Production and consumption of coal and lignite

Production and consumption of coal and lignite

654 CURRENT TOPICS. It is, of course, easier to construct such a thermopile, but it is not considerate of the needs of the one who must use such dev...

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It is, of course, easier to construct such a thermopile, but it is not considerate of the needs of the one who must use such devices. With this thought in mind, the writer constructs his • ermopiles of bismuth and silver 3 with the " cold " junctions exposed freely in the air, and having vanes symmetrical with the " h o t " junctions, which is an important, if not the most important, desideratum in thermopile construction. The additional labor involved in constructing such a thermopile is compensated for by a greater ease of operation with a highly sensitive galvanometer, such as is required in energy measurements in the extreme ends of the spectrum. Production and Consumption of Coal and Lignite. (Board of Trade Journal, Jan. 3o, I913.)---Pr~duction.--The production of coal in the five principal coal-producing countries of the world i n 19o9, 191o, and 191I was as follows, in tons of 2240 pounds: Countries

United Kingdom ......... Germany ................. France .................. Belgium ................. United States ............

I9o9 Tons.

191o Tons.

263,774,000 146,397,ooo 36,519,ooo 23,14o,ooo 4I 1,432,ooo

264,433,000 150,372,oo0 37,030,000

IgII Tons.

271,899,ooo "158,164,OOO 38,023,000





* Provisional figures. ~"Including lignite.

In the United Kingdom, Germany, and France the production in I9II exceeded that of any previous year, while in Belgium it fell below that of any of the five previous years. The average annual output in the above-mentioned countries was 87o,ooo,ooo tons in the five years 19o6-191o, an increase of over 17o,ooo,ooo tons on the average of the previous quinquenninm. Of the other countries, Russia alone has a production exceeding 2o,ooo,ooo tons yearly. The total known production of the world (exclusive of brown coal or lignite) was about I,O5O,ooo,ooo tons in i9II. Consumption.--In 191I the consumption of coal was as follows: United States (including lignite), 425,422,0o0 tons; United Kingdora, 184,859,ooo tons; Germany, 133,437,ooo tons; France, 57,133,ooo tons; Russia, 28,298,000 tons; Belgium,, 24,I26,ooo tons. Lignite.--The statistics of lignite production show that the chief producing countries are Germany, Austria, and Hungary, which in 191o produced 68,43o,oo0 tons, 24,729,o0o tons, and 7,6IO,ooo tons respectively; in 1911 the output in Austria was 24,859,ooo tons, with 72,575,ooo tons in Germany. The lignite produced in the United States is included in the figures for coal. Coblentz, Bull. Bur. Standards, 9, P. 7, 19 I2-