of 217.5 mm establishes that the bias

Santhalli Jamedar Kallu Memonkolli Glencoorg Mannageri

West Makut Anapara (a)

Koyanad Mavankatte

Anapara (b)

1 WG32 1 WG22 1 WG21 1 WG27 1 WG26

WG20 1 WG9

1 WG28 1 WG30



Sunkaddakate Kalbavi Doddabbur Mattigadu Alatur RF Hosur Guddehosur Panayambam Titimati Belur Kiribetta Magador Kuruchipotta Vellambam Pakkam

WG1 1 WG2 WG36 WG43 1 WG54 1 WG3 WG40 1 WG5 WG42 WG38 WG31 1 WG41 WG6 1 WG8 1 WG7

1 WG12

Maddur Heb Halla Ponkulli Gonimaru Anechaukur

Location name

1 WG57 1 WG56 1 WG55 1 WG37 WG44

Sample no.

Latitude N 11845 0 28 00 11845 0 00 00 11843 0 58 00 12835 0 38 00 12815 0 00 00 11859 0 16 00 11858 0 15 00 12835 0 20 00 12814 0 06 00 11841 0 49 00 11852 0 30 00 12826 0 16 00 11843 0 30 00 12813 0 01 00 12832 0 42 00 12832 0 20 00 12823 0 45 00 11848 0 10 00 11846 0 15 00 11847 0 31 00 12838 0 45 00 12807 0 01 00 12806 0 00 00 12827 0 10 00 12826 0 09 00 12806 0 00 00 11833 0 14 00 12828 0 08 00 12836 0 28 00 11833 0 00 00 11833 0 00 00

Longitude E

76831 0 01 00 76830 0 00 00 76826 0 58 00 75855 0 37 00 76804 0 08 00

76812 0 28 00 76813 0 30 00 75854 0 03 00 76803 0 07 00 76818 0 07 00 76810 0 15 00 75854 0 00 00 76815 0 00 00 76800 0 10 00 75852 0 40 00 75851 0 03 00 75852 0 30 00 76807 0 58 00 76807 0 58 00 76806 0 00 00

75848 0 10 00 75847 0 31 00 75846 0 44 00 75837 0 01 00 75840 0 19 00

75845 0 28 00 76804 0 15 00

75835 0 38 00 75830 0 00 00

76804 0 08 00

76801 0 51 00



130 170

220 820

1200 600 400 300 730

770 720 940 860 840 740 860 940 860 1010 900 850 760 760 720

900 860 800 960 920

Altitude (m)

Dry deciduous Dry deciduous Moist deciduous Dry deciduous Moist deciduous Moist deciduous Dry deciduous Moist deciduous Moist deciduous Moist deciduous Moist deciduous Moist deciduous Moist deciduous Moist deciduous Sec. moist deciduous Evergreen Evergreen Evergreen Evergreen Sec. moist deciduous Evergreen Sec. moist deciduous Plantations Sec. moist deciduous Sec. moist deciduous Evergreen

Dry deciduous Dry deciduous Dry deciduous Dry deciduous Dry deciduous

Vegetation type

Scattered shrubs



Forest Riparian forest

Forest Forest Dense forest Forest Forest

Savanna woodland Forest Forest Woodland Woodland (only bamboo) Woodland Woodland Woodland Forest Woodland Forest Woodlands, thickets Forest Forest Woodlands, thickets Woodland Forest Forest Woodland Forest


504 505 488 492 495

431 297 479 448 271 486 495 508 495 445 323 502 477 493 490

298 273 297 490 223

(Non-spp. Composition)

(Non-spp. Composition)

(Non-spp. Composition) (Non-spp. Composition)



479 499



29 20

35 35

32 37 36 30 44

28 21 25 21 25 21 26 28 21 34 31 22 32 32 28

26 20 24 26 22

S S Pollen Taxa

Dipterocarpus i.±Kingiodendron p.±Humboldtia b. 481 (Non-spp. Composition) 488

(Non-Spp. Composition) Dipterocarpus i.±Kingiodendron p.±Humboldtia b. Dipterocarpus i.±Kingiodendron p.±Humboldtia b. Dipterocarpus i.±Kingiodendron p.±Humboldtia b. Dipterocarpus i.±Kingiodendron p.±Humboldtia b.

Anogeissus l.±Tectona g.±Terminalia t. Anogeissus l.±Tectona g.±Terminalia t. Lagestroemia m.±Tectona g.±Dillenia p. Anogeissus l.±Tectona g.±Terminalia t. Lagestroemia m.±Tectona g.±Dillenia p. Lagestroemia m.±Tectona g.±Dillenia p. Anogeissus l.±Tectona g.±Terminalia t. Lagestroemia m.±Tectona g.±Dillenia p. Lagestroemia m.±Tectona g.±Dillenia p. Lagestroemia m.±Tectona g.±Dillenia p. Lagestroemia m.±Tectona g.±Dillenia p. Lagestroemia m.±Tectona g.±Dillenia p. Lagestroemia m.±Tectona g.±Dillenia p. Lagestroemia m.±Tectona g.±Dillenia p. (Non-Spp. Composition)

Anogeissus l.±Tectona g.±Terminalia t. Anogeissus l.±Tectona g.±Terminalia t. Anogeissus l.±Tectona g.±Terminalia t. Anogeissus l.±Tectona g.±Terminalia t. Anogeissus l.±Tectona g.±Terminalia t.

