LJ. F. 1..
nf the ISSTITUTE, Tiresdny,.!ìq+iemher r6, zS90.] HALL OF THIZ FRANKLIN INSTITUTE. I’HILAIXLPHIA, September 16, 1890.
Mr. T. C. Palmer,
in the Chair,
Members present. Prof. E. F. Smith. Mr. Reuben IIaines, Dr. D. K. Tuttle, Prof. N. Wiley Thomas, &Ir. A. A. Moore, Mr. Lee K. Erankel, Br. Wm. H. Wahl, Mr. Fred. E. Ives. Prof. R. L. Chase, Mr.A.T. Eastwick, Mr. G. L. Norris and four visitors. Dr. Tuttle proposed the name of Cabell Whitehead, of the Mint Bureaqof Washington, as an associate member of the section ; the name was referred to the Committee on Admissions. Dr. Wahl presented the paper by Dr. Masser, of Los Angeles, Cal., on “ The Curve of the Elements,” which was to have been read by Dr. Persifor It was read by title, and on motion it was decided to refer the article Frazer. to a special committee for publication. The President named Dr. WahI, Dr. Hall and Prof. Smith as members of this committee. Mr. Reuben Haines then read a thoroughly-prepared paper on “The Use Some interestof Galvanized Iron in the Conveyance of Drinking Water.” ing results of the analysis of water conveyed in galvanized pipes were presented, and also a careful review of the most important literature on the The paper was referred for publication in the JO~XSAL. subject. An interesting discussion followed in regard to the immunity enjoyed by workmen engaged regularly in handling poisonous metals and their com. pounds. Dr. Wahl instanced, as a remarkable example of this, the contintta’ inhalation by the workmen in the galvanizing works of zinc chloride vaPors* produced by throwing ammonium chloride upon the surface of the molte* zinc in the operation of galvanizing iron. Dr. Tuttle called attention to the carelessness in regard to health show* by workmen in white lead works. Remarks were also made by the President and by Mr. Reuben Haines. WM. C. DAY, .%O’~&Y~ Adjourned.