Radiation-induced precipitation with concurrent bubbles formation in an austenitic stainless steel (AISI-348)

Radiation-induced precipitation with concurrent bubbles formation in an austenitic stainless steel (AISI-348)

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Materialia 7 (2019) 100408

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Radiation-induced precipitation with concurrent bubbles formation in an austenitic stainless steel (AISI-348) Matheus A. Tunes a,∗, Cláudio G. Schön b, Graeme Greaves a a b

School of Computing and Engineering, University of Huddersfield, United Kingdom Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Escola Politécnica, University of São Paulo, Brazil

a r t i c l e

i n f o

Keywords: Austenitic stainless steels Radiation damage Radiation induced precipitation Heavy ion irradiation Inert gas bubbles AISI-348

a b s t r a c t Radiation-induced precipitation has been examined in an Nb-stabilised austenitic stainless steel (AISI-348) during heavy ion irradiation in situ within a transmission electron microscope (TEM) at 1073 K. Selected-area electron diffraction (SAED), bright- and dark-field TEM were used to investigate the nature of the precipitates within the austenite phase (𝛾-Fe). The crystal structure of the precipitates was investigated using TEM and matched with reference data for the Cr23 C6 phase. The results herein reported indicate that the concurrent formation of inert gas bubbles may accelerate clustering and precipitation kinetics in the austenite phase during irradiation.

Austenitic stainless steels have been widely applied in both nuclear and conventional electric power generation plants as well as in chemical and petroleum industries mainly due to their favourable corrosion resistances at high temperatures and suitable mechanical properties [1–10]. In particular, the exposure of the 𝛾-Fe phase in extreme environments of nuclear reactors contributes to the degradation of several properties as energetic particle irradiation modifies the crystal structure by displacing atoms from their lattice positions. Additionally, due to their extensive prior research, market availability and lower cost compared with other metals and alloys, the austenitic steels are under active consideration to be used as structural materials for nuclear fusion reactors [11–15]. For these reasons, the stability of the 𝛾-Fe phase under irradiation is an important subject of investigation aiming at mitigating the occurrence of severe degradation mechanisms such as radiation-induced precipitation (RIP) and segregation (RIS). RIP has been observed to be an important effect of irradiation in austenitic stainless steels [16–18]. The RIP phenomenon is often associated with the degradation of mechanical properties that may lead to the steel fracturing under the envelope conditions of LWRs operation [19]. Different precipitates have been shown to nucleate and grow within a degraded 𝛾–Fe matrix after neutron exposure [16]. Most frequently occurring are the M23 C6 (𝜏) and M6 C (𝜂) carbides where M represents a solute element [16,17,20,21]. Garner et al. reviewed the formation of M23 C6 precipitates as a result of neutron irradiation in the AISI-304 microstructure up to 21.7 dpa at 650 K [22]. According to Maziasz [16], further analytical screening often reveal that such neutron-irradiation induced precipitates were Ni- and Si-rich, however, the thermally aged precipitates in the same ∗

steels were Ni- and Si-depleted. Maziasz [23] also reported on the formation of M6 C under neutron exposure within the temperature range of 653–923 K in the AISI-316 steel. The phase was Ni- and Si-rich both after irradiation or annealing suggesting that the formation of 𝜂phase during thermal annealing has implications on the behaviour of the 𝜏-phase under irradiation. Yang et al. [24–26] have also identified Ni- and Si-rich M23 C6 from neutron irradiation of the AISI-348 steel at approximately 973 K. Differences in elemental composition and crystal structure between the irradiation-induced and thermallyinduced precipitates consolidated a methodology to assess under which conditions such carbides may form within the context of nuclear technology. Ion beam technology has allowed investigations into the RIP phenomenon to be carried out in either ex situ or in situ within a TEM. Due to the limited availability of materials test reactors as well as the high costs and hazards associated with post-neutron-irradiation tests, irradiation experiments with ion beams [27–31] have shed light on fundamental aspects of precipitation in these complex multicomponent Fe-based alloys. Recently, Jin et al. observed the formation of Cr23 C6 after ex situ ion irradiation with 120 keV Ar ions at 823 K in the system Fe–24.8Cr–19.7Ni–0.4Mn–0.4Nb (weight percent or wt%), commercially known as HR3C steel [19]. Crystallographic indexing was used to confirm the 𝜏 precipitates. The authors also showed that upon increasing the dose, the Cr23 C6 grew in size as well as in areal density within the 𝛾-Fe matrix. Interestingly, these authors found that under such irradiation conditions and temperature, the formation of Cr23 C6 precipitates was prone to occur close to and inside dislocation loops (likely formed prior to RIP, but during irradiation)