Floristic type

Table 1 Geographic location and vegetation of the 51 modern pollen sampling sites. Samples are arranged according to increasing rainfall (see Table 2) and given along with pollen sum and sum of taxa. Attribution to vegetation types is as per vegetation maps (Pascal 1982a,b) and (Pascal, 1991). Pollen samples common to studies on the altitude (Bonne®lle et al., 1999) and seasonal effects (Barboni et al., 2001) are marked by 1 244 D. Barboni, R. Bonne®lle / Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 114 (2001) 239±258


Perambadi Anjilha Tariyode dispensary Anjilha Lakkidi East Periyar (soil) East Periyar (tree) Onchalla Kanda Kunnu Periya (tree) Periya (soil) Manappadu Kuliyangad



Bhagawati Valley Near Nagathita Ganamoda Tala Cauvery

1 WG29

1 WG23 1 WG19 1 WG13

1 WG25B WG15 1 WG17A 1 WG17B 1 WG14 1 WG24B

1 WG24A



WG158 WG159 1 WG25A


1 WG18 1 WG11 WG16A

Location name

Sample no.

Table 1 (continued) Latitude N 12835 0 20 00 12808 0 13 00 11850 0 16 00 11832 0 31 00 11850 0 13 00 11830 0 50 00 11849 0 58 00 11849 0 58 00 12828 0 44 00 11845 0 14 00 11849 0 58 00 11849 0 58 00 11844 0 02 00 12813 0 48 00 12813 0 44 00 13813 0 12 00 13813 0 15 00 13815 0 07 00 13815 0 00 00 12822 0 40 00

Longitude E

75827 0 10 00

75847 0 45 00 75846 0 26 00 75859 0 45 00

75846 0 58 00 76800 0 43 00 75849 0 44 00

75849 0 44 00

75839 0 43 00 75851 0 00 00 75849 0 01 00 75849 0 01 00 75849 0 40 00 75839 0 43 00

75839 0 43 00

75810 0 48 00

75810 0 44 00

75809 0 36 00 75809 0 43 00 75830 0 00 00 1040 1060 1060




1000 740 760 760 820 980


480 800 740

860 320 730


Altitude (m)

Evergreen Evergreen Evergreen


Evergreen Evergreen Sec. moist deciduous Sec. moist deciduous Evergreen Evergreen Evergreen Evergreen Evergreen Sec. moist deciduous Sec. moist deciduous Evergreen

Sec. moist deciduous Evergreen Evergreen Evergreen

Vegetation type

Dense forest Dense forest Forest

Woodlands, thickets Forest


Dense thicket Scattered shrubs Forest Forest Forest Forest


Dense forest Forest Forest

Dense forest Dense forest Forest


Physiognomy 435

Palaquium e.±Poeciloneuron i.±Hopea p. Palaquium e.±Poeciloneuron i.±Hopea p. Mesua f.±Palaquium e.

(Non-spp. composition)

(Non-spp. composition)

(Non-spp. composition)

(Non-spp. composition) (Non-spp. composition) Cullenia e.±Mesua f.±Palaquium e. Cullenia e.±Mesua f.±Palaquium e. Cullenia e.±Mesua f.±Palaquium e. (Non-spp. composition)

(Non-spp. composition)

299 298 500




499 491 486 486 307 502


Dipterocarpus i.±Kingiodendron p.±Humboldtia b. 510 Cullenia e.±Mesua f.±Palaquium e. 639 (Non-spp. composition) 294

22 20 32




39 37 37 37 30 39


32 37 29

41 40 40


S S Pollen Taxa

Mesua f.±Palaquium e. 496 Dipterocarpus i.±Kingiodendron p.±Humboldtia b. 471 Cullenia e.±Mesua f.±Palaquium e. 480

(Non-spp. Composition)

Floristic type

D. Barboni, R. Bonne®lle / Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 114 (2001) 239±258 245


D. Barboni, R. Bonne®lle / Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 114 (2001) 239±258

Fig. 3. Scatter plots of interpolated versus observed modern climate and distribution of the residuals.

induced by the model is weak. Distribution of the residuals indicates that the error of interpolation ranges between 2500 and 1500 mm for 60% of the interpolated Pann. The model of interpolation of precipitation can thus be considered as satisfactory, although low and medium precipitation amounts may be overestimated and high amounts of precipita-

tion slightly underestimated. Extreme rainfall of .4000 mm/yr may be underestimated, most probably due to the fact that only ®ve meteorological stations provide such high records. The correlation coef®cient obtained for AET/PET (calculated only for the 14 meteorological stations that provided cloudiness plus precipitation and temperature data) is of 0.77

D. Barboni, R. Bonne®lle / Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 114 (2001) 239±258


Table 2 Interpolated values of mean annual precipitation (Pann, mm/yr), mean temperature of the coldest month (MTCO, 8C) and humidity factor (AET/ PET, %) for the 51 modern pollen sites located between 11830±13820 0 N and 75830±76830 0 E in the Mercara±Mysore region, Western Ghats, South India Sample No.

