Abstract Among the investigations of fatigue crack growth a topic of particular interest is the decrease in growth rate (crack retardation) which normally follows a high overload. In this paper the basic features of the retardation phenomena are briefly summarized and then attempts for a probabilistic model for crack growth with retardation are presented. Fatigue crack growth is characterized by random cumulative models. First, a random cumulative model with underlying birth process (elaborated recently by Ditlevsen and Sobczyk) is described; the retardation due to an overload is modelled by modification of infinitesimal growth intensity of the birth process; then a cumulative model with exponential decay is reported.
1. Introduction It has been recognized that an important mode of structural failure due to time-varying loading is fatigue damage. The mechanical fatigue appears also as significant deteriorating effect of random vibrations (Crandall, Mark, 1963). It occurs because of the successive incremental reduction of the response measures as a result of crack growth in each load repetition. Today, the modelling and analysis of fatigue cracks in structural elements is one of the central issues of ongoing research in engineering mechanics. However, the traditional fatigue crack propagation laws are based on fixed stress level fatigue experiments (mostly, a constant amplitude homogeneous cyclic loading) and they do not take into account so called interaction effects due to variable-amplitude loading (single or repeated overloads, step loading, programmed block loading, random loading etc.). Of particular interest is the decrease in growth rate (crack retardation) which normally follows a high overload. As pointed out by many researchers this retardation can have a significant influence on the fatigue life of a structure. When the retarding effect of peak overload on crack growth is disregarded, the prediction of material life is usually very conservative. So, as it was also underlined in (Scharton, Crandall, 1966) it is very desirable to understand and
mathematically describe the peak overload mechanisms and the transient interaction effects. However, all researchers investigating the retarding effects agree that retardation in fatigue crack growth is a highly complex phenomenon and that no satisfactory model has been developed to account for all the observed behaviour (cf. Wei, Shih, 1974; Stouffer, Willimas, 1979). In this report we wish to describe the possible probabilistic modelling of the retarded crack growth. First, the basic features of the retardation phenomenon shall be briefly summarized and then (Section 3) a modelling by use of a stochastic reasoning will be presented together with analytical results concerning the statistics of a crack size. 2. Retardation in fatigue crack growth Although the effects accompanying load interactions are of permanent importance in the prediction of fatigue life of various structural components, the micromechanisms of the retardation phenomenon are not yet clearly understood. In this situation the basic knowledge is drawn from the experimental results which provide an essential information about the influence of overload on the fatigue crack growth in real materials. The most important conclusions drawn from the observations reported in recent papers on fatigue crack growth retardation can be verbalized as follows (cf. Bernard, Lindley, Richards, 1976; Jones, 1973, Schijve, 1976, Ditlevsen, Sobczyk, 1985). 1. Almost all investigations have revealed that retardation occurs above a threshold overload value in all materials and specimen geometries. The threshold level, the lowest overload level at which significant retardation occurs, is generally around 40 to 60% overload relative to the baseline ATmax, where Kmax is the maximum stress intensity in periodic loading. 2. Positive overloads introduce significant crack growth retardation, but in general, longer retardation is generated by: (i) increasing the magnitude of the overload, (ii) repeating the overload during the crack propagation period, (iii) application of blocks of overloads instead of single overload. 3. Negative overloads (compressive stress conditions) have a relatively small effect on crack growth. But, when a tensile (i.e. positive) overload is followed immediately by a compressive overload, the effect of crack growth retardation is greatly diminished. Most of the prediction methods is based on the assumption that only rising tensile load ranges cause growth. 4. Most often, crack growth retardation does not occur immediately after an overload. This is usually called as delayed retardation. Delayed retardation does not always occur, and some authors have provided evidence of an immediate decrease in propagate rate. 5. Retardation in crack growth is affected by a broad range of metallurgical, loading and environmental variables and it is very difficult to separate contribution of each. In particular, the retardation clearly depend on the ductility of the material;
if ductility of an alloy is controlled by heat treatment, a lower yield strength will produce longer retardation. As loading factors are concerned, the experiments show a permanent reduction in growth rate with increasing stress biaxiality. Numerous investigations have made effort to treat the retardation phenomenon quantitatively. Since the stress intensity factor range, A K, turned out to be very useful in theoretical prediction of fatigue crack growth for constant amplitude loading the modelling of fatigue crack growth under irregular loading (including single or multiple overloads) is usually also based on various modifications of AK. However, most of the analyses of retardation, to date, used data fitting techniques in conjunction with the effective plastic zone size or the effective crack opening. In this context the Wheeler model and the crack closure model of Elber are the most notable (cf. Sobczyk, Ditlevsen, 1985). It should be emphasized, however, that there is no agreement concerning the ability of satisfactory prediction of real fatigue crack growth by these models (cf. Robin, Louah, Pluvinage, 1983, Schijve, 1976).