Corresponding author. E-mail address: [email protected] (M.A. Tunes).

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mtla.2019.100408 Received 21 June 2019; Accepted 15 July 2019 Available online 17 July 2019 2589-1529/© 2019 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

M.A. Tunes, C.G. Schön and G. Greaves

Materialia 7 (2019) 100408

Fig. 1. A set of BFTEM micrographs showing the real-time microstructural evolution of the 𝛾-Fe under 30 keV Xe heavy ion irradiation at 1073 K from 0 to 7.3 dpa. Note: scale marker in the first image applies to all micrographs in the figure. The field of view varies slightly due to both thermal and irradiation induced drifts.

which had acted as sinks for irradiation-induced segregated solute elements [19]. Due to transmutation reactions within a nuclear reactor, the formation of inert gas bubbles is of concern for several structural and in-core nuclear materials as their formation contribute to severe degradation of several mechanical properties [32]. Thus, the relationship between bubbles and the RIP phenomenon has been a subject of intense recent investigations. By using ex situ heavy ion irradiations, Timm et al. [33] and Oyarzabal et al. [34] showed that Au ion irradiation in AISI-316L samples with pre-implanted Ar (thus containing Ar bubbles) resulted in the formation of possible MC precipitates which were not observed in the Au irradiated steel specimens without pre-implanted Ar: this directly suggests that nucleation and growth of inert gas bubbles can significantly enhance the kinetics of aging in austenitic stainless steels, therefore emphasising the need for more studies in the field. To date, such electron microscopy investigations have been carried out with austenitic steel specimens post either neutron or ion bombardment. The microstructural response of an austenitic steel under heavy ion irradiation in situ within a TEM was investigated in this work. The technique allowed the real-time observation of nucleation and growth of precipitates throughout the 𝛾-Fe matrix with concurrent observation of inert gas bubbles: the latter are also an important degradation mechanism within nuclear materials [35]. The alloy studied was the commercial austenitic stainless steel AISI348. This steel has particular relevance to the nuclear field as the addition of Nb and Ta improves its corrosion resistance at high temperatures by removing C from solid solution during synthesis and processing [2,3,36]. As Garner et al. observed there is also currently a lack of irradiation data on this particular alloy in the literature [6]. Inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry technique showed that the bulk alloy has Fe–17.50Cr–9.47Ni–1.81Mn–0.32Nb–0.037C– 0.001S–0.002P–0.001Co–0.008B–0.003Ta–0.36Si (wt%) in solid solution. The specimens were ground and polished with SiC papers with grits from 120 to 1200 to reduce their thickness. Then, 3 mm disks were punched and electropolished using a Struers TenuPol-5 with an electrolyte composed of 90% perchloric acid (HClO4 ) and 10% (vol%) of methanol (CH3 OH) at a bath temperature of 233 K. The electropolishing was performed until perforation and samples were washed several times in methanol and dried in air. The irradiations were carried out in the MIAMI-1 facility at University of Huddersfield. A JEOL JEM-2000FX TEM operating at 200 kV is