Pann (mm/yr)



Sample No.

Pann (mm/yr)



WG57 WG56 WG55 WG37 WG44 WG1 WG2 WG36 WG43 WG54 WG3 WG40 WG5 WG42 WG38 WG31 WG41 WG6 WG8 WG7 WG32 WG22 WG21 WG27 WG26 WG20

1201 1310 1558 1764 1838 1844 1865 1884 1925 1992 2153 2160 2162 2163 2185 2203 2355 2402 2459 2532 2852 3057 3069 3087 3102 3185

20.7 21.0 21.4 20.3 20.5 21.6 21.9 20.4 20.9 21.0 21.7 20.9 20.3 20.9 19.9 20.7 21.0 21.5 21.5 21.8 18.5 22.6 24.0 24.8 21.8 25.2

70.6 71.0 71.4 65.8 67.4 69.4 69.9 65.9 67.6 71.1 70.2 65.6 70.7 67.8 66.7 66.3 65.9 70.4 70.6 70.6 68.5 67.6 68.6 67.0 65.9 69.9

WG9 WG28 WG30 WG10 WG12 WG29 WG23 WG19 WG13 WG18 WG11 WG16A WG16B WG25B WG15 WG17A WG17B WG14 WG24B WG24A WG161 WG160 WG158 WG159 WG25A

3217 3224 3245 3273 3279 3275 3383 3396 3448 3459 3568 3661 3661 3699 3731 3772 3772 4119 4383 4467 4700 4792 5324 5417 5555

21.0 25.9 25.6 20.8 21.7 26.0 20.8 24.5 21.6 23.4 21.1 21.6 21.6 19.8 21.5 21.4 21.4 20.9 19.9 19.7 20.5 20.3 19.6 19.4 19.3

71.7 68.1 67.7 71.8 71.8 67.8 67.7 70.2 70.7 69.3 71.9 69.0 69.0 67.4 69.4 69.0 69.0 69.8 68.7 68.9 67.5 67.8 69.3 69.6 69.9

and is statistically signi®cant with P , 0.002. Residuals between observed and interpolated AET/PET range from 25% to 15% for 57% of the interpolated AET/PET. The best correlation has been obtained for the mean temperature of the coldest month with a linear coef®cient of 0.98 and residuals ranging between 218C and 118C for more than 80% of the interpolated MTCO. Interpolated values of mean annual precipitation, temperature and humidity factor of the 51 modern pollen sites are listed in Table 2. All the sites exhibit a MTCO . 17.58C, in agreement with the climate limits for the tropical domain (Whittaker, 1975). Annual precipitation represented by the 51 pollen sites extend from 1201 to 5555 mm/yr, which ®ts the rainfall ranges given by the bioclimate maps (Pascal, 1982c). Values for the ratio AET/PET range from 65 and 72%, which indicates that although the

length of dry season varies from 3 to 7 months (Pascal, 1982c), rainfall meets 65±72% of the evaporative demand throughout the study area (Prentice et al., 1992). Because MTCO remains .158C, the impact of temperature on modern pollen rain and forest ¯oristic composition should not be signi®cant, as evidenced by previous botanical and palynological studies from South India (Pascal, 1988; Bonne®lle et al., 1999). The importance of the humidity factor AET/PET on modern pollen and plant taxa distribution should not be signi®cant either within the climatic range sampled here. Indeed, values of AET/PET ranging from 65 to 72% fall in the climatic space of a single biome (`Tropical dry forest/Savanna'), according to pioneer biome models (Prentice et al., 1992). A recent pollen study has also demonstrated that within the range 65± 75%, the humidity factor AET/PET has no marked


