Progress in liver diseases, 9th edn

Progress in liver diseases, 9th edn

407 The ninth editton of ‘Progress m Liver Diseases’ will serve as a memorial to Hans Popper who bad been its editor, with Fenton Schaffner. partic...

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The ninth editton

of ‘Progress m Liver Diseases’ will

serve as a memorial to Hans Popper who bad been its editor, with Fenton Schaffner. particularly


own contribution,

before his final illness. in a stimulatrng

chapter on the “relation hepatic ep’thelium

bile ductuler

their pathology.

of mesenchymol cell product;

systems”. It contains an up-to-date

view of the morphology erating

since 11sinception in 196,. it is

that he had been nblr to make tus

to re-

and function of resting and prolifand the relation


of eicosanoida


85 years old he still had the

ability to speculate about future research and, in his chap-

trlx mterwnon

in hepattc fibrosts. Tbc mfluence of HLA

express,“” has also been considered. This editton

of ‘progress m Lwer

game anion?.


thi\ book are devoted to consideratmn hepatitis viruse? (A, 8. D and non-A, srlentlfic

able contributions

and periductular garding



and the possible thera-

in bile ductular Further




and the liver are given m another

from both B

drug metabolism

carcinoma. and biliary

the gecirrhosis,

methods for the study of mher-

ired and mcrabolic disorders of the liver Although

tt haa not been possible to mention all of the

38 chapters of the 9th edition of ‘Progress in Lwer


eases’ there IS no dcubt that there is something for everyone interested in hepatic research. The book is well pro-

chapter. New aspects relating the morphology

of the pathologt-

duced and has comprehensive bsts of references. It should

cal liver are presented in chapters describing (I) a comput-

t,r readily available

er system for


two-dimensional structure,

of the different


on hepatocellular

net~cs of hepatx

cells to hepatocytes


and chn~cnl point of view. Thcrt: are CU,Wwlu-

and the use of molecular

peutic use of leukotrienes

bile secretion

As might he expected, more than 150 of the 719 pages of

mine :he mechanism whereby signals are transferred bile ductular


cholestasls, and the syndrome of hepatic cnccphalopathy

ter, discusses the design of experiments required !o deterfrom

Diseaws’ continues to

provide an update in such topics as hepatic uptake of or-

the three-dimensional profiles

in his?o,ngic vxtioos,

function and regulation

stic endothelial

reconstruction (ii)

of the

of the feneatrae of bep-

cells. and (iii) the importance

of cell ma-

thar ,lO”S.

to a,, serious students in the field of

and will prove mvaluable

to those updating

own chapters and reviews or writmg grant applico-