coupled with an 100 kV ion implanter [37]. Images and videos were recorded using a Gatan ORIUS SC200 digital camera. Specimens were irradiated with 30 keV Xe ions at 1073 K (0.56Tm ) using a Gatan doubletilt heating holder. Samples were annealed at 1073 K for 20 min before the experiments. Calculations using SRIM-2013 showed that, for such irradiation conditions, the implantation peak was approximately 10 nm deep and an average of 220 vacancies were estimated per ion collision using the “Quick Calculation Damage Mode”. The displacement energies for all metallic alloying elements were set to 40 eV [38]. Under such shallow implantation condition, it is expected that part of the defect population generated during the ion collisions events will eventually escape through the surfaces of the specimens. The ion flux was measured to be 3.8 × 1013 ions⋅cm−2 s−1 (at the specimen position). Using a recent procedure suggested by Stoller et al. [38] it was possible to convert fluence to dpa (displacements-per-atom). Under these conditions, a fluence of 3.6 × 1015 ions⋅cm−2 corresponds to 1.3 dpa and, similarly, a fluence of 2.0 × 1016 ions⋅cm−2 corresponds to 7.3 dpa. It is worth emphasising that the calculated dose in dpa represents an average along the thicknesses of the irradiated specimens. Additionally, the ratio between the concentration of Xe gas per unit of dose for these implantation conditions was calculated to be approximately 4500 appm⋅dpa−1 . A set of bright-field transmission electron microscopy (BFTEM) micrographs extracted from the in situ TEM ion irradiation experiment at 1073 K is shown in Fig. 1. Small particles with sizes of around 2–5 nm were initially observed to nucleate at the early stages of the irradiation with doses as low as 0.1 dpa. Upon increasing the irradiation dose, the precipitates grew as can be noticed by the significant changes in the bright-field contrast around the precipitates. At around 7.3 dpa, the precipitates did not grow significantly, but did increase in areal density. The nucleation and growth of precipitates occurred preferentially outside of the dislocation network and not within it. It is important to emphasise that such dislocation networks were present before irradiation and remained stable after annealing up to 1073 K. The size of the precipitates and their areal density in function of the irradiation dose are shown in Fig. 2(a) and (b), respectively. In the dose range from 0.1 to 7.3 dpa, the size of the precipitates was observed to increase linearly upon increasing the irradiation dose as shown in the linear fit in Fig. 2(a). TEM characterisation of the AISI-348 before and after the heavy ion irradiation is shown in Fig. 3. The microstructure before irradiation and after 20 min of annealing at 1073 K is shown in Fig. 3(a). In Fig. 3(b), precipitates (at 17 dpa) can be observed uniformly distributed along the


10 5






Displacements-per-atom [dpa]














Fig. 2. Quantitative data obtained from radiation-induced precipitates formed during in situ TEM heavy ion irradiation of the AISI-348 steel at 1073 K: the image (a) shows the evolution of the diameter of the precipitates (approximated as a circle) as a function of the irradiation dose and (b) the evolution of the areal density of precipitates as a function of the irradiation dose.



R2 = 0.96



Areal density [cm-2]


Materialia 7 (2019) 100408


Precip. diameter [nm]

M.A. Tunes, C.G. Schön and G. Greaves






Displacements-per-atom [dpa]

Fig. 3. BFTEM micrographs (a) and (b) were taken in a same area before and after irradiation at 17 dpa, respectively. Micrograph (c) is a SAED micrograph with (d) its respective diffraction pattern at 17 dpa. The small inset in (c) corresponds to a DFTEM micrograph from the same area. With crystallographic data from the literature [39] the CrystalMaker model for the Cr23 C6 precipitates is presented in images (e) corresponding to the zone axis [010] and (f) the respective simulated diffraction pattern.

𝛾-Fe phase in the same area as Fig. 3(a). Fig. 3(c) is a selected-area micrograph with some precipitates close to the edge of the irradiated specimen. Its respective diffraction pattern is in Fig. 3(d). The small inset in Fig. 3(c) shows a DFTEM micrograph revealing that the precipitates are responsive to diffraction contrast. A crystallographic model simulated with the CrystalMaker software and with data available in the scientific literature for the Cr23 C6 crystal structure [39] is shown in the Fig. 3(e)– (f). The indexing was carried out by calculating the ratio between two distances and one angle in both experimental and simulated diffraction patterns. In order to reduce the influence of the austenite matrix in the diffraction pattern, precipitates that nucleated and grew along the edge of the specimens were selected with the SAED aperture. The experimentally obtained diffraction pattern in Fig. 3(d) was found to match well with the [010] zone axis of the Cr23 C6 cubic structure. Post-irradiation characterisation at 20 dpa shows Xe bubbles within the 𝛾-Fe matrix as shown in the BFTEM micrograph in Fig. 4(a). The magnified region in Fig. 4(b) shows that the precipitates were