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in¯uence on the modern pollen rain composition of both evergreen and deciduous vegetation types of tropical south India (Barboni, 2000). In conclusion, our set of modern pollen sites is adapted to investigate the impact of annual precipitation, in that temperature and humidity factors exhibit little variations. 4. Results The pollen analysis of 51 surface samples from evergreen, moist deciduous and dry deciduous forests resulted in a total of 133 pollen types and two spores (trilete and monolete spores). Among the pollen types, 10 are aquatics (Typha), introduced and/or cultivated taxa (Acacia, Alnus, Casuarina, Cocos, Eucalyptus, Mimosa, Pinus, Ricinus, Tamarindus). 4.1. Pollen diagram The pollen diagram presented in Fig. 4, illustrates percentages (calculated excluding aquatics, introduced, cultivated taxa, and spores) of 35 main taxa and botanical markers. Percentages of Arboreal Pollen (AP), Climber (C), Non Classi®ed, i.e. pollen taxa which attribution to plant habit is not certain (NC) and Non Arboreal Pollen (NAP) are represented along with the synthetic diagram (ratio of AP versus NAP). Samples are arranged according to increasing values of annual precipitation, calculated as described above and listed in Table 2. The pollen diagram has been subdivided into three pollen zones. They correspond to three distinct pollen associations. The ®rst pollen zone corresponds to the samples receiving annual rainfall from 1200 to 2500 mm/yr. It is characterized by the regular occurrence of Glochidion pollen type, Grewia, Schleichera oleosa, Trema orientalis, Lannea type and by the abundance of Maytenus type, Lagerstroemia and Melastomataceae/Combretaceae, which may account for more than 50%. Among the herbaceous components, Poaceae are abundant and well represented in all the samples. Cyperaceae are abundant in some samples collected in deciduous forests. The second pollen zone gathers samples receiving high annual rainfall ranging from 2800 to 4500 mm/ yr. This pollen zone is characterized by the abundance of many arboreal taxa such as Syzygium type, Trema

orientalis, Olea dioica, Elaeocarpus, Securinega type, Tetrameles nudi¯ora, Clausena type, Mallotus type, Moraceae/Urticaceae and Melastomataceae/ Combretaceae and the climber Gnetum ula. Other arboreal taxa such as Schleichera oleosa, Lannea type, Ficus, Olea glandulifera type, Celtis, Caryota, Ixora type, Reinwardtiodendron, Hopea type and Calamus type present low abundance but occur in many samples. Poaceae are still well represented, while Cyperaceae are under low percentages. These pollen taxa are associated to high percentages of spores. The third pollen zone corresponds to the samples submitted to rainfall exceeding 4500 mm/yr. The characteristic pollen taxa are Poeciloneuron, with percentages of about 50% and Mallotus type (about 30%). In the sample under highest rainfall (5555 mm/ yr), Poeciloneuron is absent while Syzygium type, Elaeocarpus and Gnetum ula are represented with signi®cant percentages. This sample (WG25A) was collected in a disturbed Mesua±Palaquium forest. In all the samples from this zone, Melastomataceae/ Combretaceae and Moraceae/Urticaceae are recorded under very low percentages (,5%). Percentages of Poaceae may account for 20%, while Cyperaceae are insigni®cant. 4.2. Numerical analysis A correspondence analysis (CA) has been carried out on our data set of 51 samples and 124 pollen 1 spores taxa (unidenti®ed, introduced/cultivated and aquatics excluded) to sort the markers of annual precipitation. In a ®rst step, the analysis has been carried out with all the observations, i.e. 124 taxa. Because scatter plots and contributions to inertia indicated a high contribution from the pollen Poeciloneuron, over-represented in four samples (WG158, WG159, WG160, WG161), a second CA has been carried out excluding it. The new data matrix of 51 samples and 123 pollen 1 spores taxa produced good dispersion of samples and taxa about axes 1 and 2, which all together explain 20% of the total inertia (Fig. 5a). Two groups of samples are clearly distinguished. Group I, at the negative end of axis 1 includes samples from evergreen forests and secondary formations. Group II, at the positive end of axis 1 includes samples from moist and dry deciduous forests. Axis

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III Trilete spores Monolete spores Int/Cultivated Unidentified Other NAP+NC Cyperaceae

NAP Poaceae



Fig. 4. Percentage pollen diagram of 51 surface soil samples collected along a west to east gradient of decreasing mean annual rainfall, in the Mercara±Mysore region, Western Ghats, South India. Pollen types are marked with*.


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Axis 2 8.6 % inertia




18 27


2221 16A 32 20 25A 16B 14 17A 158 17B




159 7 160

161 9 29 19


38 6

44 57 8






28 13

23 15




31 37 1




Axis 1 11.4 % inertia

40 36 42 55


24B 25B



Evergreen Sec. Moist deciduous Moist deciduous Dry deciduous Plantation

-1.5 11 -2.0 -1.0







Axis 2 8.6 % inertia




+ Filicium +




+ +




+ Syzygium + + Aglaia+ + + + + + Otonephelium + + Maytenus + Hopea + + Glochidion + Psychotria + Gnetum + + +Mallotus + + + + Schleichera Mel/Comb + Stereospermum ++ + + + + Lagerstroemia + + + ++ ++ ++ ++ + + + + + + + + Ixora + + Cyper Malvaceae + + + + ++++ + + + ++ + + + +Neonauclea + + + + + ++ + +Grewia Tectona + + + ++ + + + + Euonymus Caryota + + Olea dioica +

0.5 0.0 -0.5 -1.0

Axis 1 11.4 % inertia





Absolute contribution > 163 on axis 1

Trilete spores

-2.0 -1.5








Fig. 5. Dispersion of the samples (a) and pollen taxa (b) about factorial axes 1 and 2, produced by CA on raw counts corresponding to 51 samples and 123 pollen taxa (Poeciloneuron excluded).

