Publication Guidelines and Instructions to Authors The Journal of the British Contact Lens Association welcomes original contributions pertaining to the theory and practice of contact lenses in the widest sense. The Journal does not normally publish material that has appeared in other publications save that material presented at the Association's Annual Clinical Conference, published in the Transactions Section of the Journal, or at one of the Association's Scientific Meetings, published as Abstracts in the Journal. It is the author's responsibility to obtain appropriate copyright permission to publish such material when it has appeared elsewhere. All manuscripts not presented previously at the Association's Conference or Scientific Meetings are normally evaluated for suitability of publication in the Journal by the Editor and one or more referee (s). Manuscripts for publication should be sent to: Dr Nizar K. Hirji, Editor, The Journal of the British Contact Lens Association, P.O. Box 74, Nottingham NG1 1LQ, United Kingdom. The Journal will publish manuscripts under the following sections: (a) Clinical and/or Research Articles, (b) Case Reports, (c) Literature Reviews, (d) Inventions and Innovations, (e) Editorials and Guest Editorials, (f) Letters to the Editor and Correspondence, (g) Instrumentation and Techniques, (h) Photographic Atlas, (i) Book Reviews. Dates of forthcoming professional meetings are also welcome.
The Manuscript This should be typed double or triple-spaced throughout on one side of A4 (22 × 28cm) paper and arranged as follows where possible: (1) Title page including title and author(s), (2) Abstract (not required for the Transactions Section), (3) Key Words, (4) Text, (5) References, (6) Tables, (7) Figures and figure legends, (8) for the Transactions Section, a bibliographic sketch (100 words) and a head-only photograph are required for each author. Three copies are required normally, but only one copy if the material was presented at the Association's Conference or Scientific Meetings. Title: A concise title should be used to indicate the manuscript contents and to serve as a guide to reference librarians and the readership. Author(s): The full name(s) (first name, any initial(s) and surname) of the anthor(s) should be centred below the tire in upper and lower case letters. Annotations in superscript should be used to refer to a footnote on the title page indicating the individual author(s)' academic degrees and distinguishing letters pertaining to recognised professional qualifications and, where applicable, membership of the British Contact Lens Association. The first-named author shall be regarded as the principal author. All correspondence regarding the manuscript shall be directed to this author whose affiliation, with full address, should appear at the end of the text. Abstract and key words: An abstract of not more than 100 words should appear on a separate page at the beginning of the paper after the fire page and details of the anthor(s). It should be intelligible on its own, without reference to the text and should enable a reader to decide whether or not to read the paper. Authors should have 3 to 10 key words typed under the heading "key words" to assist reference librarians and cross-indexing. An abstract is not required for short items or material presented at the Association's Conference or Scientific Meetings. Text: Where possible, authors should follow the conventional IMRAD structure (Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion) of articles in life sciences. However, departures from this framework may be advisable depending upon the subject matter of the manuscript. References: These should be numbered in the order in which they appear in the text, and these numbers should be superscripted (inserted above the line) each time the author is cited in the text (e.g. Brown 1, Smith and Jones2). A complete list giving full details of all the references should be typed, in numerical order, on a separate sheet and placed at the end of the article. The following sequence of information is required for each reference: (a) author(s), with initials; (b) exact title of the article; (c) title of the periodical in abbreviated form as stated in the World List of Scientific Periodicals; (d) volume number; (e) inclusive page numbers; (f) year of publication. For books, the title of publication, publisher, and town of publication should also be given. Thus, e.g., for a
journal - - Mishima, S. and Hedbys, B.O. Measurement of corneal thickness with the Haag-Streit pachometer. Archs Ophthal., 80, 710-713 (1968). Hence, e.g., for a book - Emsley, H.H. Visual Optics, Vol 1, 5th edn, Butterworths, London, pp 301-331 (1955). Tables: Each table should be typed double-spaced on a separate sheet of paper and should be intelligible without reference to the text. Tables should be numbered with arabic numerals in the order they are referred to in the text. Figures and figure legends: All graphs, charts, drawings and photographs should be of the highest quality, suitable for printer's use. Line drawings should be in black ink on white paper, with lettering applied using stencils or similar techniques. Computer-generated graphics should be output on white paper using a laser printer. Hand written or freehand lettering is not acceptable. Glossy prints of originals may be submitted. All such illustrations (designated "Figure") should be numbered in sequence, as they appear in the text, and be identified on the back in soft pencil with the figure number and the author's name. Photographs should be black and white with a glossy finish. Colour transparencies do not transfer well into black and white photographs. For the Photographic Atlas section only, 35mm colour transparencies should be submitted and identified by a clear red dot on the upper right hand corner (for projection) of the mount to aid orientation. The numbers and captions should be typed, double-spaced, on a separate sheet. One original and two copies of all illustrations are required. Proofs: These will be sent to the principal author to correct errors in composition, but no major alteration of the text can be accepted, without charge, once the paper has been set. Reprints: Twenty-five are supplied free to the first-named author, but if more than 25 reprints are required, these may be ordered on the order form which accompanies the proofs. Copyright: All matter in this Journal is copyright and may not be reproduced in whole or in part without permission. Applications for such permission should be addressed to Wolfe Publishing. Authors are responsible for the factual accuracy of their manuscripts. Accompanying all manuscripts should be a statement that the material has not been published elsewhere and that, if accepted for publication in the Journal of the British Contact Lens Association, they will not be submitted elsewhere without the consent of the Editor and that copyright will be transferred to the Association. Subscriptions: Institutional rate: £65; Personal rate: £45. All enquiries relating to subscriptions (four issues per year) should be sent to: The Journal of the British Contact Lens Association Subscription Department, FREEPOST, Hainault Road, Little Heath, Romford RM6 5BR. Tel: 081 597 7335. Advertisements: Applications for advertisement space and information regarding rates should be addressed to: The Advertisement Manager, T. G. Scott, 30-32 Southampton Street, Covent Garden, London WC2E 7HR. Tel: (0)71 240 2032.