observed in regions where Xe bubbles were also detected. The profile in Fig. 4(c) exhibits contrast differences among precipitates, bubbles and the austenite matrix. Precipitates and the matrix are visible using diffraction contrast while inert gas bubbles can be detected by means of through-focal imaging (Fresnel contrast) [32]. The average bubble size was measured using ImageJ to be 10.5 ± 3.2 nm. Similarly, precipitates had an average final length of 30.7 ± 4.5 nm at 20 dpa. Past studies on radiation behaviour of multicomponent alloys showed that the generation of Frenkel defects (i.e., vacancies and interstitials) at supersaturated levels contributes to enhanced solute diffusion: the radiation-enhanced diffusion (RED) effect [40,41]. In austenitic steels, Cr is known to be the most diffusive element which segregates preferentially at grain boundaries and dislocations [41]. The radiationinduced segregation (RIS) effect triggered by RED lowers the Gibbs free energy in this steel by means of eliminating concentration gradients which favours nucleation and growth of secondary phases like the Cr23 C6 . As the atomic diffusivity is enhanced under irradiation,

M.A. Tunes, C.G. Schön and G. Greaves

Materialia 7 (2019) 100408

Fig. 4. Underfocused (1 μm of defocus degree) BFTEM micrograph (a) showing the precipitates and Xe bubbles along the 𝛾-Fe microstructure after 20 dpa. The image (b) is magnified from the dashed rectangle in (a): the image was coloured for better visualisation purposes.

precipitation is then also accelerated when compared with thermal annealing. Similarly, as the peak of implantation was shallow, it is expected that fast surface diffusion will further accelerate RIP. Cr23 C6 were reported to form in the 18Cr–12Ni (wt%) steel after 80 h of thermal treatment at 923 K and under stress [3]. Similarly, in an austenitic stainless steel with supersaturation of Cr, like the HR3C [19], precipitation of Cr23 C6 starts to occur only after 500 h at 973 K. Herein, Cr23 C6 precipitates were tracked to nucleate within the AISI348 austenitic matrix immediately upon starting the heavy ion irradiation at a dose level of approximately 0.1 dpa. In a very similar work, but using ex situ heavy ion irradiation and TEM, Jin et al. [19] reported on formation of Cr carbides at 4.8 dpa in the HR3C austenitic steel. Similarly, we have confirmed that there is a direct relationship between dose, precipitates size and areal density, as can be seen directly in Fig. 1, but the precipitates had not grown significantly at 5.9 dpa. Neither shrinkage nor dissolution of such precipitates was noticed in the experiments reported in this work, indicating a certain degree of stability upon the continuous irradiation at an intermediate temperature (i.e. 1073 K). Regarding the heavy irradiations on the HR3C steel reported by Jin et al. [19], the average final length after 28.8 dpa was approximately 8.2 nm. Comparing the Cr content in the HR3C ( ≈ 25 wt%) and the AISI-348 ( ≈ 18 wt%) steels, one can see that the first is supersaturated in Cr. As this element is often reported to be the most diffusive element in austenitic steels under irradiation [41], in the HR3C experiment, the rate of Cr diffusion into 𝛾-Fe phase may be higher than in the 30 keV Xe irradiated AISI-348. This promotes greater precipitation density which suppresses the growth which may explain the differences in precipitates size between the work by Jin et al. and this current work. DFTEM and SAED micrographs in Fig. 3 have proven to be a suitable methodology to assess the crystal structure of the irradiation-induced precipitates. This has been also reported in previous similar studies [19]. The crystallographic indexing in Fig. 3(d)–(f) shows that the experimental diffraction pattern matches well with the cubic Cr23 C6 zone axis [010] from data in the literature [39]. Whilst for Jin et al. [19] the Cr23 C6 precipitates were formed within dislocation loops and lines, this current work showed that RIP was preferentially observed within the degraded 𝛾-Fe grains. Clearly, the preexisting dislocation network in Fig. 1 was not a site where precipitation significantly occurred. Conversely, post-irradiation characterisation at 20 dpa demonstrated that Xe bubbles were observed in regions where precipitates have nucleated and grown (Fig. 4). Although TEM micrographs do not confirm that an inert gas bubble is touching a precipitate, the nucleation of inert gas bubbles creates surfaces that may contribute as specific site dependencies for segregation of alloying elements under irradiation. This may result in a favourable site for nucleation of secondary phases [16,17]. Both this work and the one reported by Jin et al. [19] indicate that heavy ion irradiation at high temperatures leads the 𝛾-Fe phase to become unstable where the austenite starts to decompose and lose structural integrity, as the nucleation of precipitates is a well