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CA (51 samples, 123 taxa) (Poeciloneuron excluded)



CA (51 samples, 124 taxa)



Axe 1 - fact. coordinates

Axe 1 - fact. coordinates

2 R = 0.67

1.0 0.5 0.0



-2.0 spectra with 50% Poeciloneuron


-0.5 -1.0

-4.0 0









Pann (mm/yr)






Pann (mm/yr)

Fig. 6. Axis-1 factorial coordinates of the 51 samples versus interpolated annual precipitation (Pann, mm/yr), obtained by CA, (a) with 123 pollen taxa (Poeciloneuronexcluded from the observation dataset), (b) with 124 pollen as observations (Poeciloneuron included).

1, which explains 11.4% of inertia, clearly separates out forests receiving high rainfall of 2500±5500 mm/yr, from those receiving low rainfall of 1200±2500 mm/ yr. Axis 2, which explains 8.6% of inertia separates among the evergreen forests. However, no particular group of samples can be distinguished to allow interpreting axis 2 as an environmental gradient. We have plotted on Fig. 6a, axis 1-factorial coordinates of the 51 samples according to their corresponding interpolated value of annual precipitation (Pann,

mm/yr). This ®gure shows that Pann decreases from negative to positive end of axis 1. The high correlation factor of 0.67 that has been obtained clearly indicates that axis 1 represents a rainfall gradient. Dispersion of the pollen taxa about axes 1 and 2, as well as their contributions to inertia are given in Fig. 5b and Table 3. The pollen taxa with absolute contribution to inertia greater than twice the mean (2 £ 10,000/123) are considered as markers (Fenelon, 1981). Taxa having a relative contribution greater

Table 3 Absolute and relative contributions on axis 1 of pollen taxa markers of evergreen and deciduous forests Contributions on Axis 1 Taxa markers A Evergreen

Mallotus p Elaeocarpus Trilete spores Syzygium p Olea dioica Gnetum ula Hopea p

B Deciduous

Melasto./Combr. Maytenus p Lagerstroemia Cyperaceae

Abs. . 163 720 599 562 401 253 209 192 3160 931 903 242

Taxa associated

Rel. . 10%

Caryota Ixora p

18.2 11.5

Grewia Malvaceae

16.4 14.0


D. Barboni, R. Bonne®lle / Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 114 (2001) 239±258

than 10% are considered as associated markers. These criteria are similar to those applied in earlier palynological studies in India (Bonne®lle et al., 1999; Anupama et al., 2000). As shown by Fig. 6a, axis 1 represents a rainfall gradient. Hence, Mallotus type, Elaeocarpus, Syzygium type, Olea dioica, Gnetum ula, Hopea type and Trilete spores, which contribute strongly to de®ne negative end of Axis 1 can be considered as markers of high annual precipitation (.2500 mm/yr). Maytenus type, Melastomataceae/Combretaceae, Lagerstroemia, Malvaceae, Cyperaceae and Grewia, which contribute strongly to de®ne positive end of axis 1 are markers of low annual precipitation (1200±2500 mm/yr). These taxa, as well as the associated markers Caryota and Ixora type from group A and Grewia and Malvaceae from group B, are characteristic of evergreen and deciduous forests respectively. These two groups of taxa correspond well to pollen zones I and II in the pollen diagram (Fig. 4). 5. Discussion and conclusions 5.1. Distinction between forest types As evidenced by the percentage pollen diagram and the correspondence analysis, pollen rain from evergreen and deciduous forests carry very distinct pollen signal. Among the evergreen forest types, the particular Poeciloneuron facies is clearly distinguished, while low and medium elevation evergreen forest types do not exhibit marked differences in their pollen signature. 5.1.1. Evergreen forests Evergreen forests are clearly identi®ed by Mallotus type, Elaeocarpus, Syzygium type, Hopea type, Olea dioica, Gnetum ula, Caryota and Ixora (Table 3, Fig. 4). These pollen taxa, which highest percentages occur in samples from areas under rainfall .2500 mm/yr have been de®ned by CA as markers of evergreen forests. They represent tall trees of the canopy and small trees and shrubs from the undergrowth and re¯ect the ¯oristic composition of Western Ghats evergreen forests (Pascal 1988), described in part 2. Among them, only Hopea type, which includes also Vateria represents the