3. Probabilistic modelling 3.1. Stochastic cumulative birth model It is likely that one reason that the existing quantitative descriptions of retarded crack growth are not satisfactory is that these models are deterministic while the fatigue crack growth process was recognized as highly complicated random phenomenon. So, it is essential to look at crack growth processes from a more general point of view taking into account an inherent randomness of the phenomenon. Such approach leads to the representation of the crack growth by a suitable stochastic process. In the paper by Sobczyk and Ditlevsen (1985) the authors have presented a stochastic cumulative model with underlying birth process. The sample of the material is regarded as a system whose fatigue states are described by the stochastic process L(t, y), where L(r, y) is interpreted as a length of a dominant crack at time t\ y e T where T is a space of elementary events (sample space) on which the probability is defined (for each y G T , L(r, y) represents a possible sample function of the crack length). Since crack grows mainly due to a sequence of events occurring randomly in time and since the fatigue is a cumulative process we represent the crack size at time t as L(t, y) = L 0 + Y^y)
+ Y2(y) + ...+ YN{uy)(y)
where L 0 is the initial crack length (sufficient to propagate), Yj(y) = Z\L ; (y) are the random partial crack increments and N(t, y) is an integer-valued stochastic process characterizing a number of crack increments in the interval [0, / ] . It is assumed that Y;(y) are independent and identically distributed non-negative random variables with the common distribution G(y). Randomness of the fatigue crack growth process is, therefore, taken into account through the probabilistic mechanism of the transition from one state to another (process N(t)) and by the fact that elementary increments are allowed to be random. Since in modelling of fatigue it is essential the
growth intensity be state-dependent the process N(t, y) is assumed to be the birth process (originating in the theory of population growth). In the case of homogeneous periodic loading the infinitesimal intensity of N(t) is assumed as Xk = X°k
(* = 1 , 2 , . . . , X ° > 0 )
which means that the probability of transition from state k to k + 1 in the interval (/, t + At) is proportional to state k. The averaged crack size grows exponentially with time and the rate of this exponential growth can be related to the basic characteristics of the loading and material properties. Let us consider a more general case when the crack growth is generated by periodic loading with n overloads of different magnitude which are sufficiently separated to assure that retardation is effectively over after each overload. Although some sequence effects can, in general, occur the influence of the peak overload sequence will be neglected; this sequence effect is often considered secondary as compared to the stress magnitude effects (Porter, 1972). In this case the growth intensity is postulated to have the form \ , = A,(0 = ^[A°-A0,(r;r1,r2
A0/.(f;/„....O= Eft,(')ne-*-'')//,(r-r,)
/= 1
= (l>
e, + r,
10, otherwise where f/ + 1 - tl > T, and 0 < A 0/ < A0. The factor /*,-(/, f )> suitably bounded, describes the retarding effect of an overload at t = tt (/ = 1, 2 , . . . , n); a, is a decay parameter associated with /th overload. A delay 0, in retardation can likely be assumed to be the same for each overload, i.e. 0t = 6. The retardation magnitude function JLI(/, f) depends on time t and a collection of relevant variables denoted symbolically by f (e.g. the overload ratio, the stress biaxiality etc.). The parameter T, is the retardation time associated with /th overload; when t = tt + rt the growth rate comes back to its level just prior to the overload. A situation which is often investigated experimentally is concerned with the blocks of overloads. It has been observed that when the blocks of overloads are applied instead of a single overload a longer retardation is obtained. If the n overload blocks are separated enough it seems to be justified to characterize this case by the retarding intensity (eq. 4 and 5) where /, is a characteristic instant for an /th overload block and /!,-(/, f) is replaced by /*,•(/, f) = /?,/!,,(/, f) where /?,-> 1 describes the block effect. Also the retardation times T, should be modified adequately. If the time intervals between overloadings are not long enough to assure independence of the retarding effects the situation is much more complicated. In
this case the retardations are less obvious as seen at the crack growth curve. In fact, the effects of interaction of overloadings can be either positive (retardation) or negative (accelerated growth). The existing experimental results give no clear indication of how to characterize quantitatively the interaction effects of overloading. Many mechanisms seems to contribute to these effects and it is difficult to recognize and separate them. It is observed that reapplication of a high overload after a previous one early enough before the retardation from the previous overload has become effective, may considerably reduce the crack growth retardation. A possible way of modelling the crack growth under periodic loading with irregularly occurring overloads (within the cumulative birth model described above) has also been proposed in (Sobczyk, Ditlevsen, 1985); the "birth" growth intensity has been represented as (6)
= +(t)X(t9y)\k
where X i n t (0 is an interaction factor and characterizes an overall effect of irregularity of peak overloads and the load history. Since these effects are random A int (r) is represented according to eq. 6 where X(t, A) describes random effect of overload interaction. 3.2. Statistics of crack size The probability distribution of the crack size can the obtained by calculating first the characteristic function of process 1. The first two moments are given by the formulae (( • ) denotes the average value) (L(t))
= L0+(N(t,
y))(Y(y) 1
= L0+e *'\ <)
(7) 2
< )
,,( )
v a r L ( 0 = e" ' var Y + (Y) e" ' [e ' - 1] where (cf. Sobczyk, Ditlevsen, 1985):
i j ( / ) = f'\(s)ds
and X(t) is the time-varying factor in the birth intensity. In the case of homogeneous periodic loading A(?)=A° = const.