known contributor for embrittlement of steels. Additionally, the supersaturation of point defects generated by heavy ion irradiation together with the subsequent RED effect are clearly acting to change the kinetics of Cr23 C6 precipitation in austenitic steels. In this way, RED is the main cause for the acceleration of ageing in such steels. RIS and RIP in austenitic steels can be interpreted as a nonequilibrium thermodynamic process in which the competition between the recombination of vacancies and interstitials (lower irradiation temperature range), alloying elements segregation and back diffusion of vacancies (higher irradiation temperature range) at dose rates ranging from 10−6 to 10−2 dpa⋅s−1 and an irradiation temperature range from 0.1 to 0.8Tm (where Tm is the melting temperature of the alloy) will define whether segregation is prone to occur or not [42–47]. By this, it is worth emphasising that the irradiation conditions reported in this work – i.e. dose rate of 1.4 × 10−2 dpa⋅s−1 at 1073 K – lie within the thresholds proposed by Wiedersich–Okamoto–Lam et al. [46,47] where either RIS and RIP are prone to occur in austenitic steels. This present work also shows that inert gas bubbles, when nucleated, may play a major role in these processes as it affects the dynamics of nucleation by creating surfaces that act as sinks for solute segregation [48] and embryo nucleation and growth. By this, the presence of extended defects such as cavities and bubbles as well as dislocation loops introduced by irradiation should be taken into consideration in these earlier RIS and RIP models. In this work, we report the real-time observation of RIP in the AISI348 under heavy ion irradiation. The precipitates were characterised using TEM and crystallographic data available from the literature. A direct relationship between dose, precipitates size and areal density was found. Growth was suppressed around 5.9 dpa and the precipitates were observed to be stable under irradiation up to 20 dpa. RIP has not occurred preferentially at dislocation loops or lines as previously reported [19], but the concurrent nucleation and growth of inert gas bubbles suggests these defects may contribute to precipitation, therefore further accelerating the alloy ageing under irradiation. Another important conclusion that can be drawn is that the Nb addition in the AISI-348 was found to be not enough to prevent (or even delay) precipitation. Additional studies on the elemental composition of irradiation-induced precipitates are needed to compare with those observed in thermally annealed microstructures. Declaration of interest The authors declare no conflict of interest. Acknowledgements The authors are grateful to the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPRSC) for funding MIAMI-1 facility (grant number EP/E017266/1). The authors are grateful to Dr. Robert W. Harrison

