Proceedings of the second anniversary symposium

Proceedings of the second anniversary symposium

692 nook ~vmws P. K. KAnnt (editor), The development of weak interaction theory; M. S. ROS~ (editor), Nuclear orientation (Gordon & Breach, New Yor...

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P. K. KAnnt (editor), The development of weak interaction theory; M. S. ROS~ (editor), Nuclear orientation (Gordon & Breach, New York, 1964. xxv-286 p., xiv-321 p. each $ 4.95) Two further volumes of the new "International Science Review Series" whose aim it is to issue collections o f reprints of important papers on definite topics. The selection is preceded by an explanatory introduction by the editor. This is a useful type of publication; the books are well-produced and solidly bound. L.R.

Proceedings of the second anniversary symposium (MATSCIENCE, Madras, 1964.) The symposium held in Madras in January 1964, and attended by a number of Indian and foreign physicists and mathematicians, covered a very wide field o f problems: there were sections on symmetries, on the different types of interactions and on the many-body problem. The texts of the introductory lectures (except two) and of the communications have now been made available in one of these Matscience Reports, whose intrinsic value is higher than their outward appearance. Most of the contents o f the present report are published in different form in various periodicals, but the more condensed presentation here given of some of the problems will be found very useful. This is perhaps an occasion to call attention to the Reports on recent experimental data (in high energy physics), drawn up with great competence by K. Venkatesan, and issued every month by the Madras Institute o f Mathematical Sciences: this activity o f the Institute is a distinctive service to the community of physicists, which does credit both to the author of the reports and to the enterprising director of the Institute, Prof. A. Ramakrishnan. L.R. A. MICHALOWICZ, Cin~matique des rdactions nucldaires (Dunod, Paris, 1964. xiv- 178 p. 25 F) Ce manuel de format de poche, tr~s bien imprim6 et reli6, rassemble sous forme pratique les diverses formules de passage entre le syst~me du laboratoire et le syst~me barycontrique, et autres relations cin6matiques utiles, tant dans le cas relativiste qu'/t rapproximation non-relativiste. II contient des diagrammes et des tables qui en augmentent encore l'utilit6. L.R. I. M. GUELFANDand G. E. CHILOV,Les distributions, tome 2 (Dunod, Paris, 1964. xiv-258 p. 42 F) Le premier tome de cotte traduction du grand trait6 de Guelfand et Chilov sur les distributions (qui doit en comprendre cinq) a ~t6 signal6 clans co journal (34 (1962) 696). Dans co compte-rendu, quelques critiques do forme avaient 6t~ pr6sent~es: il est particuli~rement agr~able de constater qu'on en a tenu compte dans le present volume; la chose est trop rare pour ne pas m6riter une mention! Lc contenu de co tome est essentiellement une extension consid6rable des classes d'espaces topologiques servant de base ~ la d~finition des distributions, comme espaces duals des espaces consid&~s. Ainsi, on peut disposer de diff~rents types de distributions a d a p t ~ ~t la solution de diff6rents problames (qui feront l'objet des tomes suivants). Cecipermet entre autres d'approfondir la th~orie des transformations de Fourier et des notions connexes, telles que la transformation de Hilbcrt, si importantes pour le physicien. Une partie substantielle du livre est consacr6e aux fonctions analytiques enti~res d'un nombre quelconque de variables, qui, trait~es comme distributions, admettent une transform6e de Fourier. I1 s'agit ici d'un ouvrage vraiment fondamental, qui fera longtcmps autorit6; il est heureux que cctte traduction le rende plus accessible aux math~maticiens et atLx physiciens th~oriciens. L.R.