and in the case of multiple (separated) overloads \(t)=\°-\0L(t;
where \0L(t; *,,...,?„) is given by eq. 4 and 5. Of course, in case of eq. 10 7](t) = \°t and = L 0 + < y > e x " ' var L(t) = e v ''{var Y + (Y)2(ex"'
- l)
In the case of eq. 11 r,(0=A°/- EM,(n^[e-^-e-a'('-'-»]//,(/-0 /=1
where it has been assumed that \i(t, f) = ju(f). The model described above needs appropriate empirical verification by comparison with data from the experiment in which the crack growth is treated as random cumulative process. The characteristics of the model such as statistics of random elementary increments as well as the properties of the infinitesimal growth intensity A should then be estimated from the data. Since such a methodology is a future matter the parameters of the model should be related to the existing experimental predictions (cf. Sobczyk, Ditlevsen, 1985). In particular, the retardation time r occurring in the model (and equal to: T = —Nrel) can be expressed in terms of CO
parameters occurring in the Wheeler empirical model according to which
CP= where
= " ~
' _ ,
* + rpo ~ L>
Q? = l,
r ^ s - L
and rpi = current plastic zone (in the z'th cycle); Ll = current crack size; rpo = plastic zone size caused by overload; L* = crack size at which overload occurred; m = empirical (data fitting) constant; s = L* + r r The number of cycles, 7Vret, over which retardation occurs (after each overload) has been estimated from the above formulae. In particular (since L, « L* (cf. Broek, Smith, 1979), Cp « ( — )m) it can be shown that r
where = — — - is the overload ratio, Km.dx is the maximum stress intensity in a ^ max, /
given cycle, Kmax0 is the stress intensity at the overload, a = 2 IT for plane stress and a = 6TT for plane strain. 3.3. Stochastic cumulative model with exponential decay Let us assume that in the absence of overloadings the crack is growing according to constant amplitude fatigue crack growth low and at time t the crack size is characterized by LCA{t)\ LCA(t) can be regarded as deterministic or random. The retardation due to overload can be accounted for by assuming that the net crack size is considered. If we supppose that the retardation due to overloads occurs
with a delay 6, and that the magnitude of the retardation due to a particular overload is random, the crack size at time t can be represented as: L(t,y)
f„ / 2 , . . . , f f I ) ,
= LCA(t)-L0L(t,y;
L o t ( / . y ; / „ . . . , / „ ) = ZX,(>^,y)e-"l{"'')H,(t-t,)
where « denotes a number of overloads and /,, (/: = 1, 2 , //) expresses the instant of occurance of /th overload. X,(t, f; y) is random factor characterizing the magnitude of retardation at time / due to /th overload which occured at / = /,-; it depends on time / and collection of variables denoted symbolically by f. The step function Ht(t — tt) is defined by eq. 5. For each fixed / and f the retarding factors Xj(t, f; y) are assumed to be mutually independent, non-negative, random variables. To obtain the probability distribution of a crack size at arbitrary time / is convenient to calculate the characteristic function L{t)(u) of the process L(/, y) given by eq. 17 and 18. If LCA(t) is deterministic, then */.„>(«) = e i , l L " ( ' V ( - « )
where fc>L(-«)=
£ * * , ( - « e-'('-'''//,(r-/,.))
/' = 1
Differentiation of eq. 19 with respect to w and use of the well known relation between the moments and derivatives of the characteristic function leads to the following expressions for the mean and the variance: <£.(/, Y)> = LCA(t) varL(r,Y)= £
+ E < * , ( ' , S; Y » e- a - ( '-'-»//,(/ - r(.)
var[X,(/, f;
2 Y )] e- "'<'-''>//,(, - /,)
To make the model described above effective one needs to have statistics of the random retarding factors Xt(t, f; y) estimated from experimental data. The retardation parameters a, are inversely proportional to the retardation times T, discussed in the previous sub-section and expressed in terms of the existing data (associated with the Wheeler empirical model). It is clear that the analysis can be extended to the more general situation where Xj(t, f; y) are dependent random variables and LCA(t) is a stochastic process. It seems that the model can also be modified to include the effects of interaction of irregularly occurring overloads.
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