M.A. Tunes, C.G. Schön and G. Greaves

(University of Manchester) for useful discussions on the paper and to Dr. Nathanael W. S. Moraes (University of So Paulo) for cross-checking the composition of the AISI-348 steel. CGS acknowledges the financial support by the Brazilian National Research, Development and Innovation Council (CNPq, Brasília, Brazil) under the grant number 308565/20185. MAT would like to thank Professor Stephen E. Donnelly (University of Huddersfield), Professor Vladimir M. Vishnyakov (University of Huddersfield) and Dr. Philip D. Edmondson (Oak Ridge National Laboratory) for supporting his doctoral research. MAT would like to thank Italo M. Oyarzabal (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul) for deep discussions on the paper. Supplementary material Supplementary material associated with this article can be found, in the online version, at doi:10.1016/j.mtla.2019.100408 References [1] G.E. Lucas, The evolution of mechanical property change in irradiated austenitic stainless steels, J. Nucl. Mater. 206 (2–3) (1993) 287–305. [2] T. Sourmail, Precipitation in creep resistant austenitic stainless steels, Mater. Sci. Technol. 17 (1) (2001) 1–14. [3] H. Bhadeshia, R. Honeycombe, Steels Microstructure and Properties., Butterworth-Heinemann, 2017. [4] F. Garner, B. Oliver, L. Greenwood, The dependence of helium generation rate on nickel content of FeCrNi alloys irradiated to high dpa levels in EBR-II, J. Nucl. Mater. 258–263 (1998) 1740–1744. [5] F. Garner, Irradiation performance of cladding and structural steels in liquid metal reactors, in: Materials Science and Technology, Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim, Germany, 2006, pp. 419–543. [6] F. Garner, L. Greenwood, R. Mizia, C. Tyler, Assessment of XM-19 as a Substitute for AISI 348 in ATR Service, Technical Report, Idaho National Laboratory (INL), 2007. [7] T. Gräning, M. Rieth, J. Hoffmann, S. Seils, P.D. Edmondson, A. Möslang, Microstructural investigation of an extruded austenitic oxide dispersion strengthened steel containing a carbon-containing process control agent, J. Nucl. Mater. 516 (2019) 335–346. [8] E. Charalampopoulou, N. Cautaerts, T. Van der Donck, D. Schryvers, K. Lambrinou, R. Delville, Orientation relationship of the austenite-to-ferrite transformation in austenitic stainless steels due to dissolution corrosion in contact with liquid Pb-Bi eutectic, Scr. Mater. 167 (2019) 66–70. [9] P. Hosemann, D. Frazer, E. Stergar, K. Lambrinou, Twin boundary-accelerated ferritization of austenitic stainless steels in liquid lead–bismuth eutectic, Scr. Mater. 118 (2016) 37–40. [10] O. Klok, K. Lambrinou, S. Gavrilov, I. De Graeve, Influence of oxygen concentration on the initiation of dissolution corrosion on 316l austenitic stainless steel at 450 C, in: Proceedings of the Twenty-fifth International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2017. V003T02A047. [11] S. Şahin, M. Übeyli, A review on the potential use of austenitic stainless steels in nuclear fusion reactors, J. Fusion Energy 27 (4) (2008) 271–277. [12] A. Tavassoli, Assessment of austenitic stainless steels, Fusion Eng. Des. 29 (1995) 371–390. [13] F. Garner, Irradiation performance of cladding and structural steels in liquid metal reactors, vol. 10a of materials science and technology: a comprehensive treatment, 1994. [14] C. Barcellini, R. Harrison, S. Dumbill, S. Donnelly, E. Jimenez-Melero, Evolution of radiation-induced lattice defects in 20/25 Nb-stabilised austenitic stainless steel during in-situ proton irradiation, J. Nucl. Mater. 514 (2019) 90–100. [15] C. Barcellini, R. Harrison, S. Dumbill, S. Donnelly, E. Jimenez-Melero, Local chemical instabilities in 20Cr25Ni Nb-stabilised austenitic stainless steel induced by proton irradiation, J. Nucl. Mater. 518 (2019) 95–107. [16] P. Maziasz, P.J., Effects of helium content of microstructural development in Type 316 stainless steel under neutron irradiation, Technical Report, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States), 1985. [17] P.J. Maziasz, C.J. McHargue, Microstructural evolution in annealed austenitic steels during neutron irradiation, Int. Mater. Rev. 32 (1) (1987) 190–219. [18] J.-H. Shim, E. Povoden-Karadeniz, E. Kozeschnik, B.D. Wirth, Modeling precipitation thermodynamics and kinetics in type 316 austenitic stainless steels with varying composition as an initial step toward predicting phase stability during irradiation, J. Nucl. Mater. 462 (2015) 250–257. [19] S. Jin, L. Guo, F. Luo, Z. Yao, S. Ma, R. Tang, Ion irradiation-induced precipitation of Cr23C 6 at dislocation loops in austenitic steel, Scr. Mater. 68 (2) (2013) 138–141.

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