Dipterocarpaceae family, although Dipterocarpus is the dominant canopy tree of the evergreen forests at low elevation. Despite discrepancies in the pollen representation of Dipterocarpaceae, and other dominant families, such as the Lauraceae and the Annonaceae, evergreen forests types exhibit several other pollen markers that enable their distinction, as already evidenced in other pollen studies from South India (Bonne®lle et al., 1999; Barboni et al., 2001). Pollen rain from low and medium elevation evergreen forests exhibit only few differences. Pollen spectra record under small proportion the presence of Cullenia and Palaquium, although they may account for 80% of the tall trees in evergreen forests at medium elevation (Pascal, 1988; Ganesh et al., 1996). The lack of signi®cant differences in the pollen rain between low and medium elevation evergreen forests was expected as all the pollen sites are submitted to a MTCO .158C. Indeed, when MTCO becomes ,158C, that is around 1500 m of altitude, temperature becomes a limiting factor to the development of certain plant taxa such as Gnetum ula and Tetrameles nudi¯ora, and thus induces marked changes in the pollen rain (Bonne®lle et al., 1999). Modern pollen rain from degraded evergreen forests, mapped as secondary moist deciduous forests (Pascal, 1982a,b), is characterized by the mixed occurrence of pollen taxa characteristic of deciduous and evergreen forests. Indeed, Schleichera oleosa, Glochidion type (which represents also Emblica) and Lagerstroemia occur in all the pollen spectra from secondary forests, along with typical evergreen components. Dispersion of the samples produced by the CA evidences that disturbed evergreen forests present a pollen signature intermediate between that of true evergreen and deciduous forests (Fig. 5a). Disturbance is marked in the pollen rain by the relative abundance of taxa representing light-loving and pioneer species, which development is favored by a loosening of the canopy in evergreen forests, in agreement with previous pollen study (Barboni et al., 2001) and botanical observations (Pascal, 1986, 1988; Ghate et al., 1998). 5.1.2. Poeciloneuron facies The abundance of Poeciloneuron indicum, which represents up to 45% of the trees in the evergreen forests from the region around Agumbe (Arora, 1966; Pascal,

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1988), is well marked in the modern pollen rain by high percentages of Poeciloneuron pollen taxa (50%). Although Poeciloneuron facies occur in a region submitted to extreme monsoon precipitation of .5000 mm/yr (Pascal, 1988), numerical analysis evidences that pollen signature of this facies is not to be linked with climate. Indeed, as shown in Fig. 6b, rainfall and dominance of Poeciloneuron taxa in the modern pollen rain are not correlated. The numerical treatment carried out on modern pollen data attests what has been suggested by botanists, who attempted to explain the particularity of such forest ¯oristic composition, by the combined effects of soil properties (high iron and alumina contents) and Poeciloneuron high relative competitiveness to colonize the environment (Kadambi, 1942a,b; Pascal, 1988). 5.1.3. Dry and moist deciduous forests Modern pollen rains of moist and dry deciduous forests are both characterized by the abundance of Melastomataceae/Combretaceae pollen taxa. Proportions of Melastomataceae/Combretaceae average 50% in the dry deciduous forests, about 40% in the moist deciduous forests, while they do not exceed 10% in evergreen forests (Fig. 7). Such high percentages convey the abundance of Anogeissus spp. and Terminalia spp. (Combretaceae), which are the main upper canopy trees in deciduous forests (Pascal, 1986). Pollen rain from deciduous forests is also identi®ed by the relative abundance of Glochidion type (most likely attributed to Emblica of®cinalis), Grewia and Maytenus, which represent well the common trees and shrubs of the Anogeissus±Tectona±Terminalia and Lagerstroemia±Tectona±Dillenia forest types (Pascal, 1986). Lagerstroemia, which cannot tolerate intense dryness, is recorded in the pollen rain only in moist deciduous forests, i.e. when annual rainfall is .1500±1800 mm/yr, in agreement with botanical observations (Pascal, 1986). The typical moist deciduous species, Tectona grandis and Dillenia pentagyna are rarely recorded in the pollen rain, which may be explained by the weak preservation of Verbenaceae pollen grains and/or weak pollen production. Aside from two differences, i.e. higher proportion of Melastomataceae/Combretaceae and absence of Lagerstroemia in the dry deciduous vegetation, pollen signatures of moist and dry deciduous forests are


very close, as evidenced by the sample dispersion produced by the correspondence analysis (Fig. 5). The pollen taxa Melastomataceae/Combretaceae, Maytenus type and Lagerstroemia, which present highest percentages in samples under rainfall of ,2500 mm/yr, have been de®ned by CA as pollen markers of deciduous forests. Melastomataceae/ Combretaceae and Maytenus type, along with other taxa such as Glochidion type, have also been de®ned as markers of deciduous woodlands in a previous pollen study from eastern South India (Anupama et al., 2000). Cyperaceae pollen taxa has been de®ned by CA as a marker of deciduous forests in this study, while it has been de®ned has a marker of evergreen forests elsewhere (Bonne®lle et al., 1999). Although in the study area Killinga triceps and Cyperus niveusis are commonly found in dry regions (Gamble, 1957), many other Cyperaceae are ubiquitous and develop locally in humid areas and marshy places. The environmental or climatic information carried by this taxa, being limited by the family taxonomic level of identi®cation is thus ambiguous. Hence, although in temperate and boreal regions Cyperaceae pollen taxa contributes to de®ne speci®c biomes (Edwards et al., 2000; Tarasov et al., 2000; Thompson and Anderson, 2000; Williams et al., 2000), it might not be considered as a reliable marker for the tropical vegetation types of south India. The increased abundance of herbaceous components, which follows the loosening of the canopy as we move from evergreen to deciduous forests (Pascal, 1986, 1988; Ghate et al., 1998) is marked by the decreasing proportion of arboreal pollen. Indeed, while AP averages 70% in the evergreen forests, their proportion rarely exceeds 50% in the deciduous forests where the herbaceous and grassy undergrowth is plentiful. This ®ts the proportions of AP for evergreen and deciduous forests in the tropics, both from Africa (Vincens et al., 1997), South America (Rodgers III and Horn, 1996), South India and Sri Lanka (Gupta and Yadav, 1992; Chauhan, 1994; Vincens et al., 1997; Bonne®lle et al., 1999; Anupama et al., 2000; Barboni et al., 2001). Pollen signal of evergreen and deciduous forests are also discriminated by the relative abundance of evergreen and deciduous pollen taxa. Indeed, the proportion of pollen taxa that represents evergreen plants or


