Proceedings of the fourteenth stated meeting

Proceedings of the fourteenth stated meeting

Feb., i9o2. ] ScF[I'o]Is. I 59 SECTIONS. ( Ahsh'ads o f Proceedings. ) S E C T I O N OF P H O T O G R A P H , " A N D MIcROSCoPv.--Proeeedings of t...

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Feb., i9o2. ]


I 59

SECTIONS. ( Ahsh'ads o f Proceedings. ) S E C T I O N OF P H O T O G R A P H , " A N D MIcROSCoPv.--Proeeedings of the thirteenth Slated A[eelitzg, held Thursday, December 5, 19Ol. Dr. H e n r y Left'm a n n in the chair. Present, 31 ulembers. On motion, it was resolved to ask the Board of Managers for an appropriation of $75 for the expenses of the Section for the year I9O2. The Executive Committee was directed to report at the next stated nleeting nominations for oËficers of the Section to serve for the year 19o2. Mr• Wanner presented a communication on the m a k i n g of " Reversed Pictures and their Development in Actinic L i g h t . " The speaker showed some samples of reversed pictures, and also demonstrated tile development of these pictures before the meeting. Dr. Leffmanu called attention to a communication of.Professor Nipher, lately read before the St. Louis Academy of Science, a copy of which was laid Oll the table for inspection by members. Sir. \Vilbert showed some samples of uorlnal and reversed negatives, and called attention to the wide range of exposure that was possible, using the sanle plate and normal developer. Mr. Samuel Sartain invited attention to several pictures that he had made accidentall;/. These were developed in the dark room. The subject was further discussed by Messrs. Leftmann and Ridpath. Mr. I". E. Ives followed with a description of a novel stereogram, for which lie proposed tile name of tlle Parallax Stereogram, and described the method of taking the pictures. (See the ffomwal, January, I9O2). Dr. Leffnmnn called attentiou to the programs arranged for the succeeding meetings. Adjourned. M . I . WILBb;RT,

Secrcta,y pro tom. Proceedings of the fourteenth .gta/cd 3L'e/ileg, Thursday , January 2, 19o2. Dr. Charles 17. Himes in the chair. Present, 22 members and visitors. The retiring l'resident presented his aunnal address, the subject being " Photographic Permanence and the Wink of the Amateur Plaotographic Exehauge Club of I86O-64." The paper was fully illustrated with a number of prints made upwards of forty years ago. The annual report of the Section, prepared by the Executive Coumlittee, was read and approved. The same Committee reported a list of nominations of officers of the Section for the year 19,~2, which was approved, and the Seeretary was instructed to cast the ballot of the uleeting for the nominees. The following gentlenlen were thereupon declared elected to the offÉces set opposite their names : t'residctzl--Dr. H e n r y Leffmann. Uice-l°residenls--F. E. Ives, J. \V. Ridp:tth. .S~,cretary--Martin I. \\'ilbert. ('o*zsetz'alor--I)r. Wahl.



[J. F. I.

The meeting ordered the incorporation in the Section's records of the following tribute to the memory of the late J o h n G. Baker, Vice-President of the Section, viz.: " T h e members of the Section of P h o t o g r a p h y and Microscopy desire to record their sorrow for the death of their fellow-member and Vice-President, J o h n G. Baker. Our~memory of him is not only of his geniality and sincerity, but also of his integrity and his zealous work in the interest of the Section from the first hour of its existence. " Our published records contain numerous contributions from him, supplementary to, and descriptive of, valuable and novel plans in photography. By his death w.e have lost an active and companionable associate, and photographic art and science has lost an industrious votary. Adjourned. M A R T I N I. gILBERT, Secretary. MINING AND ~,IETALLURGICAL SEcTIoN.--Proceedings of the Stated Meeting held Wednesday, January S, I9O2, Prof. F. Lynwood Garrison, President, in the chair. No quorum being present, the papers of the evening, viz., t h e Annual Address of the retiring President a n d the " Pocono Coal of Berkley and Morgan Counties, %V. Va.," by Mr. William Griffith, Mining Engineer, Scranton, Pa., were read by title. WM. H. WAHL,

Seoelary pro tern. MECHANICAL AND ENGINEERING SEcTioN.--Proceedings of the Staled Meeting~ held Thursday, January 9, 19°2. Mr. A. M. Greene, Jr., in the chair. Present, 42 members and visitors. The annual election resulted in the election of t h e following : President--A. M. Greene, Jr. Vice-Presidents--Arthur Falkenau, Charles Day. Secretary--Daniel Eppelsheimer, Jr. Conservator--Dr. Wahl. The principal communication of the evening was read by Prof. E m o r y R. Johnson, University of Pennsylvania, on " The E n g i n e e r i n g and Commercial Features of the Isthmian Canal." The speaker discnssed the work of the I s t h m i a n Canal Commission, and gave a summary of the results embodied in its report, and commented on the relative merits from the engineering and commercial standpoint of the several projects for the passage of the Isthmus. (The paper will appear in the Journal). Mr. Francis Head followed with a paper on " T h e Use of Fuel Economizers in Connection with Steam Plants," which was fully illustrated with the aid of lantern slides. DiNIEL EPPELSHEIMER, JR.,

Secretary. ELECTRICAL SEcTIoN.--gtaled Meeling" held Wednesday, January i6th, 8 P.M. President Morris E. Leeds in t h e chair. A communication on " The Mechanical Efficiency of Illumination " was presented by Mr. Thomas Spencer. Dr. E. F. Roeber opened the discussion of the subject of " S o m e General Principles Concerning the Design of Galvanic Cells." Messrs. Henry, Reed, and Stine participated in the discussion. The election of officers to serve the Section for t h e year I9o2 was postp o n e d until the stated m e e t i n g of February. R I C H A R D L. BINDER, Secretary.