FrancesM_ LUSSIER,
Deportment of CRemiby. Mmuchusetts bstitute of Technology. Gunbridge. Mwachuserts 02139. US-4
and Thomas F. DEUTSCH Lincoln Laborutory. MrssacimsettsInstitute of Technology, Chnbridge,Massachsetts 02173. USA
Received 8 May 1978 ‘I’he f=wmcY, power. ad pressure dependenceof infraredmultiphoton absorption in vinyl chloride has been investigated. The effect of collisioon~is to aflow more energy to be coupled into the haer-pressure sampIes, which causes the yieId of the laser-induced HCl elimination reaction to increase with vinyl chloride pressure.
1. Introduction A large number of chemical reactions are known to be readily induced by multiple infrared photon absorption. Unimolecular isomerizations and decompositions, in particular, require the absorption of sufficient energy from the infrared field by an individual molecule to overcome the activation barrier for the reaction. In the most widely studied example of such a process, namely, F atom elimination from SF6 , many investigators [l-4] have concluded that the energy deposition and reaction yield depend only on the integrated intensity, or fluence (a) of the laser pulse incident on the sample. AIso, the effect of gas collisions is uniformly deleterious, in that the reaction yield is degraded at higher pressuresz. Among the other multiphoton reaction systems that have been studied is the chloro-substituted ethylene family, in which the principal reaction is elimination of HCl to leave acetylene 161; the prototype of this reaction is that of vinyl chloride 171. r The &I-I-T. work was supported by the Off%e of Advamxd Isotope Separation, U.S. Department of Energy, under Contract EY-76-S-02.2793. The Lincoln Laboratory portion of this work was supported by the National Science Foundation. *A good +mary of these data Is given in fis. 9 and 10 of ref. [5].
+ HCI.
In order to understand the mechanism of this process, we have investigated the dependence of infrared anergy deposition on laser intensity and absorber pressure, and also the dependence of overall reaction yield on pressure. Optoacoustic methods have proven to be extremely useful for studying energy deposition @-lo], and were used in this investigation. The results indicate that the peak intensity of the laser pulse has an important effect on the multiphoton absorption process, and that collisions between reactant molecles improve, rather than detract from, the overall dissociation efficiency.
2. Optoacoustic
Experiments were carried out with two separate systems. One, at Lincoln Laboratory, used a Lurnonits model 8Oi TEA CO2 laser having a 186 ns pulse with a 1 ccs long tail. The beam was collimated by a telescope and passed through a 10 cm long stainless steel cell with an electret condenser microphone in a side port [S]. The second, at MI-T., used a Tachisto 215G CO2 Iaser having a 45 ns pulse, and the beam was brought to 2 soft focus in the sample by means of a telescope consisting of two Ar-coated Ge lenses. 277