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Fig. 7. Synthetic pollen diagram for ecological groups of taxa. The evergreen/(deciduous) group represents the taxa or pollen types including evergreen/(deciduous) plants or plants common in evergreen/(deciduous) forests. The groups represent trees, shrubs and climbers, as well as NC pollen taxa when information concerning phenology was known. Herbs (NAP) are not included in any groups. The group `Evergreen and/or Deciduous' includes taxa and pollen types representing both evergreen and deciduous plants. `Undetermined' represents AP and NC taxa for which phenology or ecology could not be determined.

plants common in evergreen forests is largely greater than 60% in evergreen forests, of about 20% in moist deciduous forests and less than 10% in dry deciduous forests, as clearly evidenced by the synthetic pollen diagram drawn in Fig. 7. Proportion of

evergreen taxa in the pollen rain from secondary forests is close to that of undisturbed evergreen forests. However, when evergreen forests are degraded to woodlands or thickets, proportion of evergreen taxa may be less than 20%, in agreement

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Table 4 Correlation between the climatic parameters Pann (mean annual precipitation), MTCO (mean temperature of the coldest month), humidity factor (AET/PET) and various attributes of pollen spectra. Values signi®cant at P , 0.01 are printed in bold type. Critical values of r…df ˆ 51†: 0.36 (P , 0.01) PANN PANN MTCO AET/PET Proportion of evergreen taxa Proportion of deciduous taxa Proportion of AP S Taxa



Proportion of evergreen taxa

Proportion of deciduous taxa

Proportion of AP

S Taxa


0.06 20.01

0.85 20.06 0.14

20.60 0.17 20.15 20.77

0.73 0.15 20.02 0.80 20.37

0.25 0.12 20.02 0.43 20.39 0.39

with the fact that when openings are created, the shade-loving evergreen species are replaced by pioneer species including deciduous species (Ghate et al., 1998). The three distinct pollen associations re¯ect the ¯oristic composition of deciduous and evergreen forests, and the particular Poeciloneuron facies, although strong biases exist between pollen rain and vegetation. As already noticed in previous pollen studies, although the pollen signal emphasizes the presence of pioneer species such as Mallotus and do not record signi®cantly the characteristic trees of evergreen forests, several pollen taxa can be de®ned as markers of the vegetation (Bonne®lle et al., 1999; Anupama et al., 2000; Barboni et al., 2001). 5.2. Precipitation signal in the modern pollen rain Correspondence analysis carried out on our pollen data has evidenced that modern pollen rain composition is closely linked …r 2 ˆ 0:67† to mean annual rainfall (Fig. 6a). In the study area, where drought stress magnitude is limited (AET/PET ranging between 65 and 72% only), although the length of dry season increases eastward from 3 to 7 months, the vegetation responds to an increasing mean annual rainfall by (1) an increased evergreenness, (2) an increased tree cover density and (3) by an increased ¯oristic diversity (Pascal, 1988, 1991; Ghate et al., 1998). When Pann is ,2500 mm/yr, vegetation is characterized by an abundance of deciduous plants (Pascal, 1986). Similarly, the modern pollen rain displays high proportions of about 80±90% of deciduous taxa (Fig. 7). When Pann reaches 2500 mm/yr, deciduous

forests are replaced by evergreen forests. The pollen rain shows similarly an abrupt increase in the proportion of evergreen taxa which passes from ,20 to .80% (Fig. 7). Table 4 shows that the proportion of evergreen taxa is highly positively correlated with Pann (10.85, P , 0.01). When mean annual rainfall increases, the percentage of evergreen taxa represented in the pollen rain increases. In turn, the proportion of deciduous taxa decreases. Pann is better correlated with the proportion of evergreen taxa than with the proportion of deciduous taxa (20.60, P , 0.01), in that the abundance of deciduous taxa is also function of the disturbance level of a forest as discussed above (Ghate et al., 1998). Increased tree density harbored by the forests from the high rainfall zones of the Western Ghats is marked in the pollen rain by an increased proportion of arboreal pollen (AP). As shown in Table 4, the proportion of AP is highly positively correlated with the proportion of evergreen taxa (10.80, P , 0.01) and with Pann (10.85, P , 0.01), which re¯ects well the fact that highest tree densities occur in evergreen forests from the highest rainfall zones (Pascal, 1988; Ghate et al., 1998). Increased ¯oristic diversity occurring in the Western Ghats evergreen forests, is recorded in the pollen rain by an increased number of pollen taxa (S taxa, Table 1). Table 4 shows that increasing evergreenness recorded in the pollen rain corresponds to increased diversity of the pollen spectra (10.43, P , 0.01). This is in agreement with ecological observations (Ghate et al., 1998). However, it should be noted that Pann and pollen spectra diversity are not directly correlated. Taxa diversity is also highly


