Public Health Ophthalmology. Conference for the Prevention of Impaired Vision and Blindness. Paris, May 1974

Public Health Ophthalmology. Conference for the Prevention of Impaired Vision and Blindness. Paris, May 1974

115 BOOK REVIEWS VOL. 81, NO. 1 his neurology, pediatrics, and emergency room services. C H E E L. H O 1974. Edited by Claude Albee Frazier. Flush...

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VOL. 81, NO. 1

his neurology, pediatrics, and emergency room services. C H E E L. H O

1974. Edited by Claude Albee Frazier. Flushing, New York, Medical Examination Publishing Co., Inc., 1975. Paperbound, 442 pages, table of contents, index. $15


This third edition of an annual review brings together all the recent advances in allergy and immunology that have occurred during the preceding year. Forty-eight authors have written 31 chapters on such diverse subjects as basic and clinical aspects of immunology; injection therapy for atopy; food allergy; nervous system hyper­ sensitivity; endocrinology and hypersensi­ tivity; pulmonary function; ear, nose, and throat allergy; psychological aspects of allergic disease; and ocular allergy. Each section begins with an overview followed by a consideration of the publications from the year and a bibliography that ranges from two dozen to over 200 articles cited depending on the chapter. The chapter on ocular allergy, written by Alexander S. Vogel and Irving H. Leopold, presents an overview of mechanisms of im­ mediate and delayed hypersensitivity and then a consideration of articles published during 1972 and 1973.

While the idea of a comprehensive re­ view of the entire field of clinical im­ munology is an admirable one, and the individual authors seem to have done their best, the editing is poor. There seems to have been no attempt to eliminate duplica­ tion of explanations of basic immunologie mechanisms from chapter to chapter, some chapters are fragmented and poorly written while others are well done and extensively documented. The bibliographies are not re­ ported in a uniform manner; some have no titles, others do. The ocular allergy section is sketchy, misses more of the immunologie articles during the 1972-1973 period than it docu­ ments, and emphasizes heavily the work of the Leopold group (almost half of the references in the section). The book's greatest value is in the bibli­ ographies at the end of most of the sections, which are useful as a current reference work. For those interested in clinical im­ munology in one of the sub-specialties and who would like to have a taste of clinical immunology in a field far from their own, this text provides an inexpensive way to learn something about a field such as im­ munology of the ear, nose, and throat. Those who are fairly well versed in clinical immunology will appreciate the considerable information in this book. MATHEA



MAY 1974. Documenta Ophthalmologica Proceedings, series 5. Edited by William John Holmes. The Hague, The Nether­ lands, Dr. W. Junk Publishers, 1975. Paperbound, 204 pages, table of contents, 158 black and white figure, 52 tables.

A. E. MAUMENEE (Baltimore, Maryland) : Intro­ duction W. J. HOLMES (Honolulu) : Preface J. WILSON (Hayward's Heath, Sussex, England) : Mobilization of public opinion in public health ophthalmology J. H. A. MANDANG (Manado, North Sulawesi, Indonesia) : Blindness in Indonesia D. B. CHANDRA and P. KUMAR (Allahabad, O.P.

India) : Blindness in rural Indian children