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positively correlated with the proportion of AP (10.39, P , 0.01), which may be an artifact due to the fact that many herbaceous taxa are not identi®ed beyond the family level, such as the Poaceae and Compositae, or that we cluster two families (e.g. Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae). This result may also indicate that our knowledge of non-arboreal pollen taxa (NAP) need to be improved to properly estimate the diversity of a vegetation through the taxa diversity (Barboni et al., 1999). In this paper, we show that the humidity factor AET/PET, which ranges from 65 to 72%, had no in¯uence on the pollen taxa distribution, neither has MTCO which remains .158C, when Pann increases from 1200 to .5000 mm/yr. A recent pollen study has shown that when mean annual rainfall is greater than 2500 mm/yr, the seasonality of precipitation (expressed here by the humidity factor AET/PET rather than by a number of dry months) discriminates within the type evergreen, three distinct pollen signatures which characterize well the Western Ghats wet evergreen, evergreen and semi-evergreen forests (Barboni et al., 2001). Here, our results evidence that when mean annual rainfall is lower than 2500 mm/yr, the seasonality of precipitation has no in¯uence on the proportion of evergreen or deciduous taxa (r not signi®cant). Mean annual precipitation is most likely the limiting factor to the development of evergreen forests rather than the drought stress induced by too long dry season, in agreement with botanical observations (Pascal, 1988, 1991). To conclude, the signal of precipitation in the modern pollen rain from the tropical forests of South India, is clearly marked by distinct pollen associations that characterize well the distinct evergreen and deciduous forest types. Numerical analysis has evidenced that modern pollen rain composition is closely linked to annual amounts of precipitation and that pollen taxa such as Mallotus type, Elaeocarpus, Syzygium type, Gnetum ula, Hopea type, Olea dioica and Melastomataceae/Combretaceae, Lagerstroemia and Maytenus type are climatically sensitive taxa that should allow quantitative pollen-derived precipitation estimates. However, it must be taken into account that the climatic domain studied here is not representative of a wide range of environmental variables and that it is therefore necessary to enlarge the dataset of modern pollen spectra to other regions

where temperature and drought stress conditions are different. It is interesting to note that these pollen taxa have been recorded in modern and fossil pollen spectra from South East Asia (Van der Kaars, 1991; Van der Kaars and Dam, 1995) and northeastern Australia (Crowley et al., 1994; Kershaw, 1994; Kershaw and Bulman, 1994; Moss and Kershaw, 2000; Van der Kaars et al., 2000), and that along with others they provided precipitation estimates (Kershaw and Nix, 1988). The modern pollen rain from Western Ghats tropical evergreen and deciduous forests records the increased abundance of evergreen plants, as well as the increased tree density and ¯oristic diversity, which follows an increased mean annual precipitation. Acknowledgements We greatly acknowledge the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the French Institute of Pondicherry (FIP), which authorities provided grant to D. Barboni, and CNRS for ®nancing R. Bonne®lle salary at Pondicherry. We thank Indian authorities from the Forests departments of Kerala and Karnataka for permit to collect samples and ®eldwork facilities. At FIP, our best thanks are due to S. Sabaraj and S. Prasad from the palynological laboratory, for technical assistance in pollen preparation and identi®cations. J. Guiot provided useful comments for the climate data interpolation. References Anupama, K., Ramesh, B.R., Bonne®lle, R., 2000. Modern pollen rain from the Biligirirangan-Melagiri hills of southern Eastern Ghats, India. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 108, 175±196. Arora, R.K., 1964. The Botany of Coorg Forests, II. Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences, India 34B, pp. 100±112. Arora, R.K., 1965. Ecological notes on the Coorg District, Western Ghats. Indian Forester 91, 722±742. Arora, R.K., 1966. The vegetation of South Kanara District, Western Ghats, India. III. Evergreen Type. Journal of the Indian Botanical Society 45, 304±316. Barboni, D., 2000. Signal pollinique et climat de mousson en Inde du Sud. TheÁse de Doctorat, Universite d'Aix-Marseille III, France; Annexes 1 192 p. Barboni, D., Bonne®lle, R., Gimaret, C., Chuine, I., 1999. Biodiversity - Methodological aspects, XV INQUA Congress, Durban, South Africa.

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